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Deceiving Justice

Page 2

by Stephanie D. Mitchell

way into an underground parking structure, safe from the rain but straight into danger. For a moment I lose him, looking for any sign to which way he went I see the door to the roof just finish closing shut. I immediately take off towards the door and see him headed up. I put everything I had into the sprint up the stairs just hoping I wouldn't pass out from the lack of exercise from my life in the last ten years. I finally reach the top floor, thankful that I didn’t collapse from the sudden work out I just got to get.

  “Hello! I know you’re here. I know it was you who sent all those emails. Show yourself!” And almost on cue, he stepped out from behind a parked car at the end of the row.

  “Well, well. Didn't know that you would be able to keep up with me. Almost thought I was going to have to drag you up the stairs to see my, what I should I call it? Finally performance.”

  “And what do you call this, performance?”

  “I call it, ‘Deceiver’, the story of two sisters. One sister who gets everything she wants by pulling wool over everyone's eyes so they only see what she wishes. And the other, a simple girl who only takes what she needs and gives to those who need it. Only to have everything thing she truly loved ripped away from her in a swirling storm of lies and deception. That's why Alexandra, your time is up.”

  With a graceful swoop of her hand, the face I feared I'd see was reveal from underneath the hood.

  “Natalie! You were doing this to me! You, you killed my friend, you threaten my life, my livelihood, and for what? For what Natalie?!”

  “You know what for Alexandra! All these years you thought you were better than me. With your business and high class friends. Always sticking your nose up at me. Thinking you were better than me, prettier than me, higher up than me! No! I'm going to show you how low class I can be.”

  Before I even noticed Natalie was right in front of me with a knife in hand ready to attack. Just as I prepared for it she lunged forward at me, striking for the kill. I threw myself to ground, doing my best not to get hurt. I scramble to my feet, trying to defend myself and my sister, hoping she wouldn't hurt herself.

  “Natalie, you have got to listen, I've never done anything to hurt you. Never not once. If I have I never meant to. You know that! Please Natalie don’t do this!” I plead. I look to Natalie's eyes, hoping to find a shred a sanity that I could reason with. Her eyes meet mine, but I don’t find what I know is necessary to help her get out of whatever she is in.

  Everything seems to stop as I watch Natalie take a slow deep breath in at the same time she raises her hand that she is wielding the knife. He mouth is wide emitting a warrior cry that I can only assume because all sound is blocked out by the sound of my heart thumping like a jack rabbit. I watch as her hand comes down towards my chest and without a second thought I grab her wrist, taking her by surprise, twist it around and push it down back on her. Her eyes widen from shock and she slowly drops down onto her back.

  “Natalie, I'm so sorry. I had to stop you. I'm sorry.”

  She doesn't responds back, she just smiles. Not one of these ‘I will come back and avenge myself’, but a peaceful smile. A knowledgeable smile of relief.

  I hold her in my arms as I listen to the sirens getting closer to us, praying that she survives this. Even though she did what she did, I could never give up on my sister.

  As I cling to her, I can only feel the paramedics pull me away from her to tend to her. I sat there on the ground covered in her blood, wondering where she went wrong and how I had never seen signs of this before.

  “Miss. Excuse me Miss. I’m Officer Connors. Can you tell me what happened here?”

  I tell him the story from the emails to the strange calls, to the package, and the foot chase I went through. After a couple of minutes he takes my information and lets me know that I will be contacted when I can see Natalie and when her trial will be. He offers me a ride home but I can't bear to be around anyone. Not even Matt who's been calling me trying to see what's going on. I make my way back down to the lower level of the parking garage and head for my car. I know I should be disgusted with Natalie, but someone made her the way she is and I’m determined to find out who the true monster is.

  For three weeks I sat in a beige room with florescent lights shining down on the truth. The stale smell of the old building lingered in the air, with the occasional cough of a private reporter in the back. Through Natalie’s trial I heard testimonies from therapist who say she is not fit to serve time in a prison and will do better in a mental hospital, to the states therapist saying that she was just a jealous sister who didn’t think for anyone but herself.

