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Paradise Reclaimed

Page 34

by Raymond Harris

  He made a decision. He instructed the head of his gifted students program to arrange for the six children to be relocated. This would take time and would certainly not be easy. It was possible the parents might reject the suggestion. If that was the case there was nothing he could do. Then there was the question of where they might be relocated. The global refugee problem had grown worse and many countries had tightened their immigration laws. He would have to pull some strings: pay bribes; call on favours. It was grossly unfair because he would have to leave some deserving children behind, but there was a practical limit to what could be done. Ideally he would like to bring them all to Bhutan but the Bhutanese had a very strict immigration program and he knew he would be stretching the king’s tolerance if he even dared ask. He might get away with one child, Nour, but this would place her well outside her element. The best he could hope for was to re-establish the family in Australia, where there was already a significant Lebanese Druze community.

  His last instruction was to Aviva. She was to assist the Druze militia in any way she could without sending any of their personnel. He was coldly furious. He wanted the child killers dead and the only way that was going to happen was extra-legally. He certainly couldn’t rely on the Lebanese government for justice. It was on the verge of collapse and heading for another cyclic civil war.

  Li Li answered all of Tshering’s questions frankly and she was delighted that Tshering was able to understand a reasonable amount of technical detail. She was especially interested in Tshering’s Buddhist take on the ethics of human genomics.

  When they had exhausted the topic Li Li expected Tshering to make an excuse to end the meeting. Instead she seemed to be enjoying Li Li’s company and changed the topic to more personal matters. She was still talking to Tshering (about past infatuations) when Pema returned with a babysitter. It was obvious that this was the time to leave as Tshering reverted to speaking Dzongkha and Pema began to tell her mother of her little adventure.

  Tshering hugged her warmly as she said goodbye and Li Li responded in kind. She had enjoyed Tshering’s company, but had dared not hint that she also found her beautiful and graceful and just a little sexually appealing.

  “I was going to ask you,” Li Li whispered, “if you had decided to be part of the new colony? We could use someone like you.”

  Tshering pulled back, surprised by the question. “I haven’t thought about it. I had always assumed Akash would stay and supervise back here in Bhutan.”

  “Of course, but surely he has suggested that once the world learns of this, they might use force to gain control of the technology?”

  Tshering went pale. “He hasn’t really discussed this, nor have I asked.” She paused as she considered conflicting thoughts. “He wouldn’t hide this, perhaps he still believes we will find other planets, that there will be room for everyone.”

  Li Li realised she had been both impolitic and impolite. “I am sorry; once again I have spoken out of turn. I am sure he has thought of this and knows more than I.”

  “No, it’s okay. I appreciate frankness. Go to Eden?” She shook her head. “But what of Pema?”

  “But she would come too. Eden will need children.”

  “Send children on an interstellar flight? Akash has not mentioned this…”

  “But of course, otherwise we will have a generation gap. The colonists must breed to build a population. If children do not go, there will be a generation gap of perhaps twenty years. Children will be vital. He must have thought of this?”

  “I don’t know about that. He has his blind spots. It seems we will have to have a long talk.”

  Tshering kissed Li Li on the cheek one last time just as Pema ran up to her to pull her back into the room so she could tell her something. Li Li smiled at Pema and she shyly returned the smile. She had her mother’s face but her father’s darker skin and deep brown eyes. Li Li knew without a doubt that Pema would be as gifted as her father and mother. Her eyes shone with the clear light of high intelligence.


  Nuku, Biyu and Prax

  The day of departure arrived. Their guardians had informed them of the time and place and reminded them that they needn’t take anything, that all their needs would be met. Nuku had left all her worldly possessions with her family; save for a couple of sarongs and jewellery she would leave at Isla’s.

  She was nervous as she waited. She and Isla had sex to try and release some of the tension but it just was not working. She showered a second time and compulsively checked that she had depilated every last stub of body hair. She drank too much water and had to keep returning to the toilet. She just wanted the wait to be over.

  In contrast Isla was remarkably calm; excited rather than anxious; but then, she knew she would be returning to Eden after a set time. She on the other hand, had no idea how long her mission would last.

  “It’s time to leave,” her guardian announced.

  They had planned to walk and the guardian had set a time based on a relaxed saunter, but as soon as they closed the door Nuku was setting a fast pace.

  “Slow down Nuku,” Isla pleaded, unable to keep up.

  “Sorry. It’s the adrenalin.”

  “I know what it is. Control it. Take deep breaths; try some mindfulness exercises. We don’t have to talk.”

  She tried but her instinct was causing a stress response that was hard to counteract.

  As they walked through the Common toward the Congress building they noticed a large hover rise from behind the tree line and fly off at speed. As they got closer another hover ascended and headed in the same direction.

  “Wow, this is really happening,” Isla exclaimed.

  The sight of the hovers changed how Nuku was feeling; her anxiety was shifting toward excitement. She had loved flying ever since her days working with the rescue squads; she had no fear of heights.

  “There’s a lot of activity,” said Isla as they came around the corner of the Congress building into sight of the grassy area set aside for hovers. “Look at how many people there are, must be onlookers.”

