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Billionaire's Protest: A Complete Romance Series

Page 52

by Kira Blakely

  “Thank you, Gage.”

  He nodded and stood, turning to look out at the beach that was just a few feet from the window. In the distance was a familiar figure in a blue retro-style bikini. And she wasn’t alone. A frown rippled his forehead as Brady moved in closer, not close enough to touch her but close enough to cause concern. Yet. But then their heads were dipped together in a fashion he might call intimate, if he wasn’t so fucking jealous and pissed off! He’d give anything to know what they were talking about right now. Dammit. Just when I thought I could trust her. He turned. “You don’t have to thank me, Steve. We all need a leg up once in a while so I’m giving him a chance.”

  Knocking back the rest of his drink, Steve signed the papers with a flourish. “Then let’s drink to retirement!”

  Gage signed his own papers and accepted the glass. “And expanding empires!” That was his focus now. Again. He might have let himself get sidetracked by Shawna for the past couple months, but that was a thing of the past. He needed to focus on his business interests, not one curvy cocktail waitress with a bad attitude.

  Steve chuckled. “Let an old man give you a bit of advice in the love department, yeah?” Gage nodded and Steve went on. “Let Shawna in. Don’t let whatever it was that caused you to start whoring around in the first place prevent you from having something really great with her. I’m telling you right now, you won’t get over a woman like that. Not ever.”

  Gage nodded as the older man’s words sank in, spread around in his brain and settled like a ball of coal in his gut. He didn’t want to think of his life without Shawna in it, without her sexy little smile that lit up her face. Or that husky laugh that sometimes turned into a snort when something was really funny. But he didn’t want to trust her either. “I’ll do my best, Steve.”

  “Yeah, I suppose that’s all you can do. Women are capable of great forgiveness, Gage. Until they’re not.”

  Gage let out a bitter laugh and refilled his glass.


  Shawna had planned something special today to commemorate their second to last night in St. Lucia. And to thank Gage for a week she would never forget. The sand, the sun, the sky, the flowers and the scent were all unforgettable. The exotic blooms made her smile and her hair constantly smelled like the ocean. This place really was paradise. She wished she could live here forever.

  “Forty-eight hours will just have to do,” she said as she finished getting dressed in a gauzy green dress that brought out all the natural highlights in her auburn hair. She wanted to look pretty for him, to seduce him one last time before they left paradise, because once they were back at home, the sexual part of their relationship would have to be over.

  She was getting too involved in Gage and his life. She was starting to care too much and that was dangerous. A guy who needed to hire a woman to pretend commitment wasn’t a good bet for giving her heart to. A guy like that would rip her heart out and hand it back shredded and broken beyond repair. It’s tonight or it’s just never again.

  He walked into the bungalow wearing a grin big enough to rival the sun, and she knew he’d accomplished his goal. “Good news?”

  He stopped and saw her lounging on the white sofa with a brightly colored cocktail in her hands. His expression was implacable and for some reason, she felt like something was wrong. “You could say that.”

  “Oh good. Are you up for dinner? I’ve got a surprise planned.”

  Steely blue eyes took in her appearance but instead of heat she saw wariness. And maybe even a little disgust. Then his face went blank. “Sure. I just need to shower and change.”

  Shawna stood and took the pitcher of cocktails with her, since it didn’t seem like her plan was going to happen. “I’ll be on the beach.” She turned and walked through the sliding glass door, not bothering to look back at him and whatever had bunched up his boxers.

  By the time they made it to the little secluded spot set up with candles, a bistro table and music, she was glad she’d had a few cocktails to make the evening bearable. Whatever was bothering Gage had to do with her, and she was determined to ignore it. To have a good time despite his surly attitude. “So, things went well with Steve?”

  He gave a short nod, and his smile was more of a grimace. “Yep. We signed the papers today.”

