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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

Page 14

by Kira Blakely

  “We are delighted that you are interested in our offer. We believe you will be happy with the final figure,” Nash continued, picking up a pen, which he began to swivel in his fingers. Even the pen looked expensive, something that belonged in a museum rather than in a boardroom.

  I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and shot Peter a nervous look. He wasn’t looking at me, but he had sort of sunk into himself in his chair. It looked like he was ready to give up, sign anything, just so he could see some money. I didn’t blame him; I was desperate, too.

  “Before that, we were curious about what your plans for the company were. Once they merge, what do you want to do with it?” I asked, glaring directly at Nash. I was aware that all six sets of eyes on his side of the table had turned to me again, but I kept my attention focused on him. I wanted him to look me in the eye and tell me what he was going to do.

  Nash’s face broke into a smile, and his gaze fell to my lips and back to my eyes again.

  “I understand your concern, Miss Calhoun. But we are not legally obliged to disclose our plans to you, before or after you have signed it over to us,” Nash said, still swiveling the pen around his fingers. Where had he learned to do that? I stopped to think for a moment about how long his fingers were, how thick and sturdy they looked. He must have caught me looking, because he stopped swiveling and our eyes locked again. I had lost my train of thought.

  “But I can assure you, Miss Calhoun, given that we have the privilege of being old friends, that we will take care of your employees and look after the growth of the company as our own,” he said in his calm deep voice that made me feel for a second like I was floating in it. It made him sound older than he looked, and I was dazed again. This guy was good. And when I turned to look at Peter, I realized that he was falling for the charm.

  “So, you’re not going to tell us what you want to do with it, and we’re just supposed to hand it over to you?” I asked, my voice a little raised now. I realized that a soft murmur had erupted in the room now after my reaction. The five others were talking amongst themselves, while Nash was still looking at me.

  “Not just hand it over to us, Bonnie. We’re buying it from you.” His voice had changed slightly. The smile had disappeared from his face. Had I managed to shake his confidence a little? I nearly smiled at that. He should have known that I wasn’t about to go down this easy.

  “Isn’t it good business practice to give us a plan before we sell it to you? Even though it isn’t a legal requirement?” I continued. I suddenly felt a little brave. Those brilliant gray eyes weren’t going to slow me down. Those big broad shoulders weren’t going to scare me into submission. How long had I wanted to feel his mouth on mine? How many nights had I woken up to wet dreams of this man? Not anymore. I was going to break the Nash Preston cycle. I was determined to make myself hate him so much that I wouldn’t be able to think of him again without feeling disgust.

  But Nash was still calm. He looked like he was unfazed. “This is happening way too fast. It’s only been a week since we decided to make you an offer. We haven’t had time for a plan,” Nash answered, quietly, sitting back in his chair but keeping his eyes trained on me.

  “Well, then maybe we should go somewhere else. To some other buyer who is willing to give us a future plan,” I snapped, my neck burning up with rage.

  He was so close to me, close enough to touch, to feel, to smell. I gulped as we stared each other down. Nash wasn’t pleased; he wasn’t smiling, and it made me feel victorious.

  “Just back off, Bonnie, will you?” Peter said, interrupting the deathly silence between the two of us. I whipped my head around to look at him. I had never seen Peter lose his temper. In the four years I had known him, he was the rock and voice of reason in the company. And yet he had spoken up with some annoyance just then. My mouth hung slightly open as I looked at him.

  “Just make us an offer, Mr. Preston, so we can decide,” Peter said, and I stared at him in shock. Was he really going to make it this simple for Nash?

  “Of course,” Nash said, and I also detected a lightness in his voice. He was glad for Peter’s presence, because he was losing his temper at me. One of the five people sitting around him slid a file toward us. Peter grabbed it before I had a chance and flipped it open.

  We both stared at the number. At all the zeros that followed the massive figure on the bottom line. Nash Preston had already signed it. Peter slowly raised his eyes to look at me. I gulped, staring back at him. My mind was racing. We would be rich. I could see the same thought running through Peter’s brain. Richer than we had ever planned to be. But at what cost?

