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Page 14

by Alexandria Hunt

  I tried Ryder’s name a few times, hoping I could manifest my lover with strong intent. That apparently only worked in movies, though, afterwards I was still along. With no other choice, I chose the direction they came from, and started hobbling.

  It was slow progress; I had to stop often to give my leg a rest every so often. I didn’t think it was broken, but I definitely had a bad sprain. I tried singing to myself to pass the time, but ended up feeling even worse when I forgot the words to all my favorite songs.

  I thought about using my phone for music, but decided against it to conserve the battery. I did look at it often, hoping for even a single bar each time but there was nothing.

  An hour and a half passed and I realized I probably hadn’t even made it a mile yet. The pain was getting worse and my ankle was starting to swell badly.

  I stopped short, listening carefully. I thought I had heard a noise and called Wyatt’s name. I heard an answer and felt elation that I would be saved. I started to hobble towards the sound, but the pain stopped me. I waited for the rider, my savior, to appear.

  My heart sunk when he came into view. I was the creepy cowboy. He even rode like a creep, and the thought of getting up behind him and having to hang on made me shudder.

  “Looks like you’re in a bit of trouble,” he leered at me, his grin showing his tobacco-stained teeth. He turned and spit some chew and got off his horse.

  “I’m okay, I just twisted my ankle. Maybe if I could ride your horse out, I could send somebody back here for you,” I said hopefully.

  “You gotta be fucking stupid to think I’d fall for that. Besides, my horse won’t let nobody ride her but me,” he sneered.

  “How about I get on and you lead me out then?” I asked in desperation.

  “That’ll take too long, don’t be a fool. I’ll help you get on, then climb up and you can hang onto me,” he said and slid his tongue out along his lips at this thought.

  I shuddered but could see no other option. I thought about any possible scenarios, but I didn’t trust him to go back to the ranch and tell them where I was. He seemed to be my only hope. I sighed and said, “Okay, I guess.” I hobbled towards him and he reached for me, hands encircling my waist suddenly, so I pulled away.

  “Hey! I got this, I can get on,” I barked.

  “How about I help you get off?” He snickered at his own bad pun.

  “Seriously, get out of my way and let me climb up,” I felt indignant at his touch.

  He grabbed me quickly then, his foot came down and he bumped my swollen ankle with the pointed toe of his boot. I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but the pain made me double over as I grabbed my swollen leg.

  “Oh yeah, that’s how I like to see bitches like you,” he said, huffing and puffing now with effort and arousal. He sounded like a pug dog on a hot day but I couldn’t seem to break free of his grip, I was so unbalanced.

  “I think we should fool around a little before we head back, you gotta be nice to me to ride,” he panted, grabbed his crotch and laughed again, that fat pug laugh.

  “Fuck off, asshole,” I yelled at him, rage and pain spurring me on.

  He slapped my face hard then, my head jerked back and he grabbed my jacket. He yanked me towards him and grabbed one of my breasts, twisting it hard through the layers of material. I winced and tried harder to pull away. He grabbed my ponytail and dragged my face towards his.

  I was crying now, telling him, “No, no,” over and over. In desperation as his wet, fat lips got closer to hers I sobbed, “Ryder!” and closed my eyes tight.

  I felt the creep jerk away from me and opened my eyes in surprise. Ryder stood in front of me and creepy cowboy was lying on the ground, a shocked look of fear replacing his sneer.

  “Oh my god Ryder! He was going to... he wanted to...” I couldn’t finish my sentence; I broke down and collapsed to the ground. Ryder stood over creepy cowboy and pulled him up again. He held creepy’s jacket with one hand and started to pummel his frightened face with the other. Creepy started yelling, “She came on to me! She was asking for it! I didn’t know she was with you!”

  “You fucking liar,” Ryder growled, slammed his fist into creepy’s face and let him drop. Creepy curled into a fetal position and groaned.

  Ryder turned to me, dropped to his knees and cradled me gently against him. “Did he hurt you darlin’? Are you okay?” His voice almost cracked with emotion and fear.

