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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 37

by Jessie Courts

  “Fuck me Joe.”

  “Charming as always Mrs Renton” he sniggered covering her sore bottom all over with soft kisses. The brush of his beard was driving her insane making her shiver as the soft hairs gave her goose bumps.

  “No, I mean it bossman. Fuck.Me.” Joe stilled his kisses and gathered himself for a moment. Rachel was such a lady out of bed, but when she was all sexed up and needy; her demands were explicit and really fucking sexy. A sense of urgency overcame him and he reached over to his bedside drawer for a condom. Having divested himself of his clothing in the bathroom, Joe rolled on the rubber grunting with the contact. He had been hard for Rachel the whole night; correction; make that the whole day, and he was as rigid as steel and ultra sensitive.

  “Get on all fours baby. I want to see my handy work every time I drive into you.” Joe kneeled behind her as she raised up to welcome him in the best possible way. She ground her arse against his erection encouraging him to hurry up and as he entered her from behind she cried out her approval and his heart soared.

  “This is how I’m going to remember us all day tomorrow. When I see you in the office wearing your nice little business outfit; I’m gonna think of this moment right here and how beautiful you look to me.”

  Rachel didn’t think it was possible to be even more turned on than she was right now, but Joe’s words caused a rush of desire to rock her up to the next level. He was verbally graphic; breath takingly skilled and extremely creative in the sack, and it was intensifying the growing infatuation building between them. He was so different to anyone else she knew and she was totally consumed with him and the things he did and said. It was wondrous and marvellous and mind blowing; and the world shattered into beautiful white light and pure sensation as Joe drove her to the most explosive climax she’d ever had. Joe followed close behind her roaring her name into the night as his big body shuddered over hers in a glorious fit of spasming and panting as her big man came undone on top of her. Joe stilled and rested his forehead in the middle of her back as he tried to catch his breath. “You’re amazing baby. Thank you for trusting me.” Joe’s words were a surprise that made her chest swell with joy, and a startling revelation hit Rachel that her broken heart had finally begun to heal.


  “It’s getting better isn’t it?” Joe asked her several moments later. He was lying on his back with Rachel tucked into his side. Her head was resting on his massive chest and she was lazily drawing circles on his skin, occasionally teasing his nipples. The hitch in his steady breathing as she brushed over his pecs was testament to the effect she had on him and she loved knowing she had that power.

  “That’s a strange observation to make” Rachel replied pondering on whether Joe was looking for reassurance or just making conversation by stating the bloody obvious. She was a little surprised that he of all people would need reassurance that his skills in the bedroom were up to par.

  “Was it like this with Nate?”

  The question threw Rachel for a loop. “Jesus Joe – don’t hold back will you?”

  “Well – I want to make sure you know who’s fucking you babe.”


  “He may have had you first, but I’m going to have you last.” Joe moved cradling his hands behind his head. He hadn’t bothered to cover himself up clearly comfortable being naked and on display.

  “That’s mighty presumptuous although I appreciate the sentiment. It’s a bit soon to sound so sure, don’t you think?”

  “I can’t change who I am – if I want something I will do everything I can to have it and keep it. I want you Rachel.”

  “Slow down bossman, you’re scaring me.” Joe turned his head to look at her; his eyes narrowed and a flash of something unreadable crossed his handsome face. Rachel’s chest tightened, fearing she had hurt him already. His confession was overwhelming.

  “Well? You haven’t answered my question.”

  “Are you jealous of a dead man Joe – because if you are that’s just preposterous and insensitive. He was my husband for over 20 years; I’ll never stop loving him.”

  “I would never ask you to. I just want to know if the sex is different. If this is going anywhere, and I want it to, I need to be sure when you’re with me you’re not wishing I was him.”

  A rush of emotion gathered in Rachel’s chest and her eyes welled up with tears. Joe was spoiling her night pressuring her into revealing more than she wanted to. At their age he should expect a lifetime of previous experiences; loves; heartbreak and guilt. It was the guilt that Rachel found the hardest to deal with even though she knew Nate would want her to be happy, but she still felt like she was betraying him. He hadn’t been dead a year yet and she’d wasted no time ‘finding herself.’

  Sniffing she caught Joe’s attention.

  “Shit, shit, shit” Joe shot up and cradled her in his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m really bad at this aren’t I?”

  “Pretty fucking crap, Joe.” Rachel snivelled against his bare skin dampening it with her tears. She pulled on his chest hair making him hiss at the sting.

  “How is it that I can make light work of someone in the most complex court room situations, yet I can’t formulate a bloody coherent sentence with you?” Gripping Rachel’s shoulders he held her in front of him searching her face for answers. He looked frustrated and sorrowful, but mostly devastatingly gorgeous and Rachel wanted him loving her not fighting her. Joe hadn’t hid the fact that his experience with relationships was pretty non-existent and although this didn’t excuse his forthright and slightly insulting line of questioning, Rachel didn’t want to pile on the pressure at this fledgling stage of whatever this thing between was developing in to. Furthermore, she already knew him to be direct and tenacious and passionate and not especially sensitive or tactful – to expect him to change just for her was unreasonable to a certain extent, and again it really was to soon to make that demand of him. However, a part of Rachel panicked when she considered he may not decide to continue down a line that was difficult and complex to his life right now so pushing her hurt feelings aside for the time being, she decided to let him off the hook and lighten the mood before the whole night was ruined beyond repair.