  My brows furrowed. I felt like I was selling my soul. I was giving up the only thing I had ever achieved… for what? Some money?

  “Nobody else will give us this much,” Peter whispered, leaning in toward me.

  I licked my lips nervously and looked at him, silently begging him for some time to think it over. I knew it was in vain, Peter needed the money. I needed the money. But I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. I wasn’t ready to lose to Nash Preston just yet.

  I turned to look Nash, who sat with his fingers steepled, his elbows folded on the oak table. His gray gaze pierced me. His face was blank. Handsome but expressionless. What was he thinking?

  Chapter 5


  Bonnie Calhoun was dressed in a way that I had never seen her before. In some sort of tight gray dress with sharp formal shoulders and quarter-length sleeves. But her breasts looked huge in that dress, juicy and well-proportioned, and I couldn’t stop staring.

  I didn’t mean to. Not when her fingers were clutching my pen tightly, hovering over the dotted line of the contract in front of her. I noticed the way a few strands of golden wispy hair had come loose from her tight bun. She looked like she was trying to wish it away. She was focused so hard on it, I was almost afraid that she would make the papers spontaneously combust.

  Her breath softly blew those fallen strands of hair off her face in a lulling sway. There was a deathly silence in the boardroom. Not one of my people were speaking, and her partner, Peter, was glaring at her. He was willing her to sign, while Bonnie was taking her own sweet time with it.

  I clenched my jaw. I wanted her to sign, for the sake of my company. For strictly business reasons. But personally, I didn’t want to have to do this to her. She was struggling against it. When she challenged me about the plan, it made me uncomfortable. I wanted to stand up, walk around the table and just give her a big hug. Stroke her back and tell her it would be all right. But I knew it wouldn’t be all right. Nothing could console her. Bonnie Calhoun didn’t like to fail, and she had done just that.

  “Just do it, Bonnie.” Peter’s somber voice floated through the room. He was trying to be gentle, but she had already spent the past five minutes just staring at the papers.

  She shot him a look that made him back down. I nearly smiled. I had never met a woman as fiery as Bonnie before I met her in college. And I hadn’t met one since. It was good to see that she still had that fire in her, despite the circumstances.

  “If you would like some time alone, we have a separate meeting room that we could move you to,” I said, breaking the silence.

  Both Bonnie and Peter looked up at me. She was shooting daggers at me with her baby blue eyes. While Peter just looked grateful that I had said something.

  “Thank you for the offer, Mr. Preston, but I think we should just get this done. There isn’t anything to discuss anymore,” Peter said in a resigned deep voice. Bonnie shot him a look again, but he looked away from her. The poor man.

  She was still struggling. Breathing in deeply and then out. Her breath shook strands of her hair. The tips of her fingers had turned a bright red from the pressure she was putting on the pen in her hands. She licked her lips. Her small bubblegum tongue stuck out, and I felt something move in my pants. How amazing would it be to have that mouth on me? On my cock. I cleared my throat, and our eyes met again.

“Bonnie?” I said, trying to hide the thought I’d just had. I shouldn’t have been thinking about her body, undressing her with my eyes, while she was in the middle of the biggest crisis in her life. But I couldn’t help it. Our time apart had made me forget how much I’d wanted her in college. How she made me hard at night when I thought of her. I hadn’t expected to see her again.

  “I’m doing it! Just give me a minute,” she snapped at me, licking her lips again.

  I stared at her some more. Why did she think she was better than me? Why had I never been able to impress her? Was it because she hated my family and what they stood for? Because she was secretly attracted to me? I knew I turned her on.

  The scratching sound that the pen made on the paper jerked me out of my fantasies. She was signing it.

  Bonnie chucked the pen away from her after she was done. It went rolling down the length of the table and then fell with a soft thump on the carpeted floor.

  “Bonnie! Seriously!” Peter rebuked, before bending down to pick the pen up.

