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Perilous (Dauntless MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Suzanne Steele


  “Son of a motherfuckin’ bitch,” Preacher hissed, jumping up from the barstool where he was sitting so rapidly, it toppled to the floor.

  “Sit down!” Tiny growled as he grabbed Preacher by his kutte in an attempt to stop him. He continued talking as Preacher cut his eyes at him. “She needs to do this. If she doesn’t, she’ll get no respect from these club whores. This is as much about her as it is you. She’s got to find her own place here, and you can’t do that for her. If you’re serious about her, you need to patch the bitch in as your old lady.”

  “I’ll do you one better than that. I’m tatting my fuckin’ name on her.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if you tat her from head to toe. You still need to patch her in. Until she has that kutte on her back, it’s open season, brother.”

  Preacher reached down to pick up the stool, never taking his eyes off the bloody scene in front of him. “Take it to the table next church meeting.”

  “Will do. Looks like we have a lot of business to discuss next time.”

  Preacher gave Tiny a dirty look as he eyed the mischievous glint in his eye. “You like this shit, you sick fuck.”

  “Damn straight I do. There’s nothin’ like watching bitches draw blood over a brother. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.”

  “Like I said, you’re a sick fuck.”

  “Got one more thing I’m addressing in this upcoming church meeting. We got no Vice President.” He cut his eyes at Preacher as he continued, “Need to know I got your vote on this one.”

  “Who are you thinking about patching in?”

  “Roderick. He’s been nomad for a long time, and he’s ready to get off the road.”

  “Well, there’s no denying he’s got the crazy gene needed to be here. Rumor has it he cut his bitch’s finger off.”

  “Ain’t no rumor; it’s a fact. I’m tellin’ what God loves, bro, and that’s the truth. He cut that bitch’s finger off with a pair of bolt cutters.”

  “Damn… I thought I’d heard everything, brother. Why did he do it?”

  “Took a job straight from the Governor himself, and then took the bitch and made her his woman. She’s some highfalutin bitch with a rich daddy and a fat bank account. Gives us connections with the Governor and access to a lot of money if we vote him in.” Tiny eyed him as he continued, “You know me; it’s all about what’s best for this club. Money is one thing, but the right connections give you what money can’t buy and that’s power.”

  “This just keeps getting better and better, Tiny. You can count me in.”

  “Good to know I can count on a brother,” Tiny smirked. He cocked his head and looked at Preacher. “Question is, can I count on the same brother to get the rest of the members on board?”

  Preacher shook his head and didn’t try to hide the offense he felt at his president even asking. “You know I got your back.”

  They stood, smacking each other on the back as they hugged. Then, Tiny whispered in his ear, “Now, go reward that sweet, little flower of yours for doing such a good job kickin’ ass and takin’ names. Ain’t nothin’ like fuckin’ a bitch after a cat fight.”

  “Like I said… you’re crazy.”

  “That I am. That, I most certainly am.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  “Fuckin’ cunt,” Daisy spoke as she eyed herself in the mirror, looking at the blood all over her shirt.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she hissed at Preacher as he made his way into the bathroom and locked the door.

  He stood behind her, glaring at her reflection in the mirror. “Don’t get it twisted, sweetie. I ain’t Kathleen.”

  His hands wiggled at the leather mini she wore, lifting it up over her hips and pulling down the G-string she wore beneath it.

  “Makes my cock hard, watching you fight over me like that. You want to be my old lady, then you’re going to have to take care of that shit. Now, get those pretty, little hands up on that sink.” He leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I suggest you hold on real tight, babe, ‘cause after watchin’ that little scene out there, I got no intentions of holding back.” He grabbed her hips and roughly thrust up into her. “You are so fuckin’ wet, babe,” he growled as his thrusts became forceful to the point of being violent. “Looks like somebody likes it rough.”

