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The President's Wife: Prequel (Snakes Henchmen MC)

Page 16

by Alivia Grayson

  I close my eyes, I can feel her pain, its gut-wrenching.

  Fuckin’ sick, motherfuckin’ bastard!

  “He used to sneak into my room every night. When he’d finished touching me, he would tell me it was our secret, and we mustn’t tell mommy. I was ten when he… when he,” I grab her hand. She doesn’t need to say it out loud. Fuck, I don’t think I could take hearing that out loud!

  “He wouldn’t stop. No matter what I did, it just never ended. Then I met Jose when I was fourteen. He was kind to me. He was too old to be interested in a little girl like me, but he was. The truth is, I liked that he was. He would get me to meet him around the corner from my house, where he’d pick me up in his car. I felt so grown up, especially when he’d take me to places where his friends would be. He used to tell me to pretend I was older because no one would understand otherwise. Jose would always get me to change into short dresses, wear makeup, high heels, and fix my hair, all to make me look older. He’d keep all that stuff in the trunk of his car because even he knew my dad wouldn’t let me out of the house looking like that.

  “Being with Jose back then was the only time I felt happy. Even though in reality, I wasn’t happy, just glad to be anywhere but home. Jose talked me into bed so easily. I didn’t think it was wrong I just wanted someone to take away my father’s touch.” She shrugs to herself.

  I don’t want to fuckin’ know about that cunt and how he touched her as a kid. Doesn’t she realize she was abused by two men who should’ve known better? This shit my beautiful girl must have gone through. It just doesn’t bear thinking about.

  “My dad – I don’t know how, but he did – knew that I’d been with someone else. He beat the living hell out of me. The next day, I told my mom what my dad had been doing to me. I’d had enough, and I wanted it to stop. Do you know what she said to me?” She turns her eyes to me, the sad look in those beautiful green eyes is killing me.

  ‘I know, Lynette. I’ve always known. I also know that you are a vile little slut who just couldn’t keep her hands off my man.’ Then she slapped me and told me to get out of her sight.”

  Jesus Christ!

  “I ran from the house. I ran to Jose, and I never looked back. A couple of months later, I found out I was pregnant with Willow.” She shrugs. “I was scared because I didn’t know who the father was until she was born. The only reason I know she isn’t my fathers is because of her coloring, and the fact I can still to this day see a tiny bit of Jose in her when she pulls certain facial expressions.”

  “Did Jose know any of this?”

  She shakes her head. “I never told him what happened with my father. He would have turned me away for being tainted, and I was too scared of him to tell him my fears where Willow was concerned. However, when he denied Willow, I thought maybe Jose knew what happened, and maybe Willow was my father’s child. I waited each day for him to snap and throw it in my face. I was scared Jose would tell everyone the truth, and then I’d be all alone with no one on my side.” She gulps back a sob. It fuckin’ hurts my heart to know she thought this way. That bastard fucked with her head so much she felt she needed him. Goddamn child-molesting son of a bitch! “It doesn’t matter who her father may be, she’s my little girl, and I will always love her, no matter what.”

  “Because you’re a wonderful mother.” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I fought for years to forget what he did to me, to forget I ever even had parents, to forget Jose and all the horrible things he did to me. Because when I met you, when I had Willow, and when I heard your parents talking about Jose and me, I realized he was nothing but a pedophile, and he’d groomed me. I hated myself, Vince.”

  I push back my own emotions that are trying to force their way out of me. I need to be strong for my girl right now. She was terribly abused, and I can’t bear it.

  “I don’t know, being pregnant this time, the nightmares of what happened to me just keep coming back with a vengeance. I can’t shake what my father did to me, and it’s killing me.”

  I grab her, pulling her into my arms and holding her so fuckin’ close to me. “There ain’t no one on this earth who will ever hurt you again, Lynette. That piece of shit can't hurt you anymore. You have to let it go, baby.”

  “I will. Please don’t leave me.” I laugh. Lynette looks up at me.

  “Ain’t never gonna happen. You know why?” She shakes her head with a smile on her face. “Because you are my soulmate, Lynette Jackson.”

  “You’re mine. I love you, man of mine.”

  “And I love you, beautiful wife of mine.”

  * * *

  Some promises a man keeps.

  Some promises a man makes just to appease his woman.

  Some promises a man makes with no intentions of keeping them.

