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Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection

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by Belinda Burke




  The Complete Collection

  Belinda Burke

  The Other Alpha, First Nights, The Other Omega, The Other Mate, First Christmas and Another Christmas

  Copyright © 2015, 2016 by Belinda Burke

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events or locales in this novel are either the product of the author's imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

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  Male model portions of cover image courtesy of nenetus at

  Table of Contents

  The Other Alpha

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  First Nights

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  The Other Omega

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  The Other Mate

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  First Christmas

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Another Christmas

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Special Preview

  The Other Alpha

  Chapter One

  For the sake of order, there were laws in Luka’s pack. They were wolf rules, simple and straight to the point. Not because of morals, and not for the world—just for them.

  Some of it was about keeping their secret safe. Some of it was as simple as the order they’d run in on a hunt. The hierarchy of the pack told every member where they belonged in a dispute, and what their responsibilities were, but they were men as well as wolves. More than instinct was required to keep them in line.

  By the time October had come, Niketas, omega though he was, had flaunted every rule and obligation. He disobeyed every order he was given, especially if Luka was the one to give it, and the usual punishments didn’t seem to do any good. After a while, thinking back over the last few months, Luka realized what Niketas was doing…and why. But confronting it, especially in a way that wouldn’t break Niketas’trust—or his pride—was going to be hard.

  Niketas wanted him, lusted after him, was maybe even in love with him…and Luka had no desire for a man.

  He wanted a woman for his mate, even if he hadn’t found one yet, and that wasn’t going to change. Luka could track this new trouble with Niketas almost to the day he had announced he was going to start looking for one, and the implications irritated, then saddened him. There was no way this was going to end well.

  When he was almost at his wit’s end, wondering if he’d have to send Niketas away to get things back under control, Wednesday came and Luka got a call from his brother. Stelios didn’t want anything in particular, just to check in. He called once a week, always on Wednesday, usually before noon.

  They weren’t close, but they were still brothers, twins, and as Luka had chosen the wild for his home it was up to Stelios to keep in contact. Luka barely remembered to keep the phone his brother had bought him charged enough for their weekly talks.

  This time, the sound of Stelios’voice got Luka thinking. His brother had peculiar predilections, desires that Luka didn’t share—but they might help him.

  In a very few moments he’d shared his problem with Niketas. Stelios didn’t seem overly enthused at the solution Luka had come up with, but he listened and that was something.

  “So if you could take him...”

  “Take him? Really. I didn’t know your pack was up for grabs.”


  “You think because I look like you–you think that will be enough for him? Make him want me instead of you?”

  “I think the type of punishment you like to dish out will be enough for him. Just what he’s been asking for, except…”

  “It’s not from you. Sometimes that’s the real problem, Luka. If it’s not just a man he wants, if it’s you—”

  “Yeah, well, this is another one of those differences between us that makes things difficult. I don’t want to fuck men, they don’t interest me. Not even my wolves, not even Niketas…doesn’t matter if he’s got a thing for me. I’ve been punishing him, but…I think he wants that.”

  “Don’t tell me you tried to—”

  “Look, will you take him or not?”

  There was a moment of silence on the line. Luka sensed the shrug he couldn’t see when Stelios sighed.

  “Fine. If you think it’ll help, you can bring him to me. But no promises. If I don’t like the look of him I’m not going to take him. Not even for a night.”

  Luka wrinkled his forehead, then shrugged himself.“Fine. Fine, just—”

  “I know. See you when I see you.”

  The line clicked as Stelios hung up, and Luka turned off the cell phone and stuck it back in its place at the back of the den. He should probably bring it with him when he brought Niketas to the city, so he could charge it, but whatever. If it died Stelios would just give him another one. Wouldn’t be the first time.

  Somewhat relieved, Luka waited for morning, then sent Ares out at the head of the pack to hunt. He kept only Niketas behind.

  Niketas was twitchy, kept wandering back and forth from the den into the woods, but he didn’t complain or question what was going on. He was…expectant, and Luka thought he knew why, but Niketas wasn’t going to get what he was anticipating today.

  “We’re going to the city, Niketas.”

  His omega jumped at the sound of his voice, whipped around and stared at Luka with obvious confusion.

  “To the…I thought you were waiting until the second full moon—I thought you were waiting until the end of the month to look for a woman. And the others are—”

  “My search has got nothing to do with it, and neither do they. This is for you, and you’re probably not coming back for a while, so make sure you put away anything you want to keep safe while you’re gone. And wear something nice.”

  “Dress up? Not…coming back? What are you—Luka, where are you taking me? What are you talking about?”

  “Get. Dressed.”

  Niketas stared at him, defiant as he had been, then turned away, shrugging, and went to his own space at the back of the den to change.“I’ve got a silk shirt, do I need to wear something besides jeans? Luka?”

