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Taking Her Down

Page 12

by Vonna Harper

  Wonderfully so.

  “I’ve got you where I want you.” He lashed the front of her thighs. “Right where you deserve to be.”

  Yes, she nearly admitted. This—this thing was what she needed. Her skin wasn’t being broken, but even if it was, she wasn’t sure she’d care. Her nerves were on overload. A tumbling, thrashing confusion centered in her pussy.

  “This is all you’re good for.” He stepped behind her and began striking her buttocks. “The reason you’re alive. Who am I? Who the hell am I?”

  “Master,” she bleated past the earthquake inside her. “My Master.”

  He whipped her from high on her buttocks nearly to her knees, one blow right after the other so it all ran together. “What does a slave do to express her gratitude?”

  “I don’t—?” Her pussy seized hold of the vibrator, refused to let go. “Whatever you want.”

  “I’m not going to spell it out.” He came around in front and grabbed her chin. “How do you thank me for beating and pleasuring you?”

  “I can’t—” She pulled on the overhead chain. Was he going to strike her again? “I want to, ah, give you head but I can’t.”

  He actually seemed surprised when she said that and his hold on her chin let up a little. They were so close, both of them sweating. Now that her ass was no longer under assault, the vibrations locked inside her threatened to take over. She could’ve spent the rest of her life like this.

  “I don’t believe you.” He sounded disappointed. “Maybe later, once you’re fully trained, but it’s too soon for any novice to make the offer you just did.”

  Was it? She didn’t know. In fact, she wasn’t sure she could do what she’d just offered to. Maybe if the vibrator—

  But it was still going and she’d become its willing slave.

  Her body started to gather itself. The wonderful helpless explosion was a heartbeat away. Lost in her impending climax, she reached out and touched her lips to her Master’s. She moaned in response to his answering kiss then shattered. She jerked and screamed, fought to stop because she was giving too much away.

  “That’s what this is about.” He shoved her away from him, stepped back and teased her breasts with the whip he handled so well. “Owning you. Claiming you.”

  He hadn’t acknowledged the slave crumpled at his feet since letting her down. He heard her ragged breathing and the sound her nails made as they dug at the wooden floor, so he knew she was all right—all right being a relative term.

  Damn, but she was responsive. Even though he’d taken a number of women on this ride or one close to it, he could only speculate about what she’d undergone. A few of the women had tried to explain. They’d thrown out words like ‘hurricane’ or likened the collision of pleasure and pain to downhill skiing with no way of stopping.

  He wasn’t sure he’d want to feel that way. Being in control was vital to him. What was it he’d told his parents when he’d been going through his rebellious teenage years—that he could hardly wait to be twenty-one so he’d be in charge of his life? Once he was, he’d do what he wanted, when he wanted and no one could tell him differently. He’d said they were wrong when his parents had told him he wouldn’t feel that way once he’d been an adult for a while.

  Now he knew how right they’d been.

  He pushed his toe into her side and shook his head when she tried to swat it away. Before letting her down, he’d gotten rid of the thigh strap and pulled the drenched vibrator out of her. He’d left her wrists tied with her palms together because, even in the aftermath of what had been one hell of a climax, he didn’t want her to forget who was in charge.

  His cock was.

  A groan escaped him. If she’d heard, she gave no indication. Leaving her with her thoughts, he strode back to the window. Summer storms here seldom lasted long, but this one showed no sign of ending. Thunder continued its deep rumblings and lightning snapped. He’d hesitated about returning to the island because it held some power over him, but that paled in contrast to the storm’s strength. As a child, he’d been in awe of what nature was capable of. As the years passed, he’d stopped being intimidated by downpours. Then he’d come here for the first time. In the process of embracing the Dominant in him, he’d become aware of wind and clouds. He hadn’t told anyone about losing his grip on the man who spent his days enforcing the law. The other MSDB Doms and management saw him as an established practitioner of the BDSM lifestyle. They didn’t know how hard it was for him to shove the beast back into its cave or his fear of the next time the creature was unleashed.

  Don’t let it win. Don’t lose yourself.

  A thunderclap buried the command. By the time he again noted rain striking the building and trees, his world had changed. He was no longer looking at the vegetation just beyond the cabin. His surroundings had changed into a tangle of lush growth with a thin trail threading through it.

  Imagination—if that’s what it was—took over. He felt rough ground beneath his feet and the occasional slap of leaves, branches and vines as they struck his naked flesh. The music of insects and birds filled his ears. The air was heavy with the scent of rampant growth.

  He didn’t know or care where he was going, just that today’s tasks included walking along this path. More would be revealed once he reached his destination. In the meantime, he lived in the moment.

  Predator. Captor.

  The words tightened his muscles. Filled with anticipation, he stared at his surroundings but saw nothing he’d consider worthy prey for a hunter like him.

  Something tugged at his hand. Rope was wrapped around it. More stretched out behind him.

  Smiling with his teeth clenched, he yanked on the rope. A naked woman stumbled toward him.

