The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement Page 10

by Charlene Sands

  “Don’t worry,” Nick said with a sinister arch to his brow. “We will.”

  Brooke turned and dove into the water, freeing herself from all worries and simply enjoying her swim. She lapped the pool several times, slicing through the clean rejuvenating water with her breaststroke and several minutes later, she came up to take a breather on the opposite end of the pool.

  With a hand on the edge, she glanced at Leah, who was now out of Mr. Turtle and being swirled around by Nick. He held her under her arms and lifted her high in the air, then lowered her feet into the water, letting her kick and splash before lifting her high again. Next, he twirled her around above the water, holding her like a little horizontal helicopter then swooped her down again to let her feet and legs splash through the water.

  Leah loved it. Her joyous cackling tore into Brooke’s heart. The scene they made, the way her daughter looked at Nick—it was almost more than she could bear to watch.

  She swam over to them and Nick turned to her as she straightened up to face him with Leah clinging to his neck.

  “She’s a swimmer, just like her mama,” he said. “Did you enjoy your swim?”

  “It was very refreshing.”

  “For me, too. It isn’t every day that I have a gorgeous dripping wet blonde standing in front of me.”

  Brooke ignored his comment, but it was hard to ignore the earnest expression on his face. “Thanks for the swim. I enjoyed it. Here,” she said, reaching for Leah. “I’ll take her now.”

  Nick tried to untangle Leah’s arms from around him, but she didn’t want to let go. Brooke coaxed her with another ride in Mr. Turtle. After she set her into it and moved her to and fro, she turned to Nick. “You said you had a favor to ask?”

  Nick sat down on the pool’s step and stretched out his long legs, his face lifted to the sun. “My sister-in-law, Rena, is dying to meet you. Well, actually, she’s dying to see Leah and pick your brain about babies and labor and everything else.” Then he met her eyes. “My brother Tony said she’s going stir-crazy. She’s as big as a house, but don’t tell her I said that. And she wants a night out. I invited them to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “That sounds okay,” she said with reluctance. She didn’t want to enmesh herself any more into Nick’s life than necessary.

  Nick picked up on her reluctance. “I know it’s Saturday night. If you had plans—”

  “I’m a single mom with a five-month-old baby. Not exactly hot date material, Nick. I’ll cook for your family.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that. We’ll go out for dinner. And then come back here for drinks, maybe some of that blueberry pie you made the other day.”

  “I don’t have a sitter for Leah.”

  “Not a problem. She’ll come along.”

  Fully surprised by the suggestion, Brooke tossed her head back and a deep rumble of laughter spilled out. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Why not?” Nick looked truly puzzled.

  “Leah will disrupt everyone’s meal. You see how fidgety she is, especially if she’s not in her own surroundings.”

  “So? It’ll show Rena and Tony what they’re in for.” His grin was a little too smug.

  “As in, it serves them right for having a baby?” Brooke wasn’t sure she liked Nick’s suggestion to use Leah as a means to taunt his brother.

  “It’s not really Tony’s baby. At least not biologically, but he’s in it for the long haul and no one could be happier about becoming a father than Tony. He’ll love meeting Leah. Both of them will and it’ll get them off my back. They’ve been hounding me all week about you.”

  Brooke’s internal alarm sounded. “They don’t think that you and I are, uh…”

  Those dimples popped out with his sly smile. “You can set them straight.”

  “Darn right I will.”

  It shouldn’t matter to her what Nick’s brother thought about their living arrangements, but it did. She had a good deal of pride. She wasn’t one of Nick’s bimbo girlfriends that he could toss aside when he was done. She’d never put herself in that position.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Okay, I’ll go to dinner.” Did she really have a choice without coming off as sounding ungrateful? She recalled all the questions she had before Leah was born and how nice it would have been to talk to a friend who had gone through it already. And since Molly hadn’t returned her calls, Brooke didn’t have any female companionship in Napa aside from Carlotta, who seemed to be on the opposite schedule from hers. When Brooke was home, Carlotta wasn’t working and vice versa.