  “No, that’s fine.”Luka saw a certain amount of anxiety in his omega’s expression, scented a shiver of fear and almost smiled. Whatever he was worried about, the truth would be both better and worse than he was expecting, but Niketas deserved a little apprehension.

  He’d been a bastard for weeks now, trying to provoke Luka into punishing him the way he liked. Hadn’t been very subtle about it, either.

sp; He’d been quiet enough that Luke didn’t think the rest of the pack had noticed, or at least if they had, they hadn’t said anything. He thought it unlikely—Leon, at least, would have had something to say, some joke, some taunt. It was better if they didn’t know. Better to solve the problem before it really became a problem.

  “Alright, I’m ready, where are we going?”

  “The city. I said that.”


  “Get your bike and let’s go.”Luka strode away without waiting for a response. It was the only way he could be sure of compliance without argument these days. He sat scowling, engine rumbling under him, as he waited for Niketas to hurry himself along. By the time he came out, wary and confused, Luka was too impatient to reassure him and started down the mountain without another word.

  ~ ~ * * ~ ~

  All the way to the city, Niketas was uneasy. Whatever Luka wanted, he didn’t think it was anything good. He kept running over things in his head, things he’d said and done recently. Was Luka going to get rid of him, drop him off somewhere and tell him he wasn’t welcome anymore? What would he do if—God, that hadn’t been his intention, he wanted anything but that, anything.

  He could’ve joined another pack if he wanted to years ago, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to be near Luka, even if the only way Luka touched him was to punish him. Pack punishment, Alpha over omega, mounting him and filling him up and—

  But his thoughts were cut short by Luka pulling off the side of the road and into a gas station. It was empty, no one there but the clerk so early in the morning, and Luka tugged Niketas into the shadow of the building behind the pumps when he got off his bike.

  “Look, I didn’t mean to make you worry so much but you’ve been a pain in the ass. I wasn’t in a mood to explain.”

  “I haven’t—“

  “You have, and you’ve been doing it on purpose, and you’re going to stop. And I know how to make you, because I know why you’re doing it.” Niketas flushed and backed away, but the wall behind him thumped against his back.

  Luka caught the collar of his shirt in one hand and his jaw in the other, so that Niketas had no choice but to meet his gaze. “You want me. I know. I know. But I’m looking for a mate, and that means a woman, not you. You want me, but I don’t want you. Not that way—I don’t want any man that way.”

  Niketas felt his heart thud and drop into his feet at the same time. Didn’t want. He’d known it, he’d known, but hearing it was worse than he’d thought. He swallowed back a thick and sudden burning in his throat, then shrugged.

  “So? How did you…”

  “The way you look at me. The way you disobey. The way you—fuck, Niketas, you come every time I punish you. Did you think I hadn’t noticed? You only take a woman after I do—just because I did, isn’t that right? I never noticed before Anna, but then Sophie…especially Sophie. And it’s just going to get worse with you, isn’t it?”

  Niketas didn’t answer. What was there to say? He’d been so stupid to think that Luka wouldn’t notice, that he might ever…God, so stupid. But Luka was still holding his face, and he couldn’t look away, couldn’t hide his shame or his regret or his unhappiness. He tried to direct his gaze at the ground, and Luka shook him a little.

  “Hey—just because I don’t want for you a lover doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be happy. It doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my pack. But you’ve got to stop this…whatever it is, so…” Luka smirked and let go of him. “I’m taking you to my brother.”

  “Stelios?” The name slipped past Niketas’ lips before he could think about it. He avoided Luka’s stare and studied a spot on the wall beside him. “I’ve never met him, and you don’t talk about him much. Why him? Why’s he not in your pack? If he’s not a wolf then—”


  He shut his mouth, and Luka squinted at him, then shrugged. “I don’t talk about him because I don’t understand him, even if Stelios is my twin.” His smirk returned, but faintly. “You should like that. And he’s not part of my pack because he should have his own.”

  “Another Alpha?”

  “Yeah. He lives in the city, owns his own company—it’s how he got his money. Enough for cars and planes and penthouses, all of that. But I don’t understand it. I don’t know how he can stand living here.”

  “I don’t understand what any of this has to do with…I don’t understand how this is supposed to help me.” Luka grinned at him, and Niketas swallowed thickly. Blue eyes, so blue, and a smile like that! Why did he have to be so damned gorgeous? He dropped his gaze, and Luka chuckled.

  “Stelios loves men like you. He’ll give you what you want…what you need.”

  “He…men? Like me. What does that even mean?”

  “Submissive. Wanton. Omega. Disobedient.”

