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Page 10

by Liz Crowe

  He tilted her chin up so she had to look at him. His expression was serious, but a smile played around his full lips. She exhaled in relief. “I promise to never make you go within a mile of them ever again.”

  “Damn straight on that,” she agreed, opening her robe and loving it when his smile got even wider. “Never again, mister.”

  “Never again, madam.” She took his hand and led him back to her bedroom and, this time, they made love, and when they were done, her anger had faded.

  Chapter Ten

  Three months later

  Evelyn shut her eyes as the restaurant closed in around her.

  This was not happening. There was no way this could be happening. Not to her.

  Clenching her fists around the linen napkin in her lap, she forced herself to look at the gleaming platinum and emerald ring resting in a velvet box next to her empty dessert plate. Austin stayed silent, sipping his beer, letting her absorb in that maddening, patient way of his.

  “No.” She kept her voice low. “Again. My answer hasn’t changed since the last time.”

  “Reconsider,” he insisted, casual and unworried.

  “No.” She stared at him while her heart tore into a million pieces. “It would never work.”

  He grinned at her and leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Listen, I already know you’re an emotional cripple and sometimes a high-maintenance pain in the ass, but I’m willing to overlook all that.”

  “Fuck you.” She smiled back at him, unable to stop herself.

  He grabbed both her hands, making all her every nerve endings sing with delight. “Later, I promise. I love you, Evelyn. Marry me, God damn it.”

  She pulled away, unwilling to admit anything, not now, when all she wanted in the entire world was to say the one word he wanted to hear. But something held her back.

  He held on to her fingers. “Look at me.” She did, willing the tears back. “I want to take care of you. To have babies with you. To grow old with you. To fuck and fight, then fuck again. I need you. I want to take care of you. Why can’t you accept that?”

  “Take me home.” She jerked her hands away, stood and walked out. He placed her wrap around her bare shoulders against a sudden extreme chill. “You’re such a sap.” She slumped into his side. He whistled and a limo pulled up. She rolled her eyes.

  “Shut up, Benedict, and get in before I smack you and get arrested for it.”

  She sighed and climbed in. His single-minded focus on this…this…thing made her crazy in love all over again. She swallowed hard. “No, Austin. God, are you deaf?”

  “Tell me you don’t love me. Look me in the eyes and say it.” He turned her so she had no choice.

  The tears betrayed her. She brushed them away. He brought her knuckles to his lips. “I can’t live without you and I won’t be anywhere else but with you.”

  “Your parents.”

  “Can go fuck themselves.”

  “You are persistent. I’ll give you that.”

  “You have no idea.” He kissed her in that way he had that made her completely unglued. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her in the wide back seat.

  “Oooo, slutty, I knew you’d like the limo.” He grinned and tugged her dress aside to get at her nipple. She gave in to his mouth, ran her palm along the bulge in his trousers, and finally acknowledged it.

  “All right, I do love you.” She heard it escape her lips but still could not believe she was there in that moment. “When I told you that I was flattered but that it was too soon, I meant it. And that was, um, a week ago? The second time you put that ring in front of me?”

  His amazing green eyes were full of so much emotion it made her head ache. “I know.”

  “Where are we going, anyway?” He’d returned his attention to her other painfully erect nipple. “Oh, crap, Austin, seriously. How long do we have in this car?”

  “About thirty minutes.”

  “Perfect.” She crawled out from underneath him and unzipped his trousers, releasing his beautiful, gleaming cock into the cool air. “Sit back, Fitzgerald. I’m gonna give you the ride of your life.”

  With one last significant look, she went down on her knees, sucking his long shaft into her mouth. He groaned, threaded his fingers in her hair and angled his hips, going deep toward the back of her throat. She relaxed, let him do it, loving the sound he made so much it terrified her.

  “Oh, baby, I’ve been wanting to fuck your mouth all night.” He’d figured out how much she loved seriously dirty talk and used it with that rough, naturally sexy voice to perfection.

