The Immortal Trinity: Inheritance
Page 7
- See? What did I tell you? He's out of his mind! The crystal's messing with his mind!
They stopped, because Ronnie fell over. His eyes were glowing more than usual, but suddenly they faded slightly and spoke in his normal voice:
- Quit arguing... and take me... to the stadium.
That quickly brought the argument to an end. Ronnie's distorted speech and hallucinations were still a problem. Tyler believed that the Overlord was doing something to him, but Ronnie quickly denied that. He wasn't present in his mind, let alone his visions.
The stadium's gates were in sight and so was the drop ship that took them to New Hope's mother ship the first time. Once they boarded the vessel, Ronnie once again spoke in his distorted voice:
- Where were you? We need you right now! You're our allies and we need help in the most crucial moment of our history! We could lose our lives. Our children will not be able to rebuild our people's philosophy the way it should be.
He then began strangling the male engineer who told them about their ancestors' nicknames:
- You're a disgrace! You bring nothing but shame to us and I'll be forced to end your life prematurely!
The soldiers tried to pry his hands off the engineer's throat, but their efforts were fruitless. Instead, Ronnie knocked down one of them with a single kick to the stomach and choke slammed another one. Garret intervened unsuccessfully and Ronnie, or rather his "alter ego" was irritated by that temporary act of treason:
- Are you willing to join them, Hexer? I can easily arrange that.
But then something unexpected happened; it felt like Ronnie was overloading. He began growling again, but no one could make sense of his growling. It went on for several seconds... until he crumbled once again and blacked out. No matter how much the engineers and the brothers tried to wake him up, they failed. All they could do was tie him with harnesses, in case he woke up again and decided to assault someone else.
Getiya stayed with Ronnie. She was one of the nurses aboard New Hope's mother ship. The medical centre was very large and spacious, which made it an eerie place, especially when it was empty. The brothers were waiting outside as a safety precaution; after what happened, Tyler opted for staying away from Ronnie until he came back to his normal self. He was afraid that his own life was in danger.
- Do you think that... Ronnie will not be the same again? - he asked Garret.
- Whatever's happened to him... oh, I don't know. Anything could happen. He could develop a split personality, become a different man or even not remember what he was doing or saying. Regardless of what the truth is, we have to accept it and do what we believe is right and also what we are requested to do.
Ronnie woke up and saw Getiya. She was short, but she compensated with a charming smile and bright eyes which lit up - metaphorically - when she realises that she has helped someone and that someone appreciates the effort she puts in her work.
- Who are you?
- My name is Getiya. I'm here to help you. Do not be afraid.
- Have I done something wrong?
- Yes.
Ronnie was lying in a bed. He was tied up, but Getiya was not yet convinced that he was acting normally, because she did not know what kind of a person Ronnie was in reality.
- Why am I tied up?
- This is a safety precaution. We had no idea how you'd behave once you regain your consciousness.
- What was I doing?
- Apparently you were not behaving normally. From what your friends told me... you assaulted one of our engineers.
Ronnie could barely speak and could hardly believe what Getiya told him. He had imagined himself losing his mind long before the transformation, but he never believed that he'd end up attacking someone.
- How did I... Oh my... Is he still alive?
- Fortunately he's unharmed. You fainted before you could do any damage to him.
Ronnie gave a sigh of relief. He would have hated to injure someone, unless that someone was asking for it. Now his priority was to convince the nurse that he would not harm her once she unties him.
- Could you untie me?
- After what I heard about you? Nonsense!
- But I had no idea what I was doing. More to the point - that was not me. Listen, now I carry the technology of an Immortal. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now. Plus I have no experience in escaping harnesses.
Those words convinced the nurse and she untied Ronnie. Although he was behaving as he usually did, he could not stand up. He was inexplicably exhausted. One would think that after all of the images that went through his mind he'd only be mentally drained. But no. It was quite the opposite. That was the reason he could barely speak. So instead of trying to jump on his feet, he decided to interrogate the nurse. Ronnie was fascinated by women. It all stemmed from the fact that he had almost zero experience with women. He had no intentions to cheat on his girlfriend, or at least not at that moment. He had no reason to do that. Ronnie was curious - plain and simple. He wanted to expand his mindset, to meet people and he saw each and every person as an opportunity, a chance to start a conversation that could turn into something important, beautiful, maybe even life-changing. He had had enough of isolation - he wanted to talk to as many people as possible. And that charming girl was a great opportunity for that.
- What was your name, again?
- Getiya.
- I'm usually bad with names. But when it comes to unique... and charming ones... I remember them.
That made her look at the floor with a tiny bit of shame. During all of those years as a part of New Hope she rarely heard anyone talk to her like that.
- If I have done or said something wrong to you...
- No, it's alright. From what I can tell, you behaved as if you were possessed. It wasn't your fault. By the way... what exactly happened? It's for the protocol and commander Stromak has to know as well.
Ronnie's eyes faded.
- Do not worry. Once I add all of the information to the protocol, we can resume our initial conversation.
