Gilded Cages (Vamp Tales Book 6)

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Gilded Cages (Vamp Tales Book 6) Page 5

by Melony Paradise

  Nick’s blood-spattered face stared at me, full of worry, relief, love, and so much more I couldn’t fathom. He pulled me into a hug to match the one I’d intended to give Kat. I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care. My heart swelled beyond measure.

  “I am so glad to see you,” I murmured in Nick’s ear.

  He leaned back, giving me an ear-to-ear grin. “Darlin’, you have no idea how happy I am to find you. I was so worried she’d kill you before I could rescue you.”

  “How’d you know where to find us?” I pulled him in for another hug, laying my head against his chest. “Where are we?”

  “This is a secret facility under her corporate office.”

  “We’re underground?” I squeaked. “No wonder there’s no windows.”

  “I’m so sorry it took us so long to get to you. We weren’t even sure where to find you until I felt your pain through our mate bond. As soon as I felt that, I used it to home in on this location. Then we had to gather the resources and manpower to storm this godforsaken castle.”

  “Well, you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” I tipped my head back and reached up to plant a grateful kiss on his smiling lips.

  “Well, we still need to get out of here before the authorities arrive. We took out their security, but we’re not sure if they were able to trip a silent alarm before we—”

  A crash in the center of the room broke up our reunion. We turned to see Chima and Michael locked in battle with Isabel circling, trying to get a shot off but the two fighters were moving too fast for that.

  I started to yell, to warn Chima about Michael’s soul-sucking power, but the flickering blue-white glow around Chima made me choke on my words. Shit! I can’t let this happen again.

  I dashed toward the fight, leaving the warmth and safety of Nick’s embrace. Raising my hands, I gathered my reserves and flung a giant orb of air around the two men, lifting them ten feet up. They slowed as if encased in water, their movements nearly halted, unable to hit each other. With them now immobile, I could see Michael enough to wrap him with telekinetic tethers, tugging him through the sphere until his body no longer touched Chima’s.

  “Be ready, Isabel!” I hoped she understood, but Michael’s strength fought my hold and I knew it wouldn’t last long enough to explain.

  Wrapping those tethers around his body, I bound Michael as much as possible. With him contained, I released the sphere and Chima fell, stumbling away. Michael snapped his head around to glare daggers at me and snarl like a rabid animal.

  My hold began to loosen as Michael fought against it. Sweat dripped down my face as I groaned and grunted with the effort it took to keep my grip. I opened my mouth to yell for someone to take him out but closed it again.

  Several shots rang out with at least one bullet piercing Michael’s skull. His body jerked like a ragdoll as the shooting kept going. When his head exploded from so many shots coming from different directions, I let go, dropping to my knees in exhaustion.

  I lifted my heavy head to look at Michael’s bloody body lying on its side. I needed to be sure he was dead. I would die before I let him live another moment as the monster he was.

  I stared at the hole in his chest where his heart used to be. My eyes flicked to his demolished head, and I wretched violently. Gentle hands guided me back to rest in Nick’s arms. His soothing words of comfort brought tears to my eyes and I let all my hurt and anger and suffering pour out as I cried in big, wet sobs.

  Kat stood over us, guarding us, as the rest of the team helped the prisoners leave this den of torture. Vic joined us at some point, kneeling to rest an elegant hand on my arm.

  When Chima joined us, whispering in Kat’s ear, he leaned down and kissed me softly on the top of my head. Nick gathered me in his arms, lifted me up, and carried me away from this nightmare.

  Chapter 13

  I kept my eyes closed, listening to Nick’s heartbeat, focusing on it while blocking out the rest of the world. The walk from the lab to the outside felt like a million miles, but really only took about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes snuggled up in Nick’s loving embrace, no revenants trying to kill me or doctors cutting me to pieces, and no Rowena King with her army of hunters chasing us.

  We were free. Finally. Free to live our long lives in peace. All I wanted to do was spend time with my best friend, Mandy, and explore the possibilities hanging between me, Nick, and Elena. At this very moment, as Nick passed us through a door and the scent of trees, grass, night air, and the sounds of crickets and a breeze ruffling the leaves on a nearby tree hit me all at once, I felt like the world had opened its arms and welcomed me to a new life.

