Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time Page 7

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “But you tried to resist me anyway, didn't you?” Demyan grinned, pounding into her even harder, if such a thing was possible. “Maybe I ought to stop.” he teased, tugging her hair.

  “NO...PLEASE DON'T!!!” the woman sobbed desperately as her entire body suddenly began shuddering with an earth shattering orgasm.

  Looking around in amazement, Rena saw other couples secreted away in the shadows, too busy getting it on themselves to notice the erotic drama unfolding before her eyes.

  Taking several steps back into the shadows herself, she felt a ripple of excitement as she continued spying on the two, almost as if hypnotized. While she had never considered herself a voyeur (if anything, she had always been a bit awkward about intimacy), something about the sight fascinated her, and she chalked it up to witnessing blind, primal lust, almost animalistic in its intensity. For the life of her she found herself unable to look away, and much to her surprise, discovered she didn't want to.

  Thrusting himself as far inside the woman as humanly possible, Demyan was suddenly as still as a statue.

  Eyes growing wide, Rena sensed she was about to witness something even more primal in nature.

  “Don't stop, please.” the Asian woman moaned in genuine anguish.

  Ignoring the woman's pleas, Demyan leaned forward and ran his long tongue up and down the back of her neck, then bit her.

  Shuddering with yet another orgasm, the woman's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her entire body went limp.

  As Demyan's hips and cock resumed their work (only thrusting in and out of her slowly this time), he raised his head, and Rena saw a tiny trickle of blood run down the base of the woman's neck. Feeling her own womanhood suddenly spring to life with raw desire, she closed her eyes, trying desperately to regain control of her treacherous body. Why the hell am I just standing here like some pervert? I shouldn't be watching this! She thought, although it did nothing to stem the flow of juices she knew would overpower her in a matter of seconds, if she didn't do something. Anything.

  Turning to look at her, Demyan's eyes seemed to glow red in the semi-darkness.

  Join us.....Demyan's voice suddenly whispered inside Rena's head, startling her so badly she actually yelped. Eyes fluttering open, the first thing she noticed was his eyes, the way they were glowing like a cat's, and the fact she seemed to even be breathing in unison with him.

  As he continued to thrust in and out of his spent companion (who was still hanging limply from the rail), the look on Demyan's face was that of a starving man who had just been fed a fat, juicy rib-eye steak.

  Moaning deliriously, the Asian woman's body suddenly sprang back to life as she half-turned her head, staring at Rena.

  Watching as the woman's eyes closed again, and a dreamy smile played at the corners of her mouth, Rena was suddenly envious. My God in heaven, she really does look like a well-fed, contented cat. No...scratch that, she looks just like what she IS....and that's a well-fucked woman! She thought.

  With a sigh a pure pleasure, Demyan turned to look at her again, seeming to focus only on her.

  I want you, and I know you want me. I can smell your desire, Rena. Feel what she feels! His voice whispered in her mind again, sending tingles up and down her spine. Now fully mesmerized, Rena watched as he let go of his companion's hair and took hold of her slim hips with both hands, then began pounding her again with wild abandon, never taking his eyes off her.

  As she knew it must, a sudden wave of pleasure washed over her as an intense orgasm ripped from her G-spot and ran helter-skelter throughout her entire body, almost making her knees buckle. Staggering back and leaning against a wall for support, her own whimpers of ecstasy mingled with the Asian woman's moans of pleasure.

  Still staring at Rena, Demyan's head tilted back in a beckoning gesture.

  Join us. Let me feed on your succulent pussy, as I please you in ways you never imagined possible! The voice in her head purred smoothly.

  Holding one hand out towards her, Demyan actually spoke this time. “Come to me, join us. I know you want to.” he whispered.

  A feeling of euphoria sweeping over her, Rena had a sudden vision, a vision so crisp and vivid it may as well have been a movie she was watching on television. It was the three of them, sprawled on a massive bed, in a room aglow from hundreds of candles. Demyan was on his back, his big hands holding her hips tightly as she rode his long, thick pole wildly, like a bucking bronco. The Asian woman was straddling his face, facing her, as Demyan's tongue and lips licked and probed her throbbing pussy. Reaching out to her, the Asian woman cupped both her breasts, caressing them, then pinched her nipples.

  “Oh God.” Rena moaned deliriously, her entire being burning with a sexual fever and hunger she'd never experienced. Eyes growing wide as her body began shaking (again), a cold sweat formed on her brow as she croaked, “What...what's happening? Medusa, help me, please.”

  Only I can stop the burning hunger, Rena. Come to me, NOW! Demyan's husky voice screamed in her mind again, no longer seeming quite so confident.

  As if having a mind of their own, Rena's legs began moving of their own volition, and she found herself floating towards him, almost as if on a cloud.

  Grinning in triumph, Demyan muttered, “Yes, that's it, my succulent little morsel, come to me.”

  Still in a daze, she was almost upon him when a different inner voice, that of a female, cried out desperately, Rena, YOU MUST RESIST! He offers only the pleasures of the flesh, but you deserve better. Your soul mate awaits you!