  Nick’s comment about the parentage of Rena’s baby spiked her curiosity. She’d left Napa and never looked back and apparently, a good deal had happened during that time. “Is there anything I should know about Tony and Rena, just so I don’t put my foot in it?”

  Nick shrugged. “The short story is Rena was married to Tony’s best friend. Right before David died, Tony promised him he’d take care of Rena and the baby.”

  “How tragic. She lost a husband and he lost his best friend.”

  “Yeah, it was rough, but Tony and Rena had past history and my brother worships his wife. They’re one of the few happily married couples I know.”

  “Does the long story have something to do with your father?”

  Nick drew in a sharp breath and uncharacteristic pain crossed his face. “Santo had a hand in ruining lives and Tony and Rena were drawn into all that.”

  Leah squawked, letting go a little cry of complaint. Brooke wanted to hear more about Tony and Rena, but it was time to get out of the water. She lifted Leah off the float. “I think it’s time to get out or my little girl will turn into a prune. She’s ready for a nap.”

  Nick stepped out first and wrapped a towel around Leah. Together they wiped her down, before he stepped away. “Thanks,” she said. It was a simple gesture that lasted no more than a few seconds, but being here with Nick, doing things together was starting to get too comfortable and feel too right.

  When Brooke knew in her heart it was all wrong.

  Nick hated to admit how much he was looking forward to having dinner with Brooke tonight. Whenever he thought about her, it was with a smile. She made him laugh and he enjoyed her company more than any other female he had or hadn’t been sleeping with. She was off-limits in so many ways, yet he found himself drawn to her. Part of that was due to the challenge she posed. She didn’t want him and she’d made that clear.

  She was also at the root of the deal he’d made with his brothers.

  Falling for Brooke was a deal breaker and Nick didn’t like to lose.

  He showered, shaved and combed his hair, then dressed in a pair of casual beige trousers and a black shirt. They agreed on having an early dinner because of Leah’s schedule and so Nick knocked on Brooke’s door at precisely six in the evening.

  “I’ll be right there,” she said, her voice hurried. She yanked open the door and rushed off, putting earrings on as she moved to the bed. “Leah took a longer nap today and I’m running late.”

  She dashed about the room, tossing a few things in the diaper bag and checking on her own purse. While standing before him in a knockout black dress that hugged her curves and reached her knees, she slipped her feet into heels. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m enjoying the show.”

  She glanced at him and rolled her eyes, too harried to see his humor. “Okay, what do you need me to do?”

  “Stop teasing me, for one,” she said.

  “Done. What else?”

  “Leah needs to be fed.”

  Nick shrugged, blinking, recalling the time in the hospital when he’d witnessed Brooke feeding her baby. “Sorry, can’t help you with that.”

  “Sure you can.” She grabbed a bottle out of her diaper bag and shoved it into his hand. “Give her this. She’ll do the rest. She’ll take enough to last her until tonight. It’ll keep her content through dinner.”

  Nick sat on the bed and she put
Leah into his arms. “Here you go. I’ve got to comb my hair.”

  “It’s okay if we’re a few minutes late you know.”

  “Good to know,” she called out. “Because we will be.”

  A chuckle rumbled in his chest at her answer. Then he looked down at Leah who seemed happy enough at the moment. “You want this?” he asked. Her big hazel eyes followed the bottle until Nick got it near her mouth. She grabbed hold and tipped it until the thin milky fluid flowed into her mouth. She sucked in a steady rhythm and Nick watched as she drank.

  Leah kept her gaze focused onto his eyes as she drained the bottle, her little chubby cheeks working for all she was worth. “You like that, don’t you,” he said quietly, getting the hang of it. Leah made it easy. She’d taken to him from the moment he’d wrestled her out of the car seat after the accident.

  “She looks pretty,” he called out, thinking it wasn’t a lie. Leah had golden curls, big eyes, rosy cheeks and Brooke had dressed her in a sunny yellow dress that made her look like a sunflower.

  Brooke walked out of the bathroom, appearing beautiful and calmer, her blond hair curling past her shoulders in waves and her smile lighting up the room. “Thank you. Compliments to my daughter will always win you points.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Nick said, taking a leisurely look at her. “How about compliments to you?”