  Cars rumbled up to us as Nick slowed to a stop. “Open your eyes, darlin’. Got to get you in the car now. Can you stand on your own?”

  Inhaling deeply, I opened my eyes to a smile of adoration and concern. I returned Nick’s smile and nodded. “I…I’ll try.”

  Reluctantly, he lowered my legs, keeping me steady with his other arm. Someone opened the car door and I moved to get in.

  “Wait,” Kat said, grabbing my hand. “You need to watch.”

  “For what?” I peered at her, confused and exhausted.

  She gave me a soft smile. “Closure.”

  Kat’s hand rose, palm up, with a tiny flame dancing in the middle. Nick shuffled back out of her way, and I used the door to hold myself steady to watch her.

  The flame grew ever so slowly as Kat leaned in, puckered her lips, and softly blew, lifting her hand as the flame drifted skyward. Not a breath sounded as we all stood transfixed by what looked like a floating fire pixie making its meandering way to the enormous cube building that we’d just escaped.

  The closer the flame got, the bigger it grew, until it became the size of a hot-air balloon just before it landed on the roof of the fifteen-story structure. Kat made a booming gesture, spreading her fingers wide and raising her arms up and out. The fire engulfed the building, swallowing it whole, mirrored-out windows burst from the heat that could be felt from our safe distance. An animalistic roar erupted from inside the conflagration as Rowena King’s fortress imploded.

  Kat must have put all her energy into the flame because it burned to the ground in a matter of minutes. The cement walls had crumbled and fallen into numerous piles of rubble with glass melted into puddles here and there. When she finally snuffed out the flames, all that was left of the cosmetic mogul’s kingdom was a blackened hole filled with smoking debris.

  Nick’s hand on mine pulled me out of my hypnotized state. Kat slouched against the car with her arms crossed and purple bags under her eyes. With a satisfied sigh, she followed me inside the car and settled back in her seat, closing her eyes. Nick sat beside me and grabbed my hand, winding his fingers with mine, and signaled the driver to go.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, almost too tired to get the words out.

  “David Lyons had some out of state contacts,” Nick murmured against my temple. “We’re set up at an old motel south of the city.”

  “What about the ranch? What about Mandy?” My heart began racing as I gripped Nick’s hand. “Is she okay? Did she and Benjamin escape the raid?”

  “They’re safe.” He gave me an amused grin. “Benjamin got them out right away. They hid in the woods until all the hunters had left. The ranch is a bit worse for wear, but we can’t go back right now.”

  “What? Why? Rowena’s dead now. She can’t send her hunters after us anymore.”

  “It’s still not safe. There could be hired mercenaries still out there watching the ranch, hunting us, because they don’t know their employer is gone.”

  “Oh no,” I groaned. “What if Mandy’s parents drive out there and see the place all messed up, or worse! What if a lone hunter kills them?”

  “Don’t worry about that right now, Mercy. The Bellingham Coven came to our aid again. They warded the ranch and spelled Mandy’s parents so they wouldn’t feel the need to check on the ranch anytime soon. With the au
tomatic emails and Mandy calling them to let them know she’s okay, the ranch and her parents are safe.” He looked away as his face hardened. My racing heart jumped to my throat. “We have other things to worry about now, darlin’.”

  Chapter 14

  Nick’s tone sounded so ominous. I tried to get him to elaborate, but he insisted I rest. We had a long drive still.

  Scooting up into his lap, I lay my head on his shoulder and watched the trees pass by as we drove. Not long after we’d left Rowena’s compound, we neared a beach. Apparently, Rowena had owned a private island in the Puget Sound.

  When the car dipped down to enter an underwater tunnel leading to the mainland, I dug my nails into Nick’s jacket. The car suddenly felt suffocating and I couldn’t breathe. The ten-minute drive through the tunnel was terrifying. Nick calmly murmured comforting things to me, but I couldn’t comprehend over the roaring in my ears, only finally relaxing when we reemerged from the tunnel.

