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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 33

by Jessie Courts

  “Baby that feels so good” Joe groaned increasing his grip on her but leaning back into the wall for support.

  “Do you have a condom in here bossman?” Rachel mumbled against his skin.

  “Fuck, no!”

  Rachel sighed her disapproval at the same time as she pushed down on him invoking an immediate jerk of his iron erection against her inner thigh.

  “That’s disappointing Joe.”

  Joe grunted and dropped her to her feet.

  “Gimme a minute – don’t fucking move!” and he was out of the bathroom in a shot leaving Rachel giggling at him sliding across the bathroom floor like a man on a mission.

  Flying across his room to grab several foil packets from his bedside cabinet, Joe made it back to the shower within seconds. His heart lurched in his chest at the sight that greeted him and he fumbled like a teenager to sheath himself. Rachel had lathered up and was rubbing soap all over her body in slow languid movements. Her hands went to her breasts as she swirled the suds over her peaked nipples moaning quietly. It was all Joe could take. In one swift movement he had his hands around her waist as he lifted her up and then lowered her onto his steel like shaft.

  “Oh God Joe, yes. “ Rachel cried as he pumped into her hard. She grabbed his shoulders fighting the slippery effects of the soap and finally looped her arms around his neck for leverage. Joe held a firm grip on her waist as she bucked against him water splashing off them as their skin slapped against each other.

  Joe could feel Rachel’s inner walls clamp around him as the first signs of her building climax took hold. “Don’t come yet baby. Wait for me, Rachel” Joe forced the words out between gasps as she grasped his hair in her fists sending jolts of pain around his scalp. It added to the pleasure and he reared his head back further causing her to pull harder.

  “Harder Joe” Rachel commanded tugging his hair simultaneously. “Fuck me harder Joe.”

  Hearing Rachel curse was the tipping point and Joe rammed into her with everything he had as they both exploded within seconds of each other shouting their release and panting in relief.

  “I’m impressed,” Rachel announced unexpectedly and Joe was quite flattered at the compliment. She was still wrapped round his waist but had leaned back so she could look at him. He inadvertently puffed his chest out a little bit.

  “Well, thank you, I do have a certain amount of skill.”

  “That you do bossman – but I was referring to the fact that your hot water hasn’t run out yet!”

  Joe’s expression was priceless and Rachel started laughing so hard he nearly dropped her. “Oh my god – the look on your face!” she shrieked at him as she slapped his chest practically crying. Joe had never seen anything more adorable in his whole life and he slowly began to crack as she just carried on laughing at him. Finally unable to contain it any more Joe Mason threw his head back and roared with laughter.


  Having snuck back into bed exhausted after their session in the shower, Rachel and Joe dozed on and off for another hour or so but now it was definitely time for Rachel to get up and move on with the day.

  “Joe, I have to go home. The twins are leaving for Thailand tonight and I have to help them get their stuff sorted. They’re bloody hopeless when it comes to packing.” Rachel was tugging at his ends of his hair worried that he’d dozed off.

  “Breakfast first, then I’ll take you home.” Joe planted a kiss in the deep valley between her breasts, breathed in deep and reluctantly rose from the bed pulling the covers with him. Rachel was beyond caring about her modesty, and Joe obviously thought it was a hilarious game to keep pulling the sheets away, so she just lay there not rising to the bait. Joe chuckled as he sauntered off to get dressed. He surprised Rachel by pulling on a pair of loose black sweats that hung low on his hips in much the same way as Luc favoured. It must be a man thing.

  “What are those?” Rachel had propped herself up on her elbows and used her right big toe to point to the V-muscles framing his hips.

  Joe snorted. “Why do girls always ask that?”

  “Firstly, I’m hardly a girl and secondly because they make us drool! So; do those hip dip thingys have a name?”

  “Umm obliques I think.” Joe stood there with his hands on his hips definitely showing off. Rachel was not complaining; the man’s body was a work of art. Although he was naturally tall and broad, he had obviously worked out to achieve such magnificence and Rachel wondered if he was just a tiny bit vain. At his age, it had to require dedicated hours of refined exercise to maintain the physique of a much younger man.

  “Why so hunky, Joe?”

  “You think I’m hunky?”

  Rachel tutted. She had one leg crossed over the other and was dangling it back and forward at him He seemed mesmerised by the movement and totally fixated on the view she was giving him; so much so that he didn’t raise his head when he spoke. A one sided grin crossed his face as he replied matter of factly, “I like to push myself to the absolute limit in everything I do. I suppose a shrink would say that it’s tangible evidence that I can be the best in whatever I set my mind to, just to prove to my Dad and brother that I’m my own person. By being hunky, as you put it – I stand out. I stand alone.”

  Rachel’s leg stopped swinging. Joe just revealed something very personal with her and she had a feeling there was much more to it than that. She was awed by him; his character had so many layers she feared it would take an eternity to get to know him properly.

  “Joe – I do indeed think you are hunky! Now please can you and your obliques go find me some coffee while I get dressed?”