  “I don’t count.”

  “You do to me,” Nick blurted, then stood with Leah in his arms, surprising himself for his uncanny appraisal of both of them. “Like mother, like daughter. You both look amazing tonight.”

  “Thank you,” Brooke said slowly, refusing him eye contact. She reached for the baby. “I’ll take Leah if you wouldn’t mind taking the diaper bag.”

  “Got it. Toss me your keys. I’ll drive. I hope you like Italian. We’re going to Alfredo’s. We own half the place so there won’t be much chance of Leah getting us thrown out.”

  “Funny, Nick. You’ll see. She can be quite a handful. And for the record, I love Italian.”

  Twenty minutes later, Nick walked into the restaurant holding the handle of the car seat that transformed into Leah’s baby seat. Brooke was by his side carrying Leah. “Oh I forgot to tell you, my brother Joe invited himself to dinner and he’s bringing his fiancée.”

  Nick knew Joe and Tony were conspiring against him, trying their damnedest to bring Brooke and him together for their own reasons. Nick was slightly amused at their efforts. He was a worthy opponent and while he might be a sucker for blondes with big eyes and pretty smiles, he wasn’t a fool. He might want Brooke in his bed, but that’s where it would end.

  His brothers underestimated him if they thought they would win their bet.

  Brooke glanced at him. “Is this the whole family?”

  “Except for a few cousins on my mother’s side, living in Tuscany, yeah. This would have been the end of the Carlino line, except now Tony is having a boy.”

  “I’d like a boy one day,” Brooke said quietly and he noted a sense of defeat in her tone. “It’s lonely being an only child. I wanted Leah to have a brother or sister.”

  “Maybe one day you’ll get your wish.”

  Brooke shook her head. “No. That’s an impossibility.” Her gaze flowed over Leah with softness in her eyes. “Leah’s enough.”

  Nick didn’t pursue it. He never talked to women about having babies. He didn’t care to know their dreams and hopes for the future because it would never include him. He was destined to be the family’s favorite uncle. And that suited him just fine.

  Tony and Rena had garnered a large corner table at the back of the restaurant. Fresh flowers adorned the table in cut crystal vases. Flowing fountains lent an air of old European charm with richly appointed stone floors and Italian marble statues.

  Nick made quick work of the introductions and helped Brooke to her seat. Rena asked to hold the baby immediately and the two women began a discussion about pregnancy and labor that left Nick and Tony to catch up on some business.

  Joe and Ali arrived just as the wine was being served. Nick introduced Ali to Brooke and the three women conversed until their waiter arrived with menus. “The chef will prepare any special entrées you would like.”

  Nick asked Brooke if she wanted anything special. “I’m sure everything is wonderful. I’ll order off the menu.”

  After they placed their orders, the women took turns holding Leah with looks of longing on their face and talked “baby” for twenty minutes. Finally Nick changed the subject. “Brooke’s going to need a Web site for her bed-and-breakfast.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing really,” she offered. “I’m going to start researching what I need beginning next week.”

  Ali grinned. “Are you kidding? Joe is a computer genius.”

  “Tell her like it is, Ali,” Nick said with a grin. “He’s a geek.”

  “He could probably whip you up a site in less than an hour,” Ali said, looking at Joe with adoration.

  Joe took her hand and winked at Brooke. “I don’t walk on water, but I can help with that, if you’d like. Probably wouldn’t take me very long once I had a clear picture of what you wanted.”

  “Really? That’s…well, it’s awfully nice of you but—”

  “She accepts,” Nick butted in, then shot Brooke a warning look. Hell, the woman had trouble accepting help, but there was no one better to get her started on her Web site than Joe.

  Brooke shot him an angry glare then smiled at Joe. “Apparently, Nick doesn’t think I can speak for myself.”

  “It’s a trait of all the brothers,” Rena said. “You’ll get used to it. Just stick to your guns and they back down.” She smiled sweetly at Tony, who seemed totally unfazed.

