Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time Page 6

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Glancing at the group, Rena thought that every one of them looked almost desperate as they whispered amongst themselves and drank in the sight of every normally dressed male in attendance.

  “When one of them zeros in on a desired partner, they'll latch on to him and will move the heavens and earth to get to the poor man. They'll create chaos, and even kill in order to have him and keep him. The only thing that can stop a succubus is for the victim to form an unbreakable bond with another woman, which is nearly impossible once she gets her meat hooks into him. Unlike the incubus, who just want to bust a nut and move on, the succubus won't stop until she drains the life force from her victim, which in turn is how an incubus is born.”

  “Then why...” Rena started, but was interrupted.

  “I know what you're thinking, dear, but the only reason Thoth allows them to attend is because he doesn't snub anyone, immortal or otherwise.”

  “Tell me more about the incubus.” Rena asked, beginning to grow more curious than disoriented.

  “There's not much else to tell. Let's see....Ok. The incubus can find a mate as well, but because their desperate need for sex is so...strong, I guess, they can go insane if the mate refuses them. The succubus are pretty much hopeless though, they're driven by the need to feed off sexual energy, and it's a more powerful need and compulsion than the most desperate of crack addicts to get a fix.”

  “I see. So they're the Greek mythology version of fatal attraction? The succubus, I mean.” Rena asked, giggling softly as she watched her new friend pour another stiff shot. Home girl can throw back some drinks! She thought.

  As if reading her thoughts, Medusa chuckled and said, “It's not ambrosia, but Ouzo gets the job done I suppose.”

  Taking in her surroundings again, Rena spotted two men, one of which had the most fiery red head of hair she had ever seen in her life, the other sporting a shock of blond hair. Both appeared to be pleading with a tall black woman, then followed her as she turned and bolted with a look of utter disgust on her pretty face. But what amazed Rena the most was their costumes, which were more realistic than anything she had seen thus far, including Medusa's. They were 'men' only from the waist up, their lower bodies were those of a horse. “Now THAT'S amazing.” she stammered. “I mean, I saw guys dressed up like that in college, but that looks...REAL. I mean really REAL!”

  “They're Centaur's. Wild and savage when someone pisses them off . Medusa explained. “All they're really concerned about is their territory and mates.” Pointing at the receding red-haired one, she continued. “That's King Eamon. Before he took over leadership, the Centaurs were nothing more than lustful drunks.”

  Noting the man's powerful upper body, Rena saw he was wearing golden cuffs on both biceps.

  “King Eamon is a moody bastard who rules with an iron fist, but he's also a good and fair leader. In the last three hundred years he's worked hard to improve their reputation. Aleksandr, his second in command, is loyal, and also a damned fine leader. That's him, there.” she said, pointing at the blond. “My guess is that woman they're following is their soon-to-be mate. They mate in trios, and when a triad is formed, they mate like many of us, for life.”

  “I don't know, she doesn't look too happy.” Rena said, almost believing what she was being told.

  “My my..will wonders never cease!” Medusa grinned as she looked at a gorgeous male with shaggy blond hair, his face peppered with five o' clock stubble. He was dressed in a black shirt and black dress pants, and was one of the few guests not wearing a costume. “Arrogant bastard, he chooses to mingle amongst us, but still looks down his nose at us like we're beneath him.”

  “Who's that?” Rena asked, silently agreeing that the man did seem to have an uppity demeanor about him.

  “That vainglorious bastard, is none other than Hades himself.” Medusa replied in a casual voice. “He rarely leaves the Underworld, especially after Persephone left him for Thanatos. But I hear she left Thanatos too. Heard he's living with his mother again.”

  Silent for a moment, Rena searched her memory. As a young girl, she had read (somewhat passionately) many books on Greek Mythology, and the name did ring a bell. “You mean Hades' wife left HIM, the God of The Underworld, for Death?”

  Glancing at her, Medusa smiled. “I like you. Do you know how hard it is to find a human who knows ANYTHING about us, in this day and age? Most people think we're just made-up characters for Disney cartoons, or figures in video games.”

  Looking at her wide-eyed, Rena's entire body suddenly went numb as the realization finally hit her. The woman wasn't spinning yarns just because it was Halloween. The reason every 'costume' she had seen looked so real was because they weren't costumes at all. Especially the Centaurs. No one, she reasoned, could be that good with makeup and outfits, not even the best Hollywood studios had to offer. Unable to understand why she wasn't already up and hauling ass, she stammered. “Oh my're really real. I really ARE Medusa...aren't you?”

  Waving both hands down the side of her curvaceous body like Vanna White, Medusa chuckled and said, “None other, sister, none other.”

  Still wide-eyed, Rena glanced back at the snakes that were once again dancing happily on the woman's head and croaked, “That means....they're real too.”

  “Yes, they are. Don't be frightened, child, I told you they aren't poisonous. But if they bother you that much...” her voice trailed off. Closing her eyes for a moment, she began chanting in a language Rena didn't recognize. Several seconds later a shimmering haze appeared above her head, then cleared.