  She cupped a palm beneath his balls, relishing the hard, hot contraction of them in her palm. She licked around the edge of the head, lapping at the slit at the top, making him moan and thrust his hips faster. She slid her finger down, caressing the soft skin between his balls and ass.

  Arching down over him, she sucked his cock into her mouth once more, letting it bump against the back of her throat before relaxing and taking him all the way.

  “Holy shit, Benedict. Do it. You know what I want.”

  She released him, stared into his eyes, and slid her finger into her mouth. He watched her, eyes narrowed, breathing shallow then groaned in earnest when she slid her slick finger around the edge of his ass, stopping just short of insertion. “Tell me what you want, Austin,” she insisted in a whisper.

  “Bring that mouth back down, baby. I need to fuck it while you stick that sweet finger in my ass.” He clutched his shaft, groaning while she teased the tight, puckered hole. She pressed her finger in nice and slow, using the angle she’d discovered he craved, before lowering her mouth over his dick. She went deep with her finger, just the way he liked it, all the while sucking, releasing to lick, then swallowing him all the way once more.

  “Holy shit, baby, I’m gonna— Oh, God!” His ass clenched around her finger and his whole body arched and contracted. Hot liquid shot down her throat.

  After a few seconds, she pulled her finger out slowly and released his cock with a quick lick to the still-swollen head. He stared up, breathing hard. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” He sucked in a deep breath.

  “Nope.” She wiped her lips with the back of her hand. “Just me.” She dropped into the seat beside him. “But I still won’t marry you.” She wondered why she kept saying that when she knew damn good and well that part of her wanted it more than anything.

  But she couldn’t. Not yet.

  She grabbed tissues and pulled a small bottle of anti-bacterial gel from her purse, using them to clean her hands. She’d figured out pretty quickly how much he enjoyed that move. The thought of that made her shiver.

  He zipped himself up, then tugged her close and kissed her, his eyes hooded and body relaxed. “It’s okay. I’m persistent, remember? I’ll ask again.”

  After about ten more minutes, the car stopped and he hopped out first, extending his hand to help her. They emerged in front of a charming bed and breakfast on the shore of a small private lake. He draped his arm around her shoulder as they walked to the front door. “I’ll ask again,” he reminded her.

  She pushed him away. “I heard you the first time, dammit. Now let’s get inside. I think you owe me.” She smacked his ass and bounded up the steps, unwilling to let him see the longing in her eyes, hoping he would ask again so one day she could say yes.

  Austin sat, sipping coffee and watching the sun rise. He’d slipped out from under the soft sheets and Evelyn’s warm embrace, smiling as she mumbled and flopped over onto her other side. After a freezing five-mile run along trail around the lake, he’d come back, gotten coffee from the smiling B & B owner and sat, watching Evelyn sleep for a few minutes. After deciding to let her rest, he took his coffee to the adjoining room with a giant floor-to-ceiling window.

  To say that life as Evelyn Benedict’s boyfriend was tumultuous constituted an understatement in the extreme. Her mood swings were wide and at times breathtaking. She lived and worked with a passion
matched only by her enthusiasm for sex.

  And she expected a lot of the people around her, so when someone disappointed her at work, or in his case, at home, there was hell to pay. But he loved it. Absolutely fucking reveled in it, using his own much calmer nature to cool her, to temper some of her more egregious outbursts of anger and frustration.

  Of course, ‘home’ was a misnomer. She refused to move in with him, keeping that shitty apartment like a badge of honor, staying over at his condo on the weekends but insisting on sleeping in her own bed during the week.

  So he stayed with her, mostly. And since he’d never been a guy who gave much thought to his surroundings as long as his basic needs were met, he didn’t care. Because she met every single one of his needs—emotional and mental with her constant questions and challenges about brewing, his company, and how to make it better. And her physicality—her near constant need for skin-to-skin contact—matched his in a perfect and sometimes scary way.

