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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 11

by Jessie Courts

  Luc was upstairs studying and the hours passed peacefully. The words of her book blurred and Rachel dozed off for a bit waking after a while with a start to find Luc snoozing in the armchair opposite. He had coughed disturbing her, but she didn’t mind as it gave her an unrestricted opportunity to watch him sleeping. He looked relaxed and incredibly young and a pang of guilt lodged in her chest. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling guilty for; whether it was Nate; the age difference; the fact she could never be in a relationship with this boy, or that he was her daughters’ best friend. Rachel pondered on it for a while, her eyes never leaving Luc’s face and she realised he made her heart a little lighter, and that feeling happy such a short time after losing her husband was probably where the guilt lay. Sighing deeply, Rachel switched her kindle back on and read until Luc woke up.


  “Hey yourself” Rachel smiled at sleepy Luc unfurling his body that had scrunched into the armchair. He scratched his stomach – such a bloke – and stretched his arms. Rachel sighed as a narrow strip of his golden skin revealed itself just above the waist band of his sweats. She smiled realising she knew just what that little piece of heaven tasted like.

  “I’m starving – shall we get a pizza?”

  “Sounds like a plan” she agreed, and they spent the rest of the evening eating junk food and watching telly comfortably together.

  Luc sensed Rachel was in need of companionship tonight and he made a conscious effort not to be too flirty or touchy with her. It wasn’t easy for him especially when she tucked herself into his side to watch her favourite vampire series. Honestly, what was it about immortal blokes with fangs that affected all chicks however old they were? Every female he knew had subjected him to either Twilight; Vampire Diaries or True blood depending on their tolerance levels. He just didn’t get it. Nevertheless, he was willing to sit through an hour of blood sucking shit if it meant Rachel clinging to him in the scary bits.

  Judging by her mood, Luc didn’t think they would be fucking again that night and he was right although he was terribly disappointed that Rachel took herself off to her own bed making it quite obvious she wanted to be alone. He didn’t know what had shifted in her attitude towards their relationship; she wasn’t horrible to him, but Luc got the message. He didn’t like the rejection and that bothered him; and the fact that it bothered him irritated him even more. It wasn’t until the early hours that he was able to finally fall asleep.


  Over a long breakfast the following morning, Rachel apologised to Luc for her mood last night and tried to explain why she’d needed a bit of space. She was quick to reassure him that the garage sex had been spectacular but she’d been overwhelmed with all the different emotions and needed some time alone to clear her head. Luc looked relieved and much happier than when he’d tentatively stepped into the kitchen to join her.

  “I understand, I do Rach, but I can’t help wanting you so much. Do you feel like I’ve forced you into something you should feel ashamed of?”

  Rachel studied his hands that were clasped on top of the table and laid her smaller ones over his gripping tightly.

  “Don’t say that; don’t even think it. You have been nothing short of perfect. I mean it honey. You have nothing to feel badly about. I have loved every minute we’ve been together. Yesterday when the phone interrupted us, it made me blindingly aware of what I was doing; who I was doing it with and what the consequences would be to all of us if the twins ever found out.”

  They both sat silently for a long moment contemplating that appalling scenario. Luc moved to sit next to her and placed his hands on her shoulders holding her in place forcing her to look at him.

  “Rach…do you want to stop?” Big blue eyes bore into her with the intensity of his stare.

  “Luc baby; I don’t think I can…”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth Luc’s lips crashed into hers as his tongue barraged into her mouth. He kissed her with everything he was feeling and she responded in kind. Finally, the requirement to draw breath broke them apart. Luc grabbed her hand and hauled her out the kitchen heading for the stairs.

  “Thank fuck for that Mrs R; ‘cos I’ve been hard since that bloody phone rang yesterday. Come on – let’s fuck!”



  Thoroughly sated after a hugely delightful morning proving to Luc that she did indeed want to keep having sex with him in every conceivable position her 40 year old plus body would allow; Rachel spent the day clearing out Nate’s closet. Part of her felt a bit guilty knowing she finally had the strength to do this long overdue job because of Luc. Or more accurately, after she had been fucked every which way into oblivion.

  If truth be told the distraction was a mercy; she needed to get on with her life and the only way to move forward was to say goodbye to the past. Fortified by the happy visions of Luc naked gifting her with multiple orgasms Rachel filled black sack after black sack with Nate’s clothes. She kept a few sentimental pieces – sweatshirts and t-shirts she loved to wear to bed or around the house, but the rest of the stuff held no value for her any more.

  Rachel was not naïve; she knew Luc was not her knight in shining armour and certainly not her happy ever after, but he was certainly a tonic to chase away her blues and get her mojo back. There was a definite satisfaction to his interest in her being that she was so much older than him, and she was determined to get her fill before he had had enough or headed back to university. Rachel knew he was a good person and would never hurt her intentionally especially as he treasured his friendship with the twins so highly, and it was because of this that she felt safe and free with him. Additionally, if she was brutally honest with herself, she was flattered by the attention Luc paid her; he seemed genuinely attracted to her if his constant hard on was an accurate indication. Luc was young enough to be her son with the looks of a Calvin Klein underwear model – the fact that he wanted her when he could have his pick of pretty young things boosted her ego enormously.

