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Alpha & Omega: The Complete Collection

Page 22

by Belinda Burke

  But the Alpha was in no mood to be sympathetic now. “I know, mate. I can feel you coming inside me still, your cock stretching me wide open. Feels good, wet inside, hot where you’re shooting into me…ohhh. Are you going to watch it leak out of me when you can pull your cock out of my ass?”

  “Sir.” It was a whimper, a plea, but the Alpha didn’t stop rocking, didn’t stop the soft enticement of filthy words that always made his omega flush and shudder. Now when he shivered, Stelios felt it as a caress of fire where the omega’s cock rubbed inside him.

  Gradually, the knot shrank and Niketas slipped out of him, sat back on his thighs and stayed there, his hands still holding Stelios’ buttocks apart. Stelios twisted, looked over his shoulder and saw the omega’s eyes fixated on the slick he could feel dripping from his hole.

  Not the most comfortable feeling, and he wasn’t sure what Niketas found so pleasing about the sensation, but he could certainly understand the look on his mate’s face right now. Carefully, trying not to make too much mess on the furs, he rolled onto his side, reached down for Niketas and smiled when the omega crawled trembling into his arms.

  “Are you pleased with your present, mate?” Niketas nodded, nuzzled the curve of Stelios’ neck, then leaned up to kiss him, licking at his swollen lip apologetically. It was then that Stelios allowed the wicked grin he’d been saving onto his face. “Sorry, are you? Are you shaking because you’re afraid of what I’m going to do to you now, or because it was that good to tie to me?”

  Instantly flushed again, the omega could no longer meet his gaze. “Both.”

  Stelios chuckled. “And why would you be afraid, hmm?” He let his voice slip into its lowest, most dangerous octave. “Done something you shouldn’t have, omega mine?”

  Niketas gulped, hiding his face against Stelios’ neck, then nodded, then shook his head. “I don’t—maybe, Sir? I shouldn’t…I-I shouldn’t have asked you to beg, should I? Even if…even if it was my Christmas present.”

  Stelios reached down and gripped his ass, then gave him one sharp swat. “Good. I like it when you’re honest. But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. You should have told me you’d never knotted anyone before. I would have let you take me sooner, just for that.” He nudged the omega’s cheek away from his shoulder, tipped up his chin and bent his head to meet Niketas’ gaze. “I told you a long time ago, I want all your firsts.”

  “But then I wouldn’t have… I wasn’t expecting it, just now. It—I didn’t even know I could knot you like that. You…you’re my Alpha.” Niketas closed his eyes, still trembling a little.

  “No? It’s not the most common thing, an omega tying to his lover, but it’s not rare, either.” The Alpha cast a glance down his mate’s body, watching his toes curl, his cock twitch. “You never had trouble with it when you were a teenager?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Niketas flushed, obviously remembering something embarrassing.

  Stelios grinned. “Cute. I love when you blush for me. Just because you’re adorable, I’ll let you pick the first part of your punishment. Paddle, or spanking?”

  The flush intensified. “Sir, I—”

  “Paddle or spanking?”

  Niketas bit his lip, but the answer was quick. “Spanking, Sir.”

  “Good. Knees.” The omega scrambled to obey, got on his knees and leaned forward so his ass was in the air, his thighs parted just enough to give the Alpha access to his hole if he wanted it, to his balls and swiftly hardening cock.

  “How—how many, Sir?”

  “As many as I think you need.” He got up on his own knees and gave Niketas one quick, hard smack across both buttocks. “Telling your Alpha to beg for your cock.” Again, and again, alternating which side he struck, Stelios warmed Niketas’ ass, admiring the way his skin pinked, then reddened. “Did you like hearing it, mate? Like hearing how good it felt having you in my ass?”

  “Ye-Yes, Sir—ah! Ah—Sir!”

  The crack of his hand hitting the omega’s buttocks was sharp, intoxicating, the sound almost as good as the way the strikes heated his palm. “Liked making me moan for you? Liked stretching me for your cock, knotting me—I can still feel your come dripping out of me, mate.”


  He slid his hand down to caress Niketas’ cock as it thickened, rigid now and sensitive all over. “Thinking about it got you that hard that fast? Even after you tied me, filled me up so much?”

  The omega’s erection twitched in his fist. “Sir. Yes.”