  What had led to this moment didn’t matter. Only taking things forward did. His deadly grin in place, he studied his prisoner. Her dark hair stuck to her sweaty cheeks, forehead and neck while her dazed eyes left no doubt that she was tired. Wooden doweling was jammed between her teeth, held in place by strapping that went behind her head. Someone—him—had fashioned a crude bridle for her to wear.

  She was naked with upright breasts, a slender waist and hips a man could lose himself in. Her hands were tied in front, palm to palm. She couldn’t lift her arms because more rope snaked around her waist and between her legs, connected to what was around her wrists. Obviously, he’d been dragging her after him.

  His plan, his secret and dark plan was to take her somewhere for his use. To turn her into what the beast in him needed.

  No! Don’t give in!


  His body tight, hard and hot, he presented the wilderness with his back and fought to destroy what existed only in his sick, helpless mind. The battle tested his strength but finally he completed the journey back to reality.

  The woman who’d paid good money so he’d tease her with a taste of what submission and Dominance meant again came into focus. She was sitting up, staring at him as if she’d never seen anything like him—and wanted him.

  Don’t let the devil win!


  Chapter Eighteen

  The Devil was in him.

  Shock yanked Shana out of the dark pool she’d been swimming in. She still felt as if she’d been in a wreck and would’ve given a great deal to have use of her hands, but those things came in second to studying the man walking toward her.

  Earlier, she’d likened him to a predator. The label still fit. She wouldn’t be surprised if he grew fangs and claws, or if he charged her.

  Driven into action by his stalking stride, she awkwardly pushed herself to her feet. Her pussy muscles felt stretched, as if the vibrator was still inside her while her nerves replayed the sensations that had sent her over the edge.

  Master stopped, slipped a hand under his erection and aimed it at her. He said nothing. Thinking he might be ordering her to suck on it, she studied the living room with its open door.

  Reality again faded as she envisioned herself
running through the jungle with him in pursuit. She’d somehow broken free. Filled with emotions that threatened to swamp her, she pounded along the crushed seashell path.

  She was naked, of course, with her hands bound in front. Every step caused what was between her legs to rub against her labia and clit. A length of rope bounced along the ground behind her, threatening to trip her.

  When she tried to scream, she discovered she’d been gagged with a length of smooth wood.

  “It won’t do you any good,” her pursuer said. “Run all you want, you’ll never get away.”

  He sounded so fresh and strong. In contrast, her lungs burned and her legs were about to give out. She had no idea where she was or whether this path would lead to freedom. For all she knew, other men like him were waiting around the next turn. If so, they’d throw her to the ground and hold her down until Master caught up. Once he had her again, he’d haul her back to her cage where—where what?

  “You’ve had enough time to rest,” the man sharing the cabin with her said. “Back to getting your money’s worth.”

  Wishing he’d put off touching her until she’d brought her mind back to what was real, she lifted her arms and fingered her collar. She wasn’t gagged after all. No rope trapped her hands at her waist. “What if I said I don’t need to experience anything else? Maybe you’ve satisfied my curiosity.”

  “You might be done, but I’m not.”

  “You?” She couldn’t comprehend what was going on inside him. Seconds ago, he’d sounded exactly like she’d expected a paid Dom to, full of concern for her wellbeing and interested in pleasing her. That impression had changed. Now it was all about him. If she was lucky, both of them would come out of this as winners. If not—

  “Sit down.” He jerked his head at the hard chair which lacked a decent seat.

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  His eyes glittered. “It won’t make any difference.”

  She’d already suspected that, so why had she goaded him? Maybe she was stalling, delaying learning what he had in mind. At least he’d given her a choice, she reminded herself as she tried to settle on the strange-feeling device. Its design was, basically, like a toilet except it was higher off the ground and a box was under the opening.

  Not waiting for her to finish moving around, he pulled her arms over her head and attached her wrists to yet another hanging chain. Her elbows were positioned so she couldn’t see past them. He kneeled in front of her and placed leather strapping around both ankles. When he had it tightened to his liking, he pulled her legs out to either side of the chair and up so they were off the ground. He fastened the strapping to the chair legs.

  “What’s going to happen?” she asked as he stood up. “At least tell me that.”

  “It won’t make any difference.”

  Stop saying that! “Because, no matter what I say, you’re going to do what you want?”


  One word shouldn’t have carried so much meaning and maybe her imagination was getting away from her, but it was as if he’d distanced himself from her. If she told him about her crazy flight of fantasy of trying to run away from him would he say he’d been there himself?

  When he stepped behind her, she swiveled her head, hoping to see what he was up to, but her damned arms prevented that. She surmised he was doing something at the back of the chair. Why hadn’t she thought to check it out when she’d had the opportunity? Yes, the sight of him had mesmerized her, but that was no excuse. The next time he left her alone she’d—

  Something passed in front of her eyes. Just like that, he robbed her of the ability to see.

  “No!” Alarmed, she bucked.

  “Yes, slave, yes.”

  “No!” She struggled to get out of the chair but, with her legs elevated and her arms restrained, she couldn’t lift herself off the non-seat. Being thrust into darkness was an overwhelming sensation. She’d been robbed of a vital sense. Her helplessness doubled.