- Very well, if this is the right thing to do.
And so he did his best to describe his visions in detail. The burning buildings, the dying soldiers, the screaming children, the gunfire, the technology transfer. She stopped him politely for a moment:
- Pardon me for changing the subject slightly, but... what is your actual name?
- Ronnie.
- Hm, strange name.
- So is yours.
There was a sense of harmony; some would even say chemistry. It wasn't just a nurse-patient relationship - it was more like two creatures who are just searching for someone to listen to. Ronnie decided it was time to find out more about the beautiful female who was watching over him while being unconscious.
- So... how... did you decide to work for an asshole commander?
He was not very fond of Stromak from his first encounter. Neither was Getiya:
- It was the best possible decision I could take. It was either that or death. I was a prisoner and New Hope saved me. Still, it's better than nothing.
- It definitely proves one thing.
- What is that, Ankonian... uhm... I mean Ronnie?
- That you value your own life. And also, if you feel like calling me Ankonian, go ahead. If you feel more comfortable that way.
Getiya's eyes and ears were following Ronnie's voice and minimalistic gestures. He was tired, although he had the energy to use gestures like he normally does. He then asked to take Getiya's hand.
- Why?
- I won't harm you.
She placed her hand in his:
- I have little to no idea what you're going through on a daily basis, but whatever you did for me... thank you for that. Thank you.
Getiya was rarely thanked for doing something for someone else. A warm smile appeared on her face. Her eyes lit up. She had not believed that someone would actually thank her for doing exactly what she's supposed to do. But all the
flattery distracted her and it was best for her to return to her duties:
- Forgive me, but I must return to my duties. Shall I bring your friends in?
- Do it.
Getiya went outside for a brief moment, told the brothers that their friend was alright and they stormed in. Garret usually was more anxious about people closer to him when they were not feeling well:
- Are you still seeing things, Ronnie?
- No. Thank God. I hope Stromak isn't outside.
- He's not here yet. Besides, you have to rest. You really scared us.
- I have no idea what happened; I just woke up from this horrible nightmare, then I do not know what happened and before you know it... I'm here.
- It's got to be the crystals. - Tyler noted. - But... if this happened to you, how come it did not happen to us?
That was a very good question - the brothers felt none of the pain that Ronnie felt. He still couldn't stand up. Ronnie looked at Garret straight in the eyes. Suddenly he saw the same visions that Ronnie was seeing - everything that their spiritual ancestors went through on the Night of the Extermination. Then he felt the pain that Ronnie experienced. Tyler was going through exactly the same torture. But it was not as intense. The brothers were not behaving as if they were someone else. They did speak in distorted voices similar to that of Ronnie. Every single vision went by their eyes very quickly, like a blur.
- What was that about? - Tyler was petrified.
- It was like I read his mind. - Garret said.
- Eh? How? We can't do that! - Ronnie objected.
Getiya was quietly sitting in a corner, watching the boys and trying to figure out what was happening. She did not quite understand, but she knew that whatever happened next to the boys, they would not be the same again.
Someone entered the room. His skin was pale blue and was wearing a ninja-like outfit. His face was not obscured by a mask. He then approached Ronnie's bed and asked:
- Are you yourself currently? - he asked.
- Yes, I'm alright, thankfully. Who are you?
- They call me Sable. And there's a lot to discuss. You should follow me. I know, your legs are most likely drained, but you have to make an effort. You have a lot to tell me. It is not so much for me as it is for you. After sharing your experience, I might be able to tell you exactly what happened to you, what might and what will happen in the near future to all three of you.
- Are you, like... a fortune teller?
- No. I was Ankonian's trainer, mentor and friend. I know him better than anyone else on this vessel.
- That explains it. Hey, uh... Getiya?
- Yes?
- I'll see you later. I won't forget you.
Ashlynn had not heard anything from Ronnie for several days. She was completely unaware that his phone was destroyed. So it should come as no surprise that she went straight to Ronnie's house to find some answers. His mother opened the door, once she heard the doorbell.
- Yes?
- Um... is Ronnie home? I can't seem to find him on the phone.
- And who are you?
- I'm his girlfriend.
- Oh, now I remember! He's been telling us about you. I believe you should come inside.
Ashley became suddenly very concerned:
- Is he alright? What's happened to him? Is he sick?
- No. It's... very complicated. He did explain it in details, but it's still very complicated and a lot of questions are still unanswered.
The two ladies sat on the sofa in the living room and Ashlynn immediately began asking questions:
- Is he alive?
- Yes, he's alive, but... he's no longer the same.
- Why? How did he change and in what way?
- He found what he claimed to be a bunch of diamonds with his two new friends and now they are under the wing of some alien military army. There's also this evil... entity or whatever, that has an army and wants control over the Universe.
Ashley remained silent for a couple of seconds.
- But... I thought aliens do not exist.
- Well... they do now. Just on a side note - I apologise for the change of topic, but your name was... Ashlynn, wasn't it?
