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Bonds of Matrimony

Page 4

by A C J McKechnie

  This was most definitely not what he wanted for his life. At some point, seeing as how he wanted out of this forced arrangement, he’d have to take the woman to his bed and Zach found himself incredibly angry that he’d be forced to make love to a woman who he didn’t care about. He’d always promised himself that the first woman he’d be with would be the woman who he loved and had married.

  Well, he’d be married, but he wouldn’t love her, and it rankled him that this man and his daughter had robbed him of that. He’d spent thirty-two years waiting for the right woman, only to have the opportunity stripped away from him.

  As his thoughts began to brew on the bitterness of that revelation, movement from his peripheral vision caught his attention, and Zach looked over as his future bride entered the room with a tray in her hands.

  Well, at least she had good manners and he knew that she could act as a hostess perfectly acceptably, not that she’d ever have the opportunity to do so. He didn’t have visitors to his house, except his few friends, sister, mother, and step-father. He’d need to add another clause into the contract that she couldn’t speak about any personal matters relating to him and his family, either during or even after the marriage ended. He didn’t need to do all of this to silence her father only to find her selling him up the river at the end of it all.

  “Hot chocolate, Mr McCormack?” she said cordially but he could see the strain around her mouth and wondered at the fire in her eyes as she briefly looked at him. It was only a glimpse, so he couldn’t analyze it sufficiently, but he wondered what it meant as he absently reached for the mug that she offered on the tray.

  “Thank you,” he mumbled automatically, then cursed himself for being so polite to such conniving people.

  “Papa?” she asked her father, and Zach watched her as she smiled at her father with such warmth that he found himself almost envious of the connection between the two. As much as he’d loved and respected his father, they’d never shared a bond the like of which these two did, and Zach was even more convinced that Ellie Kincaid was in on the scheme as well.

  “Cake?” she asked as she presented a plate towards him, and Zach absently took it from her as he continued to analyze her. She truly was a beautiful woman, and he realized that if he was going to be forced to marry someone, at least he wouldn’t be embarrassed to have her on his arm. Almost as soon as he’d had the thought Zach chastised himself again. He wasn’t shallow or vain, so what had made him think that?

  Perhaps he was justifying his ridiculous and insane actions to himself. Finding any excuse why his agreeing to this ludicrous scheme was a good idea.

  “I take it everything’s alright then, Ellie?” Malcolm said, and Zach looked over to where the woman flushed before nodding at her father who smiled at her before she looked away. “Mr McCormack has suggested the wedding date to be set for next Saturday,” her father said, and Zach watched as her head whipped back around to the man.

  “That’s just over a week away,” she said in shock.

  “Saturday’s a good day,” Zach put forward, annoyed that she seemed unsettled that she had to wait more than seven days to shackle him. “Gives us time to get all of the legal matters settled as well,” he added and watched as she nodded at him. “Then we can start on this brand new adventure together,” he said blandly and watched as she flushed again.

  “The sooner everything’s settled, the better,” her dad interjected.

  “Of course,” she said tightly. “I take it at short notice it won’t be a large affair,” she said, and he nodded. “If you need to meet with a lawyer during the week it will have to be Wednesday,” she added, and Zach looked at her questioningly.

  “I’m sure work will let you –,” Malcolm started but she cut her father off.

  “Wednesdays are my days off,” she added tightly before pinching her lips together, and Zach looked at her in surprise.

  “You’ll be giving work up though,” he stated and watched as she nodded at him.

  “I know what I need to do,” she said, and Zach looked into those sparkling green eyes of hers that seemed to glow from within. Oh yes, he was well aware that she knew exactly what she had to do to get what she wanted. She would make sure that she stuck to every condition set for her inheriting everything he owned. She knew what was required of her and she’d make sure that she didn’t do anything to mess up. He just had to make sure to do the same.

  “Very well,” he said as he stood up, unable to stay in the room with these two manipulators anymore. “I’ll see you both on Wednesday at my lawyer’s office,” he added before turning abruptly and walking out of their apartment.

  It was amazing the change his life had taken in the course of one day. Amazing and utterly frustrating.

  Chapter Four

  Ellie had met her groom exactly twice before the wedding, and she wasn’t feeling any happier for doing so. After their initial meeting at her home she’d seen Zachary McCormack at the lawyer’s office, where she’d had a stack of legal papers to sign in front of her. She didn’t really know what it had all said, but her dad had summarized it for her as best as he could.

  Her confusion over why the businessman wanted to marry her was starting to clarify itself in her mind. Apparently Zachary was used to getting his way, to getting anything that he wanted, and it appeared as though he’d decided that it was time to get himself a wife. With the opportunity her dad had handed him, with his ill-thought out plan to blackmail the business mogul, Zachary had taken the opportunity to buy himself a bride.

  Well, not really ‘buy’, seeing as how her father wasn’t getting anything from it all, but rather barter himself a bride. A bride in exchange for her father’s freedom.

