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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

Page 3

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “Drink your tea, I want to read your leaves. I haven't read yours in a while.” Ms. Skeet said, interrupting her thoughts.

  Taking a sip of her own tea to hide her smile, Rena decided to humor the woman, again. From what Rena had learned, Ms. Skeet had been a bit of a local legend in her younger days. She'd been a side show fortune teller, one so good (supposedly) that folks would stand in line fifty-deep to get their tea leaves read by her. She'd even conducted readings for several reputable politicians. Nowadays (on weekends only), Ms. Skeet's one bedroom apartment would often be filled with lonely, sad, desperate people, hoping to hear there was light at the end of the tunnel.

  Taking one final sip of her soothing brew, Rena handed the teacup to the old woman, watching as Ms. Skeet narrowed her eyes, focusing on the distinctive drops of tea leaves in the bottom of the cup as she mumbled and slowly swirled what little was left of the liquid.

  Turning the handle towards Rena, she mumbled, “This is interesting.” Angling her crooked pinkie finger towards a clump of leaves, she mumbled again, a slight tinge of wonder in her voice. “The symbol of an ink-spot, a letter’s coming for you.”

  “Hmmm.” was Rena's only noncommittal reply as she glanced inside the cup, seeing only a clump of green tea leaves much like any other.

  “This letter will change your life. A world that you never knew existed will be revealed to you.” the old woman intoned.

  Yeah, RIGHT! ME get a letter that will change my life? More like an unexpected bill or something! Rena thought dryly, but nodded and smiled to humor her friend.

  “Now the leaves here...” Ms. Skeet said, pointing to a clump to the left of the handle, “These indicate the past. I see a handsome man, a strong man, with the seven stars together crowning his head.” Clucking her tongue in seeming frustration, she continued. “I can't see his face clearly, but....he's suffered and grieved terribly. He dwells in a large building, he has a great fortune waiting for him.”

  Pointing to an even smaller clump right below the previous one, she said, “The symbol of the cat. This is a warning. Be very careful, there's a treacherous person who wishes to steal your soon-to-be love away from you before it ever has a chance to materialize. But I see a candle also. This means someone will protect you from evil.”

  “Really?” Rena said, hoping she still sounded interested.

  Suddenly the old woman gasped in surprise. Head jerking up, a look of shock (and possibly fear) was etched on her weathered features. “Here at the bottom, this represents things to come, the symbol of a lock. You must overcome your own disbelief in order to find your love, and...”

  “And..and what?” Rena asked, more alarmed at the older woman's sudden change in demeanor than she was with the actual reading.

  Shaking her gray head uneasily, Fern muttered, “A sacrifice has to be made. You must give of yourself if you want your love to live.”

  Well that's downright depressing! Rena thought as she rose to her feet. “Well, thank you for the reading.” She said politely. Although she had never placed too much stock in her friend's readings, the sessions had always been fun and lighthearted. That was, until today. And they'd never been so specific. Usually they were so general a believer could point to any event and claim the reading was correct.

  “Tomorrow is meatloaf special at the diner. I'll bring you some with the iced tea you like.”

  “Thank you, you're a dear soul, child.” Ms. Skeet smiled fleetingly, then was wearing the same troubled frown she had been wearing moments earlier. “Remember Rena, to free your love...your destined will have to make a sacrifice. When you come tomorrow I want to give you something special.”


  Chapter 3

  The Poor House Diner

  October 28, 2009 2:14PM

  “Rena, suga', what do you have planned for Halloween?” Ariel, a petite blond asked as she slapped yet another scribbled order down on the tall, stainless steel counter behind her, then leaned against the register.

  Shrugging noncommittally, Rena continued wiping off the front counter, where an ungrateful child had dumped his banana split. It still amazed her how some parents brought their children in and let them show out as if they had no home training whatsoever. “Plans? I'm gonna' watch 'Return of the Living Dead’, make a pizza, and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters.” she answered in a tired voice. And that was the truth. Ever since getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship three years earlier (about the same time she had moved in next door to Ms. Skeet, she had dated very little, and those few dates had been strictly platonic.

  Ariel gave her that look that seemed to say, Girl! You need a life, or you at least need to get laid! Instead, she just shook her head sadly and replied, “You should come to my house party, then. We're all gonna' dress up. I'm dressing up in a leather bunny outfit.”

  “A what?” Rena asked, unable to help but laugh a little.

  Giving her friend a mischievous smile, Ariel's green eyes lit up, her voice full of excitement. “Remember my brother-in-law Billy Joe? He's all the time asking about you.” Leaning close to whisper, she continued. “He's always talking about how pretty you are, especially ever since he saw you in that peach sundress at the cookout. He loves your dark skin. I heard him say to Junior that your dark skin reminded him of a sweet chocolate bar.”

