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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

Page 7

by Charlene Sands

Joe sat straight up in his seat and Nick saw his brother do mental calculations. “What if it’s not for cash? What if we wager something more important?”

  “Like what?” Nick furrowed his brows.

  “Like if you fall for her, you take over the company.”

  Nick fell back against his seat in shock.

  “I like it,” Tony said. “The nameplate on the door will read, Nick Carlino, CEO.”

  “Don’t go counting your chickens. I haven’t agreed to this yet. Seems this is a little lopsided. What do I get if I win?”

  Joe didn’t hesitate to answer. “Easy, if you win and you don’t fall hard for that gorgeous woman and her little girl, you’re completely off the hook. You’ll get your fair share of the empire but you won’t have to run the company.” Joe looked to Tony. “Does that sound fair?”

  Tony nodded. “That’s right. If you win, it’ll be between Joe and I.”

  “You said if I fall for Brooke. Define fall for.”

  “The whole enchilada, Nick,” Joe said. “Love, marriage and baby carriages.”

  Nick grinned. He’d never been in love before. He didn’t think himself capable and marriage to any woman wasn’t in his game plan. Ever. Just because the two of them found their so-called soul mates, didn’t mean Nick wanted to follow in their footsteps. He wasn’t like his brothers. He didn’t do long-term relationships. “This is a piece of cake. You’ve got yourself a bet.” Nick stood, eager to shake hands with his brothers and seal the deal. “And thanks for making this easy for me.”

  Joe looked at Tony and they both smiled smugly.

  Nick would relish wiping the smiles off their faces and then he’d be off the hook to go about living his life. There was no way he’d let one woman and her child take him down.

  No way in hell.


  The Lexus was a really great car, Brooke thought, running her hand along the smooth black leather seat. With dual temperature settings, a CD player and all the other bells and whistles, this was five-star luxury at its finest. She couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel and take it for a drive. She sat in the passenger seat glancing at Nick behind the wheel as they drove to Dr. Maynard’s office.

  He wouldn’t let her drive until she got the okay from the doctor this afternoon and she couldn’t blame him for that. Still, she hated leaving Leah behind. Though she trusted Nurse Jacobs and Carlotta to watch her baby, she hadn’t spent much time apart from her since the moment she’d been born.

  “She’s okay,” Nick said, glancing at her. He had an uncanny way of knowing what she was thinking.

  “I know. It’s just that I feel lost without her.”

  “We’ll get her a new car seat after your appointment, then you won’t have to leave her behind again.”

  “Thanks for doing this, Nick.”

  “No problem. I’ve got a vested interest now.” He winked.

  She cocked him a wry smile. “I live to cook for you.”

  “That’s the attitude,” he said.

  “So what would you like for dinner?”

  “First, let’s see what Steve says. If all is well, you can surprise me.”

  “All will be well.”

  Nick looked her up and down and the heat of his gaze made her quiver. “Looks good from where I’m sitting.”

  Brooke had to remind herself not to melt into a puddle just because he complimented her. It was Nick being Nick. She wouldn’t fall for his charm again.

  Thirty minutes later, after a thorough exam, Dr. Maynard gave her a clean bill of health. “I’m feeling so much better today,” Brooke said, as he walked her out of the room.

  “Good, well just take it slow for a while. Don’t overdo anything,” the doctor said.

  “I won’t.”

  Nick rose when Dr. Maynard walked her to the reception area. The two men shook hands.

  “Well?” Nick asked her with a hopeful expression.

  “I’m fine. I get to pass Go and collect two hundred dollars.”

  Nick smiled and his dimples appeared. She ignored them, telling herself the thrill she felt was only because she was finally back to square one and she could begin working on the house. Then she turned back to the doctor. “Oh, Dr. Maynard, can you recommend a pediatrician for Leah?”

  “Sure can.” He walked around to his reception desk, pulled out a business card and handed it to her. “Dr. Natalie Christopher. She’s excellent. And right in this building.”