  “I’m not submissive! Just because you’re my Alpha—”

  Luka took a step forward again and Niketas held himself still against the wall. “That has nothing to do with it, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about…didn’t you hear me? I said submissive and omega.” Luka paused, then shrugged. “Stelios will show you.”

  “That’s where we’re going? Now?”

  “Yes. If he wants you, I’ll be giving you to him for a while. You can think of him as…your other Alpha, if you want.”

  Niketas jerked his gaze up again and stared into Luka’s face. His other Alpha? “So you’re not—”

  “Making you leave? No. I said I wanted you to be happy, and I said this needs to be fixed. But you’re still my wolf. Part of my pack.”

  Niketas relaxed, but only for a moment. Luka was already stepping away, moving toward his motorcycle.

  “We’re going now, come on. I’m already sick of the city and we’re barely even in it.” He turned away, climbed on his bike again and revved the engine, then sat waiting until Niketas did the same.

  He followed Luka down narrow streets, then up main ones, trying to think over the roar of the ride and the memory of their conversation. How was Luka giving him to Stelios supposed to make him happy? If he couldn’t have what he wanted—if he couldn’t have Luka, how was Luka’s twin going to help? Just because he looked the same…

  But he kept thinking of what Luka had said. Men like me. Luka’s brother liked men. What did that mean? There was only one thing it could mean, wasn’t there? Just one thing…

  Despite himself, Niketas wondered if maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. A man just like Luka, but wanting him? That…that didn’t sound so bad.

  An uneasy twitch of desire sparked at the base of his spine and shot upward.

  Luka brought him to the back of a ritzy looking apartment building, parked his bike and motioned for Niketas to do the same. There were expensive cars in every occupied parking space, and the whole building gave off an atmosphere that made him wish he hadn’t decided to wear his jeans. Luka didn’t look like he cared, and he hadn’t dressed up at all. He was wearing the same leather and denim he always wore when they went into the city.

  He knew where he was going, too—through a back door that needed a key code, then up to an elevator that also needed a key code. The elevator trip took forever, and Niketas wiped his hands against his jeans over and over. His palms kept getting sweaty, and he kept looking at Luka even though Luka was steadfastly staring at the elevator door.

  Niketas’ nerves were tingling with anxious anticipation. There was something sexual, something physical and predatory about whatever Luka intended for him, and the thought alone was enough that his cock was half-hard and his pulse pounding in his ears.

  Luka’s brother. Luka’s twin…what would he be like?

  ~ ~ * * ~ ~

  The elevator stopped at the top floor, and Niketas realized the moment it opened that Luka hadn’t been exaggerating—if anything, he’d downplayed his brother’s wealth. The carpet was plush underfoot, and rich smells of mahogany and oak and cedar filled even the entryway outside the elevator.

  There was no
hall, just a narrow space between them and a door. Luka knocked, then waited only a minute before a spot on the wall folded out. He leaned forward for a retinal scan, of all things, then stepped forward as the door opened, rubbing at his eye and growling in irritation.

  He beckoned sharply as he went through the door, and Niketas followed despite his apprehension. He stopped half a dozen steps into the opulent room on the other side, staring at the man waiting for them. Luka’s brother was…he looked almost exactly like Luka, except… God.

  Stelios was wearing a suit, navy blue and obviously silk. A tie in matching blue crosshatched with gold was neatly pinned. His cufflinks glinted suspiciously like diamonds. His hair was a little longer than his brother’s, smooth and shining and just as dark, and he wore it tied back neatly at the nape of his neck.

  Even his eyes were the same, dark blue Niketas knew so well, and his face had the same angles as his brother’s. His smirk as he greeted Luka was a mirror image of the expression on Luka’s face.

  Despite himself, Niketas felt a pulse of heat go darting straight to his cock, just at the sight of him. Being in the room with two Alphas was already bad enough, but these two—he was rock hard, an inch from dropping to his knees and baring his throat. It was all but instinctive.

  Brothers they might be, but the crackling edges of their individual auras made the air hot around them, neither giving ground, both seeking dominance. For a moment, it was all Niketas was aware of.

  He took half a step forward, staring, then stopped. He hadn’t meant to do that, and the moment he became aware of it, Luka’s brother turned and glanced at him, a glance that became a slow, smoldering stare. He looked Niketas up and down, and Niketas felt every place his eyes lingered—the hard bulge of his cock in his jeans, his fists clenched by his thighs, the lip he was biting…

  Then he looked into Niketas’ eyes, and despite himself Niketas couldn’t defy him directly any more than he could defy Luka.

  He whined softly, tilted back his throat and cast his gaze off to the side—and then, much to his surprise, felt a wet, hot lick of tongue go up his throat. Then teeth, pressed gently into his skin, holding him still and arousing him beyond belief.


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