  Nuku figured there must have been around a hundred people milling about watching the hovers land and take off. Ever since the president had made the announcement it was all anyone could talk about. The whole of Eden had become excited, and intensely curious. Screens had been running endless footage of Calliope and Erato and endless interviews with politicians and scientists discussing every known detail over and over.

  “We’ll be famous,” crowed Isla as faces watched them walk confidently to the assembly point.

  Zoe decided she wanted to look her best for her departing hero. She had selected her finest gossamer sarong and gold anklets, bracelets and necklaces. Biyu said she looked like an ancient Egyptian princess and moved to kiss her and reach her hand up under her sarong to her cunt.

  Zoe pushed her away. “Not now, we’ve been at it all morning. I don’t have another orgasm in me fuckbaby.”

  “I do,” Biyu complained.

  Zoe sighed and pushed her onto the bed where she kissed and tickled her all over before expertly concentrating on her clit. They were in a good mood. Justice Goya had contacted them early in the morning to announce that she had expedited their IVF request. In just over two weeks Zoe would be pregnant with Biyu’s child. The only cloud on the horizon was the possibility that Biyu would not be present for the birth, although the justice had promised that they would do everything possible for that to happen. The idea that this mission might last just six to eight months filled them with hope – and now they were acting like giddy young lovers.

  Biyu shuddered as she came. She pulled Zoe up to her and kissed her. “This is the best day of my life.”

  “It’s time to go,” her guardian announced.

  Biyu jumped up and pulled at Zoe’s arm. “C’mon mum, let’s go.”

  Zoe laughed. She liked Biyu in this mood.

  They caught the ferry to the Congress building. It was a beautiful day. A light sea br
eeze had blown away some of the humidity of the previous days. They caused a bit of a stir on the journey. Biyu couldn’t keep her hands off Zoe and she relented and allowed Biyu to gently masturbate her as they talked and kissed. At the same time people had recognised who Biyu was and children came up to them to meet their champion. Zoe found this hilarious and exciting because it had become a public performance. People oohed and aahed as she shuddered with an unexpected orgasm.

  “You’re very pretty,” said one admiring girl.

  “I’m so jealous you get to fuck Biyu, she’s my hero,” said another.

  She was glowing with pride. She loved the attention, given that she was a natural exhibitionist. She wanted to loudly announce that she was going to have Biyu’s baby, but that was a step too far.

  Heads continued to turn their way as they disembarked and walked up to the Congress building. The adults smiled politely and whispered to each other, but children had no such inhibitions and ran up to touch her or talk to her. She accepted the attention gracefully. It was Zoe who seemed to wallow in the attention. She was beginning to strut and to show off.

  A small group of children followed them toward the assembly point, drawn as much by the sight of hovers lifting into the sky as Biyu’s fame.

  She was surprised by the crowd and could hear the increased murmuring as they got closer. Kat saw them well before they saw her. She surprised them by coming up behind. She said “boo” to startle them and they spun around immediately. They hugged her and Zoe could no longer constrain herself.

  “Guess what? It’s going to happen.”


  “We’re going to be parents,” said Biyu.

  “Congratulations,” she said rather formally. “Normally I’d suggest we go and celebrate but I’m actually now on duty. I’ll receive a reprimand if I don’t attend to my responsibilities. Technically I’m no longer on furlough.”

  “I see,” said Zoe barely able to suppress a giggle.

  Kat smiled. “Yes, seriously, I’m actually here to escort Biyu to camp Paradise. So if you could come this way ma’am.”

  “Ma’am?” asked Biyu.

  “Yes, I’m to address you formally. All will be explained in due course.”

  “Can I come?”

  “Yes, of course. I just need you to join the others in the holding area until we depart.”

  She directed them to a section of the grass separated from the gathering crowd. There were two other people waiting: a preeb who looked to be no more than nine and an older woman in her early twenties. Biyu thought she recognised her from amongst the crowd at the bout because she had a distinctive Polynesian chin tattoo.

  “Ma’am,” said Kat formally. “I’d like to introduce you to Papatuanuku Teixeira and to Isla Campbell. They will be joining you on your flight.”

  She turned to the woman and the girl. “I’m sure you need no introduction but this is Zhang Biyu and her partner Zoe Koh.”

  They shook hands.

  “I think I’ve seen you perform, you’re a dancer aren’t you?” Isla asked Zoe.

  Zoe blushed. “Yes, but she’s the famous one.”

  “Yes, I saw the bout. I suppose I should get it over and done with… I’m a huge fan…”

  Nuku blanched. “You were backing Fallacci.”

  “All I said was I liked his cock, he was pretty boy.”

  Biyu laughed. “Indeed he was, he was showing off as part of his strategy.”

  It was Isla’s turn to blush.

  “Is it appropriate to ask what part you play in all this?” Biyu asked Isla, looking at Kat for guidance on protocol.

  Kat nodded. “You all have the same security clearance, not that it will be a secret for much longer.”

  “I’m going to Calliope as head of the science team.”