  As if able to hear the new voice himself, Demyan suddenly began babbling in desperation. “Don't listen to her! Have you not already experienced pleasure beyond your wildest dreams? Imagine what the kiss of my flesh mingling with yours will feel like! Do not rob yourself of such an opportunity!”

  Remembering Medusa's warning, Rena suddenly marshaled every ounce of resolve within her, finally managing to tear her gaze away. Shaking her head back and forth wildly, she actually felt the sexual haze the incubus had woven around her snap. “No no no no NO, I'm not listening to you!” she cried. Turning on her heels, she began fleeing down the hallway.

  Rena! Why do you run from me? Demyan's voice whispered one last time, sounding almost needy, and most certainly sad and desperate.

  Fearing the Incubus would be hot on her heels, Rena cast a fearful glance over her shoulder, and was relieved to see he wasn't. Just to be on the safe side, however, she opened the very next door she came to, praying silently that she wouldn't stumble upon another couple having sex. But judging from the moans of pleasure that was seemingly coming from every direction, she wasn't so sure.


  Chapter 8

  As Gavin studied the young black woman who had just stepped inside the library (and closing the door behind her), the first thing that he thought was, She's a Goddess! Reinforcing this impression was the costume the woman was wearing. A long, white evening gown, with a plunging neckline that showcased her ample breasts and deep cleavage. It also highlighted her ample, but curvaceous hips. As she moved towards a bookcase he was able to get an even better look at her. Her oval face was pretty, with just a touch of what he would call ‘baby fat’. Her face was framed by thick, curly locks that were held back by a tiara of gold leaves, and around the fringes, were loose tendrils of hair that gave her a sweet, untouched look.

  Gazing at the aged tomes, her long fingers ran over the beautiful, leather- bound books as she studied each title with obvious appreciation. Stopping at one that caught her eye, she selected a first trade edition of Robert Frost, 'Collected Works'. Opening the book, she bowed her head to read, one of the fat curls falling past her brow and on her left cheek. “A civilized society tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.” she read aloud.

  Hearing her sweet voice as she read the Robert Frost quote, Gavin couldn't help but reach out to push the curl off her face, but in spirit form he couldn't, and his hand simply passed through her f

  Gasping as a sudden chill raced up and down her body, Rena looked up, expecting someone to be standing beside her. Glancing in every direction nervously, she realized she was still alone. A bit shaken, she felt spooked for a moment, then shook it off, chalking it up to an overactive imagination. Who wouldn't be shaken, she reasoned, after the experience with the incubus? Glancing back down at the book, she began flipping pages, reading passages that caught her eye.

  Stunned, Gavin doubted his own senses for a moment. Had the woman actually been able to sense his presence? Or his touch, even? In the 159 years he had been bound to this place, no one, save for his friend Thoth, had ever been able to sense him. “But then again, I've never wanted anyone to. Well, not until now, anyway.” He amended with a sigh.

  Thinking she heard a soft breath, Rena glanced up again, startled, then made her way to a large, overstuffed chair that sat in front of a roaring fireplace.

  Wanting, nay...NEEDING to know one way or the other, Gavin followed the woman across the room, stopping beside her. Bracing himself for disappointment, he reached out and ran the fingers of his trembling right hand over her left arm.

  Feeling the brush of something, over her left forearm, Rena yelped and dropped the book, now genuinely frightened. Glancing around yet again (and seeing no one), her fright was slowly displaced by anger. “Is someone, or someTHING here? I'm not in the mood to play!” her voice cut through the air like a knife. Definitely feeling a presence, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Demyan, is that you? If this your way of romancing me, or enticing me, you really need to work on your technique.”

  Waiting patiently for several moments, she finally muttered, “Fine, then. I'm outta' here.” Bending over to pick up the book, she crossed the room again and slid the tome back in its rightful place. Turning towards the doorway, she had to resist an overwhelming urge to run.

  “Please don't leave.” a husky, desperate sounding voice suddenly boomed.

  Screaming, she whirled around, eyes darting around the room frantically.

  “Don't be frightened.” the voice called.

  Stunned, her gaze settled on the figure of a man standing in front of the fireplace. To Rena, he was hands down the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. Dressed like Rhett Butler, his dark hair flowed all the way down to his shoulders, touching the crisp white collar of his evening jacket. The man sported a full beard, and despite the fact she had never cared for them, it somehow seemed to suit him like a second skin. He stood at least six foot one, and from what she could tell, he was solidly built. A very good looking package indeed. Feeling an instant attraction to the man, she studied his face unhurriedly, feature by feature. “Who are you? Or what are you?” she finally asked.

  “A man. Just a man.” he replied, then made his way towards her, not seeming to notice (or care) that when he finally came to a stop, he was violating her personal space. “I guess you could call me a shadow in time.” He said. As she craned her neck to look up at him, her soft brown eyes wide, Gavin amazingly felt that long-lost spark, a sign that his long-dead heart was indeed coming back to life. Could his friend Thoth have been right, after all?

  “A shadow? What does.....” her words were cut off as his mouth was suddenly covering hers.