  “You saved me Ryder,” I said and laughed. “I called you and you came. I hurt my ankle coming off the horse, but you got here before he could do anything.”

  Ryder looked over at the cowering cowboy and said, “If I ever see your face on our property again, I will make sure nobody finds the body.”

  “But what about my pay?” creepy asked with a whine from the ground.

  “You’re lucky you’re getting out of here alive, you bastard,” Ryder snarled and creepy fell back down in fear.

  Ryder gently helped me onto his horse and swung up onto creepy’s.

  “Hey! You can’t take her, that’s my horse,” creepy protested.

  “Fuck you, you can walk back,” Ryder growled. He grabbed the reins and led me out of the forest and back into the pasture.

  After a few moments I said, “Ryder, wait, stop please.” He pulled up and rode back to face me. “I just need a minute, I feel dizzy.”

  “I’m sorry Alex, I didn’t even think about you I was so angry. Do you want to climb in front of me?” he asked tenderly.

  I started to cry again, tired small tears that squeezed out the sides of my eyes. I hated crying, hated how red and messy it made me look.

  Ryder lifted his finger and traced the line of a tear up my face. He reached over and lifted me to him, letting the creepy cowboy’s horse go. He settled me in front of him and we started to ride.

  He pulled me tight with one hand and kept the reins in the other. I held onto the saddle horn and let the dizziness pass. My heart stopped pounding with fear, and I slowly started to feel normal again.

  The rocking motion of the horse’s stride caused Ryder’s cock to rub up against me from behind. I could feel it growing as we headed back across the pasture.

  I settled into it, the hardness pressing against me, rocking back and forth. I arched my back slightly, pushing myself against him and heard his sharp intake of breath. I felt myself grow hot and wet with the anticipation of him sliding deep inside of me when we were alone.

  My ankle was soon forgotten as I reached behind me and laid my hand on his bulge. He pulled his horse to a stop, lifted me and I turned around in the saddle. He began to kiss my face, kiss the tracks of my salty tears, and said, “I was so worried when I got to the ranch and found out you were gone. Mom’s mare showed up in the yard covered in lather and dragging only one rein. I didn’t know what to do, I just knew I had to find you.”

  “You did find me Ryder, it’s okay, you saved me. If you hadn’t shown up just then...” I let the thought fall into the air between us, unspoken. I shivered and laid my head on his chest. “I just thank whatever it was that lead you to me,” I added.

  “I’ll always find you Alex, I promise you that,” he said with his voice thick and emotional. I tilted my face up to meet his lips and he kissed me deeply in the middle of the open field, under the big sky and drifting sun.


  I arrived at his parent’s place for lunch with Alex as usual but today I was later because of the cattle-sorting going on. I got out of the truck and noticed quite a crowd had gathered near the front steps of the main house. I thought most everybody would still be out on the drive and only Alex’s group was expected to return because they were taking a shorter trip. My father strode towards me, a concerned frown on his face and my heart dropped as I scanned the group for Alex.

  “She didn’t come back, son,” Dad said. “Wyatt got a few of his crew out looking for her so she’s in good hands,”

  “What happened?” I asked and walked towards Wyatt, my fa
ce stony with anger. “Where is she? What did you do to her?” I was standing over Wyatt, my hands fisted at my sides and my teeth clenched together.

  “Her mare spooked, they’re both gone,” the younger man said, looking around for backup.

  “Where were they?” I demanded.

  “We were headed up to the north pasture. One of the steers spooked the mare, Alex tried her best but the horse got her head and took off,” Wyatt explained but it didn’t make me feel any better about the situation. Rage flooded my body and I felt the urge to hit something or someone.

  “Which direction?” I asked.

  “Almost at the end of the middle pasture. They headed northwest, towards the tree line,” Wyatt replied, his eyes downcast and his voice contrite. I knew it wasn’t his fault, but I wasn’t in any mood to soothe his guilt.

  I heard a commotion in the crowd and people parted, letting Mom’s horse come skidding in, wild eyed, foaming with sweat and dragging one rein on the ground with the other hanging broken.

