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The Gladiator's Prize

Page 7

by April Andrews

  “Ride me, my human,” Logan demanded. “Pleasure yourself.”

  Matt did. Hands either side of Logan’s head he took what he needed at the pace he needed, and it felt amazing. His prostate tingled, his entire body shivered, and he knew in an instant that this pleasure, this feeling could so easily become addictive. When Logan took his cock in hand the feeling intensified and it was enough to make Matt scream. He rode at least five inches of Logan’s thick dick, and pumped himself in Logan’s big hand. The pleasure was intense, more so than it had been in the arena, because there was no one to watch them now, no one to intrude on their moment.

  “Mine,” Logan whispered, as Matt took another inch inside his wet ass. “You are staying with me!”

  “You do not understand,” Matt groaned as the beginning tingles of an orgasm coalesced in his gut. “I can’t. Ah, Gods!”

  “Then tell me,” Logan whispered. “Tell me why not.”


  “Human, you will,” Logan snapped, slowing the pace at which he had been masturbating Matt’s cock and yanking Matt’s orgasm away with it. “Explain yourself. Explain why you cannot stay with me when you are begging me to make you come. You’re weeping with pre-cum, your ass is clenching for more.”

  Matt arched his hips, silently pleading Logan to speed up. “It…ah…it is not that simple…”

  He sped up ever so slightly and Matt began to tingle all over again. “It is perfectly simple, my love.”

  “Logan, please!”

  And a tiny bit more. “Tell me.”

  “I have a mission,” Matt gasped and Logan rewarded him by pumping his cock hard.

  “The mission?” he demanded. “What is it?”

  He pumped harder, over and over he pumped, and it was too much for Matt. Along with the feel of Logan’s cock thrusting in and out of his ass his mind was practically blank.

  “The mission?” Logan repeated.

  “Earth,” Matt roared as his climax ripped through him. “Earth!”

  He buried his head in Logan’s shoulder and let his cum shoot out between them, wave after wave of his seed covering Logan’s belly and snaking down to the point where his cock was buried in Matt’s ass.

  Logan growled in satisfaction, both because he had his answer and because he’d made his human come. He took each of Matt’s hips and thrust his cock as deeply as Matt could take it. Body trembling with pleasure, Matt allowed it. He sat limp and quivering as the alien pounded an orgasm from Matt’s ass and roared as he filled him, for the second time, with his cum.

  By the time Logan was through Matt could barely form a coherent word, but he could think, and the only thing that filled his head was the knowledge that he had told Logan the truth. The alien now knew that he was on his way to search out his elusive home planet, that his mission could change the fate of all the enslaved humans.

  Matt dropped his head against Logan’s brawny shoulder and let out a gasp. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have put everything at risk just because the alien pleasured him and made him tremble? He had betrayed his people. He—


  The word fell between them, Logan’s breath feathering across Matt’s forehead as he spoke.

  “No,” Matt whispered. “I didn’t mean that. I was talking nonsense. I—”

  “Yes,” Logan said. “You did.”

  He placed his hands on Matt’s sides and tilted him back. Matt gasped from the new angle because his channel was ridiculously sensitive and Logan’s dick was still hard. Matt could feel it throbbing inside of him.

  “Look at me,” Logan said.

  Matt did and what he saw in the alien’s gaze was not what he expected. The other man looked…tender…understanding...almost loving.

  “When I say you are mine,” Logan whispered. “You must understand what that means.”

  “And what does it mean?” Matt asked, his voice far shakier than he would have liked.

  “It means that I am also yours,” Logan said softly. “And I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  “It’s not about being happy,” Matt said. “It’s about doing what is right.”

  Logan nodded slowly. “But you can have both. With me you can have both.” He paused and then placed a kiss on Matt’s trembling lips. “If Earth is what you are looking for then Earth is what we will find. And,” he added when Matt started to speak, “we will find it together.”

  “Together?” Matt whispered.

  Logan nodded. “Yes, my human, together.”


  Coming Soon:

  Chased by Four

  The Gladiator’s Bargain

  Enslaved by Five

  Also by April Andrews:

  Taken by Two

  Captured by Three

  Stay Up To Date With New Releases!

  April Andrews Homepage at TEP



  April Andrews loves a good romance, and she likes that romance super hot. To April that means men, lots and lots of men...

  In her spare time April likes to take long, soothing walks, play with her kitten, and try to outwit herself at chess. That's a losing battle, because April always knows what the next move is going to be...that's not the case with her books. April's characters take her on the most wonderful journeys, and she loves the fact that she can take you along too.

  Twisted Erotica Publishing




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