  “Congratulations,” she mumbled and took another sip from her glass. If this was going to be how the night went, she could have stayed at the bungalow and watched old episodes of Friends instead of whatever this was. So they ate.

  In silence.

  Long, uncomfortable silence.

  Until finally the big blond giant broke. “I saw you on the beach today.”

  She shrugged. “I had to go set this up and then I ran into Brady.” Brady had been weird and surly at first, but after their talk, she understood him more.

  “Are you sure that’s all it was?”

  She frowned, slamming her glass on the table much harder than she intended. “What exactly are you accusing me of?”

  “What were you talking with Brady about? Or were you simply negotiating your rate?”

  “What are you talking about?” It sounded like he thought she’d done something with Brady, but that couldn’t be… could it? The man she loved would never think such a thing about her. Wait, what? Not love, I don’t love him. Right now, she was pretty sure she didn’t even like him.

  “All I’m saying is you two looked awful cozy on the beach together.”

  “Oh, I get it.” She nodded knowingly and rolled her eyes. “Now that the contract is signed, you’re ready to end the charade and what better way than to do it spectacularly, right?” He said nothing, and she just crossed her arms and stared at him. “Do it, then.” If he needed to do this, then she would let him and then she would walk away.

  No matter what.

  “Don’t turn this back on me, Shawna. What were you and Brady talking about?”

  “Does it matter what I say, Gage? You’ve already decided what happened, and I doubt you’ll believe me anyway.” He was ready to fight the moment he walked into the bungalow this afternoon, she realized.

  He shook his head with a sardonic smile. “You almost got me. Almost had me believing your little lies. So sweet and innocent. A fucking wildcat in the sack and totally uninterested in my money. You were perfect.” She watched in horror as his face twisted in a scowl, listened to every hate-filled word. “But I guess the allure of whatever Brady was offering you was too irresistible even for St. Shawna.”

  “You done?” She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the tears that stung right behind her eyes.

  “How much did he offer you? How much is a ride with you worth? Maybe I’m paying too much.” Leaning back, he crossed one ankle over his knee. “I hope you don’t think I’m giving you a percentage of this deal. No matter how much I love fucking you.”

  His sneer snapped something, cracked behind her ribcage and she flew into a rage. “No! Shut up! I’m sick of listening to you berate me for no good reason.” He opened his mouth to speak but her arm sliced through the air to silence him. “I’m speaking now. Since you are so interested in what Brady and I talked about, I’ll tell you. He wanted to know what I planned to do with my degree, because he’s not sure the hotel business is what he wants. Brady didn’t know how to tell Steve, wasn’t sure how dear old dad would react.” She stood and tossed her napkin on the table. “Congratulations, Gage, you got everything you ever wanted. This place and me out of your life.”

  She waited until she was back at the bungalow to let her tears flow. She picked up her phone. “Hey, Barbara, do you think I could stop by?” She listened with a teary smile and nodded before hanging up. Tonight, she would cry over Gage and her silly girlish fantasies. Tomorrow, she would get on with the rest of her life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “That is not the look of a love-struck woman back from a luxury vacation. My brother get sick of you already?”

  Shawna groaned at the sight of Ryker i
n the sitting room at Gage’s house, a sleek silver laptop on his thighs. After a disastrous night of waiting in the airport for a standby flight because she’d refused Barbara’s offer of a private plane, she was tired and cranky. And heartbroken, dammit. She could hardly sleep on the plane for the turbulence and because her stupid obsessive mind couldn’t stop replaying Gage’s venomous darts slicing her open. She’d spent the first half of the flight cursing her own stupidity, her childish flights of fancy she had no business even entertaining. She spent the second half cursing Gage for pretending to be more than a cold-hearted playboy.

  And now she had to deal with his grumpy twin who hated her. How about an ice storm to make this day get worse? She gave a harsh, bitter laugh, but she said nothing. Just marched forward, drawing closer to the guestroom. Soon enough, you’ll be out of this house and out of their lives.