  Blinking her eyes in disbelief, Rena found herself staring at a beautiful afro instead of a head full of reptiles. Regaining her equilibrium, she was silent for a moment, then spoke again, with a note of awe in her voice. “You know what...I think I liked it better the other way. The natural look.”

  Smiling with genuine warmth, Medusa closed her eyes again, began chanting, and several seconds later, the head full of snakes reappeared.

  Unable to speak above a hoarse whisper, Rena said, “I swear to God I should be freaking out right about now, but I'm not. Go figure. I mean, learning that there are beings that were thought to be nothing but myths...finding out they actually exist among us...that's on the same level as hitting the big lotto or something. But there is one thing I don't understand.”

  “What's that, Rena?”

  “Why would all of you run the risk of mingling with us mortals? Risk being discovered?”

  Silent for a moment, she finally replied in a faraway voice that seemed to transcend time and space. “Let me explain why we look for mates in humans. It's quite simple, really. You have, for lack of a better term, royal blood flowing through your veins, without even realizing it. As do the other mortals in attendance here. You, and them, are very special people, you have no idea just how special. I would guess each of you are one in a hundred million.”

  Stunned, Rena could only stare back at her, listening raptly.

  “You're aware of what inbreeding does to children who are a product of such a union, right?”

  “Yes. Birth defects, to put it mildly.”

  “Exactly. You see, there are so few of us immortals, we cannot, and will not, breed exclusively amongst ourselves. So ,well, do the math.”

  “But...but you're GODS! I're perfect, aren't you? Well, not the vampire we saw earlier, or Frankenstein over there, I know they were once human. I'm talking about you, Zeus, Hades...”

  Seemingly embarrassed by the flattery, Medusa laughed. “Child, no one, or no one thing, is perfect, including the Godhead.”


  “Well, it's just a term, really. By that I mean the architect of the universe, whoever, or whatever that is. Not even we can comprehend or understand who or what that may be.”


  “Volcanoes, fires, earthquakes, floods. Let me quote Jack Nicholson from the movie 'The Witches Of Eastwick'. 'What, you don't think God makes mistake
s? Of course he does, we ALL make mistakes. 'Course when WE make mistakes they call it EVIL, when GOD makes mistakes, they call it nature!' Classic stuff, that Jack Nicholson is a character. Always have wanted to meet him.” Medusa laughed. “Too bad he doesn't have a little bit of that 'royal blood' flowing through his veins, if you catch my drift!”

  “So you've got the hots for him!” Rena laughed.

  “I never kiss and tell.”

  Shaking her head, Rena mumbled, “In the last two minutes, my entire world has been turned upside down.”

  “Well, if you'd like I'll help you pack up and move to China. That should help you regain your equilibrium.” she teased in a good natured voice.

  “This...royal blood, so to speak, well, how do you know who has it, and who doesn't?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Medusa suddenly seemed uneasy for the first time that evening. “We just do, I can't explain it any better than that. Much like, I suppose, birds migrate south for the winter. It's just instinct.”

  Nodding slowly, Rena reflected on the fact that the immortals seemed to be more like humans than they would care to admit, and she admired Medusa's honesty all the more for admitting it. “But what about the human guests who are here? What if they don't want a mate? Or worse yet, tell the world all about you, once they leave?”

  “Child, number one, do you think ANYBODY would believe you if you left here and told whoever would listen what you have seen and heard?”

  “Good point, that would be a one way ticket to the laughing academy.” Rena muttered.

  “Indeed it would. Besides, number two is this: Thoth is very careful about the humans he invites, and if they don't bond with a mate, he uses his powers to erase all memories of us. The immortals, I mean. All they'll remember is they had a wonderful time at the Ball, and the costumes and food were superb.”

  “I wonder if I'm on some sort of delayed reaction here.” Rena mumbled.

  “Meaning?” Medusa asked, suspecting she knew the answer.

  “Every fiber of my being still tells me I should be freaking out, but I'm not. Oh well.” she sighed. “As my mom used to say, I'll just go with the flow and see where the river carries me.”

  “You would be surprised at some of the beings that move about in your world unnoticed. Those of us here...” she said, making a sweeping gesture with one hand, “..represent only a tiny fraction of us.”

  “Jesus.” Rena breathed.

  “Oh, he's real too.” Medusa laughed.

  “Is he actually.....?”

  “THE son of God, in Christian-speak?” Medusa interrupted. “No. But he is an immortal. A damn fine faith healer, and as loving as any being, immortal or otherwise, could ever hope to be.”

  “I don't think I can take much more.” Rena laughed weakly.

  “You'll survive quite nicely, I'm sure.” Medusa replied, patting her hand reassuringly. “As for you not freaking out, it's my guess you probably have always known, at least on a subconscious level. Humans have an amazing sense of awareness, if they care to use it.”


