Book Read Free

Act IX

Page 32

by Alexander Gordon

  “You are a monster, Daniel. To be able to give us all so much like that, and still keep going. You’re not normal either.”

  “Maybe not,” Daniel reasoned with a shrug. “Maybe I am a monster in my own way. Still, that just means I can satisfy all my mates, something I’m glad for.”

  Turning his eyes to Squeak he smiled hungrily, causing the ant girl to lean back with a timid smile of her own. Crawling towards the girl he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer, the girl squeaking in surprise as she was dragged over on her side while Daniel moved closer and leaned over her.

  “Speaking of which,” Daniel mused over the blushing ant girl. “It’s your turn now, Squeak.”

  “Daniel, she’ll become a queen,” Triska mentioned with a careful glance to her co-mate. “If you knock her up she’ll become a queen for a new nest. She won’t be able to move around much anymore, her job will be to give birth to many workers for her nest. That means you’re going to have to really keep giving it to her for her nest to thrive. Are you sure you’re ready for that responsibility?”

  “You’re right,” Daniel mused as he gently caressed Squeak’s cheek. “If she gets pregnant things will drastically change for her. She’ll become something entirely new, and have a great duty that can’t be ignored.”

  Squeak showed a curious expression as Daniel appeared to gaze at her as if admiring every part of her face.

  “I suppose it’s up to her. If she’s ready for that change, to bring into this world a new nest of ant girls who won’t be lustful creatures feared by mankind, and willing to trust me to give her a family and help her raise it, then I’m ready to take responsibility and take care of her forever.”

  Squeak instantly responded by spreading her legs wide, lifting one up over Daniel and the other off to the side. Daniel chuckled a little as the ant girl watched him with eager eyes and twitching antennae while Triska giggled at the sight.

  “There was no hesitation there whatsoever,” Triska commented.

  “You never do say no to me, do you?” Daniel jested, with Squeak shaking her head and squeaking to that.

  “She always treats you like her king,” Triska mused.

  Daniel held Squeak’s cheek as he took in the beauty of his mate, not by her statuesque figure which she was blatantly presenting him, but by the look in her eyes and how she smiled at him from his mere touch.

  “Then it’s time I treated her like the queen she is,” Daniel concluded, then gently pushed himself into the ant girl. She squeaked loudly at first then again and again each time he proceeded to thrust into her, her breasts rocking back and forth as she gripped the bed beside her head.

  “I love you, Squeak,” Daniel promised before leaning down and kissing her. The euphoric kick of her saliva hit him like a wave, however this time he focused on staying in control of his senses and enjoying every moment he had with his ant girl. The star in his mind resembling her love for him burned brighter and brighter with each motion he made, something he knew would become even more powerful from what he was planning to do with his mate.

  Leaning back from the kiss he blinked a few times to clear his vision then noticed Squeak watching him with a loving gaze, her eyes locked onto him constantly as he moved in and out of her. Although she was showing her excitement from making love with her mate by how wet and tight she was getting, her expression showed what he had always believed in when it came to his mates. She wasn’t running on sheer lust with him, wasn’t letting her emotions dictate how to act. She was in control, and enjoying every second of mating with Daniel because she genuinely loved him.

  “You’re one-of-a-kind, Squeak. I’m so lucky to have you.”

  Squeak blushed and squeaked at him before sighing softly and relaxing her body, her leg dropping down over his back and holding him close as he continued to thrust into her with steady rhythm. Daniel gave her abdomen a light scratch, causing the girl to squeak loudly and shiver in delight, before winking at Triska who was watching the sight with a loving smile.

  “You’re one-of-a-kind, Daniel,” she corrected. “And it’s we who are lucky to have you.”