  “Thanks for everything,” Brooke said, glancing at the card. “I appreciate it.”

  “You take care now,” he said to her, then turned to Nick. “I’ll see you Friday.”

  Nick nodded and when he walked away, Brooke walked up to the desk and spoke to the receptionist, taking out her checkbook. “What do I owe you?”

  The receptionist shook her head. “There’s no charge.”

  “No charge? Really? But—”

  Nick took her arm and led her away. “It’s taken care of.”

  “You paid for me?”

  “Not exactly. The doc owes me and he just settled up the score.”

  “What? I can’t let you do that.” Her voice elevated enough to cause stares from the patients in the waiting room.

  “It’s done, Brooke. Trust me. He’s getting off cheap. Come on, we have to go car seat shopping.”

  Frustration rose and settled in her gut. She didn’t want to make a scene in the waiting room, so she marched out of the office. She couldn’t figure out why she was so angry with Nick. Ever since the accident, he’d been kind to her, so why did she want to lash out at him all the time? Was it because he could still push her internal buttons with a look or a smile? Was it because he was still the golden boy with all the money, good looks and charm one man could ask for? Or was it because he always seemed to be in control, always took care of things. He was someone she didn’t want to rely on and yet, that’s all she’d been doing lately was letting Nick make her life easy. It wouldn’t last and she didn’t want to get used to him being there for her. In the long run, she knew Nick couldn’t be counted on.

  Once they reached the parking lot, Nick took her hand and looked deep into her eyes. He was amazingly handsome and being near him complicated her life in ways she couldn’t begin to deal with. She stilled from his touch, feeling a sharp jab of emotion, knowing she should pull her hand away.

  “It’s all yours,” he said, dropping the keys into her palms.

  Brooke stared down at the keys, speechless.

  “You want to drive, don’t you?” he asked softly.

  Brooke nodded, holding back tears. Why had she gotten so emotional? Maybe, because Nick Carlino had just given her a car.

  A car.

  She wouldn’t fool herself into thinking that her culinary skills could have earned her enough to pay for this car. This was the nicest, most decent thing anyone had ever done for her. Her lips quivered. Don’t cry, Brooke. Don’t cry.

  But the more she tried to hold back, the more moisture pooled in her eyes. Then the dam broke and tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Nick appeared puzzled, then he pulled her into his arms. “Hey,” he said quietly, tucking her head under his chin. He stroked her back. “It’s just a car.”

  “It’s not just a car,” she blubbered, feeling like a fool and hating Nick for being so sweet. Why on earth couldn’t he just be the bastard she’d hated all these years and leave her alone?

  She clung to him for an awkward minute then pulled away. “It’s more than a car…it’s safety for Leah and my future, and—”

  “Don’t cry,” he said, lifting her chin and gazing at her. Her eyes were probably red and swollen, her nose all wet and ugly.

  He bent his head and kissed her softly on the lips.

  It was a warm, sweet, gentle brushing of the lips meant to console and comfort. It did just that, making Brooke feel safe and protected. She sighed deeply and allowed soft feelings for Nick to filter in, just this once. Fighting them would be futile, s
o she surrendered to her emotions and took what he offered.

  When he lowered his head again, ready to do more consoling, Brooke’s nerves rattled, not because she didn’t want him to kiss her again, but because she did. She turned her head into his chest, denying another kiss, and announced with a whisper, “Men don’t like seeing women cry. They think they’ve done something wrong and don’t know how to fix it.”

  Nick cupped her chin gently and lifted her face to his. “Did I do something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “No, you did something…nice.”

  His gaze lowered to her mouth. “And for the record, that’s not why I kissed you.”

  She didn’t want to know why he kissed her.

  “I kissed you because you’re a brave, honest woman who’s been through a lot these past few days and…”

  When he stopped speaking, Brooke searched his face, waiting. “And?”

  Nick appeared slightly taken aback. He blinked and seemed a little flustered, then he moved away from her. “And, nothing. You looked like you needed a kiss, that’s all.” He headed for the passenger side of the car. “Are you ready to test this baby or what?”

