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Space Team: Planet of the Japes

Page 26

by Barry J. Hutchison

  Occasionally, he stole a glance back over his shoulder at the large metal sphere that took up most of the ship’s interior. The cold radiated from it in waves, prickling the hairs at the back of his neck. He shivered, less with the chill than with the thrill of what was to come.

  They’d fallen for the fake ship. They’d brought the other ball to Zertex.

  Everything had gone to plan.

  And the plan was only just beginning.

  “We’ll have you out of there in no time, Mr Krone,” he promised, then he giggled like a space clown as his ship steamed onwards into the black.


  Hey, it’s you! Great to see you. You’ve made it to the end of another Space Team book. Well done.

  I’m assuming this isn’t the first one you’ve read – because what kind of weirdo would start a series at book seven, right?* – so I hope it has lived up to previous books in the series, despite being a ‘smaller’ story in a lot of ways. Certainly smaller than book six, with all its multi-verse spanning shenanigans.

  After book six, I didn’t feel going ‘bigger and more epic’ was the right move, and wanted to get back to the dynamic of having the team stuck together through most of the story, as I personally think that’s where the series is at its most fun. To be honest, I enjoy just hanging out with Cal and the guys at those points, listening in as they bicker and squabble, but knowing they’ll ultimately come together to save the day.

  Without giving too much away, though, things are going to get worse pretty quickly for Space Team, and the events of Japes will have far-reaching effects not just for the team, but the entire galaxy…

  Before the next Space Team book is published, though, there’ll be another Dan Deadman Space Detective novel to enjoy. Again, without giving too much away, you might want to be up to date with Dan’s adventures before the ninth Space Team book rolls around. Just sayin’.

  Before either of those, though, there will be a collection of Space Team Universe short stories released in December. Some of the stories in the book have been published elsewhere, while others are brand new and written just for the collection. If you haven’t already done so, you can join my mailing list to keep up to date with what’s coming out, and even get some of the short stories free of charge.

  It’s back to writing for me (no rest for the wicked), but if you’re looking for something to do with your time you could consider leaving a review of the book, join my Facebook page or – if you’re feeling really generous – buy me a coffee!

  Until next time, shipmate.

  Best wishes,

  Barry J. Hutchison

  September 9th, 2017

  *Unless you did start the series at book seven, in which case you’re definitely not a weirdo. I was talking about someone else.


  Looking for something else to read? This is a full list of the currently available books in the Space Team Universe. They’re all excellent, even if I do say so myself…


  Space Team

  Space Team: The Holiday Special (short story)

  Space Team: The Wrath of Vajazzle

  Space Team: The Search for Splurt

  Space Team: Song of the Space Siren

  Space Team: The Guns of Nana Joan

  Space Team: Return of the Dead Guy

  Space Team: Planet of the Japes

  Space Team: The Collected Adventures – Volume 1

  Space Team: The Collected Adventures – Volume 2


  Dial D for Deadman

  Dead Inside (coming January 2018)


  The Bug – Complete Season 1




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