  Laughing, Joe pointed to his wardrobe and told Rachel to help herself to one of his t-shirts. Puzzled, Rachel thanked him. “I think I’ll be ok with my blouse though.”

  “Umm, yeah – let me know how that works out for you” he called walking away from her towards the kitchen.

  Frowning at his comments, Rachel finally located her blouse from the floor by Joe’s side of the bed. It was a bit creased but that didn’t matter; she was going straight home; however the lack of buttons would definitely be a problem. Groaning, Rachel had a fleeting memory of Joe ripping it off her last night and conceded that she would need to borrow a top from him after all.


  “Hmm, coffee smells divine.”

  Joe looked up as Rachel entered the kitchen and gracefully hopped on to one of his barstools. She was wearing her tight skinny jeans from last night paired with one of his old grey polo shirts with the collar turned up and the buttons undone. It was still huge on her but she’d managed to make it look sexy; or maybe that was just his reaction to seeing her in his clothes. His dick agreed, twitching in approval. Her cleavage was just visible and she’d piled her hair up into a messy bun and Joe had the urge to spread her over the granite counter top and eat her for his breakfast instead of the omelettes he’d prepared.

  Rachel was beginning to get a little shifty under Joe’s scrutiny. She hadn’t put any make up on yet and she probably looked every single one of her 42 years in the cold light of day. She was nervously fiddling with a strand of hair that had come loose and was worrying her bottom lip at the same time.

  “I, um, hope this one is ok.”

  “It’s ok.” He was still staring at her. If she didn’t stop with all the twiddling he was going to have hard job restraining himself.

  “Er, sorry I haven’t got my face on yet; must look pretty scary…” Rachel patted her cheeks by way of explanation.

  Joe was still staring at her but now his forehead had crinkled into a frown. “Pretty yes; scary no. Didn’t understand the bit about ‘face on’”

  Rachel laughed. “Why use whole sentences when you can just grunt out a response eh Joe? But thanks for the compliment – I think….”

  Joe sighed as he dished out the eggs but remained stubbornly silent. The truth was that he didn’t know what to say. Most of the women he bedded didn’t usually stay for breakfast; in fact
they barely stayed the night. Conversation had never been a priority as he had very little in common with them anyway and he got bored very quickly by anything to do with the Kardashians or other such inane topics. Rachel, however, was witty and intelligent and definitely did not take him too seriously; teasing him endlessly with her funny British terminology she knew would perplex him.

  He needed to make more of an effort so he struck up conversation keeping to safe topics such as favourite holiday destinations and places they’d still like to travel to. Rachel mentioned in passing that although she’d been all over the world, she’d still never been to Rome and that she was going to treat herself to a long weekend there later in the year. She hadn’t meant it as a hint but Joe filed it away for future reference; the wheels of his mind already formulating a plan for them to go together.

  “Joe, I don’t want to put a dampener on things, but I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to be all pda at work do you?”


  “Public display of affection – I thought everyone knew that.”

  “Must have passed me by…I agree. For the moment anyway.” Rachel’s stomach flipped at his last comment and she was dying to ask what he’d meant by it. Was he implying they might have a future?

  “For the moment?”

  “Let’s just see how this pans out Rachel – I hope after last night you agree we definitely have something going on.”

  “That was just sex, Joe.” Rachel wanted to take the words back as soon as they were out. Hurt flashed across Joe’s face and his eyes darkened and she realised she’d read the situation all wrong.

  “Say what you want Rachel – it was not just sex. Believe me, I should know.” Joe sighed and placed his coffee cup in the sink. “I’m going to get dressed – finish up and I’ll take you home.”


  “Forget it mate; so not happening.” Rachel declined Joe’s offer of a helmet and walked over to the Range Rover making her feelings more than clear. Joe laughed and eased himself on to his Harley; the one thing he could not leave in New York. He loved his bike and even though the roads in England were nothing in comparison to home, he still enjoyed the freedom that came with riding it.

  Rachel watched him bring the bike to life. It suited him of course. The bike was big and macho and Joe looked like he was born to ride it filling out his leather jacket more than superbly. Contrary to refusing to get on she couldn’t help but imagine how thrilling it would be to plaster herself to Joe’s back with all that machinery vibrating under her.

  “You can stare all you want, or you can climb on behind me and slide your arms round my waist and feel the hum of the engine between your thighs. I know that’s what you’re thinking.”

  Rachel snorted, “Oh quit all the macho bullshit sweet talk. That thing is angry and dangerous and I’m not getting on it.”

  Joe rode the bike slowly nearer trapping her up against the Range Rover. He had that look she was becoming all too familiar when he wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. His brows were knitted and he’d come over all menacing turning her instantly wet. “Don’t insult my bike babe. And you are getting on it.”

  Tutting and crossing her arms over her chest, Rachel scowled at Joe. Why couldn’t he just behave like a normal person and listen to reason. Her predicament however, was that he was so deliciously sexy in his tight jeans and leather jacket she couldn’t resist him for long. So much for the strong independent woman façade. Rachel grabbed the helmet from his outstretched hand; let down her hair and plonked it rather inelegantly over her head. Joe got off the bike and secured Rachel’s excess belongings in some sort of storage thing at the side, then did her jacket up for her. He helped her on to the bike predictably copping a feel at every opportunity making them both laugh and then settled himself in front of her.