  I fell asleep shortly after, emotionally and physically wiped out. I don’t think I even dreamed, which was better than the nightmares that had plagued me these last few weeks. Bumps in the road woke me a few times, startling me.

  We arrived at the rundown motel just before dawn. Nick rushed me into the room we’d parked in front of. Chima carried a still-sleeping Kat inside and tucked her into the double bed beside me. Isabel ushered Vic inside, slamming the door behind her as the first ray of sunshine peeked over the trees.

  Vic stumbled to the other bed, not bothering with the blankets. Chima readjusted the yellowed curtains, and Isabel stationed herself in front of the door.

  “Go to sleep now, darlin’. Don’t you worry about a thing. I got you.” He brushed my hair from my brow and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him, closed my eyes, and let myself sink into a deep slumber.


  Excited whispering coaxed me awake the next night. I lay still, listening to the murmuring voices around me, and basking in the joy and relief I felt. This was a new day, or night I suppose, and I planned to fully embrace whatever happened. Nothing could be worse than captivity and torture.

  “Oh jeez,” Mandy whispered. “I don’t think I can wait any longer! Wake her up!”

  “Patience, missy,” Benjamin scolded lightly. “We have no idea what they endured. They deserve as much rest as they can get.”

  “We do need to leave soon,” Chima rumbled softly. “David is expecting us.”

  “Where are we going?” Kat sat up, pulling the blankets off me as they pooled in her lap. “What’s going on?

  “How’s a girl supposed to get her beauty sleep with all this racket?” I propped myself up on my elbows and gave them all big eyes.

  Kat turned to look at me and snickered. “Um, you’re going to need a lot more sleep and at least two showers before you can call yourself a beauty.”

  I gasped loudly, and swatted at her, feigning a pout. “You’re not so hot yourself, Miss Thang.”

  “I don’t doubt that,” she said, arching a brow at me.

  “Mercy!” Mandy flung herself on top of me, smothering me in a bear hug, knocking the air from my lungs with her newfound strength. “I’m so happy you’re alive!”

  “Me too,” I said, tugging her strangling arms from around my neck.

  “You’re both so skinny,” she breathed, sitting back on her knees.

  I marveled at how healthy Mandy looked. Her hair had thickened and curled up nicely, and none of her bones showed through her glowing skin. I almost couldn’t believe it. Benjamin leaned in the corner of the room, his arms crossed over his leather duster, and his black bangs hanging over his silver eye, as always.

  “Where’s Danielle and Julius?”

  “They left earlier,” Nick said, sitting on the bed beside me. I glanced at him and blushed, suddenly self-conscious about my hygiene.

  “Where?” Kat asked, suspicious.

  Benjamin stepped up to the end of the bed with a somber expression. “With Edgar gone, our clan is leaderless.”

  I heard Kat swallow and felt her anguish flood our bond. Her hand snaked out and grabbed mine. I squeezed, letting her know I was there for her.

  “As the oldest of us, the position would normally fall to me,” Benjamin continued, “but I’ve no interest in leading a clan. When we felt Edgar pass, we decided that we would like you, Kat, to take over. Edgar would have wanted that.”

  With a sniffle, Kat nodded, staring at the blankets in her lap. “I, uh…” Her voice cracked, and she clapped her hand over her mouth, closing her eyes.

  I slipped my arm around her shoulders and gave her a reassuring hug. She peered up at me with a watery gaze, took a deep breath, and straightened.

  “For Edgar, I will do this,” she said. “I can’t promise I will hold the position long, if we were to find someone else to be better suited, but I will do my best in the meantime.”

  “That’s all we can ask,” Benjamin said with a sad smile. “Once we are settled in at our new home, you will be given all the time you need to mourn, but as Chima stated, we do need to leave soon. You should both shower while we finish packing up.”

  “Where is our new home?” Kat asked as she slid out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

  “Oregon,” Chima answered. “David has arranged a safehouse for us on property owned by his sire. His old clan is there, and they have a powerful, loyal coven that lives there with them.”