  “Why?” she begged as he tightened the blindfold. “Please, why are you doing this?”

  He stroked her uplifted arms. “Go deep into yourself. Let your body speak to you.”

  Fear still threatened her sanity. At the same time, she realized he understood what she was going through emotionally. Every time he did something different she became even more off balance and dependent on him. Now, it didn’t matter that he’d blinded her and robbed her of the ability to move. They shared the same space, and that was everything.

  “I watched you at work the other day,” he said.

  A deep tremor slashed through her. “You did? I didn’t see—”

  “Because I didn’t want you to.” He nipped at her right shoulder blade, making her scream. “I needed to see if you were worth it.” He raked his teeth over her left shoulder blade. She shrieked. “I decided you were.”

  He was tearing her apart, damn him! Forcing her into some deep pit. “Worth it?”

  “The risk to me—risk versus reward.”

  He must have taken hold of the ring at the back of her collar, because her head was being forced forward and down. Was he looking at her neck like a vampire would? Maybe he was wondering what her blood tasted like.

  I’m scared. You scare me so.

  “That isn’t your concern.” He continued to immobilize her head. “I shouldn’t let it get to me but…”

  She forced her way through the thick fog surrounding her. “You’re wrong. I want to understand.”

  “Too late.”

  * * * *

  Shock after shock flooded her senses. She was drowning again, going down deep once more. The vibrator he’d placed in her vagina had been on the move for so long she couldn’t think back to when it had started. At first, the variations had thrilled her. She’d delighted in the contrast between tiny flutterings and fierce shaking, the uneven spacing between the extremes and everything in between. She’d surmised that the unseen invader was powered by electricity, which meant it could, and might, outlast her.

  She could no longer distinguish between the differences. When the movements slipped off to nearly nothing she struggled to suck the tool further into her. When it pounded at her, she strained to escape.

  That was when everything became too much. She wasn’t sure, but thought she climaxed each time the vibrations were on overdrive. No matter that she hated letting him know the depths of her helplessness, she couldn’t stay silent. Over and over again, she begged him to release her, but he didn’t heed her desperate pleas. And he whipped her.

  Breasts, mostly her breasts, but sometimes her legs and belly. Whatever he was using had three or four slender strands. They found her nerve endings, opened them up and flung them into the universe.

  “Can’t stand, can’t stand—Master, please—please, I can’t—I don’t…”

  “Don’t talk. Experience.”

  She already had. Thinking this might go on until she fainted was more than she could handle. In desperation, she resolved to focus on her climaxes. No matter that she’d already gone beyond the point of exhaustion, she’d dive body and soul into those precious moments so, somehow, she’d survive the rest.

  “A slave’s lot.” The whip slapped her right nipple then the left. “Living to please your Master, a Master who loves watching his helpless slave suffer.”

  “I am,” she whimpered. In the beginning, she’d been determined to prove herself worthy of the man who’d taken away her freedom, but thanks to the mix of pummeled pussy and ignited breasts, she simply existed. Drowned. Climaxed. Endured.

  “You think I should be proud of what you’re capable of enduring?” He gripped her nipples. “You’re hoping you’ve proven yourself.”

  She forced herself not to try to get free. Just then the vibrator hit overdrive. She writhed on the beast. “I don’t know. Master, please, what do you want of me?”

  He released her nipples. “More of this.” Twin lines of pain seized her breasts as the whip came home. “You belong to me,
get it? I’m in control of every sensation you experience. Good or bad, it all comes from me.”

  Because of him, her legs had no function. If he wanted, she’d spend hours with her arms over her head. Maybe the vibrator would never stop. He might keep her blinded until she forgot what sight was like.

  His. Trapped by her stupid determination to experience something called MSDB. A prisoner of her own desires.

  “Take it.”

  He whipped her again, this time on the outsides of her held-in-place thighs. A strange music blasted through her. It took her too long to realize she was listening to herself hum. Fascinated, she stopped begging him to stop.

  She didn’t know this body. It was new, a creation she’d never suspected existed. There was no world beyond this room. Only she and Master mattered. Maybe she’d never understand what drove him to do the things he did, but she had to try. He deserved something.

  “Master.” She all but sang the word. “My lord and Dominant.”

  “Who’s saying that? The woman you were when you came here or what you’re becoming?”

  “Both. They aren’t separate.”

  When he didn’t reply, she strained to catch any sound that might tell her what he was doing. He’d stopped abusing her so-sensitive flesh, leaving her to hope he was still standing before her, watching her uncontrollable movements. The insistent vibrations tested her ability to think of anything except this. She no longer tried to anticipate when another climax might seize her or guess how she’d respond, simply thanked the all-powerful man who’d brought her to this place.

  “I never guessed it would be like this,” she admitted. “Had no idea—ah, yes.”

  This climax was gentler than most that had come before it. It eased over her like a lazy wave, consuming her nonetheless, and continuing for a long time. She moaned in tune with it, a low breathless hiss of delight.

  “What’s happening?” Master asked as she sagged and experienced. “What are you feeling?”


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