  “Good.” He ran his hands over the warmth of Niketas’ buttocks, then gave him a half dozen blows that rocked him forward onto his hands. Another, and another, until the omega was groaning, making soft wolf noises whenever Stelios paused long enough for him to have enough breath.

  This time when he stopped to caress Niketas’ ass, his skin radiated heat against the Alpha’s palms, and he smirked in satisfaction. “That’s better. But I think you need a few more, don’t you?”

  Shivering, the omega still gave the required response. “Yes, Sir.”

  “How many, do you think?”

  There was a pause as Stelios ran his hands over the vulnerable curve of his mate’s buttocks, before the omega offered a careful suggestion. “Ten, Sir?”

  It was a good try, but whatever he’d said, Stelios had intended on doubling it. “Oh, no. Twenty at least.” Then he got up, crossed to his chair and tossed the towels on the floor. He sat with his head on his hand, waiting for the omega to look at him.

  “Sir?” Niketas turned with confusion on his face. “I thought…you were gonna spank me.”

  After more than a year together, he still flushed when he said it, and Stelios crooked a finger at him. “I am. Up, get over here. I want you across my lap.”

  “Sir! Please, don’t, I’m not a—”


  The pink in Niketas cheeks grew to stunning crimson as he pushed himself to his feet and crossed to stand in front of the Alpha, closed his eyes, then met Stelios’ gaze. “Here, Sir.”

  “Across my lap, I said.”

  Carefully, first bracing his weight on the chair, Niketas lowered himself as instructed. At first, he tried to slide his erection between Stelios’ thighs, but the Alpha reached between them with one hand, chuckling as he made sure the omega’s cock was trapped flat between his body and Stelios’ legs. “Oh, not. Not this time, mate. This is punishment.”

  But three quick smacks later, Niketas was squirming in his lap, and after half a dozen, Stelios could feel wetness seeping out of his mate’s cock and onto his thighs. “Such a naughty thing. Trying to make me beg, I can’t believe it. And all I had to do was say some of what you’re always whimpering at me. Please. More. Fill me up.”

  Even as he said it, the omega whined, and Stelios continued spanking him, wondering how much it would take to make him come. Niketas’ skin was hot under his hand, and he gave the omega another half dozen strikes before his breath hitched into the gasping, panting rhythm Stelios loved so well. “It sounds like you’re getting close, Niketas. Are you going to come from your spanking and mess up my thighs?”

  The omega only nodded, started rutting against his legs, and Stelios resumed the spanking with firmer, harder blows. “I want an answer, mate. Are you going to come from your punishment?”

  “Yes, Sir, yes—” A little shiver worked its way through Niketas’ body, and Stelios chose that moment to hold him still, stop spanking him. “Then you should beg properly. Maybe I will let you if you can ask nicely enough.”

  Niketas squirmed in his lap again, and Stelios hit him once more, just above the top of his thigh. “Well? I’m waiting. Give me some more please to say back at you next time I decide to let you take my ass.”

  That made him talk. “Yes, Sir, wanna come Sir, love to—oh, God, Sir if you keep—if you keep spanking me I—please, please I know I shouldn’t have tried to—to make you beg, but I—I need to come, sir, need you to spank me until I come. Need you to fuck it out of me. Suppos
ed to be that way, supposed to—to—please, Sir, make me come. All yours, belong to you, just to you, so let me—”

  It was just what Stelios needed to hear, enough to sooth his stung Alpha pride. With fingers gone suddenly gentle, he caressed the stinging, reddened skin of Niketas’ ass. “That’s good, mate. Perfect.”

  The crack of the next blow filled the room, and Niketas arched under it, cried out, then rubbed his cock against Stelios’ thighs again. “Please, Sir. Few more like that and I—”

  “Yes, mate. Relax. Don’t I always give you what you need?” Another strike, and another. The third made Niketas cry out again. The fourth made him gasp, and Stelios felt the throbbing of his cock, the sudden spurt of wetness across his thighs, smearing over his skin as Niketas rode out his climax on the Alpha’s lap.

  Afterward, as always, he was flushed bright to the tips of his ears, and Stelios chuckled as he stood and went gingerly to his knees, not meeting the Alpha’s gaze. “Look at me, mate.” Hesitant, still dark with lust, Niketas’ eyes could only avoid his face for so long. “How do you feel?”