  “Oh, come on, Shawna. We have to be able to laugh at this or else we’ll cry.” His laughter followed her into the room but she didn’t care. She was tired as hell but she had to do this now.

  It’s a good thing I never got too comfortable here. Grabbing her toiletries and clothes took no time, since everything was still mostly packed except a few items. She threw small bags into bigger bags until all her stuff was laid out in five easy-to-carry bags. She threw her textbooks into the box she’d carted them here in and settled it all near the door.

  “Let’s do this now. I don’t have time for you to screw up your courage.” Ryker’s words died on his lips and his frown faded. “Making a quick getaway? Probably a smart idea.”

  “Will you just shut up already? I don’t want your stupid brother or any of his ridiculous money! Just leave me alone.” Picking up three bags, she scooted around him and took them out to her car, nearly running into Ryker on her way back in. “Excuse me.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing” She marched in a straight line without taking in any of the details of the house. She didn’t want to remember anything about her time here. Scooping up her backpack and sliding it over her shoulders, she put the other two bags on her shoulders and picked up her books. This was it. Everything she had in the world. The designer clothes Gage bought were still in the closet. Where they belong.

  “Let me help you with that.” Ryker reached for the box but she stepped away.

  “I got it.” She didn’t need his help, not now. Not because he felt sorry for her. Shoving her crap in the back of her car, she slammed the door shut and slid into the driver’s seat.

  “Do you want me to tell my brother anything?”


  “And you’re not going to wait around for a payoff?”

  “No. This is the last you’ll see of me.” She started to roll up the window, then stopped. “There is one thing.” She dug through her purse and then handed something out to him. “Give him this.” She placed the house key in his hand and then sped away.

  I have no clue where I’m going, but I’ll figure it out.

  I always do.


  “Don’t worry about it, son. Couples fight. Like I told you, we’re prone to making mistakes.”

  Gage let Steve clap his back and laugh at his expense, knowing the man didn’t mean any harm. “She could have just stayed and fought with me.” He’d been furious since he woke up this morning and realized she hadn’t been back to the room. It was only then that he realized all her personal items were gone. Her clothes were gone. Everything was gone, gone, gone. “Doesn’t that seem a little dramatic?” He’d been a jackass yesterday, he knew and she obviously knew it, too. He’d been half jealous and half reliving his past, and it was too late by the time he realized what he’d said. Who he’d said it to. But Shawna wasn’t Simone.

  “Sometimes a woman just needs some time to herself,” Barbara tried to assure him. “To make sure she’s making the right decision.”

  Those words stayed with him for the long journey home. There was no decision for Shawna to make. They’d had an agreement and she’d risked everything by running away. Did she? He deflated at the thought, because she hadn’t risked it. In fact, she’d spun a story—or the truth—of a couple’s quarrel so that no one was suspicious.

  It didn’t matter that she’d still helped him even though he’d been a dick to her. She shouldn’t have left like that. And now that he was home, he could tell her as much. He stopped at the sight of his brother on his sofa with several laptops surrounding him. “What are you doing here and where is she?”

  “I’m here because you asked me to check on things. And Shawna is gone.” He tapped a few keys on his laptop and set it on the table. “And I don’t think she’s coming back. She left the key, too, so you really must have screwed up if she was willing to give up all this.”

  “Did she tell you that over wine and cheese?”

  “No, but I watched her pack up her stuff and shove it into that piece of shit car and drive off.”

  Gage darted off to the guestroom where she’d been living for the past few months and blew out a sigh of relief at what he saw. All the dresses he’d bought were still hanging in the closet. “She’ll be back.”

  “Check again.”

  He took a closer look in the closet, at the clothes that still wore tags and shoes still in boxes. But the books on her bedside table were gone, her jeans and sneakers, too. “Shit. This is all the stuff I bought for her.” He could face facts. He’d fucked up in a big way. “I messed up.”

  Once back in the living room, Ryker set the good tequila on the table along with four glasses. “You like her.”