  It was dark out under the night sky, streetlamps and wildfires burning within surrounding buildings casting the town into a crimson haze with smoke billowing all about. The smell of ash and blood filled the air, sounds of screaming and panic from humans echoing through the streets, chaos and death filling the once peaceful settlement after it had come under sudden attack. All throughout the town shadows of people running about in terror could be seen rising against the walls and buildings from the fires, fighters and villagers both being swiftly struck down by a moving blur that vanished and reappeared relentlessly among them. Blood flew into the air from slick swipes made by two serrated daggers, the attacker slicing throats and piercing hearts with the blades all while moving by so quickly that nobody could make out who was doing the slaying before being struck down themselves.


  “It’s monsters! It has to be!”

  “Where are they?”


  Body after body fell, dropping onto the street with blood soaking the cobblestones beneath them. Windows broke apart with screams sounding off within buildings, showing the humans weren’t safe anywhere within their once secure town. Both men and women were slain, all being dispatched by a blur seen only out of the corner of one’s eyes, all being sent to the underworld without warning or even an explanation as to why they were being targeted.

  Among the terrified humans a young teenage girl was leading her little brother through the alleyways in haste, both having blood adorning their clothing that once belonged to their parents. The boy cried while his sister led him through the darkened walkways by the hand, the girl sobbing while frantically looking around for the monster she feared was chasing them still.

  “Run, Timothy! Run!”

  “Mama! Papa!”

  The two raced through the alley and came up to a street before the sister quickly pushed her brother aside against the wall, clasping a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet as they both stared in fright at seeing people dying before them. A man screamed as a dagger struck into his heart before the assailant appeared to instantly jump over and slice a woman’s throat with a vicious swipe. Again and again the moving blur hopped about to strike down all the people in the road in a matter of seconds, all while the young girl and her brother kept close to the wall in the shadows as they trembled in fright.

  “What is that thing?” the girl whimpered.

  “It killed mama and papa,” the boy whined into her hand.

  Suddenly the figure appeared before the kids, both of them dropping back with a gasp and staring up at the attacker with wide eyes. Smoke and haze flowed through the air, cinders glowing in the wind from the burning fires, and the children’s screams of horror echoed into the sky as the attacker slowly advanced on them.

  “What are you?” the girl cried out.

  “Go away!” the boy screamed burying his face into her side.

  The attacker held up a dagger and tilted it slightly, examining its steel and blood dripping from the teeth, then slowly turned its gaze down onto the children cowering on the ground. As the humans stared in fright at the one who was seconds away from ending their lives the dagger gave a fleeting glimpse of its wielder against the steel before being obscured in a deep red from the light of a nearby fire, the monster who was solely responsible for the town’s entire extermination in one night.

  “Star?” Specca spoke up, snapping the jinx from her daydream and gaining her attention. Looking around Star saw everyone nearby watching her as she sat in the back of the group against a bookcase.

  “Why are you crying?” Luna worried.

  Star blinked then felt her cheeks, realizing there were tears on them and dropping from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and shook her head with a weak smile, meowing a few times as if dismissing it while the others watched her curiously.

  “Are you alright, Star?” Specca wondered.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Falla asked. “This isn’t a sad story Specca’s reading.”

  Star meowed and shook her head, the others seeing her trying to say something in her own tongue before she weakly laughed and looked down with a shaky smile.

  “Maybe she doesn’t like the story,” Pip guessed with a shrug.

  “I like it,” Cindy said raising her hand. “Keep reading. I want to hear more. Right now. I want to hear what happens next.”

  “Alright, alright,” Specca reassured looking back and finding her place again. “Now let’s see, where was I?”

  As she continued reading the story, with Cindy, Luna, and Pip staring at her with eyes of wonder, Falla was watching Star out of the corner of her eye. She saw the jinx wiping her tears away then keeping her gaze locked down at the floor, her breathing quiet yet seeming shaky as something was clearly upsetting her.

  ‘I have no idea what she said just now, but it’s obvious she was lying about whatever it was. I could tell even though I didn’t understand her words.’

