Worthy of a Master: The Tale of a Perfect Slave

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Worthy of a Master: The Tale of a Perfect Slave Page 16

by Chelsea Shepard

  After parading in the artificial daylight, I was relieved to hide in the darkness of the night hall. My comfort was short-lived as I found myself locked in one of the narrow cages that only allowed me to stand. Lodel called a few friends and they settled comfortably next to me.

  We spent a couple of hours there. Lodel let me drink and didn't mind when I gripped the bars for support, but it was still a long ordeal to endure, especially because of the heels. I watched the dancers in front of me. I also followed a whipping session on the post platform, as well as a discipline act on the theatre stage, but I quickly lost interest in both scenes. Even the appreciative comments had stopped distracting me from the pain. I had cramps all over my body, and I feared my legs were going to give out.

  Eventually, we left the Cabaret and retreated to Lodel's bedroom on the Green deck. It was the middle of the night for him, mid-afternoon for me. I could have used a nap, but he didn't seem ready to sleep yet.

  "Sit on the bed."

  While I did, careful not to yank on any chains, he removed his clothes one by one, folding them neatly on the chair.

  "You did very well, Megan. I'm truly impressed."

  I wasn't sure of what special achievements I had accomplished during this crazy day, except perhaps make him feel exceptionally good, but his kind words made me proud.

  "As promised, we shall soon discuss our big plan," he continued on the same scholar tone.

  My plan. About time.

  "But before we do, show me you're a brave girl. I'm sorry you couldn't make much of your mouth, today. Let's compensate for that."

  He stepped forward, his cock rising in front of my lips.

  "Take it in and make me come."

  I obeyed, bracing myself for a long sucking and licking session. While my tongue went to work, I dreamed of the plan. The whipping with Lodel. Khiru watching us, admiring me. His comeuppance as he becomes aware of my potential. And then...

  Lodel groaned and spurted out his sperm. That was quick.

  I couldn't help smiling as the king of the day cleaned himself in the bathroom. So much foreplay for such little reward. Was he going to return the favor, or let me walk home with an itch remaining to be scratched? I must say the chains had done their jobs well. They had scraped and pulled, but also teased and warmed me up. And the long sequence of public admiration and humiliation had finally scored high points in the arousing department. I was ready for some action myself.

  "Well, I'm sure you're impatient to hear my ideas," Lodel said cheerfully when he returned. "So here they are."

  I still didn't speak – he hadn't cancelled the rule yet – but my pout must have been explicit.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," he said.

  But before I could smile, he knelt down to remove my shoes.

  "I should probably make you comfortable first. There, I hope your little feet aren't too sore. Now, the chains."

  In five minutes, he had not only removed my dress and restraints, but also wiped out my hopes for sex. Or at least a small finger-induced orgasm. Nothing, nada.

  He'd had my own clothes brought over while we were running our special errands, and I put them back on while he cleared his accessories.

  After that, we talked. And his strategy made up for his boorishness.

  I was in an excellent mood when I met Myhre at the Therms, even more so when Phylla offered to take care of me with a long massage.

  Chapter EIGHTEEN

  "He's there."


  "Back of the room, leaning on the drink counter."

  Our efforts had paid off. While I stayed hidden in a dressing room, trying not to die from a heart attack, Lodel had scanned the Cabaret incessantly for twenty minutes. He was finally back with good news.

  Since the day we discussed our strategy, after my diva-in-chains performance, I had feared Lodel's plan would fail. After considering various options, he'd come to the conclusion that the only way to make sure Khiru would come see the scene was to organize it in the Cabaret and announce my participation as an exceptional act. "The Earthling gets whipped," or something along those lines. He had a hard time convincing me. Because I'd lied to him, Lodel thought I was an experienced bottom, but all my friends and Khiru knew I wasn't. They would strongly disapprove of the idea.

  "But if they're only told a few hours before the show, they won't be able to do much about it," Lodel explained. "We'll launch the news in the morning of the Green shift; it will be night for your friends. By the time they know, you'll be safely hidden."