  She was staring at me, her blue eyes narrowed and darkened. Her plump pink lips were pinched. Her cheeks were blossoming to a red like a rosebud. She was pissed. Again.

  “That’s done then. Shall we shake on it?” I asked, standing up.

  Peter stood up beside her, while she remained seated, refusing to comply with anything that I had to say.

  “Excuse her,” Peter apologized for her, and extended his hand to me. We shook and then I turned to Bonnie again. I didn’t want to acknowledge what this meant. The possibility that I might never see her again. I wanted her so bad. I wanted to fuck the living daylights out of this woman. I had wanted to do it since college, and now there was an opportunity again. Or was there? She looked angry enough with me to kill me if we were alone. I didn’t think she was in the mood for fucking. She never had been.

  “Bonnie?” I said. This time, she stood up resignedly. I noticed the way her eyelids fluttered as she caught one of my people pulling the file toward them.

  “Congratulations, Nash. You now own my company,” she said and finally extended her hand to me.

  I couldn’t smile. I couldn’t bring myself to. I nodded my head as gently as possible and stuck out my hand to meet hers.

  Our skin touched. Her hand was small, delicate, almost too fragile for me to grasp. How could a woman who had that mouth have such a delicate hand? It threw me a little.

  She was looking at me a little defeatedly as well. Like she was unsure of what to say, where to look. She was embarrassed in her failure. And there was no other choice but to concede to me. It made me uncomfortable, seeing her like this. Seeing her suffer. But it had to be done. I had done her a favor. Nobody would have offered them that much money for that sinking ship.

  Bonnie pulled her hand away and I felt a sudden disappointment, because I wasn’t touching her anymore.

  “Your company is in safe hands,” I said, as confidently as I could, buttoning up my suit jacket. She was following my every movement with her eyes. With those same piercing blue judgmental eyes that I was always so aware of. There was never any way to escape that look.

  “Ready to go?” Peter asked beside her, but she didn’t turn to look at him. She was busy trying to suffocate me with her sharp gaze.

  “Bonnie, do you mind if we have a word in my office?” I said, just in time. Just when she was about to look away from me.

  “Why? What else do you want to take from me?” she asked, and it made me smile.

  I shook my head and breathed in deeply. “I just want to catch up, in my office? Please?” I said, walking toward the door. My people had begun shuffling out of the room, and Peter looked like he was desperate to leave as well. Bonnie and I were the only ones still lingering for some reason, for the most obvious reason. She couldn’t hide her desire for me. It was burning her up. Just like it was burning me up. She didn’t want to agree to go with me, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.

  “I’ll catch you later then, Bonnie,” Peter said, and neither of us looked at him as he walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

  Alone with Bonnie Calhoun again. I could barely control myself. I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to keep my hands off her. Some decorum needed to be maintained, surely. All her life’s work, her sweat and blood, now belonged to me.

  “Lead the way?” she said, arching one brow. Of course, I was going to lead the way. I was going to have her in my office, alone.

  Chapter 6


  I couldn’t believe Nash Preston’s office. What a load of pretentious poop, I kept repeating to myself. But the truth was that the office was a prime example of tasteful elegance, and I was only kidding myself. Even the gray lace table runner on the coffee table looked like it had been carefully selected to match the interior. All the lamps in the room were in the style of street gaslights. Nash Preston had a good eye for design and decor. I remembered that he had always wanted to be an engineer or an architect. What had happened to that?

  I was standing in the middle of an oval room with no actual walls. It was all glass and, as far as I could tell, this space stuck out like a conservatory from the rest of the building so that when I looked out, there was large open empty space with a transcendent view of the San Francisco skyline. Not to forget that we were on the fortieth floor. My heart was racing from just looking out. It felt like I was on some kind of jaw-dropping rollercoaster ride, and we were both going to fall to our deaths within moments.

