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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

Page 29

by Kira Blakely

  We orgasmed together, Vincent shooting inside me while I screamed again. My body was soaring, my heart was beating out of my chest; there was no escape.

  He remained inside me for a few moments longer, draining himself into me completely. When he started pulling himself out of me, I threw myself against the tree trunk, completely spent.

  I could barely move a muscle. Orgasming twice, consecutively, was exhausting, although I had a wide smile on my face. It was like every time we had sex, Vincent made me experience something new. Something I didn’t even know my body was capable of.

  He was pulling up his pants as I remained leaning against the tree trunk.

  “Ready for a nap?” he asked with a laugh, and I finally turned to look at him. I couldn’t stop smiling, and I also couldn’t keep my eyes open.

  “I’m hungry,” I said lazily, letting my eyes drift shut. Suddenly, I felt Vincent's hands on my hips again. Only this time, he was lifting me up in the air.

  I yelped in surprise as my feet left the ground and then he threw me over his right shoulder and started walking. My yelps turned into loud laughter as he continued walking toward his parked car.

  “Put me down! No, put me down!” I yelled, while lightly punching his back with my fists. We were both laughing by now. My black curls fell in a cascade as he held me, my head turned over. I was flailing my legs in front of his face, but Vincent had me pinned to him.

  “I’ll put you down when we get to the cabin. You’re a serious flight risk,” he said with a laugh, carrying me past the car… carrying me like that all the way back to his cabin.

  I was literally flying.

  Chapter 17


  I switched my phone on discreetly, while sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. Vincent was frying eggs in front of me, looking up from time to time with a smile. My phone buzzed in my hand from the texts that came pouring in.

  “Sounds like you’ve been missed,” he said with a laugh, raising an eyebrow at me. He still had no clue about my parents, the trailer we lived in, or my living situation. I blushed and put my phone on silent. All the texts were from my parents of course, mostly Mom.

  Where are you Gemma?

  You better come home right away!

  When will you be home?

  Why did you hang up on me?

  What will you do about your job?

  “Everything all right?” Vincent asked, popping bread into a fancy-looking toaster. I only nodded my head as I gripped my phone tightly in my hand. This was not the time to discuss my family with him. Not over breakfast. Not after the morning we had just had. When would be a good time to discuss it anyway? I gulped and started typing a text.

  Not coming home today. I don’t want to think about my damn job. Big Mike is an asshole, I wrote it and sent it off. I switched off my phone again for good measure and looked up at Vincent with a beaming smile.

  “All good?” he asked, walking up to me with two plates of fried eggs, buttered toast and bacon on the side.

  “Yeah, just friends wondering what my plans are for the day,” I said, waving a hand at him.

  “What are your plans for the day?” he asked, arching an eyebrow as he sat down across from me.

  I pulled the plate closer to myself and picked up one of the greasy bacon strips with my fingers.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” I said, taking a bite.

  “Well, my plan is to spend the day with you. If you’re willing to do that, of course,” he said, taking a big bite of his toast. We were smiling at each other coyly. We both knew what my answer to that was going to be. I wasn’t prepared to leave just yet.

  “How long are you here for?” I asked him, without answering his question.

  Vincent sighed and rubbed a hand on his knee. “A few more days. Until the end of the week, but let’s not talk about that right now,” he said, the smile disappearing from his face. I wasn’t smiling either. The thought of him leaving, of all this coming to an end, sent a knife through my heart. I could feel it there, twisting in my chest.

  “Tell me about your life here,” he added quickly, and I refused to meet his eyes.

  “There’s nothing much to tell. I go to work, or I used to go to work. I attend classes in the evening. I study and go to bed. Same story next day,” I said, cutting a piece of the egg. The yolk was runny and spilled out all over the spotless white plate. At home, I would have swept it up with the toast, but in front of Vincent I wasn’t so sure. I was still self-conscious of my mannerisms. What was the right thing to do?

