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Feel the Flames

Page 7

by BJ Sheldon

  It was more than a little odd staring into the face of a boy who had the eyes of an ancient being. But it all made sense finally. No wonder he had always seemed to have an old soul, much older than his young years. But it still made me wonder…if he had been willing to hide his true self from me, what else was he hiding?

  Sam spoke. “You’ve had a vision, yes?”

  Dorian and I traded confused glances.

  “Yeah. But how did you…”

  “I am given updates on you on a regular basis. The latest report stated you had a revelation that involved ancient writing and a symbol. And if I know you at all, you are going to want to investigate and find out its purpose.”

  “You’re spying on me?” I asked with ire in my voice.

  “Not spying. Watching,” he replied.

  “Same thing,” I said, my voice going up on octave.

  Sam held out a hand, gesturing for me to be silent.

  “I am sorry if that disturbs you. I merely want to ensure you are safe,” he said.

  “Of course I’m safe. I’m immortal. Kinda hard to die unless someone gets a hold of my sword. Not to mention, I have Dorian to watch my back.”

  Sam eyed Dorian, giving him a brief once-over with his gaze.

  “Yes. Welcome back. It is good to see you,” said Sam. He didn’t appear shocked to see him standing there, wings and all. And it made me wonder what he might be keeping from me.

  Dorian remained silent and offered a mere nod of his head.

  “What do you remember from after your…death?” Sam asked Dorian.

  I glanced over at Dorian. He appeared to be growing uncomfortable with the question that had been posed and swallowed hard.

  “I…uh, don’t really remember much, to be honest.” Dorian shifted his weight. “But whatever happened, I’m grateful for the second chance. To be here with Skyy.” Dorian’s hand reached out toward me, and I took it in my own. He looked at me fondly for a second, his eyes showing me how he felt. I smiled back and squeezed his hand.

  “So, you remember nothing. How you arrived back on Earth with those…wings.” Sam took a step closer, reached out, and traced the outline of Dorian’s wings with his fingertips.

  “Did I stutter? I just told you I don’t remember anything,” snapped Dorian, his eyes shooting daggers at our guest. His response caught me off guard and caused me to do a double-take in his direction.

  Sam paused and pulled his hand back as if he’d grazed something hot, his gaze never wavering from Dorian’s black wings. Sam didn’t reply but instead appeared suspicious of Dorian’s presence, his forehead creased with speculation. The silence quickly grew awkward, and I felt the need to interrupt the uncomfortable nothingness that had seemed to envelop the room.

  I coughed, clearing my throat.

  “Naberius was here—about the Seal of Solomon,” I said, piercing the silence.

  The mention of the red-haired demon seemed to redirect Sam’s focus back to matters at hand. His expression showed concern at my revelation.

  “This is disturbing news,” he stated. “But not unexpected.”

  “Unexpected? What d’ya mean by that?” I asked. “You know something we don’t?”

  “I am merely knowledgeable in the ways of Naberius. He is scrupulous but predictable, and it was only a matter of time before he took interest in you.”

  “Great.” I allowed my head to fall back, shutting my eyes with a frustrated grunt. When I regained my composure, I again focused on Sam. But the longer I stared, the more I grew annoyed at his presence. “I really can’t look at this version of you anymore. It’s like all I want to do is punch you in the face. I used to like Sam and his outlook on the world, but it was all a lie. Can you just…”

  “I didn’t mean to deceive you,” he interrupted. “I merely wanted to find a way to get close to you and assist in any way I could.”

  “I get it. But if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather see Raphael.” I looked Sam in the eye. “Please.”

  In a matter of seconds, I watched Sam transform from the familiar human boy to angelic form. Raphael spread his wings and allowed them to unfurl completely. During the battle with Azazel, I’d never really gotten the chance to study my father up close. His eyes were crystal blue, and his hair cascaded to his jaw, wavy locks falling indiscriminately over his face. A silver chest plate was molded perfectly to his torso, a broadsword hanging prominently at his side. All in all, he was strikingly handsome.