  “I can’t answer your question.” She shook her head at him as his face screwed up into a frown.

  “What? Why?” Joe looked confused.

  “Because I simply don’t have enough evidence on which to base my answer, M’Lord!” Rachel held her breath as realisation dawned on Joe’s face. “It’s a sad fact that my research has been a little iffy.”

  “Oh really?” Joe pushed her back against the mattress and settled in-between her legs where the ‘evidence’ was certainly making its presence felt. “Well then let me provide you with some more, Counsellor” he offered before planting his lips over hers in a kiss so passionate Rachel nearly passed out.

  “Oxygen” she gasped pushing against his marble like pecs. Joe laughed as Rachel gulped in air giving her a minute to catch her breath. Then he made love to her, slowly, sweetly and attentively. He took nothing for himself but licked, sucked, fondled and caressed Rachel to a blissful state of oblivion. She was soaring as a result of his devotion to her absolute pleasure and her entire body buzzed contentedly in the aftermath.

  After proving to her without a doubt that he was indeed worthy of her every waking thought and most of her dreams, Rachel decided to put Joe’s poor confused mind at rest, after all Nate was never coming back and although when she was with him Rachel had never craved for anything more, now she was with Joe, he was by far and away the most exciting and satisfying man she had ever known. She wanted only to move forward; the past could not be changed.

  “Your argument for the defence of your worthiness has been truly convincing. As long as you promise never to do anything less than completely satisfy me in bed, I would have to concede that you are indeed the best lover and fittest bloke I’ve ever had.”

  Joe wrapped his arms around her typically
smug with her conclusion. “Obviously” he murmured into her neck “its not like I’ve had that much competition though is it?”

  Rachel’s heart lurched as an image of a very naked Luc flashed through her mind. “Tell him now Rachel Renton,” she mentally screamed, berating her cowardice. Part of her wanted to keep her affair with Luc secret forever but she knew it wasn’t fair to Joe not to tell him. It was inevitable that Luc would cross their paths again in the future; would it be better if Joe was aware of their relationship or not? Rachel was very uncertain of how to proceed and decided she needed to thrash it out with Karen first. She probably would have to tell Joe at some point but not tonight.

  They chatted for a while making plans for the weekend until Rachel could no longer keep her eyes open. Snuggling in closer to Joe she ran her fingers through the soft hair on his chin then tugged it so he faced her. “I’m happy Joe, thank you,” she told him sleepily.

  “Me too Rachel; more than you’ll ever know.”


  Joe was caught up in meetings the entire following day at work but he did manage to cross paths with Rachel a couple of times. Each time he winked at her and she felt her tummy flip knowing what he was remembering from the previous night. By the end of the day she was literally craving his physical touch but regrettably, they weren’t due to meet up later as Joe had a function to attend. He’d tried to convince her to accompany him but she’d declined, the dilemma over Luc weighed heavily on her mind and it was a good opportunity for her to swing by Karen’s and get her advice.

  “You absolutely have to tell him Rach.” Karen poured her friend a glass of wine. “He’s scary enough as it is – imagine how he would react if he found out some other way.”

  “Joe is not scary – well not that much anyway, and how is he ever going to find out? You’re the only person I’ve told.” Rachel knew she was being obtuse, but she still felt possessive over her relationship with Luc. “It was such a special time for me but I just can’t see Joe understanding.”

  ‘I don’t think you give the man enough credit. Especially where you are concerned; he’s clearly crazy about you.” Karen looked suitably perturbed by her friend’s situation.

  “I’m just not sure if it will hurt him to be honest. I don’t think it’s crossed his mind that there was anyone else after Nate and before him. He hasn’t even asked me.”

  “Because you have given him no cause to suspect otherwise, Rachel. It’s lying by omission. You are the lawyer here, doll, you don’t need me to point out the bloody obvious.”

  Rachel took a long gulp of her wine. ”Fair enough, I’ll tell him this weekend. Oh god, I’m dreading it. I feel so foolish.”

  Karen enveloped her friend in a big bear hug. “If he’s that much into you Rach; he’ll appreciate your honesty at the very least.”

  Rachel wasn’t so sure.



  Friday arrived and Rachel was sat in Joe’s office going through her short list of the three Genesis cases she’d picked for his consideration. Before she could take on a new pro bono client, Joe had insisted he be part of the selection process. At first, Rachel had baulked at his interfering ways, but as they worked she began to appreciate his extraordinary commitment to his craft. Being a corporate lawyer was more than just knowing the legal system; it required greater understanding of the business world; something Rachel was not yet up to speed with and had to defer to her boss. However, he turned out to be a great mentor and she was learning so much by working with him on this.