  His fingers dug down into her hips, “play with your pussy, babe, and look into that mirror so I can watch you come. Oh, hell yeah, baby girl, you are old lady material.” He clenched his teeth as her core clamped down on him when she climaxed. He immediately followed suit and took a moment to lay his head down on her back.

  She eyed him in the mirror before handing him two baby wipes from the stash the girls had put in the bathroom for times like this. He took them, cleaned up without saying a word, and then put his cock back in his pants before he made his way out the door.

  Looking over his shoulder, as parting words, he said, “Change shirts and get your ass back out there. After a show like that, you need to be seen. You wouldn’t want those bitches thinking you were all upset, crying in your room, now would you?”

  “Fuck you, Preacher.”

  His only response was laughter as he banged the door shut. Fuckin’ smartass likes stirring shit up. The smile on her face couldn’t be contained though, because all was well in biker land. For now…

  She quickly changed and returned to the area she referred to as the great room. The compound was so large that it had a designated room that served as a bar. It was where they held their parties, complete with a pool table, jukebox, and various tables and sitting areas.

  Raven’s voice rang through the air as she shouted, “And in this corner, we have Daisy Dukes, who is known for duking it out when the opportunity presents itself. I emphasize the word dukes because two hands were seen flailing through the air as she beat the shit out of her opponent.”

  That got Red started, “Weighing in at a mere 100 pounds, don’t be deceived. We can attest to the fact that dynamite comes in small packages.”

  “Here, here,” Tiny raised his glass, toasting the girls at the table across the room. “Get those feisty Dauntless bitches some shots, prospect.” Ricky quickly made his way to the bar to retrieve them.

  “And none of that cheap shit. Get the fuckin’ Patron,” Tiny shouted.

  The feeling of pride Daisy felt was one she had never experienced at Billy’s club, or anywhere else for that matter. Raven’s voice cut through her thoughts.

  “Damn, girl, I never expected you to get up and take care of that shit right away.”

  “No time like the present,” a lopsided grin adorned her face as she licked her hand and poured salt from the shaker onto the wet spot. “You bitches drinkin’ or what?”

  “Ah, hell yeah! You don’t have to ask a Dauntless old lady twice. The girls followed suit with the saltshaker and picked up their shots.

  “Here’s to always coming out on top in a cat fight,” Daisy quipped. They spent the rest of the night doing what they had all come to do—party.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  “Got church this morning, babe, and from the looks of it, you could use some more rest anyway. When you get up, go out there and tell your little prospect buddy, Ricky, to mix up that hangover remedy he’s got. Taste like shit, but it works.”

  “How’s he working out?” Daisy asked, groaning as she sat against the headboard and pushed her bedhead hair out of her face.

  “He’s working out good as far as I’m concerned. He does what he’s told and never complains. The biggest thing is he’s been loyal to this club so far. I think the boy was sincere when he said he just wanted out of Hell’s Demons.”

  “Can’t blame him for that. I certainly know how it feels to be in a club that doesn’t hold the values a true MC should hold.”

  “Well, we aim to please, babe,” he smirked. Preacher kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door. “Get the hangover cure
before coffee or anything else.”

  His heavy boots plodded over concrete as he pushed his long, black hair out of his eyes. He had one thing on the brain—church. He approached what he called the bar and Daisy had given some fancy assed name like the great room.

  All eyes looked up at him as he entered the office at the back of the bar.

  “How’s the old lady feeling?”

  “Hungover. Told her to get with Ricky for that concoction he mixes up.”

  “Man that stuff tastes like shit but it works,” Talon piped in, tossing his long, black braid to his back as he spoke.

  “All right, boys, it’s time to get this party started,” Tiny spoke with an air of seriousness as he slammed the gavel down on the sounding block. We’ll get the easy shit out of the way first. Wanna get Daisy patched in as Preacher’s old lady. Now as much as I know you boys enjoy a good, feral cat fight, we need comradery up in this club. The girl did a damn good job making a statement last night, and now’s the time to do it while that ass beating she gave Kathleen is fresh in everybody’s mind.”