  "Khiru will probably read the news early."

  "So? He'll never know where to find you, either."

  Lodel's plot was feasible. A last-minute announcement would allow me to hide until showtime. Besides, the crew didn't need advance notice of entertainment activities. It wasn't like they were going away for the weekend. And by giving away my name, we made sure Khiru would be interested enough to attend. If he didn't, I might as well give up hope.

  Because the Cabaret stages were booked, we had to wait ten days before we could set up our act. It gave me plenty of time to search for my outfit, but also to become totally stressed out. Returning to normal activities without revealing anything to my friends was a real accomplishment.

  On D-Day, I hid in the safest place on the ship: Lodel's bedroom. Indeed, while my name would be broadly advertised, his would be kept secret so that he could still run around the ship undisturbed. Although I was too nervous to contemplate eating, he brought me lunch and dinner, and insisted I feed myself. While he was gone, I tried to read or play with Lodel's DAT, but I basically watched the hours pass, tension building to intolerable levels as the day slowly progressed.

  The most dangerous part of the plan came when Lodel smuggled me into the Cabaret through a service elevator. I put on the full-body costume I'd used when I'd visited the Twilight on my own, the one that hid my body shapes so well. Lodel added a hood to conceal my head completely, even my eyes. No one would recognize me under the resina.

  We were relieved when we reached the backstage area of the Cabaret without having met anyone who was overly curious. After removing the resina attire, Lodel helped me put on my ornaments for the show. Then he left me to see whether our plan had worked. It had: Khiru was in the audience. The fact that he was far from the stage hardly mattered.

  "That's not all," Lodel continued. "He's pissed off."

  "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

  "Seriously. When he came in, he stormed his way over to Naari and Myhre. One of my pals overheard their conversation. Khiru was furious they hadn't stopped you."

  I felt sorry for my friends, but there was nothing to be done to avoid this.

  "They told Khiru that they didn't know anything, but he refused to listen. Naari said they'd searched for you all day as soon as they'd heard the news."

  "Did Khiru search for me, too?"

  Like Naari and Myhre, he'd left several notes on my mediapin, none to which I'd replied. The idea that he was concerned or angry pleased me immensely. So much for the guy who pretended not to care about me. Apparently, he didn't mind leaving me alone, but couldn't stand the thought of someone else topping me.

  "No, but he argued that as your closest friends, they should have known better. That they should have smelled a rat."

  That was so unfair of Khiru to presume that much.

  "Do you know if they tried to get backstage?"

  "They did, the moment they entered the venue. But I was at the door and told them not to worry, that you knew what you were doing, and that you'd asked not to be disturbed before the show, even by them. I also said you'd meet them afterwards."

  "Did they recognize you?"

  "Naari did. He raised his eyes when he saw me. He looked surprised, but he didn't make any comment."

  "Good. What about Khiru? Does he have a right to cancel the performance?"

  "If he had a good reason, I suppose he could, yes, but why would he? You're a consenting adult, you know what you'r
e doing."

  I sincerely hoped I did. After the relief of knowing our plan had worked and Khiru would watch the show, panic returned at the thought of the public whipping scene ahead.

  "How long until we're due onstage?"

  "About half an hour. People are still coming in."

  "Can you leave me alone until then? I need to calm down and get into the mood."

  "Sure. I'll come back before showtime to adjust your accessories. If you need anything else, call me."

  Calming down was not a real option, but I didn't fancy spending my waiting time chatting with Lodel. His nonchalance only reminded me of my opposite state of mind. I'd spent the whole day writhing in anguish, and I wasn't going to relax so close to the decisive moment.

  I'd specifically asked Lodel to whip me until I climaxed. I'd read enough stories to know that it was possible, and figured I was as capable as anyone in that department. If necessary, I could always fake it. What I truly wanted to avoid was for Lodel to worry about me and abort the scene before I'd made a good impression on Khiru. I knew the whipping would be tough until pleasure kicked in, but I was determined to go through the worse.