  Surprised by Nick’s sudden change of demeanor, Brooke had no choice but to bolster her emotions. She took a deep, cleansing breath. “You bet. I’m ready.”

  She got into the car, put the key into the ignition and started the engine, then glanced at Nick. He looked at her oddly for a moment as if he were trying to figure something out, then he pointed to the road. “It’s all yours, Brooke.”

  Sudden nerves took hold. Maybe she wasn’t ready yet. Apprehension led to fear as she replayed the collision in her mind. The images rushed back to her fresh and vivid. She’d never been one for panic attacks, but she could see one happening now. “This is my first time behind the wheel since the accident.”

  “First times can be rough. Just do what comes naturally and you’ll do fine.” Nick sounded so confident.

  “Really?” She nibbled on her lip.

  “Gotta jump back onto that horse.”

  “I’m afraid of horses,” she said.

  Nick shook his head. “We’ll remedy that another day. Right now, you’re going to hold onto the steering wheel and put the car in gear, then gas it.” He was back to being bossy again.

  “Okay, don’t go getting smug on me. I know how to drive.”

  Nick grinned. “That’s my girl. Let’s go.”

  Brooke pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, doing what came naturally. Nick was right, she was doing fine. It was like riding a bike in some ways, everything seemed to come back to her and she’d overcome her initial fear.

  “You’ve got it, Brooke,” he said after a minute on the road.

  “Thanks.” She breathed a sigh of relief and wondered how she would have done without Nick sitting beside her, giving her courage. She felt more confident with each mile she drove. Now if she could only get the “that’s my girl” comment out of her head, life would be peachy keen.

  Nick helped Brooke install the car seat and was amazed at how intricate the danged thing was. Pull the strap here, tug there, make sure it fits tight enough and after all their struggles, Brooke finally said, “I’m going to have a professional look at it. Make sure it’s safe.”

  “Doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere to me.” He gave a final tug.

  “Just to be sure,” she said, staring at the car seat with concern. “Can’t be too careful.”

  Brooke looked cute with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, her blonde curls falling past her shoulder, wearing an oversized T-shirt, jeans and flip-flops on her feet. She’d changed into different clothes once they’d returned home from Napa, calling them her “mommy clothes.” It shouldn’t be a turn-on, Nick was used to women in slinky clothes that left little to the imagination. But on Brooke, the clothes suited her and he found no matter what she wore, he was more than mildly interested.

  “Thanks for helping me get it into the car,” she said. “Maybe the experience will come in handy for you one day.”

  Nick winced. “I doubt it.”

  “You might change your mind. Don’t be too sure of it, Nick.” She glanced at her watch. “What time do you usually eat dinner?”

  “I’m usually through working at seven.”

  “Okay, I’m going to surprise you tonight.”

  “You always do,” he said and Brooke’s soft laughter made him smile.

  He thought back on their kiss this afternoon in the parking lot. That had been a surprise. It was nothing, something to soothe her fragile nerves, but he hadn’t expected to be thrown for a loop by that kiss, or by holding her and bringing her comfort. Usually a master of self-control, Nick hadn’t been able to stop himself and the rewards he’d reaped were those of protecting and calming her. It had felt good, damn good in a way he hadn’t experienced before.

  He scoffed silently at the notion. Just hours ago, he’d made the deal of all deals with his brothers. He was so certain he’d win his bet, that he’d started making plans for his return to Monte Carlo in the fall. He had a house there and planned on moving in permanently once the renovations were done, hopefully by late September.

  By then, Tony and Rena would have their child. Joe would have married Ali, and Nick would be free to come and go as he pleased.

  With no ties and no one to account to but himself.

