The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement Page 11

by Charlene Sands

  He wanted her and it was becoming increasingly harder to sleep under the same roof and not share a bed.

  Something had to give.


  Brooke was pleased with the progress she’d made in just a few short weeks. Every day, she spent the morning weeding and planting flowers in her front yard as workmen painted the exterior of the house and a handyman did repairs to the bathrooms and bedrooms. She’d gone shopping for bed linens and fluffy bath towels and bought new curtains for the kitchen.

  Joe had helped her with the website—they were now in the preliminary stages of the design. Ali had offered to take her shopping at her favorite out-of-the-way antique shops one day last week. They had a fun time, returning with some really beautiful items to decorate the rooms. Ali’s friendship was both unexpected and welcome. By the end of the third week, Brooke felt her bed-and-breakfast would soon become a reality. Her dream was finally within her scopes.

  She’d even heard from Molly Thornton, who finally returned her call to say she’d been out of town with her family for nearly a month and she’d been thrilled to hear from Brooke. Molly explained she was a schoolteacher now and had taken the summer off to do some traveling. She’d promised to stop by the house this afternoon.

  Brooke had just finished feeding Leah in her new high chair, when a knock sounded at her door. Her daughter had graduated from a breast milk only diet to eating solid foods and managed to get half the jar of carrots anywhere but in her mouth. “Whoopsie!” she said to Leah, wiping clean her mouth and chin. “That’ll be Molly. Can’t have her meeting your carrot face, now.”

  There was additional pounding on the door, and Brooke called out, “Coming.” She scooped Leah up in her arms. “You’re going to like Molly. She’s a nice lady.”

  Brooke opened the door wide, excited to see her friend again after so many years and her heart stopped for a moment, when instead of finding Molly, she came face to face with Dan Hartley, her ex.

  A dozen questions entered her mind as her body began to tremble. How had he found her? Why was he here? She noticed his eyes on Leah and hugged her tighter as she backed away.

  He looked from her to the baby. “When were you going to tell me I had a daughter?”

  “Dan, what are you doing here?”

  “Don’t you mean, how did I find you?”

  She’d hoped she’d never have to lay eyes on him again. Though she knew she’d have to tell him about Leah soon, she wanted it to be on her own terms, once she’d thought things through, not unexpectedly like this. She didn’t want Dan to have the upper hand, ever again.

  “How could you do this to me, Brooke? I have a daughter and you don’t tell me? You run away and hide her from me?”

  “You didn’t seem to mind taking off with your bimbo girlfriend, without a thought or care about me.”

  “You’re not denying she’s mine.”

  “I’m not having this conversation with you. I’m expecting someone to stop by at any moment. You want to talk to me, you call me on the phone.”

  “You want me to call you? I’m here to get to know my daughter, Brooke.” His gaze roamed over Leah as if memorizing each little detail of her body. “She looks like you.”

  Leah turned away from him, nestling her face into Brooke’s shoulders.

  “Let me come inside. I want to see her.”

  No. No. No. Brooke wanted to scream. “You left us to have a child of your own, remember?”

  Dan’s expression changed to defiance. “I didn’t know you were pregnant!”

  “Would it have mattered? Sure didn’t seem like it to me. You couldn’t wait to pack up your things and get out. You had something better waiting for you—the woman you really loved and the baby you were having with her. So, why don’t you go back to your something better.”

  He winced as his brown eyes went dark. “She lost the baby. Things didn’t work out between us.”

  Brooke’s anger rose and her sense of betrayal intensified. Her entire body shook. “So now you want to get to know Leah? So now you want to impose on our lives? I’m sorry for the loss of the child, but that doesn’t excuse your behavior. And I’m going to tell you this just once, Leah isn’t anybody’s second choice. Would we even be having this conversation if things had worked out? Would you even care about the child you abandoned?”

  “Hell, Brooke, be reasonable. I didn’t know you were going to have my child.”

