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Harlot at the Homestead

Page 5

by Molly Ann Wishlade

  “It’s freezing, Kenan!” She giggled.

  He laughed then flicked water into her face. She shook her head, her thick hair heavy with the river. He reached out and tenderly spread her hair out so that it floated around her like a gathering of eels come to inspect her nudity.

  “Come here!” Kenan embraced her. Their cold, wet skin and his solid length prodding into her stomach fired her yearning to have him. She wanted to possess this man once more, before he knew the full truth. The fear that he might abandon her when she confessed all darkened her mind for an instant, like a cloud passing over the sun. But she shrugged it away, refusing to allow it to spoil this precious moment.

  Kenan pushed her toward the bank where he laid her on her back in the shallows. He eyed every inch of her body. The stones and sand were hard and cold beneath her skin but the fire in his gaze warmed her like the hot summer sun. He stroked his hands over her stomach, across the curves of her hips then back toward the apex of her thighs. She moaned as he parted her legs and ran the fingers of his right hand between her swollen lips then over her aching bud. He rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger with a touch so experienced and knowledgeable that Catherine felt all sense and reason slipping away. Lost in passion, she lifted her hips toward him, eager for him to fill her up as she knew only he could.

  Whilst he massaged her, he used his free hand to drip chilly droplets of water over her burning cunny. She flung out her arms and grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails wantonly into his flesh and pulling him down onto her, unable to wait another second. His body molded to hers as if it were the other half of her and she flung her head back as he drove his erection into her soft flesh. As excitement consumed him, he rocked into her, harder and faster and she spread her legs farther to take him deeper. The water splashed around them as they moved in perfect union and the current flowed over them, caressing their skin and creeping into forbidden places as if to join in their lovemaking.

  Catherine bit into Kenan’s shoulder when the tensing and twitching of her pussy signaled the onset of her climax and her sensitive bud throbbed then burst into countless little explosions like lightning bolts piercing the night sky. The aftershocks flooded throughout her entire body and her hot juices flowed from her loins. Her excitement spurred Kenan on and he thrust harder and faster before freezing as he reached his own shuddering release.

  He rested his weight on his elbows and looked into her eyes.

  “You are amazing,” he whispered as he gently pushed the wet hair from her forehead. “No one should ever hurt you. Ever.”

  “Kenan?” Her eyes filled with tears as the realization that she still might make him hate her flooded back like the chill of the water that now seeped between their heated bodies, teasing his ejaculation away from her in the same way that she feared her confession would drive him away.

  “Not yet.” He eased himself out of her then helped her to her feet. “Let’s dry off.”

  When they were wrapped up in the blankets and she sat between his legs, leaning against him, she tried again.

  “Shall I continue?”

  “Okay.” His reply was barely audible and she sensed his reluctance. Now that they had rediscovered each other, neither wanted to feel any distance between them again, but they both knew that she had to speak and he had to listen. They had to have honesty even if they had nothing else.

  “Where was I?” she questioned.

  “Your uncle took you outside the saloon to explain what he needed from you.”

  Her heart ached to hear the bitterness which had returned to his tone and she steeled herself as she prepared to break his heart all over again.

  Chapter Six

  Kenan pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders and buried his face in Catherine’s hair. It was damp and smelled of the river, earthy yet fresh, and it stirred something primitive within him. He wanted to protect this woman, to offer her everything that he had but he had to know what had happened to her so that he could help her to heal—help them both to heal.

  Catherine shivered suddenly and Kenan pulled her closer. All that separated them was the blanket wrapped around her and though he knew that he had to focus on what she was about to tell him, his cock twitched with excitement at her proximity. He willed it to stay down, knowing that having his erection digging into her back would not help her to relate what she had been through over the past two years.

  “So my uncle took me outside the saloon.” Her voice was soft, her tone cautious.

  “And what did he say?” Kenan tried to sound neutral.

  “He told me that the man in the saloon had offered him a deal.”

  “For what?”

  “My uncle had been gambling…for quite some time…and had gotten himself into a lot of debt.”

  “What a wasteful scoundrel! How damned irresponsible can a man be when he’s got two women dependent on him for bed and board and—”

  “Kenan!” Her voice cracked on his name. “It happened. We can’t change it no matter how angry we might feel.”

  He hung his head, resting his chin in her hair. “I’m sorry. I know that.”

  “The man in the saloon had lent him money and now he wanted it back. With interest.”

  “He could have sold the farm.”

  “It wasn’t enough,” she whispered.

  “What?” Kenan pulled away from her and moved around so that he could look at her. The blanket slipped from his shoulders and dropped to his waist but his anger was making him hot and he was glad to be free of it. “How much did he owe?”

  “He didn’t tell me exactly.” She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them. “But it was more than he could repay.”

  His heart ached as he looked at her. With her face fresh and glowing from the river and their lovemaking and her hair wet and dark with water, she looked so young and innocent. Her eyelashes were still thick with moisture and they clung together, framing her emerald eyes. Surely any man who knew this woman would want to serve and protect her, not force her into the life of a whore. What in hell had her uncle been thinking? Damn it! Kenan knew that he’d have sold his homestead, his animals, even the hair on his head to keep that from happening. If only she’d come to him, let him know, asked for his help!