  “Sounds simple enough,” he said. Those deep dimples on his cheeks looked delicious enough to eat.

  “What about your life in LA? What is that like?” I asked, sitting back in my chair. Vincent was smooth and sophisticated with his food, carefully and slowly chewing it. There was no spillage and no mess on his plate.

  “Busy. Pressurized. I’ve been working non-stop for two years to get the cure out into the market,” he replied and our eyes met. “I was surprised that you had even heard of me,” he added with a smile.

  I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head at him.

  “Did you think we are that cut-off here?” I asked and he laughed.

  “No, of course not, I just mean that my line of work is boring,” he said. Although I was sure that some others who read those gossip magazines often would know him, his personal life wasn’t boring in the least, but I kept that to myself. There was no reason to bring that up again.

  Vincent got up to pour us two glasses of orange juice.

  “Don’t you have to meet with your employees or something? I thought this was more of a business trip,” I asked, following his every movement with my eyes. It was still hard to believe that I was in this place, sharing breakfast with Vincent Stoltz. There were so many questions I had for him, so much praise to give him… I had admired his work for several years. But with him in the room, all I could think about was how hot he looked and how he wrecked my body and mind.

  “I did, but I’ve cancelled the meetings. They can keep themselves entertained. I have better things to do today than give tiresome presentations,” he said with a laugh. “I also had your car fixed, so we can pick it up whenever you want.”

  I pushed my plate away and narrowed my eyes on the handsome man in front of me.

  “Not hungry anymore?” he asked, still chewing on his food. The runny yolks and bits of bacon remained on my plate. It wasn’t that I wasn’t hungry, and I was just too self-conscious of how I was eating the food. I decided not to argue with him about fixing my car.

  “No, but the food was delicious, don’t get me wrong,” I said and sipped on the orange juice instead.

  “You’re right,” he said, wiping the sides of his mouth with a white napkin. “I’m not hungry either. Let’s find something else to do.”

  Chapter 18


  It was evening now and Gemma was on her back, with her bare legs open as I slid my face down to her knees. The fireplace was lit, and the flames caught the smokiness in her eyes. She lifted her head to look at me and then gently put it down again on the carpeted floor.

  Half a glass of wine dangled from her hand, and she took another long sip. I licked the inside of her thigh, where her skin was the softest to touch. She purred and swirled the glass around in her hand.

  “You went to Yale,” she murmured softly as I licked the other thigh. She tasted like honey and peaches, a sweet delicious taste that tingled my taste buds. The scratches on her knee from the thorns she had run through in the morning had turned into bright pink scabs now, and I caressed them.

  “I did, indeed,” I said, meeting her glazed-over eyes. She drank some more wine and I watched as her reddened lips stretched to a smile.

  “I can’t even imagine that. What it would be like to go to a school like that,” she said, moving her hips. I traced the shape of her legs with my fingers, before settling my hand on her exposed belly. She was still in my shirt that s
he had put on in the morning. She was floating in it; it was too big for her. But she insisted that she was comfortable when I offered her a change of clothing.

  “It was all right; I made some friends for life,” I said, as I stroked her tight belly. She was beautiful to touch, to have in my arms. Her hair was spread around her face in rich dark curls. She was the most awe-inspiring thing I had ever set my eyes on. I wanted to bite into those lips.

  Gemma laughed when she heard me say that about my friends. Her laughter was becoming more and more common to hear now. Her hardened demeanor from the previous days was softening. Either way, she was just as beautiful and mysterious. Despite all this time we were spending together, she was still a puzzle to me.

  “I’m sure it was more than friends you made at Yale, Vincent. I’m sure your college has something to do with your success, too,” she said, laughing still. Every time she smiled, she sent shivers down my spine. Her laughter was infectious, genuine and humble. I felt like I could be completely honest with her.