  Doing her best to keep from wrinkling her nose, Rena couldn't believe her friend was actually talking like the inbred reject was a prize! Billy, the horny hillbilly with the mullet, who walks around spitting Levi Garrett chewing tobacco in a cup while people are eating? I may need a man, that's true, but BILLY??? Ain’t happening! Rena thought. “I'm gonna' have to pass, but thanks. Besides, Ms. Skeet seems to think I'll find true love, so I can't hook up with Billy.” she chuckled, thinking about the tea leaves reading.

  Hearing that, Ariel's face broke into an even wider, mischievous grin.

  “Oh crap...I forgot she's a true believer in that stuff.” Rena muttered, not quite loud enough for her friend to hear.

  Clapping her hands like a little girl, Ariel's voice was more animated than ever. “For real? Then it will happen for sure. She told me about little Joel before I knew I was knocked up. She even knew he was a boy. Oh, and how about what she told Betsy Holman, that she would marry a traveling man? The very next week she met and married that rodeo clown.”

  “First of all, everybody and their brother has always known Betsy has a thing for cowboys and rodeo clowns.” Rena shot back wearily, rolling her eyes. “I could have predicted that without tea leaves! And as for you getting knocked up, well, the way you and Junior are all over each other all the time, and with five daughters already, the odds were y’all were going to pop out a boy for a change!”

  “Order up!” Elric, a burly ex-marine who was the owner and cook barked from the kitchen. “Stop your yakking and come get this order! My customers pay to have their food served hot, not cold.”

  Snapping to, Ariel hurried to get the order to the appropriate table, just as the ringing of the cow bell over the door signaled another patron entering.

  Grabbing a menu, Rena looked up to see an extremely tall, pale man with white hair entering. The man's hair was long, and pulled back in a ponytail. Wearing dark sunglasses, he was also decked out in an expensive looking dark blue suit, with a light blue tie. Watching as he strolled through the diner, Rena was immediately struck by the man's regal bearing, and aristocratic good looks.


  Heedless of the curious looks a handful of patrons were casting his way, Thoth Crowley (as he was known) made his way to the back of the diner as though he owned the place, then selected a relatively isolated booth, thankful that the dinner crowd had finally thinned out.

  Seating himself, Thoth looked around, immediately spotting a voluptuous young black woman at the counter. Her bright green aura, which was shining like a beacon, told him she possessed a healing and compassionat
e spirit. Her pretty oval face, mahogany and rather delicate, had a hint of innocence he hadn't seen in a very long time. As she rounded the counter, she tossed her thick braid over her shoulders, making his cock harden almost immediately. He always had loved women with some padding. Women like this offered so many hours of pleasure, not like the sacks of bones that seemed to be all the rage these days. Still drinking in the sight of her as she made her way towards him, he tilted his head a bit, enabling him to catch a whiff of her essence, which reminded him of honeysuckle.

  “Hello, I'm Rena.” she smiled as she placed a mason jar full of ice water with a slice lemon, and a menu if front of him.

  Sliding off the sunglasses, he placed them on the table and looked up at her. Reaching out with one hand, his fingers, tapered and strong, caressed the rim of the mason jar. “Hello Rena.” he replied in a smooth, pleasant voice.

  Looking down at him, Rena couldn't help but gasp. The man's eyes were the lightest shade of blue (almost translucent) she had ever seen. Even more unsettling was the fact she had the sudden sensation he was looking deep within her, searching her very soul for any and all of its secrets and desires. “What can I ...what would you like, sir?” She stammered as she took an involuntary step back.

  Locking gazes with her, he leaned forward. “My sweet Rena, if I told you what I would like right now, I fear you would swoon.” he chuckled as her big brown eyes went wide and a slight red tint washed over her dark skin. “ delightful it is to find a bashful woman in these modern times.” he teased.

  Not an innocent virgin by any stretch of the imagination, Rena nevertheless wasn't used to men such as this flirting so boldly with her, and it made her feel like an inept, inexperienced, awkward teenager. Still blushing, she licked her lips nervously. “Sir...what would you like to eat?” She amended, immediately wishing she could take the words back.

  “Hmmmm...what would I like to eat?” the handsome stranger murmured, his eyes roaming slowly and brazenly over her body. “Again, my lovely, if I got what I wanted to eat right now, we'd both be arrested for public indecency.”

  Feeling her center go wet as suddenly as a faucet that had been turned on, a series of mental images flashed through Rena's mind in a split second. Her body sprawled on the diner table, naked as the day she was born, and his head buried between her legs. Back arching, her fingers buried in his long hair as his tongue caressed her swollen clit. As she felt her nipples harden to painful buds, she thought, Holy Hell, I'm creaming myself in the diner, right in front of a customer I've never seen before! Closing her eyes a moment, she somehow willed herself to calm down, then opened them again. “What would you like on the menu?” she asked in a polite but firm voice. “Today's special is a steak burger platter, with

  our specially seasoned home fries and coleslaw, or a meatloaf platter with your choice of two vegetables.”