  As for the sex, he’d never met a woman more inclined to experiment. One many levels, she reminded him of Ross—and not just the way she threw herself into sex, enjoying every moment, every touch, every caress as if it might be her last. She was also somewhat alarmingly like him in other ways—guarding herself, second-guessing anything that might hint at actual emotion, willing to let others commit before she would. Ready to retract into her hard, tough-girl shell, emotionless shell at the slightest provocation.

  Maddening. But he was so deeply in love with her, he felt prepared to meet it, head on.

  Most days.

  “Austin?” Her voice behind him made him stand and stretch, his cock already tingling in anticipation. “Where did you go? Jesus, what time is it? Get your ass back here.”

  He grinned. “Think you can just boss me like that, woman?” He leaned on the door frame, drinking her in with his eyes. “Because you can’t.”

  “I’m not bossing, dear. Just suggesting.” She let the sheet fall aside, revealing her completely naked body. His smile widened when she bent one knee and reached down to touch herself. “You know, only suggesting that you get your sweet self over here and help a girl out.”

  He grinned, yanked off his shirt and shorts, and dove into the warm nest of sheets and Evelyn. The frustration at her most recent rejection was already forgotten in the amazing smell of her skin and the lovely sound of her moans as he did what she suggested, for an hour or two.

  Later, when they lay tangled in damp sheets, catching their breath, their fingers clasped together between them, Evelyn sighed. “So, tell me something,” she said. Austin forced himself up to full consciousness as best he could.

  “Hmm,” he said, turning to face her, taking in the flushed, well-fucked look on her face with more than a little self-satisfaction.

  “How is it…I mean, with two, um, guys and a girl?”

  Austin hesitated, then put her knuckles to his lips, buying himself some time.

  She pulled her fingers free of his, sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself. One thing about his Evelyn, he mused, watching her. He would never accuse her of being indirect. About anything.

  “Don’t baby me, Austin. I mean it. I want to know.”

  “I have no doubt that you want to know, my love.” He propped himself on one elbow and ordered his thoughts.

  “Don’t think about it, damn you. Just…tell me.” She swept her hair up off her neck, making his mouth water at the sight of her flushed skin. Making him want to grab her, hold her down, lick the sweat droplets and lose himself in her all over again. “Yo, earth to lover boy,” she demanded, snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Spill it. What’s it like? I mean do you… Would you… Oh hell, never mind.” She turned and started to climb out of bed before he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Hang on a second. I don’t mind telling you. I guess I didn’t expect you to want to know. Most…women…aren’t that into it.”

  She let him pull her back into the warm bed and curled into him so he was pressed up against her back, his lips on her bare, delicious shoulder. “Stop it,” she whispered. “Tell me what it’s like to have sex with a woman with another guy in on the act.”

  He sighed and held onto her. “It’s…pretty amazing,” he admitted. “I mean, I can’t speak for the women I’ve… We’ve…well, you know what I mean.”

  With a grunt of frustration, Evelyn turned and faced him, taking his face between her hands. “Are you bisexual, Austin? Because if you are, I want you to know I’m okay with it.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “No, I’m not. Unless being comfortable watching my friend have sex with a woman right in front of me, or fucking her ass while he does the same to her pussy makes me bi, of course. Because I really do enjoy doing that.”

  Admitting this felt like a giant weight lifting off his chest—the last barrier to complete honesty with her was gone. Something about this made his dick hard. Or maybe it was the way one of her legs was draped over his hip, and the way her beautiful, lush breasts were barely covered by the soft white sheet right in front of him. Or perhaps it was the rich, raw, smell of her, of them, and of their recent activity in this small bedroom.

  He shifted, pulling her closer, but she held back, not taking her gaze from his face. “You really enjoy it, eh?”

  “Yes, Evelyn, I do. Feel this? That’s how much I enjoy it. And I’d swear after the last hour or two it would take me a day to recover.” He took her hand and put it on the erection tenting the sheet over his hips. Her slow, sexy smile made him shiver. “God help me, woman, I love you so much…” He kissed her hard, owning her, frustration with her melting away into a puddle of lust.