  As Rachel ploughed on with the cleansing process however, an unexpected wave of grief caught her unawares as the familiar scent of her late husband wafted from his closet engulfing her with an overwhelming sense of his presence.

  “Nate” Rachel spoke softly to the empty space, “can you hear me?”

  So strong was the feeling of him being close at that very moment it brought Rachel to her knees with a sob. She was holding one of his shirts and she desperately clasped it to her face wishing hopelessly to be snuggled safely in his familiar embrace. Rachel reached out to Nate and in her mind attempted to convey him how much she missed him and how she would always love him and to forgive her for being silly with Luc. A strong sense of calm descended over her following her confession, and she drifted over to her bed where she curled up with Nate’s shirt tucked tightly in her arms and fell into a deep sleep.

  Feeling warm and rested Rachel reached over to Nate’s side of the bed as she did automatically on waking even after all this time. Expecting to find the pillow bare and his side of the bed cool to her touch her hand came into contact with a body – distinctly male and naked to her touch.

  “Luc!” Rachel admonished as her eyes flew open ready to tell him off for being so reckless in the middle of the day, but lying there facing her was not Luc but her husband Nate.

  Startled, Rachel scrambled back to her side of the bed and would have fallen right on her arse off the edge if her ‘dead’ husband hadn’t grabbed her to prevent her escaping.

  “Where are you going?” he asked her, the tone of his distinctive voice achingly familiar to her. “Don’t you want to know why I am here?”

  “This can’t be happening,” thought Rachel; her mind struggling to comprehend what was going on. Nate shifted up a little bit resting his head on his hand smiling at her waiting for her to accept what she was seeing.

  “You are dreaming my love…you conjured me up into your imagination and here I am.”

  Disappointment crashed into her and she began to cry into her hands. Nate pulled at her wrists and uncovered her face planting kisses on her cheeks, forehead, nose and lips soothing away her pain, as only he knew how.

  “Rachel, you continue to carry me with you in your head and your heart so that I am always near the surface of your thoughts. When you are asleep your sub conscious brings me back to life but you can’t keep putting yourself through the pain of loss every time you wake. I’m never coming back Rachel – you have to let me go sweetheart.”

  Through her tears Rachel scanned the face she knew so well drinking in the sight of her husband. The features smiling back at her began to get fuzzy and fade away. She reached for him as he disappeared completely sobbing his name, “Nate; oh my Nate; Nate.”

  “Mummy, mummy sssh”

  “Mama – wake up Mama”

  Searching for their mother to let her know they were home from their trip, Jess and Lucy had heard Rachel crying and gently laid down either side of her cradling their mother in a beautiful cocoon of their bodies. The three of them intertwined on Rachel’s big bed soothed her back to reality cushioned as she was by her beloved children.

  “My babies” she whispered into their hair breathing in the scent of them, “who loves you most?”

  “You Mama” they cooed back to her reverting to an old familiar habit they had.

  “And where is my most favourite place in the whole wide world?” Rachel asked again.

  “Right here, Mama, right here.” The girls snuggled even closer to her one head on each breast as she circled them in her arms caressing them soothing their fears away.

  “Don’t worry about me” she reassured them, “I was just dreaming about Daddy, but it wasn’t a bad dream, I just didn’t want it to end.” Rachel sighed deeply, Nate’s words resonating even though she knew it was her putting the words into his mouth.

  Jess suddenly jumped on to her knees sending Rachel and Lucy sprawling.

  “I know just what you could do with, Mum. Come with us to the pub tonight – there’s karaoke, and we all know how much you like the mike!”

  “That’s a great idea!” Lucy agreed with her sister enthusiastically. “All our mates are going; you know George already, and we can try and get Luc out from under his books too….oh come on! Please say yes Mummy, please?” The sisters were now both on their knees with their hands clasped as if they were begging looking at her so expectantly, she felt bad to let them down.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she told them even as part of her surprisingly wished she could go. “I’m too old to be going out with you and your friends. They won’t thank you for bringing me along…”

  “Don’t be daft Mum – they’ll love you. You’re the cool Mum with the trendy clothes and sporty car remember!”

  “No my darlings. Thank you for thinking of me; it’s sweet but no.” Rachel shook her head at them in that slightly patronising way parents have when they think their children are merely placating them.

  The twins looked at each other and with a nod launched themselves at her in a full blown tickling attack.

  Limbs were flying everywhere eliciting hysterical giggling from all of them as they crashed to the floor in a tangled heap. Loud cries of protest from Rachel brought Luc running into the room to find out if everything was ok. The sight of the three of them in a heap of bed linen; messy scary hair and dishevelled clothing stopped him short.

  Hurriedly pushing horribly rude thoughts of missed opportunities out of his mind and mentally willing his dick not to get inappropriately hard, he cocked his head at them and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  “Er, ladies? What the bloody hell is going on?” he laughed at them.