  Wednesday October 8th

  I watched Natalie walked up to the stand to be crossed examined by the state. While she was being sworn in I meet my eyes to hers to try and give her a glimmer of hope. She awkwardly lower herself into the oak chair, while keeping her head down. The prosecutor grilled her for what seemed to be hours, asking her question from what she liked, from when she was a kid, to what she did in her spare time. Most the question I found where pointless and ridiculous. I watch the jury as the prosecutor gives his closing statement saying how Natalie deserve to be put away for a long time, and that her mental problems are just an act to gain sympathy for to vote of not guilty by reason of mental illness. The jury quickly exited the building and the judge called for dismissal until the jury had returned with a verdict.

  I sat on one of the hard benches outside of the court room, nervously waiting for the jury to return. I plug in my earphones and turned the volume all the way to high.

  The double tap on my shoulder made me jolt awake. I yanked my earphones out and graciously thanked Matt for waking me up. Ever since Natalie had been locked away, Matt has been there by my side for the entire ordeal.

  “Alex, come on. The jury is back.”

  Taking a deep breath I stood up, collected my cool and headed for the court room.

  “Matt, please whatever happens, don’t let go of my hand.”

  We headed to the first row of the benches and took our place right behind Natalie and wished her luck quietly.

  “All rise for Judge Matthews.”

  “Did the jury reach a decision?”

  “Yes we did. We, the jury, find the defendant, Natalie Reed, guilty of first degree murder.”

  In that moment my heart sunk into my stomach. I know that what Natalie did was horrible but she did not deserve to be put into a prison. She needs help, not a six by eight cell for the rest of her life. Before I got the chance to say goodbye to Natalie, the bailiffs drag Natalie back to the cells.

  “Natalie! I’ll come see you I promise!” I scream to her just as the doors swing close.

  I turn and bury my head into Matt, looking for comfort.

  “It’s going to be okay Alexandra. We can still file appeals. We will get her out.”

  “How do you know that? They believed that she is guilty. Why would someone else think she isn’t? Besides, I know for a fact that she did not do this all on her own. Someone else was involve and I swear to God. I will find out who is responsible.”

  “Alex, there might not be anyone else. What if she did do this all one her own? Hmm? Do you really want to know if it really is just her involved? That would kill you. Just let it go. We will find a way to get her out.”

  I leaned back from Matt with shock shown all over my face. I can’t believe that he thinks that Natalie would really just do this all on her own. I know my sister way better than anyone else in this entire world. Even her ex-husband doesn’t know her as well as I do. Hint the word ex. Although him never showing up again one day after work really saved a lot of money and time on a divorce from the bum that he was.

  “Well, Matt if you think that it was really just her involved, well then, I don’t really think you are very good for me right now. Excuse I need to go.”

  “Wait, Alex, wait.”

  “No Matt if you really think that, then I don’t want to be around you. I know for a fa
ct that someone else is involved with what Natalie did and I intend to find out what happened. Goodbye Matt.”

  I storm out of the court room and made my way towards the foyer of the court looking for the fastest escape route from Matt. After five years I can’t believe that I ended my relationship in a court house. Always thought that we would end up in a court house to get married. I never did want a big wedding with Matt, all I needed was him. He was so important in my life, yet I was willing to end it with him over such a little thing. But it’s too late now. I need to find out who else was involved with Natalie and help her out of the hell she currently is in now.

  After Natalie was arrested, I found out that she had been living at her apartment in Vancouver up until two weeks before everything had ended, but while she was here she was living with some guy Jack Billford. I headed outside and grab the first available taxi and headed towards 100 and Eleventh Avenue. We pull up to the front and I’m pretty sure that this place has got to be wrong.

  “Um sir I said 100 and 11th Avenue.”

  “Yes this is 100 Eleventh Avenue.” His accent was so thick I could barely understand him.

  I hesitantly pay the taxi driver and scurry out the cab. I head to the front door buzzer and quickly scan for Jack Billford. Penthouse! Holy crap, how does Natalie know someone in a Chelsea pent house. I press the buzzer not expecting much.