  “Go slow Joe” she begged knowing full well the man did everything at top speed. Rachel was completely petrified and gripped on to him hard as the engine roared to life beneath her. The thrill of the vibration between her legs was drowned out by the noise and blur of actually moving and she lay her helmeted head on Joe’s back shutting her eyes tightly as they emerged on to the street.

  By virtue of the fact they were on the ring road of Regent’s Park, there was no way Joe could open up the Harley like he wanted to and really wasn’t going very fast. He felt Rachel slowly relax her vice like grip round his waist and sit up a bit. He mourned the loss of her tits squashed against his back, but was glad she was gradually overcoming her fear. He reached behind and squeezed her thigh and she cuddled him harder in response. He suspected Rachel wouldn’t take too long to come around – she was so determined not to let him get one over on her and so far it had worked out to his advantage.

  Joe reflected on her comments about not going public with their relationship just yet and he had to agree it seemed sensible but he didn’t know how he was going to restrain himself around her all day long at work. It was going to kill him not being able to touch her and he had a sneaky feeling Rachel wouldn’t make it any easier for him. She obviously got a kick out of tormenting him; but he had to admit he loved it. Joe realised he was happy and it felt good; not only that it felt right. Despite what she said about it just being about sex, he wasn’t convinced Rachel was oblivious to the obvious electric chemistry between them. He would have to keep working on her.


  “Whoa Mum!!!” the twins came tearing out the house as the roar of the Harley alerted them to her arrival. They were literally jumping up and down with glee at the sight of their mother sitting astride the iconic machine. Joe pulled up in front of them and removed his helmet.

  “Hi girls” he drawled flashing them his mega watt grin.

  “Hi Joe” they cooed at him. Rachel rolled her eyes; she couldn’t recall either of them being so girly and pathetic, ever.

  “Er hello!” she called “some help here please.” Joe made no move to get off so Jess and Lucy rushed over to help her instead. Feeling a little unsteady on her feet due to the rush of the bike ride, Rachel leaned into to Jess while Lucy fumbled with the helmet. Joe watched the twins fussing over Rachel and he was glad she had such attentive and loving daughters. It made him pine for his own kids and he made a mental note to call them both later.

  “Joe, are you coming in for a cuppa?” Jess asked innocently. Rachel suddenly remembered Luc and panicked wondering if he was still inside. She still hadn’t told Joe about her liaison with Luc and the last thing she needed was for him to suspect anything before she got a chance to explain. She didn’t yet trust herself with both of them in the same room together; she was bound to do or say something to raise suspicion. Joe already had an uncanny skill at reading her mind.

  “No – Joe has to go, girls” she chirped. Joe looked at her slightly puzzled by her adamant refusal on his behalf. “And we have to get you packed.” She turned to him with an apologetic expression that seemed totally false to him. He couldn’t figure out why she wanted to get away from him so quickly but he would certainly be bringing it up in their next conversation.

  Lucy handed the helmet back to Joe. “Luc said to tell you goodbye and sorry he couldn’t hang around to see you Mum. If I didn’t know better I’d say that boy has a crush on you for sure!” Jess thumped Lucy on the arm and dragged her into the house. “Nice one sis! Way to go in front of the new boyfriend.” “What did I say?” Lucy wailed and Rachel sighed as the bickering started. The noise dulled thankfully as the girls moved further into the house.

  Joe was very interested in the particular shade of red Rachel had turned. For the life of him he had no idea what was going on but the remark about Luc having a crush on her had definitely made her blush. He was about to ask her why the comment had affected her so much but she started speaking first.

  “Thank you so much for a wonderful evening Joe; I really enjoyed dinner…and everything that came after.” She placed a hand on his arm and shifted slightly closer so she was leaning
against his leg. He twisted his body on the bike so he was facing her searching her face for any indication she wasn’t being honest but he was met with her soft smile and warm expression. “I mean it Joe. I can’t wait to be alone with you again.” Joe made some sort of manly noise in agreement feeling inordinately ecstatic that she wanted to be with him again with no hint of her usual sarcasm. He wasn’t sure what to say; he didn’t want to screw things up so he reached up and cupped the back of her head pulling her mouth down to his and kissing her with all the emotion he couldn’t verbalise.

  “See you at work tomorrow, Rachel. Leave your car at home and I’ll give you a lift back. You can make me dinner.”

  Not waiting for an answer, Joe donned his helmet and roared off leaving Rachel stunned in his wake. Make him dinner indeed – bloody cheek! Smiling and already planning the menu she entered her home to sort out her kids.



  The next day passed in a state of frenzied bliss for Rachel. New cases were pouring in on the back of her first success and she had instructed her research team to investigate every single one so that they could ascertain the genuinely needy from the just plain greedy. By Friday she had to have a shortlist of 3 to present to Joe to determine which one would be her next case and she felt a great responsibility to make the right choice.


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