  In the beginning, she found it hard to separate Sexy Joe from CEO Joe but as the morning wore on she was completely absorbed by his many questions and the ensuing discussions, that business was the only thing on her mind.

  “Let’s take a break – coffee?” Joe stood from behind his desk and walked over to the couch area where a Nespresso machine sat ready. Joe chose two capsules with exotic sounding names and made them each a delicious espresso. Passing her a cup he was about to tell her their plans for the evening when Angela buzzed through interrupting him.


  “Hi Joe. Is Rachel in there with you?”

  “Yes she is – do you want her?”

  “Hi Rachel. I have a Mr Vincent in reception asking for you.”

  “Luc?” croaked Rachel as her cheeks flushed to a flaming red. Joe frowned at her reaction instantly aware of the uncharacteristic blushing that had started at the mention of the boy. Something niggled him about the cause of her discomfort but he admonished himself for his wayward thoughts. The boy was a friend of her daughters’ for god’s sake; it wasn’t possible that there was more to it than that surely?

  “What’s he doing here?” Joe asked Rachel keeping his tone even. He was growing concerned. He knew Rachel and it was uncharacteristic of her to become flustered for no good reason. A surprise visit was puzzling at most but not cause for such a visceral reaction.

  “Umm, I’m not quite sure. Let me go and find out.”

  “Rachel’s on her way down” Joe advised Angela. “Leave your stuff here; I’ll carry on reading it while you’re gone.” Joe busied himself with her papers, clearly irritated. Rachel studied the rigid set of his shoulders and the tick along his jaw line still obvious even under his beard. A sense of foreboding descended upon her and she hoped to god that Luc’s visit was nothing more than a spontaneous urge to say hi. Rachel willed Joe to look up and smile reassuringly at her but he did not or more likely would not - and so with her heart hammering violently against her chest she briskly walked out of his office to find Luc.

  Approaching reception, Rachel caught Angela’s expression. She must have been ogling Luc, as she was practically drooling all over her desk. Clearing her throat to catch Angela’s attention, the receptionist looked her way mouthing ‘hot’ and rolling her eyes towards the man boy god decorating the waiting area. He never failed to steal Rachel’s breath with his beauty and today was no exception. Dressed in his trademark white t; low hanging jeans and leather jacket, Luc looked like the wet dream she knew him to be. Clearly Angela was smitten and when he smiled at her she actually moaned. Rachel laughed grateful for a break in the tension she was feeling.

  “Luc! What a lovely surprise.” Rachel leaned in for one of his continental style kisses. She was a little perturbed at his stiff body language and when she really looked at him she could tell immediately there was something wrong. The thumping in her chest dulled only to be replaced by a wave of nausea. This was going to be bad – she just knew it. If what she suspected had happened then she needed to be somewhere private in case she had a meltdown.

  “Angela, Mr Vincent and I will be in my office. Please don’t let anyone disturb us.” Angela’s eyes widened at Rachel’s instruction but she remained quiet and just nodded.

  Rachel led a suspiciously quiet Luc into her office. Her guts were twisting with Luc and Joe being in such close proximity and she vowed to have that chat with Joe as soon as possible. It was ridiculous to put herself through this unnecessarily. Once safely inside, she motioned for Luc to sit but he was too busy pacing to notice.

  “Luc, honey what’s the matter?” Rachel’s eyes searched his face for any clues, but all she saw was tension and it worried her that the boy she knew to be normally so laid back was clearly distressed over something.

  “Rachel, oh god, something bad has happened. Don’t go mad because I’ve totally sorted it but I need to tell you. You’ve got the right to know.”

  Rachel’s stomach lurched and an impending sense of doom pervaded the room. She hesitated to ask, fearful of his answer but she had to know. “Have the twins found out? Tell me Luc, please. Oh god I’m going straight to hell. What did they say? I need to speak to them…will they even want to talk to me now. Oh I’m such a terrible mother.”

  “What? No – wait. Fuck no - Rachel the twins don’t know. I promised you they would never hear it from me and that still stands. I will never betray you Rachel I swear.”

  Rachel let out the breath she had been holding. In her opinion, nothing could be as bad as having Jess and Lucy find out that their mother had an affair with their best friend just a few months after their father died. She couldn’t think of any way to explain it to them that made it acceptable in their eyes and she wouldn’t expect them to understand or forgive her, or Luc.

  “Well – what on earth could be so bad that you had to come here and scare me half to death wondering what the hell is going on?”

  “I took a photo of you.”

  It was a statement designed to capture her full attention and he succeeded. Her eyes widened at his statement.

  “Luc? What photo?” Her voice trembled and Rachel looked terribly confused.

  Running a hand over his face, he paused and stared at her. It was possible after this that she would never speak to him again and Luc needed a moment to curb the spike of panic that had erupted in his chest at the thought. Taking a deep breath he reached into the back pocket of his jeans and reluctantly retrieved his iPhone.


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