  “Um, Hi is this Jack Billford?”

  “Depends on who’s asking.”

  “I’m Alexandra Reed, Natalie’s sister. I was just wondering if I was able to talk to you for a moment.”

  “Sure, one moment. I’ll buzz you in.”

  The fact that this guy, Jack, didn’t ask any question or deny knowing Natalie kind of threw me off for a loop. But down deep inside I wasn’t surprised that she did.

  I swung the doors open to reveal a marble foyer with a quartz stone reception desk. I walked up to the brunette busily typing away on the computer. Before I could get a word out she hurriedly pointed her finger towards the elevator and inform me of the penthouse code.

  I stepped into the elevator to be greeted by mirrors that surrounded the entire room that, could possibly fit an entire car. I spent the ride up contemplating on if I will even be able to find out the true story behind everything. As I arrived to the top, the doors slowly opened up revealing a modern sleek living room with paintings filling every space.

  I walked in awe, astonished on how some people live.

  “Alexandra, hi. I’m Jack Billford.”

  I looked up to the balcony and saw him leaning up against the railing.

  “Hi. You can call me Alex. I was wondering if you were able to answer any of my questions about my sister, Natalie.”

  “Yes for sure.” Jack slurs, while walking down the stairs towards me.

  “I was just wondering how she met you and why she was staying here.”

  “I met her when I was at a conference when I was visiting Vancouver. We had a pretty good time together and she mentioned she wanted to always see New York, so I invited her to stay at my place. I didn’t really spend all my time with her so I can’t say for sure what she did here on her own time. This is because of what happened?”

  “Yeah, I’m just pretty sure that she wasn’t alone in this I just really want to find out who else was involved.”

  “Didn’t the police already look into that?”

  “Um, no they were pretty quick to latch onto the idea that it was a jealously thing.”


  By now he was standing almost right against me, making me feel a little iffy. I took a step back from him, only to find him in my personal bubble again.

  “Are you ok Alex?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just need a little space.”

  I stumbled over to the closest chair and sunk straight to the bottom. I was positive that this guy would have more information than that. The realization of what Matt had said on how I should just leave the fact alone and try the appeals because I would never find out what happened. I’m pretty sure that I should have listened to him but it’s too late now. I broke up with him I can’t try and get him back. The thought of me screwing up my relationship over not agreeing with Matt sent a river of tears bursting from my eyes.

  “Hey, what’s wrong Alex? Don’t cry, it will be ok.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that I just broke up with my boyfriend because he didn’t believe that I could prove it wasn’t just my sister involved.”

  “Well I don’t want to seem like a jerk, but I do have a meeting to get to. Here’s my number and if you need anything or have any questions. Call me, night or day. Doesn’t matter.”

  “No, its fine you’re not acting like a jerk. I’m the one who came by any notice. Thanks for letting me know what little you did, and thanks I’ll be sure to call you.”

  “Goodbye Alexandra.”

  “Bye Jack.”

  I headed down to the lobby and got into the cab Jack called for me. I spent the ride home with tears silently streaming down my face. The fact that I actually broke up with Matt over the reason that he didn’t agree with me, I think hurt me more than it hurt him. I stared down at the piece of paper that contained Jacks number and debated about calling him as soon as I got home. Thinking twice about I decide that it’s best if I called him another day. Not to seem desperate for company.

  When I got home I checked my machine for message when I heard a very familiar voice.

  “Hey Alexandra, its Matt. I just wanted to see how you were doing, just making sure that you got home safely. Give me a call back. We should talk.” Beep.

  Just hearing Matts voice calmed me down a little bit. Smiling I went to make myself some tea when the answering machine moved on to the second message.

  “Hey Alex, long time no talk, surprised that you haven’t connected the dots to finding out who I am. Better play fast ball and figure it out soon.”

  In that moment, my mouth dropped to the floor. That was the person who was one the phone before. The same voice. I damn for sure know that that was not Natalie whatsoever. I grabbed my laptop from the couch and started looking up how to trace back a blocked number.