  I regretted not being honest with her sooner. I should have known better. Gemma Ramsey wasn’t like any other woman I knew, and I should have treated her differently from the beginning. But I was grateful that she was trusting me again.

  “Yes, look at where I am now. I have you naked under me, and all we’re doing is talking,” I said and tickled her belly. Gemma giggled, and I pinned her down with a hand. I felt her legs squeeze around me as I slipped down farther between them so that her sex was in front of my face now.

  She was so wet for me, dripping wet with no panties to act as an obstruction between my tongue and where I wanted to reach.

  She wriggled as I held her tight and brought my face closer to her. Gemma was moaning already, moving her hips in anticipation as I stuck out my tongue, growing closer and closer to her wetness. When I licked her, she arched herself up, closing her eyes.

  I licked her again, delicately, just to tease. The glass of wine fell from her hands and it spilled all over the carpet.

  “Shhh… don’t worry about it,” I said when I saw her eyes fly open with guilt.

  I pinned her back down and this time thrust my tongue deep into her. Gemma moaned, wriggling under my grip.

  “Vincent …” She said my name like it was a song, and I thrust in deeper. I knew where I had to stroke her to make her come, and I found it easily with my tongue. I used one hand to stroke her clit, while I kept pushing my tongue into her as far as I could. Gemma was shaking, spreading her legs wide apart for me now so that I could truly and completely consume her.

  She tasted as delicious as I had predicted and I wanted to be inside her completely, make her come. I wanted to possess her, and never had I wanted someone else to feel this good. My priority was to make her have an orgasm, have multiple orgasms. Watching her writhe and scream with pleasure made me rock hard. I could come just from watching her.

  I pushed my tongue in deeper, keeping my fingers on her clit, playing with it.

  When I felt her weave her fingers into my hair, I knew it was time. She came instantly, and I kept driving my tongue in, just like my cock had before. She shook as she came, screaming out my name, clutching my hair in her hands tightly.

  When her voice died down and her breathing began to subside, I finally slid my tongue out of her. She was spent again, lying on the carpet with her arms spread out around her. She had her eyes open and was staring at the ceiling, breathing hard.

  “Why are you smiling, Gemma?” I asked, hauling my body up so I could lie down beside her. She tried to control her breathing first before she turned to me, her cheeks flushed from exhaustion, her eyelids drooping. She was ready to pass out.

  “Because I’m happy, Vincent,” she said and I drew her into my arms. She may not have told me much about herself, but one thing I knew about Gemma Ramsey was that she made me happy, too.

  Chapter 19


  I had lost track of time by now; it could be the sun setting or the crack of dawn. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t looking ahead or daydreaming about the future. I was living only in the present.

  We were both naked, sitting comfortably in a hot tub in the backyard of the cabin. Vincent was sitting opposite me, and our toes were entwined together under the hot bubbling water. When I looked up, I figured it could be dawn now, because the sky was a curious shade of deep yellow, nearly orange. I could hear birds beginning to chirp somewhere far away.

  We had slept on and off in each other’s arms. Vincent had cooked dinner at some point, too, delicious steaks that I had dug into hungrily. Slowly but surely, I was losing my self-consciousness and turning more into myself. Vincent didn’t seem to care or notice. If he had an issue with my table manners, he wasn’t showing it.

  It was calming as we sat there, the water bubbling and grazing against my sensitive skin. The bottom of Vincent's dark wavy hair was damp, and it stuck to the sides of his wide neck. The top half of his torso was above the water level, and he had his arms stretched over the sides of the hot tub. I could see his chiseled muscles in all their wonderful glory. He had mentioned he was a swimmer in college and his body showed it. He had an athlete’s sinewy built.

  Vincent was looking at me while I ogled at his body. When our eyes met, I blushed and looked away.

  “It’s going to be morning soon,” he said quietly and a chill ran down my spine. I knew what that meant. One more day gone, and one more day closer to him leaving. My breath caught in my throat again, and I refused to meet his eyes.