  I made a promise to my wife that I would never go looking for her father. Never would I seek him out and kill the pedophile piece of shit who hurt her when she was just a child.

  I had no intentions of keeping that promise.

  Oh, the nightmares may have eased, but she still has them.

  I have to end this shit once and for all. I finished one pedophile cunt, and I can’t rest until I end the other. Lynette needs peace, freedom from this hell she’s still living in. In four months, our baby girl will be entering the world, and I’m going to make sure she does it without this fucker still breathing.

  It took CueBall a couple of weeks to find him. I couldn’t very well ask Lynette where her parents lived. She would have known right away what I was up to. However, CueBall found him, he also found out Lynette’s mother has been dead for years. The old fucker is sadly still breathing. Me, BlackJack, and CueBall are the only ones who know about this shit. The only ones who ever will.

  The sniveling cunt at my feet is nothin’ but filth on the shoe of the worst kind of motherfucker.

  “Get up, you dirty fuck!” I kick the bastard in the gut. He rolls on the floor, crying like a fuckin’ pansy.


  He stinks of piss, booze, and cigars. His clothes look like they ain’t been washed in months. The house stinks like the filthiest fuckin’ hovel a man can ever imagine. My fuckin’ boots are sticking to the damn carpet!

  The sick old bastard has framed pictures all over the place of my Lynette as a little girl. BlackJack’s already packing that shit up. Ain’t leaving fuck all behind. I’ll put everything in storage because these pictures of my wife now belong to me.

  The old bitch who birthed my woman is lucky she’s already fuckin’ dead, or she’d be suffering right along with her kiddy fiddling husband. Fuckin’ bitch!

  “What the fuck do you people want?!” Fat fuck scrambles to his knees.

  “What do you think we want, motherfucker?”

  The piece of shit doesn’t answer me; he’s too busy screaming at BlackJack about those damn pictures. “How dare you touch those. Put them back. They’re all I have left of my baby girl!”

  “Your baby girl?” I get to my haunches and grab the front of his greasy, filthy hair. Thank God I’m wearing leather gloves. “That girl is my wife, the mother of my children! I know what you did to her, you fuckin’ sick bastard.”

  “Good, ain’t she?” Why is it men who know they’re about to die, go one of two ways? Either they beg for their lives, or they get all cocky just to piss you off even more! “She used to beg me, you know? Beg for her daddy’s cock.”

  “Jesus Christ,” I hear CueBall hiss under his breath.

  My stomach is churning. My head is thumping. I’m not the kind of man who cries about much of anything in this life, but right now, I’m not going to lie, I want to cry for what this pig did to Lynette. All these fucking years she’s kept this secret inside of her. Kept it hidden for fear of losing me. Nothing she ever had to tell me would change the way I feel about her, especially not this.

  “You know what we do to men like you?” He snickers at me. Fuckin’ dumb fuck! Of all the evil shit that goes on in this world
, this is the worst of the worst. Sex crimes against children. They don’t even bear thinking about, but the fact they happened to my wife at the hands of her own daddy is too fuckin' much.

  “Get him up.” Without a word, my brothers hoist the fat sack of shit to his feet. The stench coming off him is enough to turn anyone’s stomach. It’s impressive how nose blind you can be when anger sets in.

  “What are you doing, you piece of shit!” Spit hits me in the face. I wipe it away with my gloved hand. “You won’t get away with this!”

  “Wanna bet?” I’m done talking. He’s done breathing. One shot to the head is all it takes, and he drops to the floor like the fat sack of crap he is. “Get the body in the truck.”


  I fuckin’ love the smell of gasoline, it reminds me of my younger days when BlackJack, Titus and I used to burn down the buildings of any fucker who crossed us. God, we were fucked up back then. Back when Jack couldn’t go on without Taylor. When he couldn’t deal with not having her in his life because of his racist daddy.

  Jack came to me and begged me to get him a place with the club. I’d known him since he was six and lost in the woods. Titus and me, we took care of Jack most of his damn life until he joined the club and proved he was as fucked up as the rest of us. He might have been young, but even I could see how in love with Taylor he was, how he’d get himself killed without her.

  It didn’t take me long to convince my best friend to man up and choose the woman he loved over his fucked up family. That’s just what he did. Left his racist family behind and married the woman he loved.

  I’ve watched Jack over the years build his own family with that woman. We both created our own families, and I’d do anything to protect mine, just as Jack would his.

