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Play Me

Page 4

by Kelly Elliott

  I left that dangling out there as a challenge.

  The room grew quiet as Hunter assessed me with his eyes. I knew he was trying to figure out where I was going with this. I remained unreadable and stiff the way I’d seen my father be all those times in the boardroom.

  Finally, he took the bait. “Unless?”

  Bingo. Without missing a beat, I said, “Unless the coach can win the championship this year.”

  He shot back, “That’s damn near impossible, and you know it.”

  This was where I had him. I cocked my head, remembering that he didn’t like being called a coward. “Oh, I hadn’t realized you were afraid of a challenge. Maybe I misjudged you.” Picking up the phone, I buzzed Amber to drive the point home. At any time, Hunter could call my bluff. It was a risk I had to take. “Hey, Amber, will you please validate Hunter Owens’s parking? And also send me the information for my next interview in...” For dramatic effect, I checked my watch. “Thirty-two minutes.”

  Amber answered in a whisper, “What interview?”

  I would fill her in later. “Thanks so much. I—”

  Hunter hit the button to end my call. “Stop baiting me, Kendall.”

  His commanding voice made me cross my legs and squeeze. I looked at him with innocent eyes. “Do we have a deal, Hunter?”

  There was something else lingering underneath the surface with Hunter. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was as if he was afraid to want to take this consultant job that was actually a coaching job. His player’s death had been a tragedy, but it hadn’t been his fault.

  “We have a deal. But I’ll be out of here in a year. I’ll do the damn near impossible, but I will make it happen. Mark my words.”

  That hunger to prove me wrong was such a turn on. “I hope so. I’ll have human resources draw up the contract with those conditions. Housing will be provided. For now, until a coach is found, you can use Coach Bailey’s old office. Was there anything else you wanted to discuss in the agreement I left at your house?”

  It was hard to keep my emotions in check knowing I was close to closing this deal. It would change the fate of the team. And the sooner I locked Hunter in, the better. With the team’s record, it was only a matter of time before our next incident happened. All week long, I’d been fielding calls, and I was looking forward to watching Hunter kick their asses and get them in line.

  He stood. “I have a condition.”

  Here we go. Game face engaged, Kendall. Keep your head in the game. With practiced precision, I kept my voice level and void of emotion. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t interfere with my decisions for the team. I won’t be micromanaged. I’ll go over my decisions with you, but if I’m going to win this year and be gone by the beginning of the next season, I don’t need a babysitter.”

  From the set of Hunter’s jaw, this was a nonnegotiable point. The discussion had grown very serious between us, and we were near the point of breaking. I had to agree, but there needed to be parameters. “Deal. But we have to work within a budget, which I’ll share with you tomorrow morning. Amber will get you a key to the furnished apartment as well as anything else you might need. I’ll see you at seven in the morning. That’ll be all.”

  Hunter stood there, unmoving, and smiled at me. Quickly, I glanced around the room to see what I was missing. Why isn’t he leaving? He sat back down in the chair ever so slowly. Hell, he had muscular legs. Legs. This is not a time to think about his legs. I wanted to groan in frustration. Why is he still here? His earthy cologne was fogging up my senses. I made a mental note to buy some Lysol for the next time he came into my office. That addictive scent needed to be neutralized. I started an email to Amber.

  Subject: Lysol


  Can you please go get some Lysol and bring it to my office as soon as Hunter Owens leaves? Bring several cans. I’ll need backups.



  I hit send and then looked back over at Hunter. “Oh, you’re still here?”

  The deep chuckle was so sexy. “Yeah, I’m still here, sweetheart. I have another condition.”

  Good grief. Are we ever going to be done with this agreement? We were going to be too old to coach a football team by the time we were finished. “And that is?”

  “I want you to show me around and and help me get set up. Not Amber. Consider it teambuilding.”

  I’m in so much trouble.

  I was exhausted and ready to murder Hunter on my drive home.

  Murder. Him.

  I’d spent the last half hour imagining the different ways I could dispose of the body. Right now, a good, old-fashioned shovel in the middle of the woods was what I was thinking... that or a wood chipper. It depended on what point in the day I was focusing on.

  First had been the tour of every square millimeter of the facility.

  Then it was the rearranging of his office.

  After that, he’d given me a few “requests” of some things he liked to keep on hand, such as a specific tea, which was required to be in his office at all times. Starbucks was a “hard pass” for him. He also needed to have a stash of Swedish Fish and Mike and Ikes on hand—in both his office and the break room. Additionally, Hunter informed me he would need Milk Duds on his desk the morning of every game. With that last request, he tried to hold back a smile but failed.

  He had nearly driven me insane. Worse yet, the bastard was getting off on it. But a deal was a deal.

  Wood chipper, definitely the wood chipper.

  My phone rang. The name on the screen made me smile. “Hey, Dad. How are you?”

  “Kendall, I’m impressed. Hunter Owens.” My dad’s approval made all the stress of the day worth it. Maybe Hunter just deserved the shovel and not the wood chipper.

