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Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 20

by Styles, T.

  “After all that…in the hotel?” Asks Dayshawn. “After everything we talked about in private?”

  “Like I said, I’m sorry.” I say walking away from them. “But my life and the life of my family matters more to me than all of you! And since my name is the only one on the lease, I have the luxury of cleaning house, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  New Management

  jQueen dayshawnL

  Adrian sat on the sofa along with Tyrone and Dayshawn after Miss Wayne gave them a piece of his mind.

  “I’m confused,” says Adrian. “I mean…I thought everything was okay between the three of us at least. I know he was beefin’ with you, Tyrone, but how we get tied up in this shit?”

  “It’s like he snapped,” Dayshawn adds.

  “I don’t know what to think, but what are we going to do now?” Adrian asks.

  “I don’t know. What are you goin’ to do, Tyrone?” Asks Dayshawn.

  “Well I have enough money to get a place of my own, I just need some roommates I can trust.”

  “You sure you don’t really need someone to fill out the rental applications for you? Since you can’t read?” Asks Dayshawn.

  “That too,” he laughs. “But think about it…after this shit blows over, we can make enough money to take care of ourselves because I’m still doin’ the injections. It’s a lot of money in that shit and I could use the help. We don’t even need Wayne no more.”

  “I feel like I should talk to Wayne first,” Says Adrian. “Maybe he’s just mad right now but will be better later.”

  When Tyrone sees he wasn’t getting through to them he says, “We can even split the profits three ways.”

  Now he had their full attention.

  “We still need a legal job to qualify to rent an apartment. You know wherever we go they’re going to ask us for pay stubs.” Dayshawn replies. “I really wish that house didn’t burn down. That was a good look for us.”

  “Wait a minute…isn’t Miss Rick renting out another place?” Adrian asks.

  “You’re right! She do got a spot.” Says Dayshawn.

  “We can see if she’ll rent it out to us. You know she’ll be lenient on the paperwork and shit too, just as long as we pay on time.”

  “I don’t know, it’s all the way in Laurel, Maryland. You know we don’t go that far up the pike on a regular.”

  “Come on, Day! We don’t have a choice.” Adrian persists.

  “What do you think, Tyrone? You think we can move that far?”

  “I just need a place to live.” He says although they detect slight hesitation in his voice.

  “Let me call Miss Rick now and see if the place is still available.”

  Grabbing his phone from his pocket, Dayshawn calls. The phone rings four times before he finally answers. He puts the call on speaker.

  “What’s up, bitch?!” Miss Rick screams. “Where the fuck you been?”

  “Nowhere important but everyplace else. You know how it is.”

  “I hear you.”

  “I’m calling to see if that place is still available. The one you were renting out in Maryland.”

  “For now…but if you want it you better move quick. I had five people come look at it today alone. You know I’ll keep it for you because you’re my peoples but you got to move now.”

  “Cool…can we make a deposit at the end of the week?”

  “I don’t think I’ll be holding it that long. I need to rent that place sooner than later.”

  “What happened to us being your peoples?”

  “You know how it is. I’m a greedy bitch first. But to be honest, if you really want the place you should come down here today with a five thousand dollar deposit.”

  Dayshawn laughs and says, “Okay…let me see if the deposit is possible on my end.” Dayshawn takes the phone off speaker and says, “You heard him. If we want the house, we got to go down there today to sign the papers and bring the money.”

  “Good!” Tyrone pauses looking at the slight frown on Dayshawn’s face. “What’s the problem now?”

  “Well, we don’t have the money for the deposit…unless you can front us, Tyrone.”

  “Wait a minute…is this a set up? Are ya’ll consipirin’ with that bitch back there to take my fuckin’ money? It is awfully funny that Ms. Rick doesn’t mind renting her house to me when she doesn’t bump with me for real.”

  “Ty, I don’t have time for this shit. We ‘bout to be homeless! You heard Wayne. Now if you don’t want to move with us then that’s up to you. I’ll just find another place to get the cash. As a matter of fact, let me go back there and ask Wayne now. He wants us out so bad, he’s liable to pay us to leave.”

  Dayshawn walks to the back and Tyrone yells, “Wait! I’ll put up the money. But how do I know I can trust ya’ll?”

  Dayshawn walks back and says, “Tyrone, just because the bitch doesn’t want to live with you don’t mean she don’t wanna get money! Ms. Rick will rent to you as long as the money right and she ain’t gotta stay with your ass.” Deshawn pauses when he still senses hesitation. “Look…if you think we bullshittin’ you let’s do this… we’ll let you sign the lease alone. That way if we act up, you can put us out. It’ll be your world, and we’ll just be livin’ in it.”

  “Why would you do that? After all the stuff I’ve done to ya’ll?”

  “Did you hear, Miss Wayne? He wants us the fuck out of here, Ty.” He pauses. “Now come on! What the fuck are we gonna do? Nair one of us has good credit or a job! This is it.”

  “Let me go grab my purse.” The smirk on his face shows that he loves having full control.

  When they get to the house, they were overwhelmed at how beautiful it was. Although the rental was only in Prince Georges County Maryland, it had a large back yard filled with trees and a below level pool. It also had five bedrooms and that meant they would each have a space of their own. After Miss Rick showed them the place, he sat them down in his office and went over the details of the agreement.

  “So, do you like it?” He asks.

  “It’s beautiful!” Says Adrian. “I’m going to hook this place up!”

  “You mean I’m going to hook this place up. This is my place not ya’lls,” Tyrone reminds them like he had all the way to the house. “Ain’t shit goin’ on in this house unless I approve it.”

  Adrian lowers his head and looks at Miss Rick and Dayshawn.

  “Well since you’re the renter, where is my money?” Asks Miss Rick.

  “Here you go.”

  Miss Rick tucks the money into his bra and slides the contract across the table.

  “Here is the first contract,” Miss Rick says, sneezing several times. “Let me know if you don’t like something in the verbiage because we can change it right now.”

  Tyrone looks at Dayshawn and Adrian for their help. Adrian scans over the paperwork and with an attitude says, “It looks fine to me.”

  With that, Tyrone places an illegible signature on the only place on the agreement he could comprehend. The blank line.

  “Here’s another document too. I need you to sign this also.” Miss Rick says.

  Again he signs. Once he finishes, Miss Rick quickly snatches the documents before Tyrone has a chance to change his mind and his sneezing becomes worse.

  “Are you okay?” Asks Adrian.

  “Allergies…that’s why I’m renting this house. I can’t take the trees no more in the spring.”

  “I’m not tryin’ to be rude, but can you hand me my keys without touchin’ them. I don’t want none of that snot on my hands,” says Tyrone.

  “Uggh! It’s just allergies, girl but okay,” he says grabbing a napkin and placing the keys in them. “Congratulations home renters!”

  Miss Tyrone, Dayshawn and Adrian embrace each other in a hug and leave. They go on and on about how they lucked up on such a good deal.

  But when they’re gone, Miss Rick picks up the phone to make a call, “I got what you need. S
o hurry up and come get your half of the money. I got to go pick up my husband at the airport.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Red Light Special

  jmiss wayneL

  All of the ladies are in attendance including the ladies who usually help us out at the parties. We’re in the living room going over the details of our last event, and this would be one some of us would never forget.

  “Okay babies! We have a busy night. The party list is jammed pack and we are sure to make a lot of cash. So…make sure we keep the liquor flowin’ and turn up the swag. Any questions?”

  “No!” Adrian says. “But too be honest I didn’t know you were still going to throw the party this weekend. Considering that you want us gone.”

  “Well we already had people on the way so the last show must go on. Plus I know you wanna make a little cash before you leave.”

  “I guess we’re ready to go then!” Dayshawn adds. “What about you, Tyrone? Are you ready to work?” I ask.

  He’s quiet and the look in his eyes shows he thinks he knows something I don’t.

  “I’m ready as I’m goin’ to be but I work at my own pace now. You need to know that tonight, Wayne. You’re not the boss of me anymore.”

  I laugh and say, “Thank the queens on high for small favors.” With that I clap my hands together and say, “We have five minutes ‘til show time. Chop, chop!”

  Twenty minutes after my little speech the house is jammed pack and I am excited. I had a heavy weekend ahead of me because tomorrow is the ball and I’m confident that we’re going to kill it. My house members from LA are already in town and were ready to walk the hell out of that ball girl. But instead of staying with me, I put them up in a hotel. A lot of shit popping off tonight so I wanted them as far away from here as possible.

  While in the kitchen, someone knocks at the door and I wonder who it is. I look at my watch and walk to the door. Through the peephole, I see Ryan and on impulse, I look behind me to be sure Tyrone isn’t near, he isn’t. So I open the door.

  “Here is what you needed.” Ryan says handing me an envelope. “I did everything you asked me to.”

  “Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate you doing this for me.” I say tucking the envelope in my bra like I do everything else.

  “It’s not a problem.” He smiles. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “What’s up?”

  “I kinda want to sit down, and talk. Mind if I come in?”

  He’s wearing a fresh pair of jeans, a dark blue button down and smells so fuckin’ good I want to bite him. The sleeves on his shirt are rolled up exposing his diamond Rolex watch.

  “Ryan, I have a house full of people in here. So now is not a good time. But here is the money I owe you. It’s all there.”

  If he takes it, I won’t fuck with him at all. And if I do give him the time of the day, it will only be on my terms.

  He takes the money and frowns.

  Bitch ass nigga! I thought.

  Then he looks into the house and sees Adrian, Tyrone and Miss Day walking around.

  “Every time I come here they’re here.”


  “’Cause you never have no time for me, but you always got time for them.”

  Not wanting him in my business I say, “They don’t live here but they’re my friends. I’ll leave it at that. But Ryan, I really have to go now.”

  “Damn! Fuck is wrong with you? I said I was sorry!”

  Okay, this bitch is tripping for real. “Look, I forgive you…I really do. But like I said, I’m not interested in you like that. I’m a diva… and divas demand love and respect and you just showed me once again that you don’t get it.”

  As I’m talking to him in the doorway, a man walks up behind him and says, “Is Tyrone here?”

  “Yeah…go inside. It’s the third door on the right.”

  When he walks deeper into the house I say, “Alright, Ryan. I’ll talk to you later. I need to keep an eye on what’s goin’ on.”

  “You know what…I had no idea you could be so fuckin’ cold. So what…you don’t believe in second chances?”

  “Well you won’t be hanging around long enough to find out,” I say tapping the envelope. Then I slam the door in his fuckin’ face.

  He can kiss my ass. When I close the door, I swagger my sexiness back inside. By the way he went off, I can tell he’s feeling me way more than I could ever feel him. But I’m gonna make him sweat. And then maybe…just maybe, I’ll give him another chance to taste this fruit. But he could never make me do shit I don’t want to do. Believe that.

  I Know What You Did Last Night

  jspecial strangerL

  “Excuse me…you can’t come in here.” Says Tyrone to the man entering his room. He was getting ready to entertain the guests Wayne scheduled for him in the living room.

  “Oh you can make time for me.” The tall handsome man says. Wearing black slacks and a red shirt, he looks more reserved than the men he usually entertained.

  “Sir…maybe you not hearin’ me. I said you can’t be in here right now. I’m waitin’ on someone else.”

  “Who could you be waiting on, Tyrone? Tell me what else could possibly be more important than the man who wants to know what happened to his nephew?”


  “I…I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  “I think you do,” he says in an angry voice. “Now take a seat.” When he doesn’t he says, “I won’t ask you nicely again.”

  Tyrone stops what he’s doing looks into the stranger’s eyes and sits on the edge of the bed.

  “Tyrone, let me not cut corners with you.” He starts sitting next to him. “I know everything about you and I also know you have something to do with the reason my sister is going crazy right now. She can’t seem to understand why her only child never came home last night. But I know what happened.” When Tyrone appears nervous he says, “But have no fear, I’m not going to tell her anything about you. That is, if you pay me.”

  “I don’t know who you are, but I really think you have the wrong person.”

  “Okay,” he says standing up. “Maybe the police will be more interested in what I have to say.”

  “Please don’t go. I…I want to talk to you.”

  “I’m glad you finally understand what’s going on,” he says sitting again. “Now this is what I want…I need five thousand dollars today and five thousand by the end of the week to be quiet. Once I collect the last five, you’ll have my complete silence and promise to never bother you again.” He smiles slyly. “Deal?”

  “I don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Tyrone, stop fuckin’ around with me! I know you got the money. I know what you do in here. Don’t make me take back my promise and settle for the two thousand dollar reward my family is raising instead. Either way it goes, I’m going to get something out of this.”

  “O…Okay. Calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down!”

  “Please…I understand now. But can I ask you somethin’?”


  “How did you find out he was here?” he asks in a low voice.

  “He told me he was coming. We were close. Very close.”

  “What you mean?”

  “I was the one who sent him to you. He wasn’t as feminine as I like my men to be, so I suggested he have the procedure. You know…get larger breasts.” He laughs. “At first we went to Miss P but she told me she wasn’t doing them no more and gave us your info. It was pretty much as easy as that. I also know that when I ain’t hear from him anymore, he must’ve died here.”

  “Why would your nephew do something like that for you?”

  “To keep me from leaving him. Let’s just say he didn’t want to be alone. So he did whatever I wanted him too. That boy sure did know how to suck a mean dick.”

  “You were fuckin’ your own nephew?” he says with an evil glare. “You’re just like my uncle! A fuckin’ user

  “Think what you want. But give me my money now.”

  Tyrone frowns at him stands up and says, “Can you get the fuck off my bed please?”


  When he does, Tyrone raises the mattress and removes a purple velvet satchel. Then he takes out five thousand dollars and hands it to him. With the money he gave Miss Rick, he was dead broke.

  “Thanks.” The stranger smiles tucking the money inside his jeans. “Now let me let you get back to work. You have a lot of money to make up before the end of next week. And I don’t want any slacking on the job either.” He says pointing at him, “Because do or die, you will give me what’s owed to me.”

  Long Shanks

  janother special visitorL

  “Tyrone, help me restock the liquor table.” Miss Wayne says to Tyrone who is in a slump. Ever since she’d been blackmailed out of her money earlier that night, she wasn’t in the mood to do anything else.

  Reluctantly, she walks slowly over to the table and assists, Wayne anyway. While there, Adrian rushes toward him with a question.

  “Tyrone…can I borrow your whip? I got a kinky trick over there and he’s my last one for tonight.”

  “Yeah…whatever.” He says throwing an empty Vodka bottle in the trash, and putting a new one on the table in its place. “It’s in my room.”

  “Is the door locked?”


  “Thanks, Ty!” she says bopping away.

  “So what’s up with you? You been actin’ funny ever since that guy left.” Wayne inquires. “Who was he anyway?”

  “Nobody you have to worry about.”

  “I hope not. Because after last night, I don’t want no more drama in here when it comes to you.” Wayne says throwing another empty bottle in the trash next to the table.

  Tyrone rolls his eyes when Wayne isn’t looking and asks, “Wayne…I need a favor. I’m in a bind.”

  “And what is this favor you’re askin’ me for?” Wayne asks in a suspicious tone. “’Cause you ain’t got no more favors comin’ your way from me no time soon.”


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