  “I—good, Sir. Thank you, Sir. But…”


  “I…I still want you to fuck me. I need…” His stare had drifted, but now it refocused on Stelios’ face. “I need to feel you inside me, mate.”

  The Alpha cupped his cheek. “And I need to be inside you. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, but I don’t think I’ll feel satisfied until I’m the one filling you up.”

  Niketas held his gaze steadily this time. “Me, either.”

  Stelios stood, urging the omega to his feet with him, and brought his mate back to the furs. He went to his knees without being asked, but Stelios dropped to his beside the omega and nudged his hip with a thigh while he popped the cap of the lube open and started slicking his cock. “Not this time, mate. On your back. I want to see your face while I’m taking you.”

  The omega rolled over without complaint, and Stelios climbed between his thighs, slicked him with the lube leftover on his fingers and caught himself biting his lip at the hint of tightness as he did so. He lined up carefully and started to push his cock in without even bothering to stretch him. Niketas arched under him, reaching down to grip his thighs, draw him closer, and when Stelios was all the way inside he let out a deep, satisfied sigh.

  The Alpha ran both hands up his mate’s body, then bent to kiss his red, bitten lips.

  Chapter Four

  The fantasy that Stelios had allowed Niketas to fulfill was amazing, but the moment his mate was inside him, the omega felt complete. It had been a gorgeous gift, but this, this was what he needed. This was what he wanted most of all. The Alpha started to pull back, and Niketas locked both legs around Stelios’ knees, keeping him where he was, his hips flush against the heat of his buttocks and his cock buried deep.

  “Please, Sir…”

  “Is it too much?”

  “No, just want—oh, I want to feel it.”

  A hint of smirk brightened the blue of the Alpha’s eyes. “To feel it? I’ll make sure of that, mate.” But he rocked forward anyway, held Niketas’ ass open and pressed that tiniest bit more inside. “Better?”

  The omega groaned, lifted his hips, then reached up and wrapped his arms around Stelios’ neck. “Want more. Knot me. Tie with me and—”

  “Niketas. That didn’t bother me. It felt good, and I like knowing your first time was mine.” He drew back, then thrust all the way in, jolting the breath from Niketas’ body. “I told you that. Or do you need me inside you that badly? Need to be stretched, as stuffed as I can make you?”

  The omega groaned, nodding. That was it exactly. He wanted the closeness of it, the long, shuddering minutes in which Stelios would stay buried deep in him—wanted the intimacy, and the intensity. “Yes Sir, yes.”

  The Alpha bent near to him, brushed his cheek against Niketas’, then mouthed at his throat, the tingling spot just below his ear, before he leaned up and murmured a single word. “Good.”

  Niketas knew then that Stelios wanted it as much as he did. Their desires were in perfect alignment, and he wrapped his legs up around the Alpha’s back, then caressed the curve of his ass, the backs of his thighs. “Sir—yeah. So deep, love when you—I love you.”

  He ran his hands up Stelios’ back, into the unbound length of his hair, then back down again. The Alpha’s muscles were tight under his fingertips, his buttocks tense and flexing as he drove his cock in and out of Niketas’ body.

  The more he gave, the more Niketas wanted, and he moaned for the deep pounding that would give him what he craved. That stretch—that burn—the eager stroking of his mate’s cock over his prostate—the way he nipped at the omega’s throat, licking at the scar of his mating mark. Stelios slid his mouth down to Niketas’ collarbone, heaved himself up and pulled Niketas with him.

  “Can’t stop—can’t stop putting me in your lap, sir?” Breathless, he laughed as Stelios growled playfully at him, nipped his ear, then gripped his ass and bucked up, driving the air out of him. All the omega could do was hold on to Stelios’ shoulders and let him move him up and down the length of his cock.

  Niketas wrapped his legs around the Alpha’s back, fisted his hands in the length of Stelios’ hair and moaned against his lips when he couldn’t keep his mouth from Niketas’. Stelios sealed their lips together even while he bounced the omega on his cock, filling him with deeper strokes.


  There’s—something—more—you need? Mate.” Rough, feverish, his hands grabbed at Niketas’ ass, squeezing his buttocks until the spanked, stinging skin was aching hotly in his grip. “Perfect ass. Perfect mate. Could just fuck you forever, stay just like this—just. Like. This.”