  I'd lectured Lodel for hours until he'd agreed to not let me influence the scene. No safeword or signal, no brain controller, only a very impressive pump gag that wouldn't even let my sighs come through.

  I was foolishly audacious; I was helplessly in love.

  As the minutes grinded by, I stared at the lilk trainer on the table in front of me. I'd found it in the fetish Galleries during one of my many trips with Myhre. It resembled the head harness she had used on Jova for his circus act, except that the blindfold couldn't be removed and the bladder that would fit between my teeth would inflate to a level of total obstruction. A large strap fixed over my mouth and under my chin would then seal the lower part of my face completely.

  For the umpteenth time, I stood up from the chair and faced the mirror that extended to the ceiling.

  At the time of selecting my costume, I'd thought of Khiru's partner Svelia's sticky resina, and how gorgeous it would look along the sinuous lines of my body. But I couldn't be a mere copycat. There were other ways of highlighting the physical assets of an Earth woman, the easiest of which was to appear as naked as possible, with special emphasis on sexual parts.

  First of all, my breasts, which never failed to impress Khyrians. When I ran around naked, like in the Therms, my tits acted like magnets for the eyes. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to show them off for long during the whipping scene, since my back, bottom and legs would be turned to the audience, not the front. Therefore, I wanted to make a lasting impression when I stepped onto the stage.

  Because of the particular contraption I'd requested as support, I couldn't use any jewels or clamps. Lodel, always the aesthete, made a brilliant suggestion. Literally. He showered me with golden confetti that covered my whole body. Playing with density and subtle patterns, he emphasized my breasts and hips, narrowed my waist, and elongated my legs. I looked like a divine apparition.

  To provide anchoring points for the bondage, we selected solid leather cuffs for my limbs. Lodel wanted to keep a golden theme, but I preferred the mysterious density of black. The restraints would also match the trainer.

  When the moment came to pick up footwear, I stubbornly rejected high heels, or any shoe of any kind. I would go with bare feet, like a nymph or an angel. Or a freegirl for those who didn't have a clue about deities.

  However, I surrendered to Lodel's glittering idea for my last adornment, one I had carefully chosen.

  Chastity belts were very popular among Northies and Southies. Being deprived of sex was the ultimate torture for people who considered it an essential need. When I happened onto a shelf packed with such items at a boutique, I immediately saw how the symbolism could serve me. The Cabaret audience might interpret it as a self-inflicted joke – the sex-challenged Earthling confesses the taboo of her race – but I hoped Khiru would perceive it differently. My message was simple: "I let someone else top me, but will keep myself for you." Granted, I had sex with Naari, and Khiru certainly knew about it, but still, the idea was lusciously charming.

  To maintain Lodel's theme, I selected a golden belt with metallic straps that slipped into one another seamlessly, without any lock or buckle sticking out. It was important to avoid any protuberances on my body.

  The faint music from the Cabaret hall got louder. One minute later, Lodel opened the door.

  "It's time," he needlessly announced before looking me over from head to toe. "You look splendid."

  "You don't look bad either," I coaxed him politely.

  In truth, he was ridiculously overdressed, as usual. He wore some sort of sleeveless robe, richly embroidered with a festoon of colors. A large fabric belt strapped it tight around his chest, then the mantle separated at waist level into two long panels on the front and in the back. They dropped heavily to his ankles, just above his pointed shoes. When he stood sideways, I could see red leggings. Had Lodel been more threatening, he could have passed for a theatrical version of the Japanese shogun. But he was merely a self-conscious courtesan.

  "Thank you," he said. "Are you all right? Still good to go?"

  "Yes. Fix my trainer and let's do it!"

  "As you please, ma'am. Blindfold: set. Trainer: buckled. Gag: pumped. And strap: adjusted. Now, hands behind your back."

  Unable to see or speak, I let Lodel locked my handcuffs, something we had discussed previously. What I hadn't expected was the collar he placed around my neck and the leash that forced me to move forward.