- Yes, madam.
- Ronnie has told me about you, but for a second I forgot your name.
- I hope Ronnie is alright. Do you know where he is right now?
- He went to see his superiors and discuss things in details. I'm sure he's going to return later in the afternoon... or at least I hope. Whatever you do, don't tell anyone about this conversation.
Ashlynn was a sensitive girl. Whenever someone was in trouble, her mind filled up with thoughts saturated in anxiety, blood and even death at times, especially now. Her emotions fluctuated quite often and Ronnie was having a hard time adjusting himself to them.
There was nothing she could do at that point, so she thanked Mrs Mason and left the house. Mrs Mason told her that once her son returns, she will tell Ronnie to get in touch with her.
Ronnie was finally able to stand on his feet. Sable used this opportunity to lead the boys to a large hall. It looked nothing like the rest of the ship, because it was all white and had no visible distinct features - just 4 walls and a ceiling in nothing but pure white. A group of soldiers were standing in a semi-circle and watched two people fighting - a male and a female. The female was losing. Ronnie came to the conclusion that it was a dispute and he ran towards them with the intent to stop the fight.
He had no idea that the hall he was in was a training ground. What was unique about it was a life-preserving safety system. In other words, at the flick of a switch this system creates an aura, which, while it won't save anyone from pain and broken limbs, it won't allow them to die. The boys, as expected, were not aware of that.
- Ronnie, wait. They're just...
Sable's words could not stop Ronnie, as he ploughed his way through the crowd and struck the soldier, knocking him to the ground. He then proceeded to kick him in the head repeatedly. The soldier managed to grab Ronnie's leg and punch the side of his kneecap. Ronnie felt the pain, but he did not fall to the ground. He remembered how Tyler used maces that were concealed in his forearms. He thought:
- "So if Tyler has melee weapons, I should too, right?"
He looked at his hands and saw blades underneath the skin of his forearms. He knew exactly what he had to do with them. The blades slid out - two for each arm. But there was a problem. As soon as he pulled them out, he felt agonizing pain in his arms, because of which he fell to his knees.
- Aaah! What the hell? - he had no idea what was causing the pain.
That was another detail he wasn't aware of. As well as a life-preserving system, the training ground had a setting that prevented anyone from using any sort of arms. Should an individual try to use something as simple as a pistol or a knife, their arm would feel as if someone is trying to grind it down to ashes. Sable tried to warn him about the no-weapons safety setting, but Ronnie did not listen. That gave an opportunity to the soldier to strike back; he kicked Ronnie in the head. Then Ronnie managed to stand on his feet and knock the soldier down with a kick to the chest.
- Ouuuh! That had to hurt! - said Garret.
And he was right. With that kick Ronnie broke his ribcage. Though that was not enough - he somehow stood up. Ronnie couldn't believe it - the ribcage was reconstructing itself. The army of New Hope had to be kept in the best shape possible and with the life-preserving system the crew could give all they had in training and use all of their might without worrying about killing their comrades.
- Alright, quit it, you two!
Sable decided it was time to stop the fight and explain the purpose of the hall to Ronnie and the brothers:
- This is a training ground, Ronnie. They were not trying to settle a dispute.
- Alright, but how... I broke his spine and his ribcage! How did it heal?
- The training ground can emit a healing aura that
prevents anyone from dying. They will still feel pain from the blows they receive, but they will not die.
- Uh... I thought we were the only ones who could cheat death. - Tyler noted.
- That is both true and untrue. Outside of this hall you are the only ones who can sustain major injuries without dying, but here... everyone is safe. This was given to us by the Immortals as a form of gratitude for our loyalty. The Immortals did not wish to give away their immortality, so instead they created this facility for our ship.
Ronnie tried to apologise to the soldier, but he rudely refused the apology and left the hall. The rest of the hall began to gossip.
- What a surprise. He hates me now. - Ronnie said.
- Nah, I'm sure he'll get over it. - Garret was convinced that not every grudge lasts forever.
Then the female who fought the soldier approached Ronnie. She had long legs and was taller than Ronnie.
- Forgive me for ruining... - Ronnie said.
- I would have rushed to help in such a situation myself. I understand your reaction. If I was an Immortal and I saw a nurse being attacked, I would have jumped in the fight head first. How did you survive the war, Ankonian?
She spoke in an unusually thick voice.
- Um... you're a nurse?
- Yes. Is it wrong?
- More like unnatural. Why would you come here to fight?
- It is necessary for everyone in New Hope to be in peak physical form, even ones like me. You never know what you could be forced to do one day, when your comrades are dying in your arms...
- That sounded grim. - said Tyler.
- It's not just grim... It's part of the reality that everybody here faces.
- We have to go, Ronnie. Stromak wants to see you. - Sable said. - Once you return, you'll be able to talk for longer.
The trio and Sable left the hall and once the situation settled down, the soldiers resumed their training routines. Ronnie stopped at the entrance of the hall and asked the nurse: