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All That He Loves (Volume 2 The Billionaires Seduction)

Page 9

by Thorne, Olivia

  Okay, it’s incredibly nerdy and probably a terrible metaphor, but I thought of Darth Vader reaching out to Luke and saying, Join me… with our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.

  After, of course, Vader had cut off Luke’s hand.

  Huh… maybe not such a bad metaphor after all. (If you ignore the whole thing about Vader being Luke’s father, that is.)

  “What did you say?”

  “I told her she’d already fucked up royally, but that I hadn’t been absolutely, 100% clear, and now I was going to be: she had one last chance. She could choose me or my family. Simple as that. She told me not to be so dramatic. I think she specifically said, ‘I don’t do ultimatums.’ I told her she better do this one: choose, or get the fuck out and never cross my path again.

  “She just sneered and said, ‘Now I see… all along I thought it was some sort of immature phase, this obsession with getting back at your family. I hoped you’d get over it, but now I see you’re just a fool. It’s business. It’s all just business. It’s not personal.’ And I told her, ‘That’s where you’re wrong. It’s all personal, especially the business.’ And then I told her she’d obviously made her choice a long time ago, so get the fuck out.”

  I stared at him. “What did she do?”

  “Didn’t say another word. Just stared me down like I was a piece of shit… and then she took off her engagement ring, tossed it at my feet in contempt, and then she turned around and walked out. Had a couple of assistants come by the next day and collect her things.”

  I sat there, my mouth open.

  Before I’d met Connor, I’d thought I had a lot of drama in my life. Turns out I didn’t have any, not by comparison. From his parents to his sociopathic fiancée, I’d never met anybody with as much fucked-up-ness in their lives.

  He looked over at me with a little grin. “Fun stuff, huh?”

  “That’s not the word I would have used.”

  He drained the last few drops from his glass, then set it down on the coffee table. “What are you thinking?”

  “I can see why you didn’t sleep with anybody else for the last eight months,” I said. “In fact, I’m kind of astounded you didn’t go gay.”

  He burst out laughing, his head leaning back on the sofa. When he stopped, he wiped a tear from his eye. “Ohhh… that was good… I’m sure Sebastian would have approved, but no, I love women way too much for one bad one to turn me to the other team.”

  I reached out a hand and stroked his hair. “Thank God for that.”

  “Yeah… well… besides not going gay, there was a lot of fallout,” he said, suddenly getting quieter. “I didn’t trust anybody for the longest time. In fact… and if you tell him this, I’ll deny it… but one of the reasons I didn’t tell Sebastian about the Nevada deal was I worried if maybe he’d worked with Miranda behind my back.”

  “What?! You think he helped Miranda? He HATES Miranda!”

  “And always has.” Connor closed his eyes and shook his head. “I was being paranoid. But by the time I’d begun setting it up, I couldn’t exactly tell him, ‘Oh, by the way, I didn’t trust you three months ago, but now I’ll tell you everything.’”

  I stared at him. “You don’t honestly think – ”

  “I know he didn’t.”

  “How? How do you know?”

  “Because I had him checked out thoroughly by third parties.” Connor opened his eyes and saw my dismayed reaction. “Lily, you have to remember, I’d just gotten betrayed by the woman I was planning to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t trust anyone.”

  “But you told me last night,” I whispered.

  He smiled. “Because I trust you.” Then the smile disappeared. “And that’s what’s scaring me.”

  “That’s why you flipped out?” I asked, totally confused. “Because you can trust me?”

  “No.” He stood up and walked over to the window, stared out into the darkness. “Because I was going to cut you loose. I was going to toss you overboard and let the chips fall where they may… but then I realized I couldn’t. That’s when I flipped out – because I couldn’t do what I needed to do. What the situation demanded I do.”

  As soon his words registered in my mind, my heart seized up and the blood froze in every one of my veins.

  It’s not every day that you hear, Yeah, I was going to let my psycho-bitch ex destroy your life, and then I realized, naaaah, couldn’t do it. Even though I NEEDED to.

  But what Connor said next completely destroyed me.

  He looked around at me still sitting on the sofa. His eyes were soft, and he smiled the tiniest bit.

  “I couldn’t do it because I realized I was already in love with you.”


  I told you that what I’d felt when I saw the photographs was indescribable.

  This instant was like that, but times ten.

  And in the completely opposite direction.


  My heart breaking – in a good way.

  I wanted to cry – in a very good way.

  I felt as though happiness was swelling inside me so fast I might burst.

  And terror. I was terrified – of how fast it was happening, of what it meant.

  But mostly I was astonished that he’d said it, that he’d actually said it.



  Desire. I wanted him, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to make love to him –

  Caution. He was drunk, he had to be drunk, that’s why he was saying it, would he be saying it if he hadn’t had half a bottle of scotch in the last two hours?

  I stared at him, my mouth open, trying to swim through the raging torrent of emotions threatening to drown me.

  His smile faded slightly, and his face grew worried. “Lily…?”

  I burst into a gigantic smile as tears filled my eyes.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered.


  As soon as I said it, his entire face lit up. He covered the distance between us in a few giant strides, reached down and grabbed my arms, and lifted me to my feet.

  And kissed me.

  My God, how he kissed me.

  His arms around me, encircling me, holding me close, pressing me against his body.

  I had never felt safer or more loved my entire life than in that instant.

  His lips found mine and pressed against my mouth, soft at first, then insistent. Not just with desire, but tenderness, and excitement, and joy.

  I could taste the scotch on his breath – overpowering at first, but then it began to fade, and within a few seconds I hardly noticed it.

  I kissed him back, matching him as his passionate kisses became a frenzy.

  Then he pulled away, cradled one hand behind my head, and whispered in my ear:

  “I love you.”

  He pulled back and looked me in the eyes, a huge smile on his face.

  I half laughed, half sobbed, and the tears at the corners of my eyes trailed down my cheeks.

  He kissed them away, then moved back to my mouth, and I could taste the salt on his lips.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his lips just barely grazing mine before he kissed me again.

  And then he bent down and swept me off my feet. Literally.

  One arm caught me under my knees, and the other supported my back, and suddenly I was screaming and giggling as he hoisted me into the air and carried me off towards the bedroom. I put my hands to his cheeks, laughing, and kissed him again and again.

  Once we were inside the bedroom, he set me back on my feet and tugged off my shoes, pulled at the straps on my dress, fumbled with my bra, pulled my panties down to the floor. At the same time, I was trying to undo his buttons, one by maddening one.

  “Rip it off,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “But – ”

  “Do it,” he commanded as his hands grabbed my ass and pulled me to him.

  I could already feel him hard an
d thick beneath his pants, the shape pressing against my belly, and I wanted him now.

  Fuck the buttons.

  I pulled the shirt apart, ripping the buttons out of their holes, some of them popping off and falling to the ground.

  I fumbled as fast as I could with his belt, pulling it off him and unzipping his pants as his hands glided over my back, my breasts, my neck, running through my hair –

  God, I was so wet.

  I held the waistband of his underwear away from his body to make sure I wouldn’t hurt him when I pulled them off. I reached in and grabbed his cock, feeling it hot and thick and pulsing in my hand, then tugged the boxers down, down past his muscular thighs, all the way to the floor with his pants. I’d forgotten the shoes, though, and the pants hung up around his ankles.

  “Oh GOD,” I groaned, desperate and frantic with desire, and pushed him back on the bed. He laughed, his naked body sprawled out on the covers, as I tugged at his shoes and socks and then pulled off his pants and underwear and then crawled up onto him – hell, raced up onto him – feeling the warmth of his body and the head of his cock trailing across my legs like scorching hot satin.

  I leaned over him, my breasts dangling against his chest, and kissed him hard, pressing my hips hard against his thick, gorgeous cock.