  “Why do we need a safehouse?” I asked, looking at the strained faces around me. “What haven’t you told us?”

  “A new queen has been elected,” Nick said, grabbing my hand.

  “So?” Kat said from the bathroom door, her eyes narrowed, and her brow furrowed in question.

  “The new queen has heard of Mercy’s powers,” Elena piped up. “Someone told her how destructive she can be. Now, the bitch wants her. Thinks Mercy would be the perfect tool to cement her position as queen, and possibly expand her territory.”

  “I’m not a thing for her to own and use,” I barked with indignation. “She can’t have me!”

  “No,” Mandy cooed, “we won’t let her get you.”

  Nick pulled me close. “Not on my watch, darlin’.”

  Benjamin’s faced darkened as his gaze locked with mine. “If she can’t have you,” he said, tensely, “she’ll kill you.”

  “What the fuck!” This isn’t happening!

  “She has ambitious goals, Mercy,” Chima said. “If she can’t control you, then she views you as a threat to her power. She knew Martinus, and I think she believes you are more powerful than he was. You can’t stay here. She’s already talking about sending her royal guard after you.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” she muttered, shaking my head. “This is my home. I love Seattle. I was hoping to go back to my house once this thing with Rowena was over.”

  “Nowhere in this state is safe for you, darlin’,” Nick said, twisting me around to face him. “Me and Elena will go wherever you go.”

  “My pack,” Chima said with a growl, looking at both Kat and me, “is loyal to the Martis clan. We will protect you with our lives.”

  “Absolutely,” Elena added, bowing her head to Kat.

  “Thank you, my friends,” Kat said with a hitch in her voice. “I—”

  “Um…” All heads turned to Vic. I’d forgotten he was in the room. He blushed slightly and turned to Kat. “My clan is gone. Rowena murdered them all in her lab. Would you be so kind as to allow me to join yours? David Lyons will vouch for me.”

  “Who was your clan leader?” Kat asked hesitantly.

  “I was,” he replied, his eyes pinching in anger. “I have no desire to lead another clan, as I could not protect my own people, but I also do not wish to be alone.”

  “Why not join the Lyons clan, if you know them well enough?”

  “David is a good man, a good leader, but he is intimidated by my age.”

  “How old are you?” Benjamin asked, inspecting the white-haired, elf-like vampire.
  “Too old to care,” he said, running his long, thin fingers through his cascade of hair that almost sparkled in the light. “I’ve lost many loved ones over my years, but not like this. Not even war could wipe out my clan so efficiently as that evil…”

  “You accompany us to the safehouse,” Kat offered, “but I can’t invite you in without the consent of the others. We will need to acquaint ourselves with each other and see if you fit in our dynamic.”

  “That is fair.” He smiled politely and stood from the bed. “Is there another restroom available for me to freshen up?”

  Nick led him to another motel room, while Benjamin and Mandy took me to theirs.

  Chapter 15

  After a hot shower, and a mug of warm blood, Chima and his team took us to a private airfield where we boarded a plane owned by David’s sire, Alexander Graves. Mandy clung to me as if I might disappear any moment, so I chose to sit on a long sofa where she and Benjamin could fit next to me with room enough for Nick, and Elena if she took a second to relax.

  Elena had been waiting in their motel room. When she saw me, she wrapped me in her strong arms and held me until I had to come up for air. She’d blinked away watery eyes before I could say anything, so I let it go and took my shower. Now, she kept almost as close to me as Mandy did. I suspected she blamed herself for my capture, and I swore to myself that I would do everything I could to convince her otherwise.

  “So,” Mandy said, beaming at me, “Oregon, huh? Chima says we’ll be out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles of forest and mountains.”

  “Sounds nice.” I grinned at her, hiding my nervousness. Looking around the cabin, I found Kat sitting alone. She hadn’t said much since we left the motel, and from the wall blocking our connection, I knew she wouldn’t welcome company or conversation, so I left her to her solitude, as did everyone else.


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