  Pulling Rena to him in a nearly crushing embrace, Gavin's lips gobbled hungrily, relishing the sweetness of her mouth. For the past 159 years he had never wanted another woman, until now, and it was a heady sensation. Feeling the woman's soul literally breathe new life into him, he moaned and closed his eyes, wondering if he would ever be able to relinquish the hold he had on her.

  Caught somewhat off guard, Rena knew she shouldn't let a man she had just met tickle her tonsils, but in her own defense, she had felt an instant connection she had never felt before with another man. It was more than sexual, much more, and thinking back briefly on the incubus, she knew that a tryst with him would have cheapened her somehow. Not so with this man, she knew. But alas, her wicked (and sometimes hated) common sense kicked in as a disturbing thought hit her. You don't even know the man's name! And what the hell did he mean about being a shadow?

  Somehow managing to turn away from the kisses that were still raining down on her, she put both hands on his solid chest, trying to push him away, but the man didn't budge. “Look.” she breathed heavily, trying to calm herself. “It's not that I didn't enjoy those toe curling kisses. I mean, those were the kinds of kisses a girl dreams of. But I just don't feel....right about being so intimate with a man I just met. I don't even know your name.”

  Looking down at her with the most intense gray eyes she had ever seen, he caressed her face briefly, then wrapped one thick finger around a fat curt, enjoying the feel of her coarse hair. “A thousand pardons, my lady, I didn't mean to be so forward. My name is Gavin St Cloud. And what is your name, my beautiful Goddess?” he apologized in a voice as soft as his caress.

  “Rena. I'm Rena Williamson.” she replied, still awestruck and humbled by the fact such a handsome man would be interested in her. Tilting her head curiously, she asked, “By 'shadow', you mean ghost, don't you?” Intrigued rather than frightened, she reached up and touched his face, almost expecting her hand to pass through.

  Closing his eyes as her soft hand touched his face and her thumb gently caressed his cheek, Gavin felt his body come alive. Opening his beautiful gray eyes, which were now sparkling with life, he murmured, “I have existed in the shadows for 159 years. 159 years since my lover gave her life and soul in exchange for my own.”

  “Gave her life and soul?” Rena whispered, confused.

  “To a very evil witch, who tried to bind with me after she'd killed Knorr.” Gavin whispered hoarsely, eyes suddenly glistening with unshed tears. When he spoke again, his voice was tender, almost a murmur. “Besides my friend Thoth, you're the only other soul I've shown myself to.”

  Heart aching for him, Rena suddenly hoped she could find a way to help the man heal. “I'm sorry you lost the woman you love.” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face down to meet hers. Kissing him softly at first, then more urgently, she was thrilled when she felt his large hands suddenly caressing her buttocks firmly. Pressing herself against him, she could feel both the length and hardness of his manhood. Damn, he's hung like a stallion! She thought.

  “Oh, it has been so long.” Gavin murmured between kisses.

  Caught up in the moment, Rena couldn't explain it, or even understand it, but knew she was already starting to feel something deep for the man. Impossible, people don't fall in love in a matter of minutes! I'm just horny, I haven't had sex in a while. That's it, my hormones are just raging! She reasoned with herself, but then another part of her argued back, You're at a party where half the people on the guest list are real mythical beings, and I doubt what you're feeling is mere lust!

  She's the one who can make me complete! I must make her mine! Gavin's mind and body screamed. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her up a narrow flight of stairs that led to another room, one that overlooked the library. Gavin had always thought this was the best part of the library. On the rare occasions he did take solid form during one of the balls, he had always loved to grab a good book and read in this private room, undisturbed. The room contained smaller book cases, which held the oldest, most valuable works in the library, an enormous burgundy couch, and the only light that was cast, came from a small fireplace in a corner. A tiny, but well-stocked bar was near the lone window, a window seat that overlooked the plantation fields.

  Placing her back on her feet gently, he stepped back a bit, cupped her face with both hands, and seemed to struggle with his self-control for a moment. “Rena, I don't wish to offend you, I can sense that you're a true lady, but I want nothing more at the moment than to make love to you. Right here, right now.” he breathed, then leaned down and kissed the hollow of her throat.

  This is the part where I'm supposed to coyly point out that we're still strangers, and I don't fr
olic around with men ten minutes after meeting them. She thought, but remained silent, enjoying the feel of his burning lips on her skin. Closing her eyes, she felt her juices begin to flow for what felt like the hundredth time that night, but this time there was more to it than the simple lust she had felt when enticed by the incubus. No, this was different. She felt connected in a way she never had with another man, and it was a much more pure sensation. Desire, mixed with a longing felt from the heart.

  Lips still brushing against her neck, Gavin murmured, “Do you want me, my sweet Rena? I won't do anything you're not willing or wanting to do, you have my word as a gentleman.”

  Licking her lips nervously but anxiously, Rena barely managed to croak, “Yes, I want you.”

  It was all he needed to hear. Reaching for the shoulder straps of her evening gown, he slid them slowly down her arms, never once taking his eyes off hers as the garment slid from her body and puddled around her feet.


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