  “That might be true, but you were having an affair behind my back and you managed to get another woman pregnant while you were married to me.”

  “I know. I made a mistake.”

  “You slept with both of us at the same time. That makes you a snake in my book. I don’t want you anywhere near Leah, ever.”

  “You’re hurt and angry.”

  “Damn right I am. But I’m over you and moving on with my life. I want you off my porch right now. If you want to talk to me, call me. You’re not coming into my home.”

  With that, Brooke slammed the door in his face and bolted it shut.

  She waited and it was several minutes before she heard him get into his car and pull away. She stood there shaking and wishing this were all a bad dream. She had trouble fusing her thoughts together, trying to make sense of what just happened. She still didn’t know how he’d found out about Leah or how he knew how to find her.

  Thankfully, Leah went down for her nap without a fuss and she’d just walked out of the downstairs bedroom when another knock came at her door. She nearly jumped out of her skin. She moved to the parlor window, carefully parted the sheer draperies and peered out. Relief seeped in when she saw a woman on her porch.

  Brooke opened the door and found Molly’s smiling face. She hadn’t changed much over the years. Her hair was a darker shade of auburn and she wore it shorter in a stylish cut. “It’s good to see you, Brooke. You look exactly the same.”

  “Molly, come in,” she said, trying to hold it together. “It’s good to see you, too.” A friendly face was exactly what she needed at the moment.

  They fell into a heartwarming embrace.

  Then Brooke broke down and cried.


  Brooke entered the Carlino home a little later than usual that afternoon, her routine disrupted by seeing her ex and the implications that involved. Thankfully, Molly had been as sweet as ever and lent an ear to her troubles. Just having someone listen, just being able to open up to a friend, made her situation seem more than hopeless. They’d spent the better part of the afternoon talking and catching up. Brooke hadn’t had this type of outlet in a long time and it felt good. She had her mother to talk to, but her mother had had enough grief in her life and had finally found happiness. The last thing Brooke wanted to do was burden her with her troubles. So Molly’s timing today had been perfect. Brooke didn’t know how she would have made it through the day without her.

  Now, at the Carlino house without Molly’s strong shoulder to lean on, Brooke’s fears returned and a knot twisted in her stomach. All she could think about was seeing Dan’s angry face. What would he do? She’d literally kicked him off her property and she knew he wouldn’t let it go. He’d be back. Deep in thought and worried to death, she cooked the meal quickly and didn’t say much to Nick all throughout dinner. She couldn’t eat a thing and he asked her three times if anything was wrong, but she denied there was and rushed out of the kitchen and away from him as soon as she could.

  Of all nights for Leah to go to sleep early, tonight wasn’t the night. Brooke wanted to hold her and play their silly little games and read her a story, keeping her close and feeding off the love they had for each other. Instead, she sat on her bed and watched Leah sleep, worried about her future. When Brooke laid her head down and tried to sleep, old haunting feelings of betrayal, of not being good enough for Dan, of hating him and what he’d done to her, came rushing forth. Her thoughts wouldn’t go away, they wouldn’t give her peace.

  Tears streamed down her face, as Molly’s wo
rds came back to her. “You’ve come so far, Brooke.” And she had. She wasn’t the wilting wallflower from the wrong side of the tracks anymore. It wasn’t her, but Dan, who’d done wrong. She shouldn’t be torturing herself like this. She deserved better. She deserved more.

  She heard footsteps going down the hallway and Nick’s bedroom door closing shut.

  She was through denying that the more she wanted was Nick.

  He’d given her an open invitation to join him in bed.

  He was the balm she needed to soothe her restlessness.

  And why not? They were two consenting adults and he’d made it clear that he wanted her with no strings attached. Her life was complicated enough—she didn’t want strings either. He was leaving the country soon and that would ensure no complications.