  “I need my horse! I need to find her!” I barked and ran to the barn to saddle up. Within minutes I was on my old gelding and running breakneck across the land to find my Alex. I couldn’t imagine what had happened to her out there, and it sickened me to think of her alone, afraid, hurt… or even worse.

  I found the spot where the steer charged; I could see the disturbance in the grass to indicate there had been a scuffle.

  Following the mare’s tracks was fairly easy; she seemed to make a straight run for the main house. She wasn’t a bad horse, but if Alex was lost or injured beyond repair, the mare would be getting shipped for meat as soon as I got back.

  I could see where Wyatt’s crew had searched, and found one set of tracks leading off into the tree line, as Wyatt had described. There was nothing coming out, so I decided to follow them in.

  A few minutes went by when my horse pricked his ears forward. I pulled him to a stop and listened carefully but could only hear birdsong and the wind gently rushing through the treetops.

  I was about to kick my horse ahead when I heard it, a small cry on the wind. It was Alex, I was sure of it but I couldn’t tell which direction it came from. I called her name, once, quickly, and then listened again.

  I heard another cry, maybe a scream, I wasn’t sure but I kicked my horse and headed in the direction I thought it was coming from.

  Less than five minutes into the deeper woods, I saw something moving beyond the thick spruce trees. I looked like a horse, so I climbed off my gelding as not to spook the animal, and heard another yell but this time I knew it was Alex. I ran ahead, leaving the gelding tied behind me. I heard her sob my name as I pushed through a rough thicket of willows.

  I immediately saw red. Rage, hot and red flared behind my eyes and colored the world with my anger.

  Alex was struggling with a middle aged greasy hired hand; he had her jacket in his hand and was trying to force himself on my girl. I didn’t think, I simply reacted. I pulled back and swung as hard as I could at the greasy hand’s face. The guy never saw it coming, he flew backwards away from Alex as I leapt on him, smashing him with my fists until the attacker was curled up, hands over his head, whimpering.

  As my rage receded I realized I hadn’t checked on Alex. I turned to her, saw her tear-stained, exhausted face and almost crumbled at the sight. I folded my arms around her and swore I’d never let her go.


  By the time we reached the main ranch house, a large crowd had gathered in front of it. They started to clap when they saw us riding in and I felt a little embarrassed at the attention I was getting. Mom and Dad ran out to us as Ryder helped me dismount.

  “We were so scared you were hurt,” Mom said and helped me limp towards the house.

  “I’m okay, Ryder showed up just in time,” I replied, just so happy to be safe and sound.

  “What do you mean just in time? What happened?” Dad demanded, his voice full of anger and concern, that special combination only a father can manage.

  “She was attacked by Ron, that cowhand you hired from out west,” Ryder said, looking at his father. “I already worked him over, but if you see him come around here again, let me know. I don’t want him within five hundred miles of Alex after what I saw. The man is a predator and should be put down like one.”

  “I agree,” my dad said, and Ryder’s father also nodded his approval, everyone else joined in agreement with nods and yups.

  I couldn’t help but think back to how much I’d once wanted my independence and how hard I’d fought to stand alone. It felt foreign to me to have such support from so many people, some of them I didn’t even know. I felt warmed by the attention and wondered what the hell I’d ever been running from.

  Certainly not feeling this loved.

  I stopped my planting and looked towards the deck where Ryder was relaxing with a paper, enjoying the noonday sun. The past two weeks had raced past, days spent pouring through the ranch paperwork, and nights spent in Ryder’s embrace. My ankle had recovered with Ryder’s loving attention, although I’d laughed the first time he wrapped it after getting home from the hospital. I’d felt a little like one of his animal patients.

  The creepy cowboy had not been back to Red Rock Ranch since the incident, his horse had been found wandering in the cow pasture, but he was nowhere to be seen. Rumor had it that he had ended up a few towns away working for a bucking horse outfit. I was just happy to know he was long gone, and Ryder would keep him away if he did show his face again.

  I dug my hands into the soil and felt the coolness of the earth envelope them. I made a small hole and pushed the tomato plant into it, patting the soil back around to protect the delicate roots.

