Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time Page 5

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  As the rear door of the limo opened, Rena stepped out and was greeted by a heavily muscled black male, wearing what appeared to be a black cape made of feathers, which fit around his broad shoulders like a second skin.

  “Welcome, Madam. I'm Dalek, the head of security. May I have your invitation?” the man greeted her, speaking with what sounded like a British accent. He then extended one hand.

  Glancing at the man's hand, Rena couldn't help but notice the razor sharp talons, which looked real, at least to her. Smiling, she handed the man the invitation, and waited patiently as he checked her name off from a list on his clipboard.

  “Very well, please follow me, Ms. Rena.” his deep voice rumbled. Turning his back to her, his back muscles flexed for a moment, and the 'cape' suddenly parted in the middle, then spread to each side, forming a perfect set of wings.

  Impressed, Rena studied his back, trying to figure out how the elaborate contraption worked. But, much like the talons, the wings looked real, as if they actually were a part of his body. “Cool trick Mister Dalek.” she giggled, wrapping one arm around his thick bicep and letting him lead the way.

  As they slowly climbed the steps that led to the front door, a petite woman darted out of the mansion, yelping and squealing as a man dressed like Clark Kent gave chase. The woman was dressed in a sinfully sheer green mini-dress, and her beautiful auburn hair was adorned with colorful fall flowers. Her pale skin shimmered with golden highlights, and on her back she had wings fashioned from leaves in the color green, gold, and orange. Several seconds later, both the man and woman disappeared into a maze of bushes that stood at least eight feet tall.

  “Silly wood nymph, she'll run that foolish male to death.” Dalek chuckled, then opened the door and led Rena inside the mansion.

  Taking in the sight of the mammoth foyer, which had been converted into a ballroom, Rena looked around and was stunned at the sight of the guests, of which at least half were wearing costumes just as elaborate as her escort's.

  “Quite a sight, is it not?” Dalek's deep voice rumbled.

  Nodding absentmindedly, Rena studied two heavily muscled men who looked to be at least seven feet tall. Both were dressed in leather loin cloths with gold buckles on the sides, and ancient looking leather combat boots that went up to their knees. But the most amazing thing about both men was their headdress, which looked amazing like real-life minotaurs. “Wow! They must have shelled out big bucks to pay for a makeup artist that good.” she mumbled. “Too bad cameras aren't allowed, I would love to take pictures of them.”

  “Well, Rena, you look scrumptious!” a vaguely familiar voice called.

  Turning, she saw Thoth making his way towards them. Dressed in a flowing white robe, his long white hair was unbound, spread around his shoulders and down his back, making his handsome face appear much younger.

  “You'll make Aphrodite green with envy.” he smiled as he stopped and stood in front of her. Taking both her hands in his, he brought them up to his lips, brushing the back of her knuckles lightly. “Welcome to Whitman Plantation, may your evening be an exciting one. But I must insist you save at least one slow dance for me. I suspect every fellow here will be vying for your attention, and a chance to hold your luscious body close to them.”

  Giggling and giving him a smile that (unbeknownst to her) made her look more radiant than ever, she replied, “You, Mr. Thoth, are a hopeless romantic as well as a flirt.”

  Smiling back at her, Thoth couldn't shake the feeling that somehow he knew her, or, at the very least, she reminded him of someone else, someone he couldn't quite put his finger on. Catching a whiff of a vaguely familiar scent, a strange look suddenly came over his face. Studying her thoughtfully for a moment, he spoke in a voice that sounded distant. “My dear, what's that enchanting scent?”

  “A concoction my neighbor whipped up, said it's a lotion her mother and her mother's mother taught her how to make. She promised to teach me how to make it, so it can be passed down.”

  Thoth's eyes widened, and for a brief moment it seemed as if he would ask another question. Instead, he seemed to pull himself together, then offered his arm and said, “Please allow me to introduce you to some of the guests.”

