Forbidden Entchantment
Page 19
“What’s a man to do?” Sully said with an expansive shrug. “We needed dinner and neither of us felt like going to the store. Feeding our families comes first.”
From Tyree’s lap came Clara’s eloquent snort.
Next to him, Elizabeth laughed softly. “I’m telling you, Sully, you’re the one who gets to tell Mom it won’t be ready to take her sailing before she leaves for Connecticut at the end of the summer.”
“It’ll be ready,” he assured her with a wince. Maybe. “Besides, I was thinking of asking her and Caleb to stay. How dumb is it to go back up north for the winter?”
Elizabeth’s mouth opened in pleased surprise. “Really?”
“The house is plenty big enough. Why not?”
“What about the farm?”
He took a deep breath. He’d spent a couple of months there while donating bone marrow to Caleb, and after, as the boy had slowly recovered. It had changed a lot since Sully lived there as a boy himself. The old oak tree was gone. Thank God. He didn’t think he could have taken seeing it again. But it was now a completely different place. And he’d made peace with it, with the events that had transpired there. He’d let it go.
“I’m sure the family we hired to take care of it for the summer would stay on.”
“You wouldn’t sell it, would you?” she asked quietly.
“Non. It belongs to Caleb,” he said. “It’s his heritage.”
“And Andre Sullivan’s. And yours. Yours more than anyone.”
He smiled at her, his beautiful, wise, understanding wife. “Have I told you lately how much I love you, Elizabeth Sullivan?”
“Not for at least the last hour,” she said, her adoring smile meeting his.
Dieu, he had to be the luckiest man on earth.
“Come here,” he said, and pulled her onto his lap for a long kiss.
From deep in the porch swing came a long-suffering groan from Clara. “They’re at it again, aren’t they?”
Tyree chuckled. “’Fraid so, sweeting.”
“Lord, Lizzie,” Clara groaned in a warning voice, “keep doing that and you’ll end up looking like me!” She moaned dramatically, holding her huge belly.
Sully looked at Elizabeth and raised his brows suggestively. She tipped her head and waggled hers back at him.
That was all the invitation he needed.
He swept her up in his arms and headed for the French doors off the deck. “Call us when supper’s ready,” he told Tyree, who started to laugh.
“What should we name this one?” Elizabeth whispered as he lowered her onto their big, welcoming four-poster bed.
“How about Genevieve?” he quietly said, his heart so full of love it felt close to bursting. “After my mother.”
Elizabeth’s smile shone back at him. The smile that lit up his life and gave him more joy than he’d ever known possible. “I do love you, Sullivan Fouquet,” she whispered. “And I will till the end of time.”
And he knew it was true. That they were destined to be together forever, a magical enchantment holding them together so strongly they could never be torn apart, no matter which way the winds of destiny blew. The greatest magical enchantment of all.
ISBN: 978-1-55254-884-4
Copyright © 2007 by Nina Bruhns
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