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Play Me

Page 12

by Kelly Elliott

  Kendall laid out the blanket while I pulled everything out of the basket. My mother had somehow whipped up chicken salad with pecans in it, fresh fruit, and two brownies that she must have hidden from my father.

  “May I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Why don’t you like talking about it? Coaching, I mean. You know it wasn’t your fault, right?”

  Swallowing hard, I glanced around the wide-open countryside. I could feel Kendall staring up at me.

  I didn’t like talking about the past. It was just that—the past. A part of me I had buried away and saw no sense in discussing further. But a part of me wanted to talk about it. Maybe I needed to and was just afraid. “I should have known something was wrong. It was my job, and I failed. It’s that simple.”

  “Hunter,” she whispered, standing up and taking my hands in hers. “That’s not true. How could you have known? Did you have a way to look inside his body? See what was wrong? It was a tragic accident, that’s all.”

  I lowered my gaze so our eyes met. I wanted to lean down and kiss her again, but I didn’t want to use a kiss as an excuse not to talk about my past.

  “It’s over with. I’d rather not talk about it, Kendall.”

  She nodded her head and said, “Okay. Then let’s eat. Everything looks amazing and smells even better.”

  I watched as she sat back down and got to work arranging everything. I loved that she hadn’t pushed me on the subject. When I declined to talk about it, she took it in stride and kept the mood light. This woman truly was amazing. I fought against the urge to spill my guts to her. Instead, I dropped down next to her and took the bottle of water she handed me.

  We sat in a comfortable silence as we ate. She popped a strawberry into her mouth and glanced out over the pasture.

  “It’s so beautiful here. I can see why you love it.”

  “I really do. It settles my soul. Gives me a sense of peace I long for.”

  I felt her stare, but didn’t turn to face her.

  “May I ask you something, Kendall?”

  With a sweet smile, she replied, “Of course.”

  Our gazes met and for a long moment, we held the connection.

  “Have you never been in love?”

  She stiffened before glancing down at her food.

  After a long moment of silence, she let out a chuckle and replied, “No. Unless you count my job.”

  I grinned. “No one has ever caught your interest? Made you long for something more?”

  “No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Not until you.”

  That made my heart beat faster.

  She lifted one shoulder and stared out at the horses.

  “I wonder how your dad got your nameless horse to let him ride.”

  Change of subject. Okay, fair enough.

  My chest filled with pride as I thought of my father training my horse. “Let’s see. He’s patient. Has a great deal of love in his heart and is stubborn as hell.”

  “Sounds like the apple didn’t fall very far from the tree.”

  I winked at her when she looked in my direction. Then we both focused back on the horse.

  “Dad has always had a way with horses, though. Everything I know about ranching and football, I learned from him. I remember when I was little thinking I couldn’t wait to grow up and be just like him.”

  “What did he do differently than you did?” Kendall asked, honestly interested.

  “Who knows? Patience goes a long way.”

  “You weren’t patient with her?” she asked incredulously.

  I laughed. “I was, but she also knew she was getting to me, and I think she liked it. Stubborn mare.”

  And as if she knew we were talking about her, she gave a quick bob of her head and neighed. Kendall and I both laughed.

  “I think you’re right. Seems she likes getting under your skin.”

  I chuckled. “The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her.”

  Taking a bite of my sandwich, I felt the heat of Kendall’s stare.

  “My mother once told me in order to love, you have to give love. I feel the love coming from this horse. It’s hard to explain, but I feel connected to her, and I think my father does, too. I think she feels that.”

  “Ahava,” Kendall said softly.

  Kendall stared out at the golden horse with a look on her face I’d never seen before. She whispered the word with an almost longing. It made my chest squeeze to see that longing on her face.

  “What?” I asked.

  She cleared her throat and looked directly at me. “Ahava means love in Hebrew. It literally means to give love. I attended a wedding last year where ahava was used to describe the kind of love these two people had. I always thought it was beautiful.”

  I jumped to my feet, alternating my gaze between the horse and Kendall.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Nothing.”

  The horse was only a few yards away, so I walked over to her and ran my hand over her impressive muscles. “That’s it.”

  “What’s it?” she asked, following my lead and running her hands over the horse as she neighed again and dropped her head so Kendall could give her a good scratch between the ears.

  “Ahava. That’s her name.”

  Kendall’s beautiful face broke out in an enormous smile. “It’s perfect for her.”

  The way she was looking at me, the way her blue eyes reflected the sky above us, had me losing control. I reached for her hand and pulled her against me. Cupping her face in my hands, I pressed a light kiss to her pink lips and then whispered the only word I could manage at the moment.


  After making out on the blanket like two high school kids, we stopped before things got carried away. I knew Kendall wanted more—I did, too—but I needed to keep this away from the sex. At least until after my folks left. I really wanted Kendall to see there was more between us than just the intense physical attraction we had for each other. Maybe intense was the wrong word, though. It felt like so much more.

  After washing down the horses and getting them into their stalls, Kendall and I headed out of the barn.

  “Now what?”

  “Now I’m taking you into town so you can get a few things for the weekend. As much as I want you naked in my house tonight, I’m pretty sure you would rather have clothes on. Especially since Mom is planning game night.”