  “Really.” she replied, beginning to sway back and forth to the beautiful song the siren in the ballroom was singing. “We should keep in touch, Rena. I have a boutique. I do one of a kind designs for full figured women like us, and I would love to have you model for me someti...” her voice trailed off as her face suddenly went blank and her jaw nearly hit the floor.

  “Medusa, what's the...” Rena stammered, watching as the snakes on the woman's head stood on-end, pointing directly at something, or someone, behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary, then turned to face her friend again just as her eyes turned as black as a lump of coal. Creeped out for the first time that evening, she said, “Medusa, you're scaring me.”

  “Oh's him, I KNOW it's him, finally.” the immortal stammered, alarming Rena even more.

  Shaken at seeing a Goddess so nervous, Rena licked her suddenly dry lips and said, “Him, who's him?” Turning in her chair to look around again, she continued in a tremulous voice, “Which one, there's lots of guys here.”

  “Shhhhh, he's coming this way, I can feel him. Turn back around!” Medusa hissed, sounding more like a nervous teenager than a feared Gorgon of mythology. “What do I do?” She pleaded, further astonishing her companion. Reaching for the Ouzo, she poured another shot with hands that were shaking.

  “First, put this down.” Rena said as she turned to face her, then took the glass from her hand and placed it back on the table. “Look at you, why so nervous? I mean YOU, of all people. know what I mean. You've been around the block and back for eons. Just play it cool. If he's human, I'm sure he's just as nervous as you are.”

  “Excuse me.” a soft, male voice suddenly seemed to beckon them.

  Turning her head again, Rena looked up to see a rather nondescript man standing there. Looking to be in his mid-forties, the man was dressed as Sherlock Holmes, complete with hat, cape, round spectacles, and pipe. To her he looked remarkably like an eccentric professor she had had in college, who had enjoyed dressing in costumes for whatever period of history he happened to be teaching at the time.

  Pushing the spectacles up his slim nose with one finger, he spoke in a shy voice. “I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but would you like to dance with me?”

  “Who, me?” Medusa stammered.

  “Yes” the man replied, looking as if he had already braced himself for rejection, and had planned to beat a hasty departure if need be.

  “I would love to!” Medusa gushed, the color of her eyes returning to normal. Practically leaping to her feet, she extended her hand, hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and gave Rena a peck on the cheek. “I'll keep in touch. Well, that is if Thoth doesn't have to do the memory-erasing thingamabob on you.”

  “I hope so, you've been wonderful company, Medusa. Thank you so much for making me feel welcome, and...well, easing me into IT. You know what I'm talking about.”

  “Don't mention it, dear. By the way, avoid that incubus, or any others of his ilk, like the plague. A little tip for you: You can always spot one by that sleazy, sly little grin on their face. It never fails to materialize, once they spot a potential victim. They can't seem to help it. If you see that grin, avoid all eye contact. Don't even converse with him.”

  “Ok, and thanks again. ”Rena replied with a smile, then watched as the new couple disappeared into the ballroom.


  Chapter 7

  Wandering around the mansion, Rena was still fascinated by the beings around her, beings that (until tonight) she'd always believed to be nothing more than myths, fables, bedtime yarns that were spun for the entertainment of children.

  Spotting Medusa and her 'Sherlock', it appeared to her there was some serious chemistry going on between the two of them. The glow of Medusa's smile seemed to warm the room, and at the moment she seemed unaware of anyone or anything else as the man guided her across the dance floor gracefully. Appearing completely smitten himself, the man didn't even seem to mind when he reached out to caress her cheek, and several serpents wrapped themselves around his wrist. “Guess love really is blind.” Rena muttered, then chuckled, then shook her head.

  As she exited the ballroom, she spotted a beautiful, dimly lit staircase, remarkably like the one in the movie 'Gone With The Wind', and a small, enchanted smile touched her lips as she recalled what Ms. Skeet had told her about the library on the second floor.

  Deciding to ascend the stairs and have a peek, she clutched her gown and pulled it up a little, to keep from tripping. As she began climbing in the semi-darkness, she found herself having to avoid several couples who were locked in heated embraces.

  Finally making it to the top, she stepped into a foyer that was just as poorly lit (by design, she guessed), and stopped in her tracks by the sight that greeted her. Demyan (the incubus) had a petite Asian woman bent over the top of the iron banis
ters, legs spread wide, and was giving her the business. The woman's ultra-short, black leather nurse's outfit was pushed up past her hips, and her black thong had been ripped from her and lay on the floor at her feet, completely shredded.

  Panting like a runner on the final stretch of a marathon, Demyan's thick cock pounded in and out of the woman fiercely, almost savagely. “ like it rough, don't you?” he breathed. Reaching out with one hand, he grabbed a fistful of the helpless woman's long, coal-black hair, and wrapped it around his wrist. Steadying her waist with his free hand, he continued taunting her. “No one can resist me, isn't that right?”

  “Nooo...nooo...yesss....I mean...” the woman wailed in a frightened, yet excited voice as she groped with the front of her outfit and unzipped it, exposing her bosom. Tweaking both her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers, she moaned helplessly.


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