  Nick’s stomach grumbled as he admitted to himself that he was ready for home cooking again. His mother had been a great cook and he remembered as a child being lured into the kitchen by pungent aromas of garlic and rosemary and bread baking in the oven. His mother would hum a melodic tune as she prepared the family meals, happy to be nourishing her young family. She’d been a saint to simmer Santo’s volcanic nature. When Nick’s mom was alive, the house had been a home. Nick had almost forgotten what that felt like.

  He’d been smart to hire Brooke for the time being. He was really looking forward to sitting down to a meal that hadn’t been boxed up, frozen or delivered from a local restaurant.

  At least that was one craving Brooke could satisfy while under his roof.

  “I guess it’s time to say good-bye to Nurse Jacobs,” Brooke said with a note of sadness. Brooke glanced down the driveway to where Leah was being strolled around the garden by her nurse. “She’s a sweet woman.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need her a little longer?” he asked.

  “I’m sure,” she said firmly. Bracing her hands on her hips next to the car, she hoisted her pretty chin. “I just drove you all over town. And installed my daughter’s car seat. I’m fine, Nick.”

  “Correction, we installed the car seat.”

  “Fine, burst my bubble. We installed the car seat. But I really hate saying good-bye. And you know what’s crazy? I don’t even know her first name. She doesn’t like it and wouldn’t divulge it.”

  “It’s Prudence. I was warned not to call her Pru, Prudy or Trudy. Otherwise, she might walk out.”

  Brooke’s mouth gaped open for a second. Then she tossed her head back, giving way to spontaneous giggles that made Nick laugh too. She braced herself on the side of the car, her whole body jiggling as she tried to stifle her amusement.

  Fully caught up in her laughter, Nick watched her breasts ride up and down her chest from underneath that loose shirt. He sidled next to her by the car. Her fresh citrus scent that reminded him of orange blossoms filled the air around her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said amid another round of giggles. “It just struck me as funny. You should have seen the look on your face when you were telling me that.”

  Nick smiled along with her. “Pretty unbelievable, isn’t it?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

  “I forgot all about it. It was on the terms of her agreement.”

  “It’s not a bad name at all,” Brooke said, still smiling. Her entire face lit up when she was happy. “I don’t know too many women who really like their name.”
  Nick tilted his head. “You don’t like your name?”

  She shook her head. “Not really. Brooke sounds so…I don’t know, boring?”

  “It suits you.”

  “So you think I’m boring?” Her amusement faded.

  Nick winced. He’d stepped in it now. “Hell no. It’s a strong name, like the woman. That’s all I meant.” He wouldn’t tell her that her eyes reminded him of streaming clear aqua waters. What better name than Brooke?

  Thankfully the conversation was interrupted when Nurse Jacobs approached with Leah in the stroller. “She’s ready for a feeding.”

  “Okay,” Brooke said, bending down to lift the baby out. “How’s my pretty girl?” Brooke planted a kiss on Leah’s forehead. “Did you like your walk?”

  Leah clung tight to her mother, then focused her wide blue eyes his way and gave him a toothless smile.

  Nick looked at mother and baby and an off-limits sign posted in his head.

  “I’ll take her inside and feed her, then I’ll make dinner.”

  Brooke walked off with the baby and Nick stood in front of the house with the nurse. “As you know, Brooke got a clean bill of health from the doctor. I want to thank you for all you’ve done, and on such short notice.”

  “You’re welcome. It was a treat for me too. I don’t often get a chance to care for a young family. Leah’s precious.”

  Nick nodded politely.

  “Brooke is a determined young woman. It’s a hard life, being a single mother. I hope she finds someone to share her life with.” Nurse Jacobs cast him an assessing look. “You’ll look out for her, won’t you? As her friend?”

  The “F” word. Brooke wouldn’t want that label put onto their relationship. He didn’t know how to label it, but they weren’t friends. Exactly.

  “She’ll be working here for a while, so you don’t have to worry,” Nick replied, sounding as noncommittal as he could.

  She nodded. “I’ll go inside now and say my goodbyes.”

  He shook her hand and thanked her once again, watching as she walked inside the house, leaving Nick alone with some nagging thoughts.


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