  Kendall perked up. “Game night? Oh, how fun! My parents used to have game night, too.”

  My father walked out and stood on the porch as we approached. He tossed me my keys. “Got your text y’all are heading into town.”

  “Yeah. Need anything?” I asked.

  Laughing, my father shook his head. “No. Your mother has pretty much shopped in every single store on Main Street. I may need you to ship some of this stuff back home to us.”

  Kendall giggled, and I found myself loving the way it sounded as well as how it made my body feel. I loved it when she was relaxed. When she simply let her guard down and enjoyed life. Not that she was uptight, but she had always put her job first and foremost. It was time to show her there was more to life than boardrooms, high-heeled shoes, and endless work.

  I opened the door for Kendall and held her hand while she climbed into the truck. I gave her a wink, kissed the back of her hand, and shut the door. The drive into town was pretty much silent. Kendall appeared lost in her own thoughts, and I figured it was best to let her work through whatever it was she needed to work through. She stared out the window, and I would have given anything to know what she was thinking. Part of me was afraid to ask. Maybe giving her too much time to think hadn’t been a good idea. The last thing I wanted her to do was regret coming. After endless minutes of silence, I gave in, my own fears beginning to take hold.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  She turned and gave me a sweet smile. One that had my entire body feeling something
I don’t remember ever feeling before. Not even with Rachel, and I had been in love with her, or so I’d thought. At the time, I’d figured she was the one. The girl I’d ask to marry me, settle down with, and have a couple of kids with. Looking back now, though, I knew that wasn’t what either one of us had wanted. She wanted money and stability. I wanted someone to share my bed for all the wrong reasons.

  “I was thinking how glad I am that I came here this weekend. That we’re spending time together. But...”

  My heart dropped. “The infamous ‘but.’ Hell, I knew it was coming.”

  “It’s not what you’re thinking, Hunter. I just wonder how we’re going to do this once we get back to the real world on Monday. Being here at your ranch, in this town where no one knows me or knows who I am to you, it’s freeing. I’m loving it and loving feeling so relaxed. Once we get back to Bowling Green, though, that’s a whole other thing. I need to know how we’re going to do this. I can’t walk into that part of my life with no plan of action.”

  She was right, and I knew it. Kendall wasn’t the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of woman, especially when it came to her career, and I respected that. I couldn’t deny that part of me simply wished we could stay at my ranch and never go back to Bowling Green, but I knew that would never make Kendall happy. Pushing that thought out of my head, I focused on this current problem. The other one could be dealt with when the time came.

  “I think we should keep our relationship between us. No one needs to know we’re dating. We’re adults, and I’m confident I can keep my hands to myself when we’re at work. After work, though, you’re mine.”

  Her cautious smile turned to a wide grin. “Dating. I’ve never dated anyone. I mean I’ve been with men, but nothing serious. It was more of an arrangement, I guess.”

  I found a parking spot on Main and turned off my truck. The last thing I wanted to hear about was her fuck buddy back in Atlanta. I almost wanted to ask her when they’d broken things off, but figured it was better if I didn't know.

  “That’s why we’re taking this slow. It’s not just about the sex, Kendall.”

  “Speaking of... when will we be revisiting that again?”

  I laughed and opened the truck door. Kendall followed my lead and hopped out of the truck.

  “Trust me when I say it is taking every ounce of strength I have not to bury myself inside of you.”

  Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I might have missed the soft moan that came from the back of her throat.

  “What if that’s what I want you to do?”

  I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Not very patient, are you?”

  “Not when it comes to something I want, but I do agree with you. We need to take it slow. And if this doesn’t work, we won’t let it affect our working relationship. We both have a goal for the Mustangs, and that is to make them a championship team. So for now, this stays between us.”

  “Sounds like a solid plan. Come tonight, though, you’re mine, Kendall. I plan on learning every part of your body and what it takes to make you call out my name in pleasure.”

  Her breathing increased, and I leaned down, keeping my mouth inches from hers and teasing her with the idea of a kiss.

  “Damn it, Hunter. Kiss me.”

  Slipping my hand behind her neck, I drew her mouth to mine and kissed her. She parted her lips and sighed when our tongues met. It never ceased to amaze me the warmth that flowed through my body when I touched her. I’d been going fucking mad the last two weeks. Knowing she’d run from what happened between us had both pissed me of and confused me. I hadn’t been looking for a relationship, but Kendall was an unexpected surprise. One that would change my life forever.

  We ended the kiss, and I leaned my forehead against hers. “Kendall, I need to be honest with you.”

  “Please do. I want nothing but honesty between us, Hunter. I need it.”

  “I can’t shake the fear that you’re going to run again. Promise me you won’t run and we’ll talk if anything spooks you again.”

  Her bright blue eyes looked up into mine with nothing but truth in them. Kendall simply nodded and whispered, “I promise you, Hunter. I’ll talk to you if I feel scared about something.”

  “I’m falling for you, Kendall.”

  “Falling for me?” she asked in such a soft voice, I barely heard it.