  “Bring me whatever you think I would enjoy, Rena.” he smiled, seemingly content at having thoroughly flustered her.

  Wanting to get away from the man as quickly as possible, she nodded, then turned and practically ran to the kitchen. “One steak burger platter for table five!” she barked.

  “Rena, who's the GQ model?” Ariel asked as she peeked at the man from the corner of one eye. “Man, does he look out of place here, or what?” she finished. Although happily married, Ariel still enjoyed and appreciated the presence of a handsome man, and this one certainly didn't disappoint.

  “I don't know who he is, but can you take his order to him? I need a break!” Rena answered over her shoulder as she rushed to the female employee's restroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

  Watching as Rena disappeared into the restroom, Elric's mouth suddenly twisted into an unpleasant grimace, and he glanced at Ariel. “I'll take the order to the guy, you take over for ME as soon as I'm finished with his steak burger, ya' hear?”

  “Yes sir.” she pouted, disappointed she wouldn't have the opportunity to chat up the handsome stranger.


  The few customers remaining in the diner glanced warily as the obviously miffed six-foot-six, two hundred and fifty pound slab of muscle known as Elric strode to the rear of the diner with a plate in one hand, a glass if iced tea in the other, sat them down on the table a stranger was occupying, then plonked his backside down.

  “That time of year again, Thoth?” Elric asked, his handsome face radiating an ageless strength.

  Studying the tattoos on the man's arm for a moment, Thoth knew it was Ok to speak openly here, since they were out of earshot of the nearest patrons. Besides, even if any human did happen to hear their conversation, no one would believe a word they were saying, and would most likely deem them both lunatics. Allowing himself a tiny smile, Thoth had always thought it amusing that humans went about their everyday lives as if they were the Lords of the Universe, never knowing or even suspecting that supernatural or immortal beings such as himself and the man sitting before him not only existed, but coexisted among them.

  “Hope the burger is to your liking.” Elric said with an unreadable expression on his face.

  “Well well, if it isn't Elric, Prince of the Fairies. I wonder what good King Oberon would think of his heir toiling about like a mere mortal?” Thoth grinned. “Tsk tsk tsk!” he finished, shaking his head.

  “I left my father's kingdom over two hundred years ago, when I refused to mate with some pampered fairy princess. What I do in this realm is not my father's concern. Is Rena the reason you're here?” he snapped.

  “Maybe, maybe not.” Thoth replied in a neutral voice.

  “Well, since she works for me, that means she's under my protection.” Elric shot back. Like the haughty prince he was, the 'young' fairy foolishly believed the powerful wizard actually needed to ask for his permission to contact Rena.

  With great dramatic effect, Thoth picked up one of the home fries, examined it for a moment, sniffed it carefully, then took a cautious nibble.

  “My my, aren't you the trusting soul?” Elric muttered sarcastically.

  Satisfied the food hadn't been poisoned, he swallowed the morsel. “Yes, I saw her when I was water scrying. Although I couldn't see who her mate was, I know she is meant for someone there. Personally, I believe she's meant to be the Belle of the Ball.”

  “Is that a fact.”

  “Yes, that's a fact. By the way, do you plan to attend? It hurts my feelings to send you an invitation every year, only to have you never show up.”

  Merely grunting, Elric glanced around the diner as if he wanted to be any place on earth but there at the moment.

  Looking genuinely pained at the man's silence, Thoth pressed ahead. “Why DON'T you come? If it's not a female mate you desire, well, I've been known to find nice human males, if your wings flutter that way.”

  Again Elric bristled, but this time his fangs dropped, which normally never happened except when in battle, or in the throes of a mating frenzy. “Fuck you, wizard!”

  Tapping his chin with one index finger, Thoth stared at the young prince in silence for a moment, his eyes openly amused. “It's been...ohhh...about a thousand years, give or take, since I've had the pleasure of the company of a male, but for a big, strong warrior fairy like you, I would consider it. Well, as long as I get to be on top. I've always like giving more than receiving.”

  Becoming even more visibly agitated, Elric snapped, “I'll have you know that when I want pussy I have no problem finding a willing woman, human OR fairy. Unlike those cursed abominations you seek mates for.”

  The playful smile falling from Thoth's face, his entire visage darkened dangerously as he spoke in a chilly voice. “Because they are cursed, they, more than anyone, should have a mate, unlike you, a spoiled child who ran away from home and his responsibilities. The solitary lives they live are not by choice. I balance things out for a few lonely, immortal souls whose entire existence is filled with nothing but loneliness and sadness. At least with a mate, their world wou
ld be tolerable. Again, unlike you, they are FORCED to roam this realm, afraid if their very existence is discovered, humans would destroy them out of fear and ignorance. Their numbers are small, and without me, they would be alone.”


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