  “God damn!” Kenan spat. “I tell you Catherine, I know you said that you don’t want me to speak to him but this is just unforgiveable. How the hell did he get himself into such a mess?”

  She shrugged. “My aunt was a fine looking woman in her youth. I think he went all out to get her then to keep her and it just spiraled out of control. When he couldn’t give her the child she craved, he developed a taste for drink and for gambling and…he just lost control.”

  “But to sell his own flesh and blood.”

  “He didn’t sell me!” Her voice trembled and his heart ached to see her try to hold on to some pride with the tilt of her chin. “I offered.”

  “You offered?” He frowned, the churning beginning afresh in his gut. “You…offered to leave me…to give yourself to…” He spat on the ground. “You went with that man voluntarily?”

  She raised tear-filled eyes to meet his. “I knew that it was what my uncle wanted…needed! They were going to lose everything. He wasn’t well and they weren’t getting any younger. They took me in…”

  Kenan reached out and took her hand. “We could have found another way to help them. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “You don’t understand. He…the man…he told my uncle that I had to decide then and there. He said that if I chose not to go with him that he would take all that he was owed immediately. I was put on the spot. I had no choice. What if you’d been too furious to help them out…what if…?”

  “Did you not know me at all?” He jumped to his feet, the blanket falling to the ground. “I loved you so much I’d have done anything for you, Catherine! Anything! It breaks my heart that you…that you doubted me.”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t doubt you.
I just faltered, just for a moment was all. And all I had was a moment to decide, Kenan. Please understand me.”

  He stood in front of her, the breeze caressing his skin where just moments ago she had been pressed against him. His nipples tightened and goosebumps rose on his naked flesh. His balls pulled toward his body and he became suddenly aware that his cock was swinging free, still moist with their combined fluids, as exposed to the elements as his heart now was. He crouched down and pulled the blanket around his waist.

  “I’m trying to understand, Catherine, I promise.” He took her hand again. “Please, continue.”

  “So I offered and he burst into tears, said I’d saved his skin and he’d always be grateful. Then he said we’d have to go back into the saloon and let the man know.”

  Kenan ground his teeth together. William Montgomery had clearly been a chicken shit son of a bitch who’d exploited his beautiful niece to save his own skin. Kenan had no intention of letting the old man get away with his crimes.

  “When we returned to the saloon, we were directed to a room out the back. I was so afraid that I could barely put one foot in front of the other. My uncle had to guide me through the bar to the room at the back, drunk as he was.”

  “I swear, Catherine, I’ll…” Kenan choked down his angry words. What good would it do to let it all out? He needed to listen, then he’d decide what action to take.

  “He knocked on the heavy door then pushed me forwards and I swear I nearly swooned when we walked in. The man sat on a red mahogany couch, puffing on a fat cigar. When we entered he grinned like a hungry mountain lion that’s just seen a fattened calf. I would’ve turned and run if I’d not had my uncle’s hand in the small of my back.”

  Kenan squeezed her hand and felt the small bones shift beneath his fingers. “I wish I’d been there to protect you, Catherine. I should have been there.”

  “You couldn’t have been with me all the time, Kenan. What happened…it was wrong and it wasn’t fair and sometimes I’m so darned mad about it myself that I could scream for hours but it wouldn’t help anything. It wouldn’t change anything.”

  He swallowed hard to try to dislodge the lump in his throat. She had been through so much and yet she was still so brave, so stalwart. No wonder he loved her so much. She’d make any man proud to call her wife.

  “The man introduced himself.”

  “What was his name?” Kenan growled.

  “If I tell you, Kenan, you must promise me not to go after him.”

  He shook his head. “I just…I can’t…”

  “Then I can’t tell you.”

  “No…tell me, please. I just need to hear his name.”

  “Thomas Henderson.”

  “Of the shipping family?”


  So the filthy rich son of a New York shipping merchant had waltzed into town and taken away his fiancée—probably just for the fun of it. Men like that toyed with young women like a cat would play with a mouse, then cast them aside when they were too broken and jaded to be fun anymore.

  “He told my uncle to take a seat opposite then he motioned for me to sit at his side. My legs were trembling so darned much I near fell onto the sofa. He asked me if I knew what he wanted, so I replied that I knew that my uncle was in debt and that apparently I could pay off that debt.”


  “Henderson explained the terms.” She rested her forehead on her knees. “He said that my uncle’s debt was so great that it would take quite some time to pay it off. If I was serious about helping…I had to know what was involved.”

  “The filthy bastard! I’ll hang him from the nearest tree if I ever get my hands on him. I swear I’ll—”

  “No!” Her retort was cold and firm. “It won’t do, Kenan. I went along with it and now the debt is settled. I won’t have retribution and the grief that it will cause. Can’t you see that I did what I had to and now I’m back? I have to move on or else I’d just as well give up! I didn’t go through all that…all those days and nights of…of suffering…just to throw everything away!”

  Her eyes filled with tears and her lower lip trembled.