  “As head…?” objected Zoe.

  “Yes,” said Nuku to defend her. “She’s a member of the Academy and one of our leading exobiologists.”

  “But you’re so young…” said Zoe.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll look after her,” said Kat.

  “You?” asked Biyu.

  “Found out this morning. Calliope. I’m one of the defenders.”

  Biyu had more questions but they were interrupted by a commotion to their left. They turned to see a group of naked adolescent boys and girls quick march in formation toward a waiting hover. The crowd began applauding. They piled in just as quickly and the hover rose rapidly and darted toward the east.

  “We are running behind schedule,” said Kat by way of explanation. “There was a delay in a crucial meeting. That was a group of defenders returning from furlough. Everyone is being recalled.”

  At that point there was another commotion and they turned to see a group of dignitaries arrive still engaged in deep conversation. Nuku recognised the white sarong of a minister and the vermillion and gold sarong of a justice. She did not recognise the purple and gold sarong on the grey haired woman at the centre of the group.

  “That’s strategos Shimazu,” said Kat. “You’ll be seeing plenty of her.”

  “Vera Shimazu?” asked Nuku.

  “Yes, she’s head of the defence force, the big boss. Now that she’s arrived your flight will be next.”

  They watched as the strategos climbed into a smaller, leaner hover accompanied by two naked defenders, a girl and boy, no doubt her aides. As soon as she was seated the hover rose and then shot off toward the east.

  “Okay, time to say your goodbyes,” said Kat.

  The shock of the moment finally hit Zoe and tears began to run down her cheek. They all stood back to give Biyu and Zoe some privacy. Out of the corner of their eyes they saw them hug tightly and whisper private goodbyes through tears. When Biyu pulled away slightly Kat spoke firmly. “Sorry, time to go.” She waited patiently as Zoe clung to Biyu for one last hug.

  They were silent as the hover lifted off the ground. Biyu was fixated on the diminishing shape of Zoe waving goodbye. She would wait until she could no longer see her; she did not stop waving.

  Biyu did not speak until they were skimming over the ocean. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “No need,” said Nuku. “You are obviously close.”

  “Very,” she said. “This is hard.” She looked toward Kat who gave her a reassuring smile.

  “You know each other?” asked Isla.

  Biyu and Kat looked at each other to gauge if they should respond.

  “A fling, I picked Kat up in the park…”

  “A one night threesome… For fun… I mean, who could resist a proposition from Zhang Biyu?” added Kat.

  “I had no idea we would be in this situation.”

  Kat nodded her head in agreement. “Although I knew exactly who you were. And I can say I am deeply privileged to have met both Biyu and Zoe. They are a great couple and pretty yummy.”

  Isla nodded. There was nothing more to say.

  They were silent for another ten minutes, their attention riveted on the broad expanse of ocean. Isla gasped as a leviathan broke through the waves.

  “Migration season,” added Nuku rhetorically.

  This prompted Biyu to ask a question. “Are you an exobiologist too – going to Calliope?”

  “A biologist really, and no, not Calliope.”

  Biyu studied Nuku carefully. She was certainly beautiful, with sensuous breasts and hips, but she also detected considerable inner resilience and a potential ferocity – and not because of the rather fierce looking tribal tattoo on her chin. “It’s Earth, isn’t it?”

  Nuku was startled. “You too?”

  “Wow,” interrupted Isla. “Talk about sending the best. No offence,” she said to Kat.

  “None taken. She is the best.”

  “Must make you pretty special too?” Biyu asked Nuku, suddenly fascinated by this woman.

  Isla sidled up to her and hooked her arm around Nuku. “I think so. I’ve followed her career. She has exceptional observational skills and she’s discovere
d many new species.”

  Nuku was momentarily uncomfortable with Isla’s sudden show of familiarity. Kat raised her eyebrows but Biyu took it in calmly, after all, she was still a preeb by choice.

  They were again distracted when they reached land and a multi-coloured canopy sped past underneath. In the close distance an empty hover headed back to the capital. Eventually they came to a large clearing with a hover just beginning to lift off the ground and human figures running backwards and forwards in organised chaos. They hovered in position waiting to land.

  “There must be hundreds down there. No wonder they couldn’t keep it a secret,” Isla gasped as she looked intently at the activity below.

  “Three thousand at last count, including support staff,” said Kat. “And a friend told me the AI was flooded with requests to volunteer. Seems a lot of people want to travel to the stars.”

  When the ascending hover accelerated toward the horizon they descended. As it settled two figures dressed in purple sarongs walked toward them. Nuku recognised the tall, blond man immediately. It was the man she had met on the monorail, Praxiteles Smith.

  “Welcome,” he said rather formally. “I’m magnus Smith and this is magnus Torv,” he said gesturing to the slender, athletic bird-eye standing to his left.

  “Should we salute?” asked Biyu.

  “No, completely unnecessary. You have all been assigned the rank of magnus. Your uniforms are waiting for you in your quarters.” He turned to Isla. “Magnus Campbell, the defender will take you to your team.”


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