  As Thoth introduced Rena to a beautiful African woman (who he said was an enchantress) named Ajuogo, the woman's husband, an Asian man who was named Yoichi (and who was supposed to be a sorcerer) smiled and bowed politely. They were dressed in identical white robes, with golden rune symbols adorning the sleeves. Finishing the introduction, Thoth explained that both had helped with the planning of the Ball.

  Bowing politely herself, Rena thought the couple looked perfect together. Ajuogo's ebony skin seemed to glow with a life of its own, and her oval features were delicately sculpted. Her black hair was twisted in locks that fell down her back, and her husband's blue-black hair fell all the way to his waist. It was evident from the looks the couple exchanged, and the subtle manner in which they touched one another, that they were very much in love. As they made small talk, a sudden voice rang out, “You freak, YOU BIT ME! What the HELL is wrong with you?”

  Turning as one, all four focused immediately on a short, but voluptuous black woman nearby, who was glaring up at a handsome, auburn haired man. To Rena, it seemed the man was looking at her as if she was his next meal. Seeming to not care that the man literally towered over her, the woman held her neck with one hand, and pointed an accusing finger with the other. “Stay back! If you've given me some disease, I'll hunt you down and go straight-up ghetto on your ass WHITE BOY!” she barked indignantly. “Talking all that smack about women wanting your fucking mark. I don't know what the hell kind of ridge running freaks you're used to messing with, but I don't play that shit. Don't make me go out to my car and get my glock! I'm licensed in this state to shoot to damn kill. You want to be the first?”

  “Human, you will stop this foolishness RIGHT NOW, and come with me!” the 'vampire' shot back in a condescending voice. Reaching out to grab the young woman by the arms, he looked both angry and hurt when she wrenched herself from his grasp and leaped back.

  “Don't you lay another slimy hand on me, I'm a brown belt!” she said, assuming a fighting stance that was more comical than intimidating.

  “I should take care of this.” Thoth sighed wearily. “He's always our biggest trouble maker, every year. Always promising to clean up his act, but, know.” Placing one hand on Rena's shoulder, he nudged her behind him protectively. Glancing around briefly, his gaze settled on a tall black woman several feet away. “Medusa! Would you come here for a moment, please?” he called, waving the woman over.

  Surprised that she could even be surprised anymore, Rena's eyes widened in near disbelief as the woman approached. The woman's headpiece was adorned with snakes that moved amazingly life-like, just as realistic looking as the minotaurs she had spotted earlier. DAMN, these folks are going all out! She thought.

  “Medusa, would you be a dear and keep Rena company while I deal with the situation over there?” Thoth asked.

  “Certainly, you hunka-hunka burnin' hair.” the woman laughed.

  Nodding to both of them, Thoth turned and gestured to three members of his security team (who were dressed as bird men), and the four of them hurried off to confront the 'vampire', who hissed at them ominously as they approached.

  Taking her hand as if they were the best of friends, Medusa steered Rena away from the confrontation and tugged her in the direction of the large buffet table. “Come, Rena, let's see what they've cooked up for us.” she purred, her smooth voice having an immediate calming effect on her new acquaintance. “We should find a good table now, because later a siren will be singing for us, and she makes Whitney Houston sound like an amateur.”

  “Ok.” Rena muttered, her senses beginning to reel in the surreal atmosphere. Turning her head to look for Thoth, she spotted him, apparently trying to calm down the near hysterical woman who had been bitten earlier. The 'vampire', still outraged, strugg
led mightily as the three security 'bird men' dragged him away towards the main entrance, which Rena knew was now an exit, at least for him.

  “Don't worry, they can handle him. They have to, every year.” Medusa laughed. “Anyway, if you're wondering, the fine gentleman being escorted off the premises there is none other than Prince Karayan, the grandson of Count Vlad. He's an alpha vampire, next in line to take over the American covens, and as you can see, he's used to having his way. To him, having a human female reject him and tell him off is the ultimate insult, and a sledgehammer blow to his massive ego. It never ceases to amaze me how such powerful beings can be so childish and wear their hearts on their sleeves. Those vampires are a queer bunch, and have been known to sulk for centuries if they're rebuffed. ” she finished in an amused voice.