  As I walked blindly through the corridor towards the main stage, the crowd began to cheer impatiently. They must have announced our arrival.

  We stepped onto the stage, Lodel still tugging me onwards. Basking in the heat of the spotlights and happy I could hide under the blindfold and submit to Lodel's control, I imagined hundreds of faces in front of me. I knew Naari, Myhre and Jova were close; Khiru much further. I wondered whether Vhar or other acquaintances had made it. I heard words of praise and encouragement shouted at me, sarcastic comments thrown at Lodel, and a few giggles presumably directed at his costume.

  Lodel brought me to the center of the stage, where he'd installed the contraption in keeping with my instructions. He hadn't liked the idea because it meant extra-work for him, but I had insisted. After all, it was my scene; I could indulge in a little fantasy. As I stood closer to the beams, waiting for Lodel to tie me to their extremities, I strained to hear whether the audience reacted as vehemently as he had.

  "A cross?" he'd screamed. "In a standing position? For a whipping scene? Why would you want that?"

  "It's a very common device on Earth. The St. Andrew's cross, as we call it, is one of the most popular pieces of bondage furniture. It's a symbol unto itself."

  "A symbol of what? Fainting?"

  "A symbol of..." I didn't think mentioning one of the most consequential story of Earth's favorite Western religion would help. "Never mind. Can you find a cross like that?"

  "No, not in the Twilight."

  Funny, I would have thought a cross was as universal as leather or nipple clamps in the erotica department.

  "I'm surprised you never use it. A spread-eagle is a natural position, not to mention one of the most attractive for sexual games."

  "When the Southie lies down, yes. But a vertical cross? Honestly, I don't see the point. We can arrange beams in any fashion to support your body, but a cross such as the one you describe doesn't seem very practical."

  I wasn't sure whether a St. Andrew's cross was practical or not, but it sure looked great. I couldn't imagine my big scene without one.

  "Well, if you don't have any, can you build one?

  Lodel sighed loud and clear, but eventually he built me a cross. My limbs were now leaning on the wooden beams, stretched to their limits and maintained by a series of straps in addition to the locks holding the four cuffs.

  The rest of my body was free of b
onds so as not to interfere with the whip lashes.

  Once I was in place, unable to stop the scene even if I changed my mind, I strangely relaxed. Everything had worked perfectly so far. The last part of the plan should be the easiest. Despite my physical helplessness, I felt more in control than I'd been for weeks.

  I was ready for Lodel's whip.

  I knew, because we'd chosen them together, that he would first use a crop, then a flogger, a bullwhip and a cane.

  When the crop hit my bottom, I had anticipated the blow for such a long time that I gave a start. This unconscious gesture, which indicated surprise rather than pain, must have sent a wrong signal to Lodel. As if he was afraid to hurt me, he went on applying mild, painless strikes on my cheeks and thighs. Was I too resistant, or was he too weak? I had expected high levels of anguish, and all I could feel was ... boredom.

  The audience must have yawned, too. Several men shouted. A woman laughed. I pianoed on the cross with my fingertips.

  Eventually, Lodel understood what we were all trying to tell him. His next strike was brutal, and I was shocked for a few seconds. Before I recovered, he launched a second one, just as strong. I searched for something to grab so I could regain my strength, but the beams were too wide for my hands. Lodel continued hitting me, covering my back and thighs with burning little squares. I wished he would give me time to catch my breath. The pain was too intense now, and spreading everywhere like a forest fire. There was no pleasure yet, and my body showed no sign of finding some. Still, I had expected to be hurt, and I'd have to endure more before I could bridge the gap between duress and arousal.

  Just as I was willing myself to resist, Lodel took a short break, which did wonders for my mood. While he picked up his next tool, I mentally prepared myself for the next round.

  My will was strong; alas, my flesh was weak. The flogger hit the already bruised skin of my ass, and sent fireworks of needles all around. As the leather straps crashed up and down my back, the burn intensified. A primal voice in me shouted to hide and protect myself from more pain, but there was no shelter.


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