  She broke the kiss, but kept up her hand work. “Tell me more, Austin,” she whispered, leaning close to nip his earlobe. “I want to hear about it—how you do it. How you and Ross pleasure a woman together.”

  Austin froze for a split second, pondering the implication of this specific request. But the sheet covering her breasts drew away, distracting him. He reached out and held the pleasant heaviness of one in his palm. “You want to know how we do it, huh?” He grazed her nipple with his thumb, making her shudder and his dick even harder. She nodded, her blue eyes sparkling and bright, the now-familiar turned-on Evelyn sensations enveloping him.

  “Like this,” he whispered, pulling away and flipping her over so fast she squealed. When he yanked her hips up off the bed, he had a flash image, a memory he supposed, of Ross lying beneath her, his massive cock poised and ready, his broad chest slicked with sweat. Leaning over her to grab a tube of lube, he kissed the knobs of Evelyn’s spine, one by one, making her shiver and sigh and press her ass back against him. “Ross can’t really be here,” he said, as he covered his aching dick with the lubrication, then used some to slide a finger gently into her ass. “He’s too big. You know what I mean?”

  In all the many times they’d fucked, made love, had sex, gotten off together, Austin didn’t think he’d ever been this turned on. He honestly believed that he might simply come all over her back, right now, even after coming inside her so hard forty-five minutes ago he almost passed out.

  “Yeah, I know,” she whispered, looking over her shoulder at him. “Tell me more, baby.” She wiggled her hips and spread her thighs wider, as he continued to prep her with a lubed finger.

  “Okay,” he said, easing slowly, carefully inside her tightest hole. “Oh Je-sus,” he moaned, closing his eyes. He’d forgotten how good this felt.

  “So,” she gasped as he got all the way and held there, trying not to blow within seconds. “Ross is under me, doing what?”

  “Oh, right now, he’s sucking your nipples, hard, biting them, the way you want. The way you’re begging him to. And he’s teasing that sweet, sweet clit with one fingertip, making you moan.” Austin gritted his teeth as she shivered. The pain-pleasure of fucking a woman in the ass had been among his forgotten memories but he was getting over that, fast.

  “Why isn’t he fucking me too?”
she asked. “I want you both inside me.”

  Austin pulled back, needing the friction but not wanting to hurt her. “Because, your body can’t hold us both, baby.” He leaned over her back and cupped one full breast, tweaking her ultra-sensitive nipple and biting down on her shoulder to distract himself.

  “Hmm,” she said, arching her back. “So, how does this work, then?”

  “Oh fuck, baby, I’m gonna…” He let go of her and gripped her hips for dear life, grinding deep and sensing the orgasm rushing at him like a freight train.

  “Talk to me, Austin,” she demanded. “Tell me what Ross is doing to me right now.”

  “He’s… He’s… We’re taking turns inside you,” Austin managed, making himself think. “I’m in like this, deep in your sweet ass, and he’s fingering your clit, making you come hard. Then…” He swallowed and made himself do it. “Then I pull out of you, like this.” He groaned, low and loud at the sensation. Evelyn gasped. “I’m sorry, baby. It hurts?”

  “I…yeah, but…go on…” She was breathing heavily and so turned on he believed he could taste in the air between them. “So, you’re out, and he’s in…my pussy, right?”

  “Yeah,” Austin exhaled and spoke at once, his vision clearing ever so slightly as he imagined it, imagined Ross doing exactly that to his woman, to his Evelyn. Would he, could he, take it? “He’s inside your pussy now, Evelyn. Can you feel him?” He reached down for a glass dildo he’d packed for them, but they’d not bothered with yet. “Here,” he said, his voice hoarse. “Put this inside your pussy and pretend it’s him.”

  Evelyn’s hands were shaking but she took it from him and slid it into her. She groaned and arched her back, exposing the glistening pink opening he wanted so very much right now.

  “That’s it,” he said, leaning back on his heels so he could watch the clear glass rod going in and out of her. “Now,” he said, unable to wait another minute. “Pull it out. I need in and I’m gonna come so hard…you’d better be ready.”


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