  “Oh.” Then she stepped away from me, turned and walked into the clothing store.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled as I followed after her.

  Too soon. What the hell were you thinking, Owens?

  Kendall walked in and took a quick survey of the store. A young girl approached us, a smile on her face.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, looking at Kendall and then me.

  “Yes, I need a couple pairs of jeans, some boots, and a few other things.”

  Her voice was firm—not a shake to it. As if what had just happened outside hadn’t happened. I pushed my fingers into my hair and sighed. Kendall turned around and smiled. Does she have any idea what she just did to me? I’d opened myself up, and she’d shot me down.

  “Why don’t you do what you need to do and let me take care of this? I won’t be that long.”

  She was pushing me away again. Great.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be down at the feed store. Just come get me when you’re done.”

  I was sure she heard the coldness in my voice. I tried not to be that way, but hell, I had just opened my heart to her and she’d ignored me.

  Kendall reached for my hand and pulled me close to her. Leaning up on her toes, she kissed me on the lips. When she smiled, I felt my knees shake. “Hey, I wasn’t spooked. Just caught off guard. I needed a minute to process.” She took a deep breath and said, “I’m falling for you, too. Be patient with me, Hunter. Please.”

  My entire body sagged with relief. I was positive Kendall noticed.

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. Now go so I can get this done and we can get back to the ranch.”

  Taking a step back, I tipped my cowboy hat to her and replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Her cheeks flushed. and her eyes did a slow sweep of my body. What had been humor in those baby blues quickly turned to something far more sinful. I needed to leave before I followed her into the dressing room.

  After I picked up a few bags of feed and talked to Charlie Rogers for about fifteen minutes, Kendall met me outside the feed store. In her hands, she held three shopping bags.

  “What in the world could you possibly find in that small-town country store to fill up three bags?”

  Her eyes were ablaze with excitement. “You would not believe the cute outfits I found in there! I even bought myself a pair of cowboy boots.”

  Charlie looked at me, then at Kendall, and back to me. “City girl, huh?”

  I nodded.

  “You went off and picked yourself a real fine young man here, miss. Hunter Owens is a class act. A good man right down to the bones.”

  Kendall smiled. “Yes, he is, sir.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her attempt to throw in a southern accent. The girl was from Georgia, after all... but she certainly lacked the accent.

  The trip back to the ranch was filled with shoptalk. I got Kendall caught up on what had been going on the last two weeks, how well the new coach was doing, and even how the players were coming around. Even Josh McEvans seemed to be getting his shit together. Of course, I knew that stemmed from our announcement in practice that we did not know who the starting quarterback would be. The fact that we hired a third-string quarterback, as well, had lit a fire under his ass.

  Once we got back to the ranch, Kendall asked to see the garden out back, and we spent a good amount of time working in it. My mother had, of course, done an amazing job getting it in order for spring, and I was hoping the new foreman I hired would keep up with it. Once mom and I left, there wouldn’t be anyone at the ranch to ta
ke care of it.

  Kendall stood and wiped the sweat from her brow. She’d been working in silence next to me and my mother as we pulled weeds, planted vegetables, and tried to fix the sprinkler system. It was no surprise that she was a hard worker and liked to get her hands dirty. I knew she came from a pretty wealthy family, but it was clear her folks had given her balance. Kendall wasn’t a snob or afraid of hard work. Working together in my garden had triggered something in me, and I wanted more of it. Hell, if I was being honest, I wanted Kendall here on the ranch with me. That thought made my heart drop. She had her own dreams, and I wouldn’t stand in the way of them, no matter how sick the idea of living in Tennessee while Kendall lived in Atlanta made me.

  “I’m going to turn on that sprayer in the last bed down there!” I shouted. Kendall was leaning over it and lifted her hand up to give me the go-ahead. I flipped on the zone and suddenly heard screaming.

  When I turned around, I watched as a gush of water from the flower bed sprayed directly up at Kendall. She was holding out her hands as she leaned over and tried to make it stop. I couldn’t help it; I lost it and burst out laughing. My mother rushed over to Kendall and attempted to help her stem the rush of water.

  “Hunter! Turn it off! Turn it off!” Kendall screamed.

  Part of me enjoyed the show. Why? Because I could now see through that ridiculous T-shirt Kendall had on. And what I saw had my dick coming to attention.

  “Hunter Owens!”

  My mother’s stern voice had me jumping out of my fantasy and rushing to turn off the water. It also made my cock instantly deflate.

  “Goodness, Kendall sweetheart, let’s get you in the house and into a hot shower.”

  “Can I come?” I called out. That earned me a dirty look from both women.

  “You did that on purpose!” Kendall shouted out. “Payback’s a bitch, Hunter.”

  With a shrug, I said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ll just stay here and fix that.”

  She snarled at me and let my mother lead her into the house.

  After taking my own shower and making my way to the kitchen, I stopped in the doorway and took in the sight before me. My mother and Kendall were in the kitchen. They worked around each other like they’d known one another for years. My eyes landed on Kendall. She was wearing a light blue dress that hugged her perfect body. I laughed when I saw she was wearing my mother’s giant green Monsters Inc. slippers my father had bought her.


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