  “We should go for a hike soon,” he said, sliding himself over to me. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted to cling to him for dear life. It was ridiculous, this feeling coursing through my veins. He was still here, but I was sad already. Vincent had no idea how he had changed my life in a matter of just two days. He had shown me a glimpse of a different life and made me believe that I did deserve better.

  “Are you familiar with the trails?” he asked as he pressed his lips to my cheek and gave me a soft tender kiss.

  “Somewhat. I should be able to figure them out. The locals aren’t allowed on the estate though, so I don’t know this area as well as I know the rest of the mountain,” I told him, kissing his chin as he held me close.

  His hands had found their way to the back of my waist, and he was pressing me close to him. I could feel his erection against my legs and I breathed in deeply.

  “You sure you have nowhere else to be?” he asked, catching my gaze. I shook my head, my eyes sparkling as I stared at him. I wondered what he thought of me then? Whether he thought I was desperate, a loser… why I had nowhere to go.

  “I’m free today,” I said, and we kissed. Our lips met in a gentle kiss, like we had known each other for years. Despite the sexual fire burning in us both, which I knew would make us lunge at each other in a matter of minutes, our kiss was soft and long.

  His hand traveled up, from my back to my shoulders and then to my front as we continued to kiss. He squeezed one of my erect nipples and tugged at it, making me desperate for him again.

  “Oh, Shoot! It’s my phone,” he said, pulling away from me suddenly.

  I heard the ring then as well, from somewhere inside the cabin. Vincent was out of the tub in seconds, hauling his drenched body out of the water as he strode quickly back indoors. I was smiling after him, watching his naked tight butt walking away from me. I couldn’t wait for him to return so I could kiss him again. I wanted him to finish what he had started.

  The sky was getting lighter at a faster rate now, and I realized how early in the morning it was for him to receive a call. I could see straight through the French windows into the living room, where Vincent was pacing the floor, roasting himself in front of the fire as he spoke into the phone. He had assumed that serious look on his face again, I could see that he was talking business.

  Still smiling, I shook my damp hair out and threw my head back to look up at the sky. What had I gotten myself into? H
ow was I supposed to resume a normal life again once he left? He still hadn’t told me exactly when he was going to leave, and just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

  I heard the doors sliding open, and I looked up. Vincent was walking back over to the hot tub; his brows were crossed and his face was dark. I sat up straight in the water, my heart beginning to race. It was very seldom that I saw that look on his face. This couldn’t be good news.

  “Everything all right?” I asked him as he came over to me, placing his hands on the edges of the tub. The fact that he didn’t want to get back in the water told me that something was wrong. What was he going to tell me?

  Vincent looked away from me, toward the horizon where the sun was rising.

  “That was my secretary calling from LA,” he said quietly, still not looking at me.

  I breathed in and let out an enormous sigh. Here it comes…

  “I have to go back to LA today for a meeting I can’t miss,” he said, turning to me again. His eyes were heavy, and his mouth was firmly set in a thin line. I could see that he was clenching his jaw. His nose looked sharp and chiseled, I still couldn’t stop admiring his physical form, despite the news he was giving me.

  “Today? When?” I asked, draping my arms across my breasts. For some reason, I felt like I suddenly needed to preserve my modesty. Vincent's gaze dropped to my covered breasts and then he looked up at me again.

  “First flight out; she’s already booked my ticket. I don’t think I have more than three hours remaining here,” he said glumly. Did he expect me to cry? Did he expect me to make a scene? He was looking at me like he was sorry for what he was saying. Even though I could feel my lip quivering, I tried to force a smile on my face.

  What else was I expecting to happen? I knew this was coming from the moment I stepped into his car.

  “Of course,” I managed to say, in a squeaky mild voice.

  “Gemma…” he said and reached out a hand to my cheek. He stroked it gently, and I closed my eyes for a second, just to savor the moment.


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