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Page 43

by John Day

  As he slowly eased himself out of his protective clothing, dumping them into the dinghy, the cold of the night air hit his sweat soaked body. Convulsing in agony and shivering with the intensity of a bad fit, he tried to clean himself up in the icy water. His digestive tract had nothing more to give, he was empty, he urged with no relief.

  Naked, but clean, he pulled the light weight craft into the water, flopped in and switched on the electric outboard. He laid out flat, head to the bows, feet either side of the tiller so he could watch the island and all its horrors, get smaller, as he sailed away.

  Ten kilometres from land, the motor turned extremely slowly and stopped as the battery had used up all its charge. Max was hardly conscious as he realised that his journey was at an end. He reckoned at 200km/hr. it would take just three minutes for the pyroclastic cloud to reach him, when the volcano blew. His body temperature would go from 28°C to 500°C in a few hundredths of a second.

  As paranoia and despair set in, Max believed there was no reason why Sam would bother to send a helicopter to get him, there would be no remains to find. There was no future for earth anyway…

  Max did not hear the faint sound of an approaching engine, if he had, he might have wondered, was it a boat or plane, was it sent by Sam?

  Was it the team from America, sent to survey the volcano?

  Whoever it was, would they see the small black dingy bobbing in the darkness and the white naked body inside?

  Would they even be in time, to save Max’s life?

  The end of the 1st book.

  Now read Fire Ice, the 2nd book in the series, it is available now!

  Best regards,

  Max and Carla

  Back soon ………






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