  “Your place looks fancy,” I said, turning to look at him. Nash was standing behind his sturdy desk, with his palms on the top, leaning in like he was on a mission. I tried to not look at his face too much. We were alone and quite close to each other. I didn’t want him to know just how much I wanted him.

  “You look fancy,” he said, and his gaze dropped from my face to my breasts to my belly and then to my legs. I knew what he was referring to. He had never seen me in a dress like this before, but I wasn’t going to acknowledge it. What did he know about me? He hadn’t seen me in five years. Things changed. I could have changed.

  “You must be very pleased with yourself,” I replied instead.

  Nash breathed in heavily, before walking around his desk toward me.

  I held my ground, unwilling to let him see the effect he was having on me. Every step he took toward me made me quiver in my shoes. I admit I had fantasized about him even after college. I was jealous of all those women he slept with. I hated him because I wanted him. I admitted all that. I just didn’t want him anywhere close to me. I was so afraid of what I might end up doing.

  “It pains me to have to do this, Bonnie. You have to see that,” he said. Before I could move away, he had placed his large hands on my shoulders. He squeezed me gently, almost affectionately, while still holding my gaze. My breath had stopped in my throat. I felt like I was about to explode. What was he trying to do?

  “But maybe we can find a way to soften the blow?” he asked and my eyes grew wide. I didn’t want my brain going there. What was he trying to imply? How did he plan on softening this blow? Did he mean he wanted to sleep with me? Did he think he could fix all this with his cock?

  I tried to step away from him, but he kept his hands tightly gripped on my shoulders.

  “Just hear me out,” he said, holding me back. My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. He smelled of pine, a masculine musky scent that I couldn’t quite place. Was it his aftershave? His clothes? His cologne? Or did Nash Preston just always smell this divine?

  “I don’t know what else you could possibly say to me to make this better,” I said, the resolve in my voice weakening. He was holding me; our bodies were just inches apart. I wasn’t going to be able to control myself for very long. It was all going to come crashing down around me.

  Nash was smiling. Almost like he felt sorry for me. Like I was some kind of an injured puppy and he was going to be my superhero master. A rush of anxiety mixed with rage took over my
limbs and I felt them stiffen under his grip. But he wasn’t about to let me go.

  “I want you to come and work for me,” he said, leaning in closer. My breath was jagged; I knew he could tell what I was feeling now. He was doing it on purpose. His lips lightly grazed the side of my cheek. His words weren’t making sense to me. On any other day, in any other place, if he wasn’t touching me; I would have revolted against this suggestion. But not today. I couldn’t find the physical strength to actually push him away, or react to what he had just said.

  “What kind of work?” I asked, almost shy now. My skin was hot under his touch, I could feel the wetness between my legs growing. He was so close. I had never been this close to him before. This was like a fantasy come true. I could almost picture those chiseled abs, the narrow naked waist under the clothes he was wearing.

  When I looked back up at his face, his gray eyes were trained on my lips. He was pleased with my reaction; a soft smile was lingering on his face.

  “We can discuss that later, can’t we?” he said in a whisper again, and this time he purposely drew his lips closer to my cheek. I felt his hot breath on my skin, on my eyelashes. My own breathing was rigid and strong, almost like I was panting. His hands began to slide down from my shoulders, tracing the length of my arms. When he reached my wrists, he held on to them tightly.

  My feet were like jelly. I still couldn’t move. I should have stepped away then, saved myself. But I couldn’t.

  “I could sure use you,” he said, smiling at me. His eyelids had grown heavy, while his grip on my wrists strengthened. He was pulling me closer to him now, even closer. I felt his hard chest against my breasts as he brought me to him. I gasped, and then tried to suffocate the sound, but he had heard me. The smile on Nash’s face widened.

  “For the benefit of my company, of course,” he continued, in that calming deep voice of his. It was like a hypnotizing chant, his voice. I could feel my own eyelids flickering, beginning to droop. I was only seconds away from giving in to him. I could barely even remember where I was. Pressed against Nash Preston, my emotions were chaotic.


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