  He kissed me back, his tongue filling my mouth, then reached up and grabbed my hair and rolled me onto my back.

  With a frantic push of his knees against mine, he separated my legs, and then I felt the swollen, soft head against my lips, and he pushed inside me, my wetness drenching him, letting him slide in so fast and so easily that I gasped with shock and pleasure.

  He grabbed my hair with both hands and forced my head to stay still as he looked into my eyes and whispered, “I love you,” as his cock eased further inside me, filling me up, going deeper and deeper, making me moan in ecstasy.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his eyes gazing into mine, and I felt his massive thickness recede inside me, then come surging back, filling me again to the point of bursting with pleasure.

  “I love you,” I whispered, my eyes filling with tears of joy – and then I closed them and moaned as he thrust inside me again. I opened them when I felt his lips on mine, hot and feverish and frantic.

  His eyes never left mine – it was like he was staring at the very depths of my soul as he thrust inside me over and over, filling me up, taking me higher and higher, bringing me closer and closer to him, pressing deep inside my body, receding, almost leaving, then returning, making love to me, being inside me, becoming one with me, and the entire time he looked into my eyes he murmured over and over, “I love you,” his face full of tenderness and longing and love.

  Tears were running down my face as I smiled, unable to contain my joy, as I whispered, “I love you… I love you, too… I love you…” interrupted only by my cries of pleasure as his cock, his gorgeous, thick, amazing cock, kept pounding away inside me, then sweetly filled me, then paused, then thrust again as he kissed me on the lips and stared into my eyes and whispered, “I love you, Lily, Jesus God I love you…”

  My hands clutched at his back, his arms, his amazing ass as he pounded that lovely, glorious cock inside me, over and over. Finally my hands wound up at his face, clutching his hair, holding on for dear life as he made love to me, filled me, brought me to the brink of orgasm and kept me there, hovering, my whole body quivering and writhing beneath his as he entered me over and over and filled me completely and brought me higher, inch by inch, and all the while he was staring into my eyes.

  “When you come, look into my eyes, Lily,” he whispered hoarsely. “I want to tell you I love you when you come, Lily – ”

  That was it.

  “OH GOD,” I screamed, and I tried so hard to keep my eyes open as it rolled through me, wave after impossibly sweet wave of contractions, and all the while I was drowning in his eyes as he whispered, “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you – ”

  “I LOVE YOU TOO,” I screamed, and then I couldn’t hang on anymore. My eyes rolled back in my head and I could feel my body bucking, my hips slamming into his as every nerve in my body was dipped in sugar and sex and bliss, and then I heard his voice rise as he shouted, “OH GOD” and I clutched his head to my shoulder and whispered – actually sobbed – in his ear, “I love you, Connor,” and I felt him explode inside me, between my legs, his thick cock growing even larger, unbearably sweet and huge as he grasped at my shoulders and I held onto him, clutching at his hair, whispering “I love you” over and over and over until I felt his spasms slowly ebb away. He collapsed on me, his chest heaving, his body trembling. He kissed my ear and we lay like that, him inside me, my lips grazing his ear, whispering, “I love you… I love you…”


  After we made love, Connor lay on his back and I nestled against his side, my head on his chest.

  “So you knew you loved me when you couldn’t pay me off,” I said.

  He chuckled. “I guess so.”

  “That’s sooo romantic,” I said sarcastically as I poked him in the side.

  He laughed, then tickled me in retribution until I shrieked.

  After I had quieted down, he said, “At least I realized it.”

  “True,” I admitted.

  “When did you know?”

  “Earlier than that.”


  I blushed, glad that he couldn’t see it. “…on top of the ferris wheel.”

  He stroked my hair. “That was an amazing day, wasn’t it?”

  I nodded with my eyes closed and smiled. “The best.”

  “Actually, I was probably in love with you then, too, I just didn’t want to admit it to myself.”

  My eyes flew open. I lifted my head up to look at him. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “Just what I said: I probably knew earlier, I just didn’t want to call it that.”