  Nick sipped his wine and watched as Brooke interacted with his family. When the food came the women fought over who would hold Leah while Brooke ate her meal. It was only when Leah fussed, making frustrated baby noises that she was handed back to Brooke. From across the round table, he watched Brooke handle her child with care and patience. She had loving smiles for Leah even though the baby’s complaints grew louder and louder. Finally, Brooke set down her fork and gave up on eating.

  Nick stood and strode over to her. “Let me have her. I’m finished with my meal,” he said, reaching for Leah. The baby’s cries stopped and she lifted her arms to Nick. He picked her up and, having learned not to be stern with the baby’s sensibilities, he said softly, “You gonna let your mama eat in peace now?”

  Leah’s cheeks plumped up, giving him a big smile.

  “That’s a girl.”

  Nick didn’t miss Tony darting a quick knowing glance at Joe.

  “Look at that,” Rena said. “Nick’s got a way with babies.”

  “I wouldn’t have guessed,” Ali said, in awe. “Looks good on you, Nick.”

  He took his seat as Leah laid her head on his chest and looked out toward the others. “She’s a sweet kid, but children aren’t in my future. Rena and Ali, it’s up to you to carry on the Carlino name.”

  “We plan to,” they said in unison then both laughed.

  “Good, then you won’t miss me when I’m gone. You’ll have your own families.”

  Brooke’s head shot up and all eyes at the table noticed her surprise.

  “Of course, we’ll miss you,” Rena said, glancing from Brooke to Nick. “Where are you going?”

  “If things go as planned, I’m leaving for Monte Carlo in a couple of months.”

  “For good?” Ali asked.

  He nodded and when Leah squirmed, he rocked her in his arms to soothe her. “I’m itching to get back there.”

  “Nick?” Rena said, looking disappointed.

  “I’m not going anywhere until your baby is born. And I’ll be back for holidays. I’ll be your kid’s favorite uncle. Promise.”

  Joe shook his head. “I wouldn’t plan ahead too far, bro.”

  Tony chimed in, glancing at the baby in his arms. “You never know what might happen.�

  “I’m going,” Nick said adamantly. “As soon as we meet the terms of Santo’s will.”

  Nick glanced at Brooke, sitting there, looking beautiful but wearing an unreadable expression. He had no idea what she was thinking. She seemed quieter than usual yet Rena and Ali took to her right away. Both Tony and Joe seemed to like her; Tony offering to help spread the word about her bed-and-breakfast and Joe setting up a date to design her website. Nick knew they had ulterior motives and were trying to trap him into losing the bet. Yet, watching Brooke interact with his family disturbed him on a number of levels, not the least of which being that she fit in so naturally.

  Since Leah fell asleep shortly after the meal, they decided to order dessert at the restaurant rather than go back to the house. “Sorry,” Brooke said, looking at Leah sleeping soundly in the infant seat, “but with a baby you have to be flexible.”

  “Oh, we understand,” Ali said, “you’ll just have to invite us over for coffee another day.”

  “Once I get my bed-and-breakfast going, I’ll invite all of you over for dinner.”

  “Sounds good to me. Nick says you’re a fantastic cook,” Tony offered.

  “Nick’s been staying home nights,” Joe added. “Can’t say as I blame him.”

  Brooke blushed, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. “If that’s a compliment, thank you. But just to make the record clear, Nick and I have a deal. He’s been generous to me since the accident and I cook breakfast and dinner for him. But that’s all I do for him.” She glanced at Tony and Joe, and both men sat back in their seats.

  “You tell them, Brooke,” Ali said.

  “I think we’ve been properly put in our place,” Tony said with a grin. “Are we still invited for dinner?”

  “Of course,” Brooke said, her eyes going soft again. “I’d love to have you all as my guests.”

  “Great,” Ali said. “I can’t wait.”

  Coffee was served and a variety of desserts were put on the table; cannoli, tarimisu, almond pound cake, pastries and cookies. Nick sipped his coffee and leaned back. Every so often, he’d catch Brooke’s eye and they’d share a look.


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