  Gage nodded, even though it wasn’t a question. “I got the Wilde deal because of her.” He told his twin all about St. Lucia, the surfing and hiking. The lovemaking. “It was great and she won them all over, convinced them I was worthy of the contract. And I said some really shitty things to her.”

  Ryker was stoic as he always was. “What did you give her for that kind of performance?”

  “Nothing. Just protection from her crazy ex.”

  “So, what’d you do to piss her off?”

  Gage poured two shots and threw them both back. Then he told his brother about the delicious dinner she’d arranged to thank him for such a wonderful week. “She was just doing something nice, and I shit all over it. Then I accused her of fucking Brady to get a piece of the deal.”

  “You did what?”

  “You heard me,” he growled, narrowing his gaze in his brother’s direction.

  “And this was after she’d made you seem like the second coming and pretty much got you that lucrative contract?”

  Gage nodded and had another shot.

  “What did she ask for?” Ryker asked.

  “Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.” She’d never asked him for anything because she knew, better than he did, that it would always be a problem.

  “And you like her? For real?”

  “Yeah. I think I might love her.” He ignored his brother choking and coughing in front of him. “But I’ve been wrong before.”

  Ryker nodded. “Yeah, I mean Simone offered to chip in on the bills, didn’t she?”

  Gage groaned. “You know she didn’t. I need to find Shawna.” He stood but the room swirled and he toppled back down.

  “Sit down, I’m already searching for her.” Ryker smiled at his brother as his fingers flew over the keyboard, trying to pick up her digital trail. “What do you even have to offer a girl like that?”

  “A girl like that?” He shook his head, bemused. “Ten minutes ago, you thought she was a gold digger.”

  “No, I knew she wasn’t when I offered her a payoff twice while she packed up to go and she didn’t take it. She didn’t negotiate, and she didn’t even get that greedy gleam in her eyes.”

  “But you still let her leave.”

  Ryker shrugged. “I figured you started a fight because you wanted to get rid of her.”

  “How long does it take to find one girl?”

  “Depends on
how easy she makes it, and this one doesn’t want to be found. She took a large sum of cash from an ATM about thirty minutes after she left here yesterday, and she hasn’t used her cards since. Smart.”

  Gage snorted. “And now you’re impressed by her.”

  His mouth curved into an amused grin and Ryker shrugged. “You don’t really have the best taste in women, so that’s not my fault.”

  “Yeah,” Gage sighed, knowing his brother was right. He had purposefully picked women he couldn’t settle down with, didn’t want more than one hot night from because that wasn’t what he wanted. “But no matter how much I’ve tried to pigeon-hole her, Shawna won’t fit into one category.” Except maybe now she’d be in a category all her own. The lone woman who’d walked away from Gage Steele.


  Shawna had spent two nights in the cheapest motel she could find. The first night a burly bearded biker named Gus had accidentally knocked on her door at three in the morning, hoping to find Estrella, the hooker in the room next door. She didn’t judge, but she also didn’t want to be on the other side of the door when a bigger, meaner guy than Gus showed up.

  “If you ain’t conductin’ this type of business, I suggest you find another place to stay, darlin’.” The big bearded sweetheart had seemed genuinely worried about her.

  That was a first.

  She’d thanked him for his concern but quickly dismissed his words because the place was thirty bucks a night, a steal by any definition. Then she’d heard a fight followed by gunshots last night, which was why she was checking out of this place and looking for a new cheap place to lay her head. What she needed was to find a short-term sublet so she could have a real place to live that couldn’t be traced to her.

  She needed to be as close to impossible to find as possible.

  Not that she thought Gage would turn stalker the same way Pearce had, but he’d left her about twenty messages and double that amount of text messages so she knew he wasn’t happy. And if he knew where she was, he would come after her. Not because he felt anything for her, not because he’d suddenly realized he was wrong about her and couldn’t live without her.


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