  As I strike the match that will see this building burn down to the foundations, I know that’s one less nightmare in our lives. All of Lynette’s are now over. Just mine to fix. Soon as my Nova is home the nightmare will be over.

  The blaze hits the heavens as we drive away from that dump. CueBall in the truck, taking the body of that fat old cunt to disintegrate it so no one will ever find it. Not that anyone will miss him.

  “We’re a pair of fucked up motherfuckers. You know that?”

  “Ain’t never been any different, BlackJack,”

  “To the fuckin’ end, brother.”

  I turn to look at the man who has been my best friend since we were kids, driving this cage with a satisfied smile on his face. The best fuckin’ guy I know. “To the end.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  Six years later...

  We’ve had a busy few years, the Snakes and me. We lost a few brothers, and we gained a few more. I still haven’t found Nova. God, I have searched the world almost, and there is never any sign of her. There’s no sign of Celia either. I came to the conclusion that they’re dead. Lynette almost took my head off when I confessed that to her. She told me not to give up. Never to give up because she won’t. She makes me stronger, she makes me keep on believing.

  “Daddy? Can you help me with my shoe, please?”

  “Sure thing, princess,” My little girl giggles shyly while taking a seat beside me at the kitchen table, and lifting her foot to rest on my thigh.

  My little Sophie was born almost six years ago. The most beautiful little thing I’d ever seen. She looks like me, just as the boys do, just as Nova did, but there’s a lot of Lynette and Willow in her, too. She shares my wife’s green eyes, which mesmerized me as much as her mother’s do. Sophie also reminds me so much of Nova when she was a little girl. She has the same long dark hair, the same cheeky smile, the same giggle. When I look at Sophie, I see Nova.

  Of course, VJ, Max, and Sophie know all about their big sister and why she’s not with us. Max doesn’t say much about it either way, but VJ and Sophie talk about her all the time. They sit looking at pictures of Nova as a little girl, and they speculate on what she might look like now. They also pray every night for her to come home safely to us.

  None of them know Willow isn’t mine biologically, and I’d like to keep it that way. We’re a family, and she is mine as much as the rest of them are, even if they do ask why Willow has hazel eyes and not blue or green like the rest of us. I tell them that she has the same color eyes as grandma. Because, believe it or not, my mother has hazel eyes too.

  Jett is precisely whom Lynette, and I thought he’d be, VP of the club, twenty-seven years old and stronger than two men his size. He’s a big bastard of a man. Jett is smart when it comes to business and making money for the club. He commands respect, and the men give it to him without question.

  I buckle Sophie’s sandal and set her foot down. “There you go, princess.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I love you so much!”

  I chuckle. Ain’t nothing better in this world than hearing my daughter tell me that she loves me. “I love you, too, beautiful girl.”

  She giggles and jumps off her chair, kisses my cheek, and rushes off to find her brother's in the yard.

  My boys are ten and twelve now, and they love their little sister. Lynette and I are raising them to take care of her the way Jett does Willow, the way he will Nova when she's finally home.

  Lynette found out a few years ago about what happened to her father. I thought I’d have an argument on my hands, but I didn’t. My wife clung to me so tightly while telling me, thank you. She never has to say thank you to me. I did what I did to make sure there was no way or no how he could ever contact her again. Not that he ever tried.

  Arms encircle my shoulders. Soft lips touch my cheek. “Hey there, husband of mine.”

  “Hey yourself, beautiful,” I pull her around to sit on my lap. I kiss her lips softly, and she melts into me, much like every other time we kiss. “I have to get to the club soon, but I won’t be late home, baby.”

  “Today is a good day, Vince. I have a feeling something amazing is coming.”


  Lynette nods her head with a massive smile on her face. “I have a really good feeling about today. Just you wait and see.” She winks.

  Her feelings are almost always right, and who knows what today will bring, maybe someone will finally bring me some information on Nova’s whereabouts.

  Now, wouldn’t that be something?

  The end!

  About the Author

  So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

  I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

  I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.

  A child’s mind is a sponge that absorbs informations from every person around them. Teach them well and they can do anything, be anyone.

  I’m probably too talkative sometimes, or so I’ve been told by my older siblings once or twice. But I believe it’s good to talk!

  So don’t be afraid to get in touch any time!

  Also by Alivia Grayson

  Snakes Henchmen MC

  Strike Fast

  The One I Need, All For You & Never Give You Up




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