  “Here, here, I’m all for patching the badass, little bitch in,” Talon laughed.

  Hands went up in agreement and voices rang out in yay rather than nay, making the vote to patch her in unanimous. Preacher could feel his chest swell with pride that the girl had been voted in unanimously; it said a lot. An old lady being accepted into the club was a big deal and a very important decision. If the brothers didn’t like a bitch or, worse yet, didn’t trust her, it could cause major problems for not only the club member, but also the club as a whole.

  “How’s the prospect working out,” he directed his question to Preacher because it fell under his job description as Captain.

  “Better than I expected. He does what he’s told to do with no complaints. More importantly, he’s given the club no reason to distrust him. I think the boy legitimately just wanted a way out.”

  Nitro spoke up, “I ain’t trustin’ no motherfucker from a rival club until that club is wiped off the face of the earth.” His twitching lip only added to his ominous looks. He was a good 6’4” and 250 pounds, of which not a single ounce was fat. His bald head was covered in tribal tats and had a skull as the centerpiece. It was a work of art he wore with pride, and it suited his psychotic personality. If he was crazy violent before he went into the Marine Corps, he was psychotic when he came out. He was one of the most dangerous members not only in Dauntless MC’s Louisville, Kentucky chapter, but in Dauntless MC’s territory cross country.

  Tiny cut his eyes at him in anger, “Ain’t your call to make, brother; that’s a president’s call.” The air was thick with tension as the brothers waited for his reaction.

  “No disrespect, Prez. You know I fuckin’ love ya, but I need to kill something, man. Don’t want to start cutting and shit again. Need to cut a motherfucker up or cut me. It’s just how I’m wired. I’m thirsty… for blood.”

  Preacher knew his president kept a tight rein on Nitro because he had to. He was shocked the military didn’t discharge him; the dude was certifiable.

  “It’s on the table today; your timing is right. You just be sure and keep that need for blood in check. Don’t ever let your need for violence override a decision of mine.” Tiny leaned in, glaring into Nitro’s coal black eyes. “I ain’t fuckin with you, Nitro. You keep those rage issues under control when it comes to me, or I’ll put a fuckin’ bullet in your brain.”

  Preacher breathed an inward sigh of relief as Nitro hung his head in submission, his demeanor suggesting he was resigned to Tiny’s will. “I got ya, Prez. I always got your back.” There were very few people Nitro feared. Luckily, Tiny was one of them.

  “Good,” he hissed and leaned back in his chair, “glad to know that you and I see eye to eye, Nitro.”

  Preacher watched as Tiny directed his attention back to all the members.

  “We gave those assholes a chance to patch over. Now, the way I see things is they disrespected us when they didn’t take advantage of our gracious offer. Don’t know if they thought they were too good to go through the process of prospecting or what their problem was. To be honest, I don’t give a fuck why they didn’t jump on board. On top of that, there’s the issue of them cooking meth and selling it in our territory. The fact that they didn’t jump at our offer makes me believe they’re still doing it. I want that place blown up with everyone in it. It’ll send a message, and if it looks like they blew the place up cookin’ meth, then that’s all the better. Who’s in? We need to vote,” he stated as he raised his hand.

  Once again, the vote was unanimous. Preacher looked over and noted Nitro pushing down on his horse sized erection in the leather pants he was wearing. Yeah, that motherfucker is certifiable.

  “Brings us to the most important issue. The club’s got no Vice President since Mammoth left us. I-65 took him, and he died doing what he loved—ridin’ free. You’ve all had time to grieve his loss, and now it’s time to vote somebody in to fill the role. Now, this vote has got to be unanimous, or it ain’t happening.”

  He breathed in a deep breath and exhaled as if releasing pent up tension. Preacher knew the guy Tiny was nominating was the one he really wanted in the seat. “I’m nominating Roderick. You brothers already know his crazy ass, but there are a couple things you don’t know which may help you decide. The brother has strong ties with Miller, our hit man. He also has ties with the Governor. He’s been riding nomad for the club for a year and doin’ a damn good job of it.”