  “Lulu!” cried Jess loving how his gorgeous features creased into a scowl when she called him that, “we were just trying to persuade Mum to come out with us later.”

  “Where you off to babes?” he shot back at her in revenge knowing how much she hated that cringey endearment.

  Lucy interrupted quickly knowing from experience that a slanging match between her sister and best friend could last all night once it took hold.

  “Luc; Jess,” she emphasised their names to get their attention. They both turned their heads towards her to see her pointing at Rachel flat on her back on the floor with her hands over her face. Gently, Lucy removed them so she could see her mother and put her face close to hers, “well?”

  “Oh alright…” Rachel conceded, “but only if we all go together, and that includes you Luc,” she said pointing at him.

  “Yay” cried the twins in unison as they leapt up off the floor and ran from the room nearly knocking Luc over in the process. “Be ready in an hour” they called behind them.

  “They can be bloody annoying when they want to be” he grumbled striding over to where Rachel lay on the floor offering her a helping hand to get up. She hesitated and Luc noticed the shirt lying on the floor next to her and quickly assessed something was off.

  “Rach?” he asked quietly, “won’t you let me help you?”

  He saw pain flash briefly in her expression but then felt her warm hand in his as she tugged his arm. In one swift movement Rachel was yanked off the floor into a big bear hug. Breathing in the scent of Luc’s clean t-shirt and male muskiness, Rachel’s sorrow receded and she felt much calmer. Putting her hands against his broad chest she gently pushed him away. Smiling up at him she straightened her clothes.

  “That’s settled then – looks like it’s a night out for both of us. Better go and get ready…” she motioned with her hands for him to leave as if he were dismissed which only made him chuckle and as Rachel had hoped, those spectacular dimples made an appearance either side of Luc’s beautiful smile.

  Wishing she could dip the tip of her tongue into each cleft for a taste of his sweet skin, Rachel chewed her bottom lip in contemplation.

  “Oh my god, don’t do that Rachel” Luc breathed, “That’s fucking hot. I so want to know what you are thinking right now to make you do that.”

  Grinning up at him Rachel licked her lips and softly so that he had to bend towards her she whispered, “I’ll never tell but if you wear your oh so soft jeans with the rips in, I may well be tempted to show you later instead.”

  The shock on his face was evident; “fuck me, someone got her mojo back!” and he spun on his heels and made a hasty exit before it was too late.


  In the sanctity of his own room Luc rubbed his aching cock through his jeans. Despite every intention he had indeed succumbed to a massive hard on.

  “Bloody great” he muttered, “Mummy dearest has turned into a prick tease!”

  He knew he would have to put some distance between them tonight whilst in the company of his friends. Luc was continually surprised at how much she turned him on – he couldn’t get enough of her and he was finding it harder and harder to contain the fact around her. Jumping onto the bed he slid a hand down into his jeans and lazily stroked himself thinking about Rachel’s lush body and how hot it felt to be inside her.

  There was something so inhibited yet gracious about Rachel. Her experience was obvious to him even if it wasn’t to her; she knew how to enjoy sex in a way that girls his own age had not yet learnt to do and it was intoxicating. Luc reluctantly conceded he was teetering on the edge of becoming infatuated with his friends’ Mum and this was territory he was not familiar or comfortable with. It messed with his plans - apart from which he knew that Rachel would never do anything to compromise her relationship with her daughters and that meant never revealing his feelings for her – too many people would get hurt including himself.

  Luc pushed these thoughts to the farthest parts of his brain as his hands got busy in the hopes of relieving him of the frustration of being semi hard all night just being in the same room as her. He pumped hard and came violently in his hand as visions of Rachel on her knees with her plump mouth around his engorged cock rocketed him to oblivion.

Taking a moment to recover before he showered, Luc vaguely wondered if this was something Rachel would actually do. He would never force her but if just imagining it drove him out of his mind – what would the reality be like? Her gorgeous mouth on him was the only thing they hadn’t yet done and Luc was going out of his mind with the expectation of it. The woman was literally driving him to distraction. She was hands down the best fuck he’d ever had regardless of age, and the fact that this would only ever be a fling made him eager to get his fill of her before they ran out of time. There was only another week or so before he and the twins returned to university for the summer term and exams.


  Rachel was just fixing her hair in the mirror when she took pause to examine the face looking back at her. For the millionth time she wondered what Luc saw in her. She knew she was pretty in a cute kind of way – she was lucky to have healthy looking long hair that had recently been highlighted and styled after months of neglect. It felt good to have her shiny locks back to normal and she had to admit it made her feel sexy when Luc grabbed handfuls of it in the midst of passion. Most of the time she wore it in a ponytail or messy bun out of her way – but tonight she’d straightened it and let it hang loose in the hopes of making her look younger. Luckily, she had great skin and not too many wrinkles yet. She didn’t need too much make up and had never enjoyed caking it on anyway, so a light brush of bronzer; kohl eyeliner; mascara and some glossy lipstick was all she applied. Rachel had practiced over the years and was skilled at accentuating her features and was pretty happy with the finished look tonight sticking with the less is more approach.


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