  After a couple hours I got absolutely nowhere on my little quest for technology. I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets out of frustration and found Jacks number. Seeing how he has a lot of money to spare, why not see if he has any resources that I could use.

  “Jack Billford here.”

  “Hey Jack, its Alex.”

  “Hey Alex, what’s up?”

  “Not that much, I just have kind of an unethical question.”

  “OK, shoot.”

  “Well I was wondering if you have any idea on how to trace a blocked number.”

  “Usually when a girl gives me a call at nine at night, I usually expect a little bit more.”

  Is he serious?!


  “I’m just kidding Alex. Yeah I actually do know a little something about that. What phone did the call come in from?”

  “It was my home phone, 718-546-3046.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll send this to a buddy of mine and hopefully I will have something for you in the morning.”

  “Thanks so much Jack, I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Well you could have lunch with me tomorrow, say around noon?”

  “Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow Jack.”

  “Bye Alexandra.”

  I hung up the phone finding myself blushing. I contemplate going out with a guy that Natalie was hanging out with as a good idea, but quickly dismiss that argument that with myself.

  I snuggle on my couch, hugging my blanket, while watching the Food Network. I let my mind wonder from Natalie being locked up, to Matt, then Jack, and back to Natalie. I drifted off the sleep with the thought of Natalie asleep on a metal bed.

  Thursday October 9th

  I jolted awake not knowing the time. Let alone the date. I checked
my phone, nine thirty am, Thursday 9th. I dragged myself off the couch and open the window letting the crisp air of fall into my apartment. I took a deep breath of air and went to get ready for my lunch date with Jack. As I get ready all I can help to think is that Jack might not had found anything with the blocked number.

  I checked the time to see that it was eleven. I quickly finish my makeup and head out the door. I headed down to the underground parking. As I got closer to my car, I see a note taped to my wind shield. Thinking of the last time I found something in my car I ended up stabbing my sister and getting her arrested. Knowing that she was locked up, and the fact that I couldn’t hurt her this time. I went and grabbed the note, very quickly snatched it open.

  “Meet me at Champaign Charlie’s. Jack.”

  I quickly realized that I have a goofy smile on my face, and wiped it off. I jump in the car and try to get there in a reasonable time.

  I finally make to the restaurant with two minutes to spare. I quickly find a spot and meet Jack outside.

  “Hey sorry I’m late Jack. Traffic.”

  “That’s ok, come on, let’s get some food.”

  I follow him inside and we are greeted by some little short French speaking dude. He shows us to the table and quickly passes us our menus before taking off.

  “Um, I hate to be so forward Jack, but did you have any luck on finding out where the number originated from?”

  “It’s perfectly ok Alex. I can’t say that I understand what you are going through but I can do my best to try. The number came from somewhere in Manhattan. I’m sorry Alex. I wish there was more I could do for you.”

  “It’s ok Jack. You did all you could.”

  We both seemed to just stare graciously into each other’s eyes. I sudden got the feeling that I was cheating on Matt, even though we broke up and quickly broke eye contact.

  “To finding out the truth.” Jack toast.

  “To the truth.”

  Surprisingly we make it through lunch without any awkwardness between the two of us. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed carefree like this. After lunch we kind of just fell into a rhythm between the two of us. We walked to the ports by Jacks apartment and just talked while looking out over the water. After hours of talking about how we grew up to Natalie’s trial, I figured that it was time to head back to my car.

  “I had a good time today Alexandra.”

  “I did as well Jack. Thanks for walking me back to my car. Thanks for the day as well.”

  “It’s no problem at all Alex. I’ll see you later?”

  “Yes, for sure. Bye Jack.”

  “Bye Alex.”

  After a quick kiss on the cheek from Jack I was back in my car, with my only thoughts surrounding Jack. The entire drive back home I actually didn’t think of Matt or Natalie. Jack was still occupying my mind.


  When I got home after a full afternoon of errands, I kicked off my heels and threw my keys and purse on the coffee table. I headed into the kitchen to grab a snack. As I swung the door to the fridge shut when I see someone sitting on my living room chair in the shadows.

  “Who the hell are

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