  “Vampire, huh?” Rena giggled, deciding to play along with the charade. Glancing at the table, she was impressed by the enormous and diverse spread that had been prepared. Most were Greek dishes, but there was also Italian, French, and even some southern delicacies. Deciding she would sample some of the dishes she had never tasted before, she loaded up a plate and followed Medusa out of the ballroom and onto a large outdoor patio that was lit by hundreds of tea lights. Several couples had withdrawn from the main crowd and had secluded themselves in dark corners, and, glancing out over the railing, she spotted several couples taking a stroll through the beautiful gardens.

  Taking a seat at an empty table, Medusa motioned for a waiter dressed like Frankenstein, and asked if he would bring them some Ouzo and cold water.

  Glancing at the man, Rena thought it was a nice touch that the entire staff had dressed up for the event as well. Looking back at Medusa, she took a seat, unable to tear her gaze away from the realistic looking snakes on her head, which continued to writhe slowly, and somewhat hypnotically. Her intense dislike for all reptiles making her shudder, she thought about a date she had had once. The man had taken her to a theater to see 'Snakes on Planes', but she had ran out of the place twenty minutes into the movie. The man had never asked her out again.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Medusa purred, “Don't worry Rena, they aren't poisonous.” Taking a small bite of her baked cherry tomatoes with Feta cheese, she added, “They only strike when they feel my fear, or, as you humans sometimes say, when I'm royally pissed. When they strike it can be very nasty, as painful as any bite would be, but it won't kill.”

  “I'm sorry, that's so very rude of me to stare.” Rena apologized.

  “It's perfectly understandable, dear.”

  Taking a bite of her lettuce leaves stuffed with rice and lambs meat, Rena looked at the regal woman thoughtfully for a moment, then reminded herself to play along with the charade. It was, after all, a Halloween party. “If I may say so, you're certainly not like the Medusa I read about in school. I never pictured you being so…well, beautiful. The stories I read, they were about how Athena made you so ugly that just one look from you turned people into stone. And I thought Perseus took your head and presented it to Athena. So how can you be here looking like a runway model?”

  “Perseus? That lying sack of horse crap!” She snorted indignantly, then poured a generous shot of the Ouzo and tossed it back in one gulp. “That was a lie that bitch Athena started! You see, Perseus is nothing more than a cheating ass of a camel. I mean, he makes even Zeus look like a vestal virgin, compared to his whoring hide! Perseus, at the time, was wed to Andromeda, who's an uptight shrew. He's also screwed Athena, and any other goddess or human that would spread their legs for him. Personally, I don't know why anyone would sleep with him. He’s not only uncultured, but he's an unwashed brute as well!”

  The Sci-Fi channel should hire her as a writer! Rena thought as she leaned forward, enjoying the story the woman was weaving. Picking up a piece of mystery meat from her plate, she took a bite. Despite the fact it was like chewing a piece of rubber, she liked the taste.

  “I see you like the Htapodokefteds.” Medusa commented as she poured more Ouzo for them both.

  “Yes, it has an unusual texture though. What is Htap..doke..whatever, anyway?” She asked, taking another bite.

  “Octopus balls.” Medusa said, tossing back another shot.

  Face scrunching, Rena snatched a napkin up and put it to her mouth, spitting out the morsel with as much dignity as she could muster. Grabbing her Ouzo, she drank it in one gulp, grimaced, then took a sip of water. “I didn't know Octopus' had balls, yuck!”

  Throwing her head back, Medusa laughed uproariously, the sound seeming to reverberate throughout her entire body. Even her snakes seemed amused as they danced about her head wildly for a moment. “You're the bee's knees, Rena.” she sniffed, the laughter finally subsiding. “I was just kidding. Actually, it's baked baby squid.”

  Lowering her head in embarrassment as her face heated up, Rena sputtered, “Oh. You were saying about Perseus?”