  “Damn, if you think Mammoth was diehard, Roderick is too,” Preacher spoke up. “He cut a bitch’s finger off on a job for the Governor and then kept that rich bitch as his own. Now that takes some serious male mojo.”

  Various reactions of shock and awe went through the group.

  “That’s another thing; that rich bitch he’s fuckin’ is daddy’s little princess and has access to some serious bank. That kind of money could come in handy on a lot of levels.”

  Grease laughed and said, “Yeah to bail one of your asses out of jail.”

  Preacher watched Tiny eye him, “It’s funny but it’s true. I’m nominating Roderick with no reservations. Like I said, he’s been nomad for over a year, and he’s road weary in the sense that he wants to settle down. I’d be honored to have him here at this chapter. With his balls of steel and contacts, it won’t take long for some chapter to bring him into the fold. This is a once in a lifetime chance to get government level connections.”

  Beecher pushed his long blond hair away from his striking blue eyes and spoke, “I’m in with that shit.”

  “What about the rest of you boys?”

  “I’m in.” Preacher’s hand shot up.

  One by one, the boys’ hands went up as their yays filled the room. Preacher was glad to see all the brothers on board. He knew all too well that it took brains, as well as brawn, to run a successful chapter. Having connections was a must to be successful in operating any MC.

  The meeting had gone well and Preacher always breathed a sigh of relief when that happened because it wasn’t always the case. On more than one occasion, meetings had gotten heated, but today, thankfully, that wasn’t the case. All was well in MC land for now. No doubt, trouble would come soon enough. It was the nature of the beast, but as long as they remained unified, they would get through the trials and fight the opposition that came with being men in power.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  Preacher stood behind Grease and listened to the mechanic talk as he continued to work on Raven’s car. He was still trying to undo the damage that had been done by an unknown enemy. He was a damn good mechanic, though, and Preacher figured Raven would have her ride back by tonight. “We’ve got to find out who’s doing this shit, man.” He looked up to see Raven and Daisy headed their way and was just about to go tell Daisy she couldn’t come out to the garage when Tiny’s voice stopped him. “Where are you going?”

  “Gonna tell her she can’t
come in here.”

  “She’s fine. She’s as good as being an old lady, got voted in this morning. Don’t want bitches out here, hangin’ in the garage, but old ladies are fine.”

  By the time Tiny finished speaking, Daisy was standing in the doorway with Raven.

  “I got voted in?”

  Preacher leaned over and kissed her forehead. “You didn’t just get voted in, babe. It was unanimous. It had to be a unanimous vote, but I’m still proud of the fact the boys accepted you.”

  He wiped away the tear that rolled down her cheek and pulled her in close to his body, kissing the top of her head. “I’m proud of ya, babe.”

  Tiny patted her back. “We all are. It’s just a matter of patching you in now.”

  Raven spoke up, “Good, I’ve got another running buddy. With me, Red, and now Daisy, we’ll be triple trouble.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I keep your ass on a short leash, babe,” Tiny growled in her direction.

  “Ha, ha. On another note, who do we think is doing all this shit to me?”

  “Got no idea. That’s what makes it so fuckin’ dangerous.” Grease shook his head in frustration. The tight-lipped expression on his face gave testimony to the fact that he didn’t take kindly to somebody fucking with his president’s old lady. Whoever was doing this wasn’t just going to suffer Tiny’s wrath. They would be suffering the wrath of the entire Dauntless MC.

  Grease wiped his hands on the towel he had hanging from his pocket. “It’s one thing to know your dealing with a known enemy, but when it’s somebody on the down low, when deception and betrayal enter the equation, it takes it to a whole different level.” He then directed his attention to Tiny, “I got a couple of ideas to run past you. I’d like to put a tracking device in this,” he nodded towards the car. “You might want to look into having the old ladies carry one in their purses too.”


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