  With Sam gone, I’d hoped that my desire to punch him in the face would cease. But Raphael’s face was just as annoying, giving me a sense of disappointment. I knew then that regardless of which version of my father showed up, I’d feel resentment and whatever other feelings were stirring in my chest. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to deal with the emotions trying to bubble to the surface. But I also knew it wasn’t the time or the place to deal with any of that, so I shoved those feelings down deep in an effort to stay focused on the task at hand.

  “Um…so this vision.” I pointed at the painting still perched on its easel. “We know—that it has something to do with the Seal of Solomon. I hear you’re familiar with it.” I didn’t even try to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

  “I am familiar with it, yes.”

  I eyed him suspiciously but stayed quiet waiting for him to continue.

  “It’s true. I am one of those who provided Solomon with the gems that gave the seal its ultimate power. The inscription of the name of God, in combination with the stones, harnessed a force that enabled Solomon to control all spirits. He was the first and only human that God entrusted with that type of power. But it did not last. Once it became apparent that Solomon could no longer be trusted, the seal was to be passed on to one of God’s most trusted servants to hold until its energy was once again required. The ring is a powerful weapon against evil. But it has been lost to the centuries.”

  “Any idea where it is?” I asked.

  “There are rumors, but even the Watchers don’t have concrete proof as to its whereabouts. Some say perhaps Asmodeus, a demon who was once forced to work for Solomon, may have taken it and has it in his possession. We do know that he managed to steal it once before, but Solomon was able to eventually locate him and took it back. So, it is possible that Asmodeus was finally able to pilfer it and disappear with the ring for good. But there are others who say one of the Watchers took it for safekeeping, yet none have ever admitted this. Still, there are those few who say the ring is simply lost—resting on the bottom of an ocean, buried deep in the sands of a desert. There is no way to truly know of its location.”

  I stared down at the ground. While it was all good information, none of it really helped me.

  “Any idea why I’m seeing it in a vision and why someone like Naberius wants to get a hold of it?”

  Raphael stood quietly, not moving a muscle. “I have a theory, but nothing I feel comfortable to share at this time.”

  “Well, that’s helpful. Thanks, Sam.” I hesitated. “Or should I call you Raphael? Hell, I don’t know how to keep the two of you straight.” I looked over toward Dorian for support, but he had wandered off and found a seat at my desk. His expression was blank. He stared at the wall, but I wasn’t certain if he was seeing us or if his thoughts were elsewhere.

  Raphael stood there stoically, his gaze fixed only on me. His body language was rigid and commanding, but his eyes seemed to soften as if his thoughts didn’t match his demeanor. They contradicted his authoritative presence, confusing me even more. Did he feel any fatherly love toward me at all? Or was his ability to love hampered by his supernatural duty? Maybe supernatural beings didn’t have the mortal-like capacity to feel love for another being. Or maybe they simply didn’t have the capacity to show it.

  “I can only say this: The Seal of Solomon must never fall into the hands of Hell. The demon Naberius cannot be trusted, no matter how sincere he seems. But it must also not fall into the hands of Heaven. Or humanity for that matter. It has
great power, and that power has consequences. If it is found, it should be hidden from the whole of creation and never used. Because once power like that is unleashed, it is difficult to contain…even in the right hands.” My father turned and made his way to the exit. He stopped and looked back. “I will leave you now,” he said flatly.

  “Yeah. Sure,” I replied. Stick with what you’re good at, I thought.

  Raphael’s expression seemed to change for a split second, showing confusion before composing himself and once more giving off an air of authority.

  I desperately wanted to ask why he hadn’t shown himself to me centuries earlier. I wanted to scream at him for being absent most of my life. I wanted to tell him that I was angry and confused about his deception over hiding his identity behind the Sam façade, but most of all I wanted him to tell me about my mother. Fill in the blanks, tell me who she was—and had he really loved her like Arna said he had.

