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Monster's Ball :Shadow In Time

Page 10

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Hearing the sound of water splashing on rocks, Rena opened her eyes and silently took inventory of any possible injuries. “I don't hurt anymore.” she mumbled to herself as she gingerly probed the area of her chest where the witch's life-draining beams of negative energy had struck. “At least there’s no more pain, so I guess I can deal with being in Hell.” She mumbled. Closing her eyes again, a sweet, comfortable drowsiness quickly began taking hold. “You don't belong here, you gave your life for Gavin, just as I did. But you are his true mate.” a soft voice suddenly whispered in her ear.

  With a startled yelp, Rena sat up and took in her surroundings. All around her it was nearly as dark as a moonless night, but oddly enough, the only light she could see was emanating from a black woman who stood nearby, dressed in what looked like a simple black robe. The woman's hair hung loosely around her face, in a thick black cloud. Blinking her eyes, she noticed the light around the woman seemed to be coming from her body.

  Bending over and extending one hand, the stranger made a simple gesture, then grasped Rena's right hand, helping her to her feet.

  Unable to explain how she knew, Rena blurted, “You're Knorr, aren't you? Why am I here?”

  Reaching out, Knorr touched her on the cheek with the tips of her fingers, creating an almost instant calm in the girl.

  “Yes, I'm Knorr, and you're Rena, my great, great niece. I had a friend bring you here.” she replied, dropping both hands by her sides. “I wanted to make sure the two people I love have a chance at happiness. I've watched you grow into a wonderful young woman, and I know you can make Gavin happy.” the woman finished in a voice that was filled with love.

  Tears gathering in Rena's eyes, she replied, “Thank you. Is he alive?” Suddenly remembering the hag that had attacked them, she began to panic. “We have to get to him! Some witch woman attacked us. She was killing him!”

  Wrapping both arms around her to comfort her, Knorr cooed, “Be calm, we are going to him.” Then, tilting her head up slightly, she closed her eyes and cried in a strong voice, “Lord Hades, come hither, I pray of you!”


  “Form a protective circle around you and Gavin, quickly!” Thoth called to Lilith.

  Obeying without hesitation, Lilith began chanting incantations as she pulled Gavin close in a protective embrace.

  “You dare to thwart me again, Thoth!? And how came you to be here? My consorts wove a cloaking spell!” Mariotte spat.

  Laughing mirthlessly, Thoth mocked, “And how dare YOU challenge ME again, witch! You have far underestimated me yet again, Mariotte. The lowliest of my acolytes possess equal powers to those you command, and those of your demonic minions, as well. But enough of that. You have been a thorn in my side far too long. Know then, the price for daring such!” he thundered.

  Infuriated beyond the point of insanity, she screeched, “He's mine, wizard! I've waited for this moment too long, and will not be denied!” Shouting incantations herself, she attempted to breech the protective circle Lilith had woven.

  “Foolish worm! Tonight I banish you to the very bowls of Hell, never to return!” Thoth seethed, then raised both arms high in the air. His entire body beginning to glow with an other-wordly hue, a sudden wind began blowing his long hair around his head wildly as he chanted,

  “Angels of protection

  Angels who clear

  Remove all unwanted spirits

  who do not belong here!

  God's, clear Mariotte Whitman's spirit from here!”

  “Noooooooooooooo!” Mariotte screamed as dozens of black tentacles suddenly appeared from nowhere behind her and wrapped themselves around nearly every square inch of her body.

  Levitating several feet into the air, the mighty wizard's thunderous voice intoned, “You, Mariotte Whitman, have no hold here! Leave, and may your black soul be bound, for all time!” Lowering both arms and pointing two fingers at the struggling witch, twin beams of blue light flew forth from Thoth's eyes and enveloped her.

  Screaming as if being flayed alive, Mariotte's body was suddenly sucked into the darkness behind her, the tentacles wrenching her head and limbs at unnatural angles.

  Watching in awed silence as the vortex closed, Lilith was stunned to see Thoth's body crumpling to the floor. Shocked at seeing him so helpless (even if it was only momentary, her heart lurched. Laying Gavin's head down gently, she stood to her feet quickly, and went through the ritual of opening the protective circle.

  Hurrying to Thoth, she knelt beside him and caressed one cheek tentatively. “Thoth!” she cried, patting his cold face with both hands. “Thoth, please answer me. Open your eyes if you can hear me!” she begged, searching her memory for any spell that might revive him, but coming up empty.


  “You called?” a loud, masculine voice boomed around Knorr and Rena.

  Screaming again, Rena's eyes practically bulged from their sockets as the man Medusa had said was Hades suddenly appeared before them in a cloud of smoke.

  Looking at Rena as if she was an annoying housefly, Hades sighed and shook his head sadly. “Knorr, did you summon me just to hear this human yammer and yipe in fear like a Chihuahua that just got kicked?” he asked in a bored voice.

  “You know very well why I called you, Hades. We're ready to go back.” Knorr shot back in a cool voice.

  Affecting a look of smug boredom that matched his tone of voice, Hades favored her with a glance, then held one hand up to examine his perfectly manicured nails. “Oh? And what was it again that I'll be getting in return for my services?” he asked.