  I was pretty proud of myself, too. Somehow, I had done the unimaginable. “I’m sure you read the contract. He’s not the coach but acting as a consultant, instead. He insisted on the wording. I think that was more for future career opportunities, which makes sense.”

  “It’s a smart move on his part. I’ve always respected him. He always gave my team a good game. Win or lose, it was a clean game. I respect Hunter Owens.”

  That said a lot, coming from my dad. It took quite a bit for a person to earn his respect.

  I put my car in park and sat in front of my apartment complex for a few minutes to unwind. “Did you see the financial reports from Joseph?”

  “Yes. Good news that we aren’t in trouble with the IRS. But I do find it odd that certain expenses weren’t being reported to management correctly.”

  None of it made sense. “I know. I’m still going to investigate, but I also have to get the team ready to play.”

  “Do you need me to send some people?”

  I tapped my steering wheel. It would be easier if I had some help, but then it would only prove to the board I wasn’t capable of handling this myself. “I would like to do this on my own, Dad. As long as we’re legally compliant, I think it’s okay to take a little more time to figure out what was going on.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Oh, hold on.” His voice grew quieter as he took the phone away from his ear. “What was that, Alli? Yes, I’ll do that right now. I will. Yes.” His volume returned to normal when he came back to me. “Your mom sends her love and said she’ll call you tomorrow. She’s telling me to hang up and let you handle it.” He chuckled. “I better listen so I’m not in the doghouse.”

  I smiled. Dad worshipped the ground my mother walked on. “Night, Dad. Thanks for everything. Tell Mom I love her, too.”

  “Night, Kendall. We love you.”

  I ended the call and let out a breath of relief.

  After playing secretary to Hunter earlier, I’d sent him to Amber’s desk to get the keys for one of the apartments within the complex Wales Enterprises owned a few miles from the stadium. After we’d purchased the team, I’d suggested this real estate purchase. The market was favorable, and the apartments were a
good investment. It was also an easy solution to my search for a place to live that had security, which had been a must for my dad. The exterior had been given a makeover. The building was now a light tan with black accents. It had ten units, five on each side of the front desk with a swimming pool and fitness center behind the apartments. Hopefully Hunter was at the opposite end of the building from my apartment, or he might be back in the wood chipper again.

  I opened the car door and grabbed my briefcase. It was nearly nine o’clock. Since I’d had to play travel guide to Hunter, I stayed late to finish up some paperwork. Maybe I could drop his body in the river. No evidence till spring... that might work.

  As the breeze blew, I got a whiff of “linen fresh” disinfectant. The amount of Lysol I’d sprayed in my office had left me tasting it and smelling like it. But at least Hunter’s cologne was undetectable.




  I took joy in the small victories.

  As I entered the building, I nodded to Arnold, who sat at the front desk.

  “Evening, Ms. Wales. I see we have a new tenant.”

  “Hey, Arnold. Yes, the team has a new consultant.”

  He gave an approving smile. “That’s progress. Hopefully, he’ll be able to keep those hellions under control.”

  “Here’s to hoping.”

  I liked Arnold. He was in his late fifties, with silver hair and an easy smile. Since I’d come to Kentucky, we’d gotten to know each other in our brief, daily encounters. He had a lovely family, including an adorable four-month-old granddaughter, and loved to share pictures. When I saw pictures of his daughter, I wondered if I was ever meant for that type of life with a husband and children. Business was my life. I had no idea how I would navigate an actual boyfriend.

  Later. I’ll think about it later. Focus on the job.

  “Night, Arnold.”

  “Night, ma’am.”

  I walked to my apartment, tense from my head to my toes. It occurred to me that the fitness center was still open for a few hours. Maybe a quick run would clear my mind and help me sleep. I needed some sort of release. With no fuck buddy and my vibrator packed in some unopened box, physical activity would have to suffice. Something that would wear me out so I could get a decent night’s sleep.

  My unit was at the end of the hallway with four other units to the left of the main desk.. Nothing looked different as I passed the other units. Hopefully Hunter was at the opposite end of the building.

  I opened the door and entered my boring apartment. Boxes still lined the beige walls. The place really needed some color. And at some point, I needed to unpack. Hell, I’d hardly slept since I arrived. One box a day. That was my new goal—starting tomorrow. It would be easier that way, and before I knew it, I’d be moved in.

  I quickly changed into my workout shorts and tank top and headed to the back of the apartments. As I approached the glass doors, I stopped short, cursing my luck. It was nearly ten. The place should have been deserted.

  Why, cruel world? Why me? What have I done to deserve this punishment?

  Hunter sat on a bench in the gym, shirtless, his profile to me. He had earbuds in and was clearly focused on his workout. Leaning forward, he curled a weight that was probably heavier than I was. The tattoos on his arm shifted with each movement, and I may have drooled a little bit. I wiped my mouth, hoping I hadn’t.

  Walk away, Kendall. Walk away now.

  I was rooted in place as I stared, taking in everything about him. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. After another set, he put the weights down and moved to a bar where he proceeded to do one armed pull-ups. How is that even possible? I’d never seen this done in real life. No wonder he’d been able to jump that fence at his ranch.