  Specca read page after page from the book, holding the interest of the three girls sitting before her unquestionably, while Falla and Star seemed far more disinterested in the tale as they sat further away. After having gone through half the story Specca turned another page then stopped as something caught her eye.

  “Oh, you’re all back,” she said, with the girls turning to see Triska, Alyssa, and Squeak walking around a bookcase and heading towards them. The three girls had serene smiles on their faces while they walked a little off-balance, all seeming to be in a daze still and deeply focused on something else.

  “What happened?” Falla asked. “Everything okay?”

  “Oh yes,” Alyssa softly answered as the three girls walked over to them and glanced to each other with warm smiles.

  “Did you get spanked like a bad girl?” Cindy snickered pointing at Triska.

  “Oh yes,” Triska purred. “Daniel really let me have it.”

  “Me too,” Alyssa added. “He gave it to me a lot also.”

  Squeak nodded with a simple squeak.

  “He really did that to all of you?” Luna worried. “How come?”

  “We had it coming,” Alyssa replied with a small shrug.

  “And now it’s your turn,” Triska said with an accusing smile at Specca. The nixie jumped with a squeak as the cambion pointed to her. “Let’s go, Specca. Daniel wants a word with you as well.”

  “You too, Luna,” Alyssa mentioned with a smirk at the butterfly girl.

  Squeak pointed to Falla and squeaked something before waving her over.

  “Wait, me too?” Specca nervously stuttered.

  “He’s going to punish me now?” Luna worried holding her rear. “What did I do wrong?”

  “How come we’re all in trouble?” Falla barked out. “Triska’s the one who kept yelling at Cindy, not us.”

  “Wow, you’re all bad girls?” Cindy wondered looking around at them.

  Star meowed in puzzlement and tilted her head as she questioned what all the girls could have done to be in trouble with Daniel.

  “Let’s go, Specca,” Triska ordered again.

  “Wait, I didn’t do anything bad,” Specca pleaded. “I was reading a story to Cindy just like he asked of me, I was doing as I was told. There must be some mistake.”

  “I’m sorry for whatever I did,” Luna whimpered scooting away. “Please, I didn’t mean it. I think.”

  “C’mon, we were being good here,” Falla insisted shaking her head. “Daniel has no reason to want to punish us. You’re lying, you can’t fool me that easily.”

  “Daniel said to bring you three to him right now, so you could all get the same thing we did,” Alyssa told her, with Falla staring at her in shock.

  “Falla? Is she lying?” Luna nervously asked.

  “She has to be, that doesn’t sound like something Daniel would say for no reason,” Specca shakily claimed.

  “She’s telling the truth,” Falla softly said, with Luna and Specca turning to her in surprise. “Daniel really did say that.”

  “You’re all bad girls too!” Cindy declared pointing around at them. “You’re all getting punished! Haha!”

  “They are?” Pip wondered scratching her head. “I didn’t know that. How come you’re all bad girls now? What did you do?”

  “I have no idea,” Falla fretted holding her head. “Why is he mad at me? What did I do wrong?”

  “I’m sorry,” Luna sobbed hopping up and down. “I really am. I want to be a good girl, I really do.”

  “But- but- but,” Specca stuttered before showing a nervous smile at Triska. “But I can’t leave now, I’m reading Cindy a story by his request. And she’s loving it so much, it would make her sad if I were to leave right in the middle of telling it. I simply can’t let our newest friend down by stopping at such a crucial point in the story.”

  From beside her Doku weakly groaned and slowly sat up, the harpy finally coming to her senses with her leg twitching slightly.

  “Wha… what happened?” she wearily asked looking around with eyes again hidden behind her bangs.

  “Doku, you’re awake,” Luna said curiously.

  “Are you alright now?” Falla cautiously asked.

  “She’s not going to be loud again, is she?” Cindy worried while slouching back.

  “Doku?” Triska asked with a raised eyebrow.

  The harpy slowly looked around at the girls for a moment then jumped with a squeak before cowering behind her wings and trembling nervously.