  “Why not?”

  He looked intensely uncomfortable. “I don’t know.”

  I kept staring at him until he gave in and started talking again.

  “I felt like it was a weakness,” he said quietly.

  I was surprised how much his words stung.

  “That’s just what every girl wants to hear.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Come on, Lily. The last woman I’d been with had betrayed me, I wasn’t with anybody for months after that, and then the first woman I slept with, I fell in love with. Can’t you see where that might be kind of unsettling?”

  I lowered my gaze. “Yeah… I guess,” I said grudgingly.

  What he said made perfect sense.

  But I had just wanted roses and butterflies, and instead I got… reality. It was a little bit of a comedown.

  He reached out and stroked my arm. “I knew that I needed you… and that frightened me.”

  My heart softened, and I looked up at him. I put my hand softly on his cheek.

  He kissed my fingers, then shifted onto his side so that we were face to face, and began to kiss me softly.

  My heart fluttered, and I cradled his face with my free hand as he brushed his lips against mine.

  I felt the heaviness of his cock, soft but still massive, draped against the curve of my leg.

  And then I felt it begin to thicken. I felt it slowly brush against my thigh as it got longer and harder. As Connor’s kisses began to heat up and grow more passionate, I felt his cock push against my body, as though aching to be inside me.

  I reached down as I kissed him and stroked him softly, gently, feeling him strain against my hand. He groaned into my mouth as he kissed me, then moved to my neck and began to kiss me there, caressing me with his lips.

  His left arm circled underneath my head, and the right hand found my breast and began to touch me, playing with my nipple, circling it, lightly pinching it, just enough to send a shiver of desire down to my thighs.

  I moaned and lay there, letting him kiss me wherever he wanted, letting him do whatever he wanted.
I slowly moved my hand up and down the length of his shaft, occasionally letting my fingers reach down and cup his balls, massaging them softly, squeezing them ever so lightly. He groaned, and I felt his cock convulse like a bucking horse – and then I went back to stroking it softly, gently, my fingers circling his thickness like a ring of silk, moving from his swollen head down to the base, lightly, slowly, gently.

  He moved to my ear and nibbled at the earlobe, licked the outer edge, and breathed softly like a sigh. My whole body arched against his, and I felt the heat of his cock pressing feverishly into my skin.

  I wanted him inside me so badly.

  I thought he was going to do it when he lifted my leg at the knee, so that my foot remained on the bed and my leg made a triangle. I thought he might slide into me as we lay there sideways, facing each other – but no, he was crueler than that.

  His fingers reached down and began to play lightly across my landing strip, tickling me, stoking my fire… and then his fingers drifted lower and began to lightly touch my lips, playing across them, his skin just barely connected to mine by the slick wetness of my juices. He consciously avoided my clit as he stroked the lips of my pussy, even letting the tip of his finger enter me – just a few millimeters, enough to part me and make me groan.

  Meanwhile, I could feel that he was getting wet, too. I rubbed my palm over the swollen head of his cock, and I could feel his pre-cum slick against my skin. I used it to wet him down, and began to stroke him with the tiniest bit more friction. Every time I moved my hand up to the head of his cock I circled around it, swirled my wet palm exclusively over the sensitive skin of his head. Finally he gasped, “Too much… it’s too crazy. Too sensitive.”

  I smiled and went back to stroking him up and down, slicking him down with his own wetness.

  Maybe in retribution for what I did to him, he started in on me. His fingertip, slick and wet, caressed my clit for the first time, no more than a whisper of a touch. I whimpered as he moved down my lips… stroked me, played with me… and then moved up again, circling my clit before he edged away. He would do that over and over: touch me and caress me with the gentlest pressure, then move away, the sweetness and excitement ebbing a little… and then come back, a tiny bit more insistent, a little bit longer, sliding and pressing and caressing my clit in the most erotic way possible… then moving away again, teasing me, never letting me get too high, always building my excitement a little bit more before retreating again.


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