  Hunter switched arms, and have mercy on me, I thought I might die on the spot. His abs were like a washboard. I’d have bet I could crack an egg on them.


  I dropped to me knees and lifted my hands as pain radiated through my face. My worst nightmare had just come to life. How did I walk into the glass door? The cleaners must have cleaned really well.

  I was afraid to open my eyes.

  From the tingles on my skin, I knew Hunter Owens was staring at me.

  Kill. Me. Now.

  Hearing a noise I turned and saw Kendall back away from the glass door and drop to the floor.

  “Shit!” I whispered as I grabbed my stuff and made my way out of the gym. To my surprise, Kendall was crawling along the floor, apparently uninjured. With a smile, I leaned against the wall and watched her attempt to make her escape.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  She stopped, then began to run her hands along the floor as if looking for something.

  “I dropped a... um... my contact! I dropped my contact.”

  She was something else. One minute I wanted to strangler her, the next I wanted to drag her into my arms and kiss her.

  “Your contact?”

  “Yes, my contact. You know, the little things that help visually impaired people see better.”

  I couldn’t help but notice she was slowly making her way back toward the apartments. She was dressed like she’d been planning to work out. Her shorts were riding up her ass just enough to cause my imagination to get the best of me.

  Fuck, if she didn’t get up soon, I was going to do something I might regret. Instead, I reached for her arm and helped her up. My heart stopped when I saw that she was bleeding.

  “Damn it, Kendall. Your nose is bleeding.”

  She reached up, touched her nose, and then flinched. Drawing her fingers back, she stared at the blood on her hand. “Oh, wow. I hit it pretty hard.”

  “Come on, let’s see if we can get that bleeding under control.”

  Kendall seemed to be in shock because for the first time since I’d met her, she was silent. And she was willingly allowing me to lead her back to the apartment the team had provided me.

  I stopped at my door, where I took out the keys Amber had given me.

  “This is your apartment? This one?”

  She looked so confused, and for a moment, I began to wonder if Amber had given me the wrong apartment.

  “Yes. Why?”

  Kendall looked panicked, but she pulled herself together fast. This woman had a will of steel. “It appears we’re neighbors.”

  With a smirk, I leaned in closer to her, ready to say something that would surely have me fired for sexual harassment. She held her breath, as if waiting for my response.

  “Sit down and let me look at your nose.”

  Her body relaxed, and if I hadn’t been looking, I would have missed the flash of disappointment on her face.

  She sat down in the large leather chair as I assessed her nose. Good thing this place had come furnished or she’d be sitting on the floor.

  “Lean your head forward, and let me pinch your nose.”

  She gave me a weak smile. “I take it you’ve done this a time or two?”

  “Yes, but mostly for football players, not for women who walk into glass doors.”

  Her cheeks flushed, but she shifted her eyes away. The sight of her blush made my body jerk in reaction.

  What can I do to make her flush like that again?

  Kiss her? Tell her how I can make her come with the softest touch of my fingers? Maybe my mouth, too.

  Shit. Stop this, Hunter.

  “Your eyes—they’re so dark.”

  Her words were nothing but a whisper. We stared at each other for a good minute before I pulled my hand away.

  “I’ll get you some ice. It looks like you’re getting a knot on your forehead, too.”

  Kendall simply nodded and placed her fingers where mine had been. As I walked into the kitchen, I shook my hand to get the damn thing to stop tingling. The moment I’d touched her and helped her up, it had felt like my entire body had come to life.

  You need a good fuck, Hunter. That’s all.

  I scoffed at my
thoughts. The only thing I would be getting tonight was my hand wrapped around my dick in the shower. With the memory of Kendall watching me as I worked out.

  “The bleeding stopped.”

  Her words snapped me out of my fantasy. I quickly grabbed some ice before snagging a few paper towels and wetting them.

  “Here, you might want to wipe off your face. You’ve got a bit of blood...”

  Instinctively, I reached out and wiped the blood from her face. She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling. I handed her the ice, trying like hell to ignore how that made my body feel.

  “Put that on your forehead.”

  “Thank you, Hunter.”

  Her voice was soft and sweet. A voice any man would want whispering to him as he slowly made love to her.

  What the hell is happening to me? Turn this around, Hunter. Now.

  “You might want to look into a lens case to carry with you.”

  Her brows pulled in, and she gave me a confused look. “Lens case?”

  With a devilish smile, I replied, “Yeah. For your backup contacts. For when one pops out at the sight of a hot guy working out.”

  Kendall huffed and stood. Glaring at me, she pushed the bag of ice at my chest. “You are mistaken, Mr. Owens. I was looking down at my phone.”

  I searched her body for said phone. “Which is ... where?”

  Her fists balled up, and I swore she was about to punch me. She was probably making plans to sneak back in here tonight and do something evil to me. The thought actually aroused me even more.

  Her eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared. “You... I... You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Oh, look at that. I can piss her off even more. This was promising.

  When I said nothing, she mumbled to herself, “Wood chipper. Definitely a wood chipper.”


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