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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

Page 11

by Jessie Wolf

  “If they want to use the Temples to do their dirty work then so be it. It’ll just give me more of a reason to flatten them; it’s not as if I don’t have enough reason to hate these people.”

  “Good luck, Maiha. May the Gods and Goddesses favor you and your new Temple orders.”

  “They are not mine, Sire, but the peoples and the Temple they will represent. The Knights of the Republic have been dormant for too long. The Temple of Ida-ten has been without followers for far too long, don’t you think?” the smile that crosses my face is one of pure vindictiveness.

  “I would almost pity the fools. If it were not for the fact they have pushed you and your family to this point.” The Emperor started to chuckle over this fact. “You know that if they get me, and Daniella is not confirmed as my heir then you will become Empress whether you like it or not, even if you were declared Outlaw and heretic. Not even the Temple Elders can dispute your claim to the Imperial Throne. And if these fools think you’re hard to control now, they will have no chance if you become Empress.”

  “Do me a favor and stick around until Daniella decides to take her rightful place on that throne, and I’ll do my damnedest to keep her alive. We got a deal?”

  “Deal. Now I know it is the middle of the night there, so I’ll let you go. Oh and you may want to throw one Sister Li Mau in a hole some place. If I had my Way she would be missing more than her freedom, if you get my meaning?”

  “Let me guess, she was how you came by the information on what I was doing here. No problem, I’ll deal with her, and make sure she understands my displeasure at her betrayal. Now if you forgive me I need to get some sleep. I bid you a good night old friend.” With that I signed off and erased the whole conversation from memory. If half of what we discussed were to get out the Emperor would be in a world of shit.

  I set back and think over what was said and not said. The first of which is the fact that Daniella is not Sha’s real daughter. The fact that Eliza was known to have her little flings was nothing new. The fact that one of those was with one of her bodyguards was. If Richelieu did arrange for him to be killed before Daniella’s birth then there is more going on with him than I originally thought. Then there is the fact that the Emperor cannot move against him without the risk of this becoming known. Add in the fact that Richelieu has been feeding secrets to the Emperor gained from the Silent Sisterhood for some time now means that Richelieu is playing a long game. I can’t play by his rules or his game; I need to go after him fast and furious. Keep him guessing as to what my next move will be. The first of these is to get the new Temple setup at the schools. After that I need to train all the new recruits to be full-fledged Death Dealers, and more. I have at most twelve months to get this done, in truth it’s more like six no matter what everyone else says. I fully expect Richelieu to come at me before the eight month mark.

  Getting up I go over to the door and ask the guard to find Major Howard and Colonel Fujiyama and have them meet me in my quarters. Returning to my quarters I take a few moments to myself to take care of certain bodily functions and splash some water on my face. The few minutes that I have alone allows me to clear my head and concentrate on a full plan of action. The fact that the Emperor had rendered my House both deaf and blind by the use of an Imperial Command Override. If there is one thing I will never allow to happen again it is that. The fact it did happen is worrisome to say the least.

  As I sit there thinking about how to keep it from happening again there is a knock on my quarter’s door. “Come.” Is all I call out. I am only expecting the two I sent for so I am surprised when I see four people enter. Two of them I have only met when their mercenary companies join my House Military. “Gentlemen and ladies, I must admit that I was only expecting the Colonel and Major. May I ask to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening?”

  Captain Lisa Barnet of Kelly’s Outlaws was their communication expert. “I heard what happened earlier in the Communications Center, my Lady. I know how to keep that from happening again, and Captain Laurell Hamilton here has extremely intimate knowledge of Imperial Communication Systems.”

  The second woman who had joined my late night party giggled then spoke up. “I should, I’ve hacked into it often enough and rewrote more code for it, than nine out of ten people out there.” the little brunette had an impish grin on her heart shaped face. “I can guarantee that there are only a hand full of hackers out there better than me. One of which is currently here in this House.” at my look of confusion she gives me the name. “Susan Whitehorse.”

  The thought that one of the best hackers was right this minute going through the process of integrating with one of the most powerful AIs ever known to man was frightening. Then again the more I think about it, the more I being to wonder what some of those girls was sent to JES for.

  “Dee De can you give me a run down on what the members of the Dragon’s Daughters were studying at JES?”

  Coming up now, Maiha. I think you’ll like what you see. (Dee De)

  What I see makes me smile. Almost every last one of them was taking some form of Computer Science class of some type. All of these girls were going to come out with a far better understanding of what their AIs can do for them than almost any Death Dealer. The more I look at the classes these girls have taken the more I realize just how much better off starting out than most people who become Death Dealers. Science, Mathematics, Physical Training in gymnastics, dance of all types, is just the beginnings of their advantages. The more I read the more I see why even though JES has become more like a Juvenile Detention Center the girls who graduate from there are so sought after as wives.

  However, I can see how all those lessons on how to move, sit, stand, and just act like a lady of grace and deportment can come in handy. Hell, the few lessons that I have had from mama in those same skills have made me far more deadly as a second gen Death Dealer. When you start adding in things like science, math, and all that physical type training you get one hell of a training package. I put all that knowledge on the back burner for now and get back to the problem at hand.

  “Very well then ladies, do you think the two of you can secure our House communications systems from outside interference?”

  “Not only can we secure our systems, but we can give you full access to the Imperial Temples systems.” The look of confidence on Captain Barnet’s face tells me that is no boast.

  “Do it. When you get done here I want the two of you and whoever you need to haul ass to both JES and JS. I want both of those security systems and coms systems secured by the end of the week. Can you get it done?”

  The two women looked at each other and nod their heads. Captain Hamilton does point something out. “We can get the job done at all three locations in that time, but to do it we’ll need to replace the systems at the schools completely.”

  “The one at JES is already scheduled for that, just get the job done and send the bill to the House accountant. I’ll approve the expense.” I receive a ‘yes ma’am’ from both of them and they take off to get to work. With that taken care of I spend a few minutes talking with the commanding officers of my House Military going over what happened earlier. Once I see that they are up to speed and receive assurances that they’ll not let something like this happen again. I bid them a good night and head back to the Temple.

  Mama meets me at the foot of the Temple steps. “So tell me, daughter, are we facing the full weight of the Imperial Military?”

  “No mama, the Emperor is keeping the Imperial Military out of this. The problem with that is this; I can’t use the Death Dealers or our House Military when the Imperial Temple sends the Black Rose and Crimson Shield to deal with us.”

  “Care to give me the good news now, Maiha?”

  “Well, according to his majesty, it’s going to take the Temple leaders longer to come together than you thought and for the Black Rose and Crimson Shield to deploy. However, despite everything you and the Emperor think, I believe that we only
have a six month window. Now, normally that would be more than enough time to train a force strong enough to face off against those zealots. This is not the case here; in fact we just might be in a better position than I originally thought.” When mama starts to ask what I am talking about I smile. “Have you ever looked at the curricula of JES or JS?”

  “Well, no not really, they are the normal curricula for a school correct?”

  “No mama, they’re not. If I had the type of education that those students had before I joined the Death Dealers my training would have been a cake walk. Everything those students learn can be multitasked over to use in the military. Before you ask; even the dance classes, they teach them how to move in an economical manner. That is something that is also useful on the battlefield.”

  “So are you telling me that those girls are halfway trained already?”

  “Mama, I have a feeling that our new Sisterhood and Brotherhood are going to surprise everyone out there.”

  Chapter 6

  Meanwhile at the Headmasters office for Jacob Salomon Boys School……

  Doctor Wilf Brim and Mr. Lenard waited patiently for their opposite numbers for JSBS to show up. The two men knew they were at one of those critical points in history. That after tomorrow nothing will be the same, and they have a chance to help change the very Empire they have served for so long, for the better. They knew that their students cannot do the job alone. They will need the help of some of the young men who went to this school. The two of them had talked long and hard about this fact on their way here. The two of them could see how they could work as teams of two, one male and one female. The perfect yin and yang combination, one hard the other soft.

  “You know, Lenard, if Jacky agrees to this, and we can get just a quarter of the boys here to join the order, we’re going to have our hands full. You are going to have to figure out how to explain this to your supervisors. While Jacky and I will have to figure out how to explain this to our student’s families. It’s not like they will care anyway but you understand where I’m coming from.” He told his friend of over twenty years. “Damn shame about Recco through, we really could have used him on this, but the man was a traitor and spy.”

  “No, my friend, he deserved much worse. I have a feeling that a good deal of the problems we have been having at our school can be traced back to him. I plan to launch a full investigation into all of the teachers. I have a feeling that there are more than one corrupted by outside influences. If I’m right, and God hopes I’m not, I would say that there are at least two or three other spies within our schools walls.” The look on the younger man’s face was one of grim determination. “And when I find them they will wish that I never had. These people have placed our students in danger on purpose. That is something that I will not stand for.”

  “Lenard, I have a question that I hope you can answer. Just how many of the girls at our school are there on orders from the judicial system for their families?”

  “Far too many, Wilf, far too many. The same goes for the young men that attend here. What I am about to tell you and Headmaster Jack Chalkier is to be kept in the strictest of confidences. For right now let’s just work on getting Jack to go along with the Lady Maiha’s plans.”

  At that time the Headmaster and Vice Headmaster entered the room. Wilf had known Jack for a little more than seven years. They had both gone to university together after serving in their respective military branches. The fact that they had both returned to Hades to be teachers was of no surprise to those who knew them. What was a surprise was the young man in the motto-chair that accompanied him. If it was not for his lack of both legs he would be a spitting image of one Johnny Recco. Both men could tell that the young man was the real Johnny Recco. That fact that he was in a V.A. issued motto-chair and the tattoo for the five twenty-first Jump Infantry Regiment on his right arm testified to this fact.

  Brim was the first to comment on this shocking fact. “Sir, do you have a twin brother?”

  The young man looked at Brim before shaking his head and smiling. “You know, you’re the fourth person in the last ten days to ask me that question. To answer you, no, I do not have a twin brother.”

  “Thank the Gods for that small favor.” Doctor Chalkier said with a chuckle. “I don’t know if the universe could handle two of this sneaky bastard.”

  The two men shared a friendly chuckle over the Headmasters quip. The fact that they had such a well-defined friendship was readily apparent. This was a pair of long standing friends, possibly even brothers in arms.

  “The only reason why I asked is that we had a gentleman who looked remarkably similar to you over at JES.” Brim told the two Heads of JS. “Might I know when you left the service, sir?”

  “I was discharged shortly after an ill-fated rescue attempt on Breakers Three in the Orwell system. That was just over eight years ago, as you can see I lost both legs in that mess. Now would you care to explain the reasons for your questions?” the young man was starting to get upset. Everyone here at JS knew that the Vice Headmaster was a member of the most botched rescue attempt in known history.

  “I am sorry, sir for questioning you in this manner, but you sees the man who was at our school also went by the name of Johnny Recco; and he was a spy for the Black Rose Order. Do not worry as the man is no longer in position to cause harm to anyone.” Brim could tell that this meeting was not going in the direction he wanted it to go. Time for a little diplomacy, looking over at Chalkier. “Jack my old friend, the reason why we are here is that we believe that your school has the same problem.”

  Jack Chalkier had been the Headmaster here at JS for just over fifteen years now. The fact that there might be spies amongst his teaching staff was not something he wants to think about. However he knew it was a very real problem. He also knew who two of them were and he didn’t like it. The problem was that he just couldn’t fire without having to explain to the OECH.

  “As much as it turns my stomach to say this, Wilf you’re right. There is not much I can do about it though. Hell, you should know by now that there are certain teachers we can’t fire without having the OECH coming down on our heads. Just ask your own OECH rep. he’ll confirm this fact.” Jack was pointing at his friend Mr. Lenard.

  Taking up the none too subtle challenge Lenard just smiled. “Let me guess, they are your Modern Ethics, Cultural History, and Political Science teachers. The three most controversial subjects because of their subject matter. All of which are controlled by my office and appointed only by my office.”

  “You got it in one, Lenard. I know for a fact that all three of those men are working for someone else, and I have no idea who. If I had my way they would find themselves on a rocket to the outer rim.” Jack was barely controlling his temper as he spoke. “Those three have caused more than few of the young men here grief to the point of joining the PDF just to get away from them. It’s bad enough that four out of five don’t have anywhere else to go when they leave here, but to practically force them into joining some High Family House Military is just wrong.”

  “Excuse me, Jacky, but what do you mean by that?” Wilf asked him.

  Sighing heavily the man looked down at his desktop before answering. “Wilf, old friend, unlike the young ladies over at your school the young men who go to our school are here or in jail. We are their last hope before being sent to prison or one of the penal colonies. Every one of them has been disowned by their families, not that it matters as all of them are considered threats to their older siblings. My school has become a dropping ground for all of the unwanted sons of rich and powerful families.”

  “Why are you saying this Jacky? Surely those families have something they can do inside of their organizations?” Lenard put in.

  “Gentlemen, only one third or more sons show up here. As for how I know that we’re being used as a dropping ground more than one set of charges is just enough to place them on the board of Imperial charges and severe hard time.” The young Johnny Recco
told them. “Trust me, when I tell you that more than one of them was sent here by a ‘friendly judge’ who is a ‘family friend’. I swear if I had a way to get these young men out of the mess they’re in I would jump at it.”

  Unknowingly the young man just gave Wilf Brim and Mr. Lenard the perfect opening, and the two of them jumped at it. With a look to Lenard, Wilf opened up the discussion. “What would you say if that was the reason for our visit?”

  “I would say quit stalling and start talking.” Jack Chalkier said with some heat.

  “Calm down Jacky old boy, I’ll get to that in a moment; Lenard here has something to tell us both first.” Turning to Lenard a gesturing for him to take over Wilf turned the floor over to his old friend. “The floor is all yours Lenard.”

  Lenard S’chn T'gai stood up to his full height then looked at all three men in the room with him. “Gentlemen, as you have most likely figured out by now, our two schools have been turned into dumping grounds for the unwanted children of the rich and powerful. More than eighty percent of our students attend our schools on what has become known as the ‘jail or here’ sentence. Now this information has been kept on a need to know basis for the last ten years. Yes I said ten years. The reason for this has been is by the orders of the Head of OECH. Who in turn got his orders from the Head of OECH on Earth Prime. Before you ask, this was done to try and discredit the Nakatoma House. The reasoning behind this was twofold. First of which was a political move by Houses Light, Daniel, and Moore within the Hall of Lords. The second was a move by the Imperial Temples to shut down the family Temple of the Nakatoma’s as they would have been able to claim they failed in their moral guidance of the schools. Ours more so than yours, but that is the gist of the situation. Now, before you ask, the current Head of House Nakatoma has come up with a plan of action to rectify this situation.”


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