  It was late May and I looked forward to tending this patch all summer and enjoying the satisfaction of making something out of nothing.

  I rolled back onto my knees and smiled. I could feel a slight breeze blowing my hair, I heard birds in the trees and saw Ryder relaxing, my life once again felt like a cliché, but this time I felt peace.

  “Ryder darling, we should get ready for dinner with your parents soon,” I said as I stood and brushed dirt off my knees.

  “It is that time, I suppose,” he said, “And here I was spending the afternoon pretending to read the paper so I could watch your sexy ass wiggle as you dug in the dirt.”

  “You’re incorrigible, cowboy,” I laughed and walked up to join him on the deck.

  “Only around you, darlin’,” he said and smacked my ass and pulled me close for a kiss.

  We generally had dinner with Ryder’s parents on Sunday evening, and dinner with mine on Mondays. It wasn’t official yet, but I spent every night with Ryder and I had all my clothes in his closet and my toothbrush still in his bathroom. The other day while at lunch with Lee, I’d denied that we were living together though; I didn’t know why I still had the need for this defense.

  We went inside to get ready when I noticed the text light blinking on my phone. I picked it up and read, “Alex, I can’t stop thinking about you. What do I have to do to get a second chance? xoxox Andrew.”

  I froze for a moment, reread it and deleted it. The air suddenly felt too hot and stifling. I could hear Ryder upstairs in the shower, singing along to some song in his head, and felt the sudden urge to get in my car and keep driving.

  I realized that I was panicking at Andrew’s text, thought about my time with Ryder, his soft touches and easy laugh, and shook my head.

  Andrew was not going to drive me from Ryder’s arms, no matter what kind of game he was playing. I hadn’t heard from him for weeks now, what had prompted his sudden interest in me? I decided I didn’t care as long as he stayed away. I went upstairs, pulled off my clothes and climbed into the shower with Ryder.

  “Nice, I love a wet cowboy,” I said and playfully grabbed at his ass.

  “And I love a wet you,” he said as he pulled me in for a kiss. I slid my hands down his slippery body and cupped his cock. He was growing harde
r; he started rolling my nipple between his fingers and leaned down to suck it. I rubbed his shaft, it was getting stiffer with each tug and I could feel it growing in my hand. It always made me feel so powerful, commanding the body of a man like Ryder Harris.

  He picked me up and balanced me against the wall, hot water streaming down our bodies. I wrapped my legs around him and reached down to guide him into me. He started to thrust deep inside, holding me tightly against his body, kissing me as he moved rhythmically. I gripped his wet back, digging my fingernails in for support. The harder he pumped, the harder I had to hang on, I could feel him wince with the pain, but he kept thrusting himself upwards.

  My body loosened up, my pussy grew hotter as he filled me with his thick cock. I heard him say my name against my mouth, a muffled sound of love, my name spoken in the act of love.

  I bit his bottom lip and brought my hands up to weave them in his thick, wet hair. We kissed each other like starving people, our mouths hungrily covering each other as we reached our peak together.

  I cried out, a primal sound echoing in the shower, I was hoarse with my ragged breath, he pulled me down on his cock one last time as his cum shot up into my quivering body.

  I shuddered with the overpowering lust of it, buried my face in his neck and fell into the depths of pleasure, hot water spraying down on us. We stayed like that for a moment, inhaling the steamy scent of one another until at last I relaxed my legs and he slid me down to stand in front of him. He kissed me one more time and grabbed the shampoo.

  “Oh wow, my salon never offers this treatment,” I said and sighed as he massaged my head, washing my hair.

  “That’s good, I’d be kinda jealous if they did darlin’,” he said and kissed the tip of my nose.

  He rinsed my hair, I soaped him down and we cleaned each other off. We got out of the shower and he dried me off, running the towel all over me, slowly tracing the soft curves of my body.

  I looked down and noticed his erection poking through his own towel. “We’ll be late, we don’t have time for that,” I said, laughing. “You’d best put him away.”


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