  “He’s just down the hall,” she whispered into the darkness and rose from the bed. She dressed in a sheer white summer nightie, checked on Leah, who was still sound asleep and tiptoed downstairs. Her bravado needed a little help. She grabbed a bottle of fine Carlino merlot and two goblets and went back up.

  Behind Nick’s door, she heard the television. She knocked and didn’t bother to wait for him to answer. She slowly pushed open the door.

  Nick gazed at her from his bed. He clicked off the TV. “Brooke, is something wrong?”

  This was Nick Carlino, the boy she’d once loved, the boy she had wanted to claim her virginity. It was too late for that, but she’d never stopped wondering about Nick. She’d dreamt about this moment so many times through the years that she had trouble believing she was actually standing here, offering herself to him. “You said sex can be simple.”

  Nick peered at her with assessing eyes, his gaze flowing over her lacy white gown that bared more cleavage and leg than she’d ever let him see before.

  He stood up. “It can be.”

  He looked like sex personified in a pair of jeans and nothing else. His body tight and muscled, his skin a golden bronze. Brooke wondered how she’d been able to stay away from him so long.

  “I need simple, Nick. With you.”

  He walked over to her and took the wine bottle from her hand. “You want to tell me what changed your mind?”

  She closed her eyes. “No.”

  “You really want wine right now?”


  He set the wine bottle down and then the glasses. “I’ve been waiting for you,” he said softly, then took her into his arms, bringing her in close. Their bodies meshed perfectly and she ran her fingers across his chest, stroking him before he had a chance to kiss her. She heard his intake of breath.

  “It’s a long time coming, honey.” Then he bent his head and brushed his lips to hers gently, teasing, stroking her lips with his tongue until she whimpered his name.

  His kiss went deeper and deeper until they simultaneously mated tongues, the potent sensation sweeping them both up into a hot raging storm of desire. Nick cupped her neck and angled her head to take her fully then he wove his fingers into her hair and muttered quiet oaths between kisses that only spurred her passion further.

  He moved his lips lower, to her throat and down her shoulders, planting moist delicious kisses there, his hands riding up and down her sides. She arched for him and he didn’t bother getting tangled up in her nightgown, he removed it with one quick yank of the spaghetti straps down her shoulders. The garment slowly dropped down her legs to the floor.

  Her breasts sprung out—now her tiny white thong was all that was left on her body. Nick’s gaze filled with lust and admiration. “No more mommy clothes.”

  Throaty laughter spilled out. “Not tonight.”

  Nick cupped her breasts and stroked with nimble fingers, driving her completely insane. He whispered, “I don’t care what you say, those clothes are still a turn-on.”

  “Are you saying I turn you on, night and day?”

  “Pretty much.” He bent his head and kissed one breast, then the other. “Whatever brought you here, I’m damn glad.” He cupped her behind and pressed her belly to his erection.

  “I see how glad you are.”

  He groaned when she rubbed harder against him.

  “Don’t tease me, Brooke.”

  “Why,” she said breathlessly. “What will you do?”

  He grinned wickedly then picked her up and lifted her until she was over the bed. “This.” He dropped her a few inches and she bounced once, before settling in. He didn’t give her time to react, joining her on the bed, covering her with his body.

  “You feel good.”

  The heat of his gaze and the hungry look in his eyes told her playtime was over. Her throat constricted and she managed, “So do you, Nick.”

  She wove her hands into his hair, threading her fingers through the dark locks, gazing into his eyes, then lifted up to brush a quick kiss to his lips. He lowered her down and pinned her hands above her head, then proceeded to make love to her body with his mouth. She was trapped by his hold, but more by the way he touched and caressed every inch of her. Little moans escaped her throat as she closed off her mind to everything but the pleasure Nick gave her.

  Nick released her hands then lowered himself down on the bed, and kneeled before her. He lifted her legs and pressed his hand to her core, the heat of his palm creating hot moist tingles of excitement. He rubbed his palm over her several times then angled his head and brought his mouth to her.