  I scrunched up my face, forcing my thoughts to remain silent for the time being and swallowed hard.

  Raphael silently turned and strolled out the door, leaving Dorian and me to scratch our heads.

  “Well, that was informative,” said Dorian with a sideways glance in my direction.

  “Apparently, vagueness is next to godliness,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

  “So, the ring should never be found.”


  “But we’re going to look for it, aren’t we?”


  “Any idea where to start?”


  “Raphael sucks.”

  “Pretty much.”

  Chapter 8

  Dorian argued with me well into the night. I told him how I wanted to try my hand at blending in with the humans in a highly-populated setting, but he insisted that he should go with me.

  “Don’t be stupid. You can’t morph yourself into a human right now. You’ve barely learned to fly as it is,” I said, stepping outside.

  Following close behind, Dorian slammed the door behind him and grabbed me by the wrist.

  “You shouldn’t go alone. It’s not safe. Naberius is out there, and you know damn well that he’s having you followed.”

  “Dorian. It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine!” Dorian’s face turned bright red. “Why do you insist on putting yourself in dangerous situations?”

  He released his grasp from my wrist and threw his hands in the air.

  “I’m not putting myself in anything. I’m merely going into town to practice hiding my wings. Nothing is going to happen. You worry way too much, Mom.”

  Dorian’s entire face scrunched with rage. But instead of making me feel guilty for leaving him behind, I laughed. And the more I laughed, the angrier he became.

  “Skyy!” His sudden outburst startled me a bit. I choked back the last of my laughter and switched gears.

  “Look. I get that you’re concerned. But I need to go. It’s not just a way to practice hiding in plain sight, but the alone time will do me some good. It’ll do us some good.” Dorian opened his mouth, but I cut him off. “And no, it’s not that I need to get away from you or that I feel like you’re in my way. I just need to gather my thoughts about all of this…alone. Besides, you can’t hide your wings anyway, and you’d be stuck all by yourself on the roof of some building all day with the possibility that someone could see you.” I placed my hand on the side of his face and smiled. “You know I’m right.”

  He stared me down. I knew he wanted me to change my mind and let him tag along, but I glared back with a knowing smirk. Eventually, his eyes softened, showing a hint of concern.

  “I just get afraid that something’s going to happen to you,” he said. His fingers reached up and removed a wavy strand of hair from my forehead. “And that I won’t be there to protect you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen. I’m immortal, remember?”

  “Unless someone gets you with your own sword.”

  “Never gonna happen. And you should know by now that I don’t need protection. I can take care of myself. I didn’t get to be this age without knowing how to fight, remember?”

  I leaned in and kissed him hoping to distract him from my impending departure.

  His lips were soft and receptive. He gripped me at the waist and pulled me closer. My head swirled with things I wanted to say to him. I wanted to tell him that I feared what Naberius was capable of, but I didn’t want him to think I was weak. I wanted to tell him about my sketchy past, but I was fearful that he’d judge me for the decisions I’d made back then. Most of all, I wanted to tell him about my father’s true identity, yet I knew revealing that secret would only put Raphael and myself at risk. It was a weapon that could be used against both of us if the time came.

  As for my secret…I just wasn’t ready.

  Our lips parted. I placed Dorian’s face in my hands and stared into his eyes. Sometimes I thought I could see into his soul and literally see the love he had for me. My cheeks grew warm and my heart pounded. I wanted to tell him—I wanted to tell him so badly. But instead of listening to my heart, I backed away and leapt into the air and flew off before I could change my mind.

  The night air was warm. I felt the current lift me higher. My wings beat steadily, assisting me with my climb in altitude. I hadn’t been alone in weeks, so the solitude was a welcome respite from reality. With Dorian’s arrival, I’d been spent every waking moment in the presence of another person…something I wasn’t used to at all. I enjoyed having him around, but I cherished my quiet time alone. But I knew if I told him that, he’d take it personally. And lately, he’d seemed a bit on edge.