  “Right. Anyway, the first time I met him, my mother, Gaia, was having an earth day celebration. I was very young then, and true to the rumors about him, he came on to me. The only head he wanted from me was his extremely small cock in my mouth. He was obsessed, and didn't like to hear the word ‘no’! But he learned fast, real fast.” she snickered, reaching up with one hand and allowing several of the serpents to wrap around her wrist.

  Mesmerized, Rena listened intently.

  “My babies here, well, they gave him head alright, didn't they? Bit his tool so many times he couldn't use it for months.”

  “Get out of here!” Rena laughed, thinking to herself, Forget the Sci-Fi channel, the best writers in Hollywood couldn't come up with stuff this good.

  “Oh, it's true. It was also the first time he could truthfully boast that he had a huge cock, because it swelled up to five times its normal size.” she laughed. “You should have seen him screaming for the healer like a woman in labor! The way he ran around holding his dick, screaming that if it couldn't be saved, he would rather die!”

  Laughing so hard tears ran down both cheeks, Rena picked up a clean napkin and dabbed at the salty discharge.

  “Ahhhhh, the laughter is more enchanting than the siren's song.” a deep, sexy voice came from behind them, a voice that made Rena's nipples harden instantly.

  Turning, she looked up to see a tall man, muscular, but not overly so, dressed in skin tight black leather pants, with an impressive bulge in them. His torso was bare, and his chest was adorned with tribal tattoos that stood out on his very pale skin, seeming to change shapes as he moved. He possessed a ruggedly handsome face with a tiny, precise goatee, his somewhat spiky blond hair was cut short, and he wore gold hoops in both ears. Dayum! Is EVERY man in this joint hot as hell? She wondered.

  “Who's your lovely friend, Medusa?” the man asked, never taking his eyes off Rena. In fact, his emerald eyes roved over her, causing a pleasurable shock to run through her.

  Feeling her clit beginning to throb, Rena clamped her legs together tightly, which only served to make her discomfort worse.

  Licking his lips suggestively, the stranger asked, “Where have you been hiding this tasty looking morsel? Do you not know, Medusa, that something so sweet should be shared?”

  Mesmerized yet again, Rena found herself unable to tear her gaze away, and was dimly (yet pleasurably) aware that she was having an orgasm, right then and there. Simply from the sound of the man's voice!

  Inhaling deeply, the man closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. Looking down at Rena again, he favored her with a seductive smile. Mmmmmm, something smells...enticing. Would you like to come play with me, Rena?” he cooed.

  Shuddering with delight, Rena felt another mild orgasm spreading through her loins. Whimpering helplessly, she couldn't help but wonder, If this man can make me feel like this just by looking at me and talking to me, what could he do to me with his hands...his lips...his tongue....and....

  “Demyan, STOP IT!” Medusa's voice cracked like a whip, snapping Rena out of the trance.

pened? I...” Rena muttered, looking around in confusion.

  “You'll be alright, dear.” Medusa said, then turned her attention back to the man. “You know perfectly well the ground rules Thoth laid down! He wouldn't approve of you putting her into one of your perverted trances, and I don't approve either, for that matter.” she hissed as the snakes on her head began dancing wildly.

  Visibly disappointed, the man frowned and seemed on the verge of protest, then simply lowered his head submissively. Turning, his gaze swept the crowd, then seemed to settle on a woman dressed as an Egyptian Priestess, who was alone. Grinning rakishly, he made a beeline for her.

  “Damned incubus. Sneaky, horny bastards, every one.” Medusa muttered.

  “Incubus?” Rena parroted, feeling decidedly strange.

  “Yes, incubus.” Medusa repeated. “They'll do anything to get laid, including hypnotic mind control.” Arching one eyebrow, her voice changed from disgust to one of thought. “But I guess every breed of male does that. Whatever. At least they're not as bad as the succubus. They put the capital 'S' in stalker.” she said, pointing to a group of breathtakingly beautiful women who were huddled together a short distance away.


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