  Hotter, his hands, and then Stelios leaned back, stretched out his legs and let Niketas settle all the way down. He arched his back and let out a stuttering cry as Stelios closed the warmth of his fist around the omega’s straining erection.

  “Sir!” Leaning forward, he braced himself on Stelios’ chest and started to ride him hard, every thrust a drive of his whole body, lifting himself up and dropping down until he was covered in a faint sheen of sweat. The sweet burn of Stelios’ cock forced a guttural grunt out of his throat every time it moved past his prostate. The Alpha’s hands at his hips guided him up and down, and Stelios’ eyes were half-closed, looking at him with fierce passion.

  “Sir, so close. So close. Feels too good, I can’t—”

  His mate was almost as breathless as he was. “Yes. Yes. Want to watch you. Fuck the come out of you—”

  “Yeah. Do it, Sir, Sir—I need it, need to come on your cock, make me come, fuck it out of me, fuck me, fuck me—” The Alpha reared up under him, slammed into him, then shoved him over onto his back again. His shadow crossed Niketas’ body, then the warmth of his hands, too demanding to be denied. The rough curve of his palm moved over the omega’s erection, while he reached one hand up to shove his hair back out of his face and never stopped forcing his cock deeper.

  The moment it was too much came suddenly, a searing burst of sensation that flooded Niketas’ nerves, rushed the words out of his mouth. “Oh God—coming—Sir.” Then he heaved in an enormous breath and cried it out again. “Sir! Coming. Don’t sto…ah…ahh…God. So big.”

  Stelios drove into him once more, then shoved his hips forward as the knot swelled at the base of his cock. The omega dropped his head back to the furs, shuddering through his own climax while the overstimulated throbbing of his cock twitched in his mate’s fist.

  He wasn’t stroking, just holding him, his fist jerking a little as his own cock pulsed deep in the omega’s ass. Stelios hadn’t knotted him since their mating, was always too much in control of himself, and Niketas hadn’t thought of it until his own cock was swelling in his mate’s ass. The moment he’d been able to breathe again it was the first thing he’d wanted, and now—

  The Alpha’s teeth were wolf-sharp where they dug into his lip, his hips jerking forwar
d with little spasms every time his cock pulsed out another load of come.

  His face was—Niketas always thought his mate was gorgeous when he came, the aquiline lines of his features tight, the blue brighter in his eyes and his stunning musculature tense. He was the perfect man, and it showed—and never more than right now. His lips were parted, his eyes almost closed, his fingers latched onto Niketas’ hip and his other hand still wrapped around the omega’s cock

  “Fuckin’ beautiful, Sir. You look—” Then he flushed, bit his lip and groaned as Stelios’ hand started to move, teasing his slick, oversensitive erection.

  “Shh. You like this? Knot stretching you open, ass all hot from being spanked, my fingers teasing you? My omega. My mate. All mine.” He thrust forward a little, as if he could force his swollen cock even deeper, and Niketas groaned, a low, guttural noise stripped of everything but lust.

  He rubbed his hands up over the smooth, solid muscles of Stelios’ abs and chest, teased his nipples just to touch him, felt the way his cock twitched and watched the corner of his mouth curl up in a lustful, possessive snarl. “Keep doing that and the—the minute I can move again—”

  Niketas gulped, but he had no denial. If Stelios wanted to fuck him again, wanted to take him and fill him up even more—Passionate urges surged through him as Stelios leaned over him, wrapped him up in both arms and bent to his mouth. The Alpha kissed him, licked his lips, his tongue, sucked at the tip of it, then ravished his mouth even more thoroughly.

  The warmth of his hands didn’t tease, only held Niketas close, but that didn’t matter. The omega’s thoughts were wild with desire. He wanted more of this, an endless pulse of Stelios’ come inside him, Stelios’ fingers moving over tender flesh and the wet heat of his mouth sucking, kissing, licking, biting. More of this, the soft warmth of his mate’s embrace, the low growl curling through the room, twisting in his gut. His Alpha was so pleased—pleased with him.

  Gradually, Stelios stopped rocking, and the rough movements of his hands smoothed to something like gentleness. By the time the Alpha’s cock was soft enough that it slipped out of him, Niketas was yawning into Stelios’ kisses, no longer moaning but murmuring softly of love. “Mmm…Sir…”


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