  “I might be wrong but you seem to have feelings for me still.” She blinked hard. “And maybe we can salvage something from this mess but not…not if you’re intent upon revenge. Thomas Henderson is a rich and powerful man and if you go up against him, Kenan, you can only lose. And I agreed remember…no one forced me!”

  Kenan ground his fists into his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. What Catherine said made sense even though it wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Another man had taken the woman he loved as payment for a debt incurred by her uncle. It was outrageous, disgusting and immoral but she had gone along with it. The law was hard to implement at the best of times and Henderson was a man with means, with power. In comparison, Kenan was a cattle driver with a small homestead. He did all right but he’d be no match for the likes of Henderson…not if he went about it the legal route anyhow.

  “Okay, Catherine,” he whispered. “I’ll put all desire for retribution aside.” For now, he added to himself. “Please just finish explaining.”

  “He took my hand and I had to fight the urge to snatch it back. The smoke from his cigar burnt my eyes and made me want to cough. But I couldn’t take my eyes off his face, Kenan! It was huge! Like a large florid sack broken only by his beady gray eyes which reminded me of small rocks stuck in a mud pie. I later found out that he was only in his early thirties—same as you—but he looked much older ‘cos of the bright red veins running from the sides of his nose like cracks in the scorched earth.” She shuddered and Kenan ground his teeth together at the image she’d created.

  “He said that I was an attractive woman and that with the right clothes and perfumes I could make a man real happy.”

  “What a blowhard!”

  “I guess I looked kinda country-girl compared with the fine New York ladies.” She looked up from beneath her lashes.

  Kenan eyed her thick red curls, her pretty little nose with its spattering of freckles then into her bright green eyes. There was nothing about her that any woman—wealthy and spoiled, fine and aristocratic—could ever top in his eyes. Catherine was perfect, beautiful, bright and sweet. And she had been his woman, his world, his future.

  “He asked if I’d be prepared to try to make him happy. Though it made me feel sick, I said that I’d do whatever was required of me for however long it took to pay off the debt. I was hoping that he’d say a week or two, a month at most, so when he said two years I nearly vomited all over him.”

  “That’s why you’ve been gone so long.”

  “Yes…He said they’d deal with matters in Virginia City by telling folks I’d been taken by Indians. They’d make it look like I’d been kidnapped and my uncle would spread the story.”

  “By ‘folks’ he meant me.”

  “Mainly. My uncle had told him I had an intended.”

  “And that didn’t bother him?”

  “He asked me straight up then if I was intact.”

  “What?” Kenan had to force his mouth shut. “What did you say?”

  “I told him the truth. I didn’t want to lie in case it made the deal null and void. He said it didn’t bother him and made a comment about it making the way easier for him.” Her face drained of all color at the memory.

  “Oh, Catherine!” Kenan’s blood boiled as the meaning behind her words sank in. The man had fully intended to keep her as a whore—to use her perfect body, to delve into her bright and inquisitive mind, to take from her what was a gift for her to bestow upon the man she loved.

  “Then he pulled a paper from his pocket. He said that I had to sign it to make the contract real. My uncle’s bleary eyes were on me and I could read the desperation in them. So I did it. Though my heart thrummed like a trapped butterfly and my stomach felt like it would empty its contents right then and there, I signed away my life for two years…and became…” Her eyes brimmed with tears.
“I became a harlot!”

  “Oh my sweetheart.” Kenan moved closer to her and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, smoothing away the tears as they burst forth and ran like raindrops down her flawless cheeks.

  “He took me to New York City where he kept me in a set of rooms in a large fancy house like some kind of pet bird. For a while, he kept me hidden away, to let things blow over here, he said. But after about two months, I’m not sure exactly ‘cos I didn’t have any way of keeping track of time, he started taking me out to the theater and to dine with his acquaintances.”

  “During which time I was grieving for you, thinking you’d been killed and scalped and…ra…” Kenan choked on the last word.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” He sniffed, fighting against his own tears of anger and frustration.

  “If I could have seen another way, Kenan, I would have taken it.”

  He shook his head. What did it matter now?

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She sighed. “Do I have to answer that?”

  “I need to know, Catherine or it will haunt me forever.”

  “He used me as a man would his wife. He wasn’t exactly tender but he didn’t, ya know, hurt me down there.” Her cheeks filled with color and she hung her head. “He knew I was no virgin so there were no coy games. I don’t want to…I can’t describe the details so please don’t ask me to. Those I really need to forget.” She chewed her lip. “But, no, he didn’t hurt me in that way.”

  “I cannot bear to think of you…” Kenan took a deep breath, swallowing the words that would only cause her pain and shame. She was embarrassed enough and had suffered enough.

  “Kenan.” She let the blanket fall to her waist and he gasped at her exposed beauty. Her hair tumbled all around her, curling as it dried, its titian waves reminding him of the flame colored streaks painting the sky in a beautiful sunset. The milky skin of her neck and torso were soft and unblemished, broken only by the large rosy circles at the center of her full heavy bosoms and the hard pink nubs that begged to be touched and taken deep into his hungry mouth.


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