  Reading through the documents as best as she could, Ellie had only managed to figure out parts of it all, but she’d understood enough to know that basically she was tied to the man completely. She couldn’t do anything without being in his presence. She couldn’t talk to anybody freely about it all. She couldn’t discuss her marriage or life to anyone. She was basically at his beck and call. And Ellie was starting to feel very much like one of the man’s many possessions.

  And there was no escape from it all. If she didn’t go through with this ridiculous marriage, her dad would pay dearly for it. And if she did, she was stuck in a life she dreaded. If she didn’t fulfill any of the requirements outlined in the contract she’d signed, legal action could be taken against her. She had no idea what that meant, but she could well imagine, knowing the man’s reputation and manner as she did.

  As much as Ellie could admire a strong man, and value the worth that one would have, her new husband was going to be something more than she’d ever wanted to deal with. Strength in a man was all very well and good, as long as it was used to protect and care for those that he loved. Using it to manipulate and control was a very different matter. One which she didn’t care for, and one which Zachary McCormack displayed.

  Looking to her side, Ellie quickly took in the man’s form again and stifled a reflexive sigh of defeat and regret. Glancing around herself, she took in the faces surrounding her and tried to smile at them, even though she didn’t much feel like it.

  Her father had repeatedly told her that everything would be alright, that things would turn out for the best. For his sake she was attempting to let him believe that she had accepted the situation, even if she did fume inwardly about it all.

  Looking at her dad now, she smiled once more at him and hoped that he didn’t notice how forced it was. As her gaze slid off him she took in the other occupants of the room. She’d have much preferred not to have had to lie to the people closest to her, but apparently Zachary had informed her father that as impulsive as the marriage might be, it still needed to seem relatively real for show, which meant that those closest to them should be there. For her farce of a wedding.

  As such, she had a collection of her friends around her as well as lifelong neighbors. They were all smiling, and Ellie had to look
quickly away again. They all thought that it was love at first sight. That a rich man had met her and swept her off her feet. It was all a pack of lies, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she was misleading them all.

  Turning to the other side of the room, Ellie took in the faces there and wondered what they were all thinking of it. She wasn’t sure who the people were who were seated there, but obviously they were close to her groom. Their own smiles were warm and genuine, and Ellie’s guilt was suddenly replaced by a burst of anger. Did the man not even care about those he was closest to? He was lying to those he supposedly held dear, and she found herself furious that he would have no qualms about doing so.

  Knowing that she’d never been particularly adept at hiding her temper and keeping it in check, Ellie pinched her lips tightly together and turned abruptly forward again to focus on the man in front of her and the words pouring out of his mouth. At least this charade wasn’t being performed in a church, lying to a judge seemed preferable to doing so to a man of the cloth.

  Would she love, honor, cherish, and obey? Well one out of four wasn’t too bad, she thought. Ellie gave an internal sigh, she’d always prided herself on being true to her word, and the fact that she was promising to do everything just asked of her meant that she’d have to find a way to live up to her vows.

  She wasn’t sure how to do that, but she had over two years to figure it out, she supposed. She couldn’t risk provoking the wrath of the man next to her by not complying with all of his rules and dictates, which meant that there’d be no way out of the marriage until the allotted time was up. Though when that would happen was yet to be seen. After all, it was conditional to their having consummated the marriage, and as much as she was going through with the actual wedding, that didn’t mean that she was prepared to sacrifice her virtue as well.

  With her thoughts veering down paths that she wasn’t comfortable with, Ellie found herself focusing back on her surroundings and the ceremony taking place. When Zachary’s deep voice repeated his own vows to her Ellie stiffened in response. He meant his about as much as she’d meant hers. Which made this whole situation even more ridiculous.

  When the moment came to exchange rings, Ellie tried not to cringe at the feel of the metal sliding onto her finger. Somehow it seemed reminiscent of a shackle, and she didn’t much care for it. She was momentarily surprised at the piece of jewelry before reminding herself that her new husband had made it perfectly clear that appearances were everything to him. Of course the ring was going to be exquisite. Though she was surprised when he proceeded to slide another one onto her finger.

  Looking up at him in question, he just stared back at her, and Ellie found herself swallowing nervously at the cold look in his eyes. Quickly breaking eye contact, she abruptly faced forward again and inhaled a shoring breath. She was strong, she could deal with the hand that life had dealt her. Even if it did feel like she was entering some sort of prison sentence.

  Regardless of the beautiful wedding, and now engagement, ring sitting on her finger, Ellie had no disillusions. She was not loved by the man next to her. She didn’t even think that she was particularly liked by him. She was a trinket of his, something which he owned, something that he’d found a way to possess. To Zachary McCormack she was no more than an additional asset to his collection of wealth.

  * * *

  Ellie McCormack was nothing more than an anchor around his neck. Zach couldn’t believe that it had all happened, that he was now stuck with a wife that he didn’t want, a wife that he didn’t even know, and a wife that he most assuredly didn’t love. But he was. The deed had been done, the paperwork all signed, and there was no getting out of it.

  He felt like such a fraud as well. He’d been reminded by his new father-in-law that if he wanted people not to question the legitimacy of the union that it would be best to have those who knew and were close to the pair invited for the ceremony. Even a speedy marriage would include those nearest and dearest to the couple, after all.