  “I’m so sorry!” she softly pleaded. “Please, I didn’t mean what I- that was all just- I didn’t realize I- oh please forgive me! I’m so sorry!”

  “What in Eden happened to you, Doku?” Specca asked with genuine concern.

  “A very good question,” Triska agreed before grabbing Specca and pulling her up to her feet. “But for now that’s going to have to wait. You girls are coming with us.”

  “Wait!” Specca pleaded while weakly thrashing about in her grip. “We need to understand what happened with Doku. She clearly wasn’t thinking straight and something had to have- Doku, explain yourself this instant! Spare no details, I want to hear everything!”

  “Enough!” Triska shouted, with Cindy and all the girls jumping in response. “Specca, you will get your ass over to Daniel right now and accept what’s coming your way, or else I’m going to punish you for making him wait.”

  “But… Triska,” Specca whimpered.

  “Get up, Luna,” Alyssa ordered, with Luna quickly hopping to her feet while holding her rear.

  Squeak snapped her fingers and pointed down at her side. Falla gulped then slowly stood up and walked over to her with a timid expression on her face.

  “Wait, what’s going on here?” Doku asked as she realized she was being ignored.

  “Doku, could you please continue reading Cindy her story?” Triska kindly asked, taking the book from her trembling co-mate and handing it over to the harpy. “Specca and the girls need to come with us for a while.”

  “Um… read her a story?” Doku slowly replied.

  “Yes. You can explain yourself later to all of us, we’re eager to hear what the hell happened to you earlier. But for now please do this as a way of apologizing for your behavior. Cindy, Pip, and Star need to remain here while the rest come with us. You can handle watching over them, can’t you?”

  “Well… alright. I’ll certainly try,” Doku unsurely answered as she took the book with her foot.

  “But wait!” Specca begged as Triska began to drag her away. “I need to find out what happened to Doku! And we’re coming up to an important part in the story, I need to read it to Cindy! I need to read it to her like Daniel asked! Please, Triska!”

  “Let’s go,” Alyssa ordered waving her hand and snapping her fingers after the cambion. Luna nodded slowly and followed her out with a saddened frown on her
face while Squeak guided a pouting Falla after them. The girls all left the library while Star, Cindy, and Pip looked to each other curiously then to Doku as she seemed lost as well. The harpy looked to the book she was holding then to Cindy, pausing for a moment before sitting down with a perplexed look on her face.

  “I guess… I’ll continue reading the story to you girls,” she reasoned with a shrug. Holding the book open with her foot she tilted her head and eyed over the pages before looking at Cindy questionably. “Um, I’m sorry, but, what part did she leave off at?”

  “The part about the stuff with the things and stuff!” Cindy cheered.

  “Yeah, that part!” Pip agreed with a tiny hop in the air.

  Doku merely stared at them for a moment then turned her head towards Star, the jinx shrugging with a meow.

  “Oh… alright then,” Doku slowly replied looking back to the book.


  In the darkened tunnel Kroanette was trembling with shaky feet and a nervously wagging tail. The torch she was holding burned softly as it was close to going out, while beside her atop the carriage Clover was growling with frustration and tightly gripping hands on the reins. Lucky neighed and bucked about as yet another eruption sounded off nearby, causing Kroanette to jump with a fearful whine and Clover to grow even more irritated about their situation.

  “We’re going to be buried down here,” Kroanette whimpered. “There’s no way out. We’re going to be crushed when the ceiling finally drops down on us.”

  “No way,” Clover growled through her teeth. “It is not ending like this. Not a fucking chance in hell. I’m not losing anyone else I love. I won’t fucking allow it.”

  Kroanette looked to the elf curiously as Clover seemed far angrier than ever before.

  “I finally found someone to be with, a real man I could have as my mate in life. I have a family. I have those who care about me and dammit I care about them too. I’m not going to lose all that just because Eden itself is a fucking cunt and wants to bury me alive!”


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