  She arched and gave him access, feeling every kiss, every stroke of his tongue in her most sensitized spot. The pleasure was exquisite and torturous and Brooke thrashed her head back and forth, absorbing the sensations whipping through her.

  Pressure built quickly and she panted out breaths, the tension almost too much to bear.

  Nick released her then and lay beside her, unsnapping his jeans. “Let me,” she whispered, turning toward him and lowering his zipper. She helped him out of his jeans and then took his manhood in her hands, stroking him lightly.

  “You’re wicked cruel,” Nick said with a smile.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He lay back, taking heavy breaths as she continued to stroke him, his erection thick in her hands. She felt so free and open with Nick, the final culmination of years of wondering and dreaming about this night that she wouldn’t hold back.

  Tonight was all about sex and she couldn’t think of a better partner than deadly handsome, dangerous Nick Carlino.

  Brooke could be dangerous too and she was about to show him how much. She slid her hand up and down his length, enjoying the contrast of hard muscle against silken skin. He grew harder in her hands and when she rubbed her finger over the tip, a guttural groan emanated from his throat.

  A slim path of moonlight streamed into the room casting shadows on his perfect body. “I want you on top,” he demanded, his gaze burning hot.

  She gulped oxygen and waited while he took care of protection. Then he lifted her over him and she straddled his legs, her back arching slightly.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?”

  A charmer and a sweet-talker, Brooke often didn’t take Nick seriously, but there was a rich sincere tone to his voice now and even though she didn’t think her body was beautiful, not after stretch marks and breasts that had lost their ripeness, she peered into his half-lidded, sex-hazy eyes and saw that he believed it.

  He took her hips in his big hands and guided her down. She felt the initial touch of his penis and a dam of desire broke as her body opened for him. She lowered down a little more, taking him in slowly, deliberately, absorbing the feel of him inside her.

  She closed her eyes to feel the height of every sensation. It was sheer heaven. She’d gone so long without this natural act. At this time in her life, she needed Nick and the sexual satisfaction he could provide for her.

  Nick moved his hips and thrust into her, testing her and tempting her to take all of him. She complied easily, her body moist and ready to accommodate his needs. She sunk down deeper and through the
dim light, she witnessed his expression change. He whispered words of encouragement as she moved on him, up and down, each intense thrust bringing her closer to the brink of fulfillment.

  Nick lifted up and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as she moved on him. He cupped her derriere and brought his mouth to hers, slanting fiery hot kisses over her lips. She was ready, so ready.

  “Together,” he said, between kisses. “We’re doing this together.”

  Brooke understood and when Nick rolled her onto her back, she accommodated his full weight. He adjusted his position and took control. He fondled her breasts as he kissed her, driving her nearly insane. His thrusts were powerful and deliberate, each one meant to arouse and tease until she couldn’t hold back her release. Her breaths came fast and hard. Nick was relentless, his body covering hers. She held him around the neck as he drove his thrusts home.

  Hot waves swirled and electric jolts coursed through her body. She cried out with little moans, her face contorting as she took on the extreme, heady pleasure. Their release erupted, shattered and consumed. Just as he’d promised, they came at the same time and the notion left her with a breathless smile.

  Nick lowered his body down and she breathed in the scent of man and musk and sex. He stroked her face gently and kissed her again before moving off her to roll onto his back. “That might have been worth the wait.”

  Brooke chuckled. “It’s only been a few weeks.”

  Nick moved onto his side and with a finger to her chin turned her face to his. “More like thirteen years.”

  Her throat tightened and she tried to make light of it. “Ancient history.”

  “I wanted you back then, Brooke. I know you don’t believe it, but it’s true.”

  Brooke didn’t believe it. “Let’s not talk about the past.”

  Nick bent his head to kiss her lightly. “Okay, let’s talk about how amazing you are.”

  The compliment made her uneasy. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  Nick remained silent and Brooke realized that she had really stepped into it now. Her obvious attempt at humor failed.


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