  Zach couldn’t refute the logic of the statement, loath as he was to agree with anything that the man had to say or suggest, and as such had had to invite his family to the ridiculous event. His mother had been ecstatic, his sister even more so. His step-father had commented on such a fine choice of bride, and his secretary had been momentarily surprised before covering it and proclaiming that she knew that once he fell that he wouldn’t waste any time claiming the woman as his own.

  Throughout all of the congratulations and effusions of praise and happiness on his behalf, Zach had had to smile and keep his real feelings hidden. Those of disgust and fury. The only good thing to come of it all was that he knew that his sister was safe, and knew that each of the documents that Ellie had signed prevented her from ever telling his family the truth about the debacle. They’d never know what had caused Zach to marry, they’d never know that it had all been a scheme by two swindlers.

  Looking over at his new wife again, Zach scowled when he saw her laughing and smiling with an older couple. The pair were obviously friends of her and her father’s, and Zach narrowed his eyes at them. He’d have to be careful about everyone that came from Ellie’s past. If they discovered the truth about them as a couple there were no restrictions on them going to the press with it all.

  Ellie might be gagged and bound by everything that she’d signed, but others weren’t. And if they’d known her all of her life, there was a very real chance that they’d be able to tell that things were not quite as they should be between them. No, there was no way that he’d be able to let the woman near any of the people from her past. Thank goodness that he’d insisted on the clause that she not be allowed to leave the house unaccompanied.

  His lawyer had beamed his approval at such a protective prospective groom’s concern over his future wife’s welfare, but in reality he didn’t trust her to be going out and about on her own. If somebody tried to kidnap her they’d be welcome to her. She’d most likely turn the tables on them as it was, taking them for all they were worth in the meantime.

  Zach sighed. No, he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He might be tough in his business dealings with people, and he knew the reputation that he had, but he wasn’t a vindictive person in general, he didn’t want anything to happen to her. Nothing serious anyway. If he could make her as unhappy as he was in the whole scheme of things, well that was only fair play, but he didn’t want her hurt or harmed by some sort of ruthless person. He’d just like her out of his life, while retaining all of his and his father’s assets.

  “She’s beautiful, Zach,” Tessa said in his ear, and Zach removed his gaze from where he’d been staring at his new wife to focus on his sister.

  “I don’t think anybody would be able to argue with you there, Tessa,” he said in all honesty. He might not like the woman but there was no denying her physical appeal.

  “You’re a lucky man,” she added, and Zach only smiled at her. He couldn’t bring himself to agree with such a spurious conclusion. “You’ll be the envy of every other man at those boring business dinners, or those banquets and balls that you have to attend. Just think how surprised everyone will be that you’re turning up with anybody at all, never mind a beautiful and charming wife,” she enthused. “Best keep an eye on her,” she teased with a wink and a teasing smile.

  “In case she makes off with the silver?” he teased back, only half in jest.

  “In case somebody shows you up for the grumpy bear that you are,” she said instead.

  “I don’t have any worries about Ellie leaving me, Tessa,” he said seriously. He honestly didn’t either. The woman and her father hadn’t gone to all of the trouble that they had for Ellie to ruin it all by breaking one of the conditions of the pre-nup that they’d signed.

  “It must really be true love then,” she beamed at him, earning only a forced smile in return.

  “Congratulations, Zach,” his mother said as she glided up to him with a hug. “She’s wonderful. Truly charming. However
did you convince her to marry you?” she teased, and Zach tried not to sigh. If only they knew the truth they wouldn’t be gushing over his new bride quite so much. Though admittedly he could understand it. He’d seen Ellie interacting with everyone and had observed how friendly and welcoming she was. She had a natural warmth and positivity that was almost infectious.

  Almost. Of course, he knew her true character and was immune to it, but he could well understand how the naïve and inexperienced could be pulled in by her charms and mannerisms. Amazingly, she’d never tried to use them on him, though granted they’d only met twice before today so she hadn’t had much opportunity to do so, but he wondered when the seductress would appear to try to charm him.

  Though maybe she realized that she didn’t need to waste the energy on him. After all, she’d already gotten what she wanted out of him, why bother trying to be kind and sweet? Why bother attempting to put on a show to sway him when there was nothing to gain from it?

  It didn’t matter anyway. He was stuck with her. She was stuck with him. And together they’d be miserable together.

  “It was all so last minute though,” his mother lamented. “If you’d given us more notice we could have done something for you. Made the day special.”

  “It was plenty special enough, Mom,” Zach said tightly. “I certainly won’t be forgetting it in a hurry,” he added with a forced smile when his mother looked at him questioningly.

  “Well,” his sister said in an effort to break the uncomfortable silence that had descended. “What happens now then? Surely this isn’t all that you’d planned.”

  “No. Everyone’s invited back to the house for a buffet. Call it a wedding breakfast if you will,” he answered with a rueful smile.

  “Oh, Zach,” his mother said with a laugh. “What will Ellie do with you? This isn’t the nineteenth century.”


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