  It wasn’t long before I saw the lights at the edge of town. It was close to four in the morning, and I knew I needed to be careful not be seen by prying human eyes. I climbed higher into the sky where I tried to blend in with the clouds assisting me with staying out of sight. The city was laid out below in a brightly lit grid. I searched for a place to land that would afford me some privacy and discretion. My sights fell on a brightly lit neon sign set atop a tall building. It called to me, and I raced toward it, heeding its call.

  As I grew closer to my destination, my thoughts wandered.

  I circled the building below and gradually allowed myself to drop from the sky. With the neon sign directly below, I folded my feathers in behind me, forcing a hard landing on its roof.

  I remained in a crouched position, grasping the large neon sign in an effort not to slide off the perch, and made myself as small as I could. I looked out at my surroundings. The hotel was eleven stories high and easily the most visible landmark in town. Keeping my wings tightly tucked back behind me, I eyed the other nearby structures. It had been a calculated risk, flying into town, even if the sun hadn’t yet risen. I knew a mortal could be awake, looking out their window at the exact moment I just happened to fly overhead, so I focused my preternatural gaze on every window down every street which had a direct line of sight to the hotel.

  It was early enough that most mortals weren’t at work, yet…let alone awake. The town was quiet. Only a couple of cars could be seen traversing the streets below. It seemed I had managed to remain undetected. A few humans stumbled along the sidewalks, while others appeared to be curled up and sleeping on various benches throughout town. Sean had once told me about the homeless population. It was upsetting to think there were so many people without a place to eat or sleep.

  When I left the abbey and set out on my own, I spent most of my days hiding out in abandoned buildings or caves and spent my nights traveling, trying to remain unseen. Wandering from place to place was all I knew. But being immortal had its advantages. I didn’t feel the sting of the cold or the toil of the heat, and I didn’t need to worry about starvation or protection from the elements. Humans needed shelter and sustenance to survive, and as I looked down from my perch at the homeless below, I felt some semblance of sympathy for them.

  Humans, it seemed, were growing on me.

>   I detected something nearby, a familiar sound catching my attention. I assumed Dorian had defied me and followed me into town. I turned, ready to berate him but was stunned to discover the noise was coming from a large falcon circling directly above me.

  It continued to soar, riding the air current, descending gradually with each pass. I watched in awe, taking in every subtle movement the bird made. When I first learned to fly, I spent hours studying various birds and how they used their wings to find freedom in the clouds above. Every movement, every muscle, every flap of their wings…it made me master of the skies. And as I watched the falcon come in for a landing, I wondered if I looked that graceful when I flew.

  The falcon found a place to roost a few feet from me. It screeched loudly, making me keenly aware of its presence and cocked its head to the side. As if purposely studying my presence, its eyes fluttered up and down, giving me a suspicious once over. From a bird’s point of view, I’m sure my wings were cause for confusion.

  I was afraid to move, fearful the falcon would become startled and fly off. Its feet and talons were yellow, matching its curved beak. Its underbelly was speckled with black spots in uniform patterns which seemed to gradually vanish just before reaching its head.

  I noticed a scar stretching from the top of its head to the side of its right eye. It was long healed but clear that it had been a horrible wound when it was first inflicted. I wondered what could cause that kind of injury on a bird of that size, but no sooner did I form the thought, the falcon took flight and disappeared into the early morning darkness.

  As it flew off into the morning horizon, I wondered why a wild animal like a falcon would risk getting so close to a human. Granted, I wasn’t really human, but the bird wouldn’t know the difference. And there was also the fact I had lived in the hills for decades and couldn’t recollect seeing a single falcon in the area. So, it seemed strange that I’d suddenly seen three in the past few days. What were the odds? Was it simply a fluke that I continued to see rare falcons in the area? Or was there more to it?


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