  Glaring at him, but careful to keep her rising temper in check, Knorr replied, “Hades, don't play games, it's beneath you. Well, maybe not, but still. You know why I'm doing this, and you agreed to the terms.”

  Gliding forward so quickly that Knorr gasped and took a step back, Hades studied her closely as she pushed Rena behind her protectively. “So you want to see this human find happiness with the very same cretin you gave your life and soul for? Well, since you're in such a giving mood, answer my question. What was it again you're willing to give me in return for my help?” he asked, staring down at the woman who had (for the better part of a century) became the closest thing to a friend and confidant he would allow himself to have. The night he had saved her from Erebos, he'd not done it out of the goodness of his heart, but rather because he had hoped he could convince her to be his consort, at least for a while. But she had refused. Knowing that even he had to follow the rules (that being that no immortal could force a mortal to mate, against their will), he had actually began growing rather fond of her over time, which was nearly unheard of. For him, at least. And now she wanted to fall on her sword, finding her lost love a new chance at love.

  Looking up at the golden-eyed God, Knorr sighed wearily. “Must you humiliate and degrade me in front of my kin? Do you HAVE to hear the words?”

  Crossing his arms giving and giving her a rakish grin, he replied, “Oh...don't be such a spoil-sport! I don't want much. Is two hundred years with me too much to ask? Isn't your PUH-WESHUS wittle niecy-poo worth it?” he mocked, puckering his lips and making tiny little smooching noises.

  Shaking with fury, Knorr's temper finally got the best of her. “BASTARD!” she seethed, then took several deep breaths, trying to regain her equilibrium. “Alright alright....we're agreed!” she finally managed in a more or less normal tone of voice. Stepping right up in front of him boldly, she gritted her teeth and gave him a look that could have withered stink weed, reminding him very much of his own mother's (Hera's) wrath.

  Blinking in surprise, Hades was actually shocked to find himself wanting to look away, but his pride and arrogance won out, as usual.

  “Hades, by the time that two hundred years is up, you'll be happy to give me passage to the other side. As a matter of actual fact, you'll be so happy to be rid of me, you'll pay the ferryman's fee yourself! I'm going to brainstorm every single second of eve
ry single day, trying to come up with creative ways to make you miserable! That's right, great Lord of The Underworld, the things I'm going to do you will become the stuff of legends!” she smiled sweetly, but with a gleam of malice in her lovely eyes.

  Blinking again in surprise, he was actually at a loss for words for a moment, then finally spoke. “Deal. But....” he said, raising one hand up in the air, “This time we'll be more than just friends. Much, much more.”

  “Hades, you're a one hundred percent, dyed-in-the-wool sonofabi......” she snapped, her voice trailing off as he made a peculiar spinning motion with his upraised hand, making the very air all around them shimmer.


  “Thoth, help her!” Gavin shouted as he managed to crawl to Rena's seemingly lifeless body. Scooping her up in both arms, he tucked her face into his neck and rocked her back and forth. “My life in exchange for hers.” he pleaded to anyone and no one.

  Although Thoth's eyes were closed, the emotional and physical strain he had just endured was clearly stamped on his features. If Lilith had not been beside him to lean on, he would have collapsed again. “Felt a powerful presence...Hades, I completely drained me.” he croaked.

  “Thoth, can't you help her!” Gavin wailed in anguish when he heard his friend's weak voice.

  Opening his eyes, the wizard concentrated for a moment, then replied in a confused voice, “I can't find her soul, it's not where it should be.”

  Soulful brown eyes glistening with unshed tears, Lilith sobbed, “How is that possible? Maroitte didn't get a chance to consume her soul before you bound her! I can't lose her too! Oh, God, now I've lost her as well!”

  Quickly regaining his strength (as he knew he would), Thoth sat up and pulled her into his arms to comfort her.

  With a sudden, gut-wrenching sob, Gavin turned to face the man who had promised to help him. “WHY, just tell me WHY! I told you I didn't want to fall in love, not ever again! How many have to die because of me! Wasn't it bad enough I had Knorr's death on my conscious? Now I have Rena's as well!”

  Feeling the man's grief keenly, Thoth could only lower his head in confusion and sadness. He had truly never meant for this to happen.

  “My my, such drama! I should attend your little gatherings more often.” Hades mused as he strolled into the room with a lit cigarette in hand. Seeming unaffected by the grief and anguish all three were feeling, he took a puff from his cigarette and exhaled, only this time forgoing the usual smoke rings. “Perhaps I can make a contribution to this B-Rated Jerry Springer moment.” he chuckled dryly, then, with the a single flick of his free hand, sent a bolt of blue-white lightning across the room, striking Rena's lifeless body.

  “Rena!” Gavin shouted hopefully as he felt her body suddenly thrum to life beneath his embrace. Watching as her eyelids began fluttering, a crazy joy pumped through his heart as he sobbed again, only this time with hope. “ your eyes, my love!”

  “Ugghh...Gavin...” Rena gasped as her eyes opened slowly. Reaching up with a trembling hand, she stroked his bearded face lovingly.

  Amazed, Gavin's grey eyes misted as he watched the glow of life returning to her beautiful, delicate skin. Pushing her hair off her face, he murmured, “Love, you've returned to me, it's a miracle! I felt your skin, it was cold.” he finished, casting an uneasy glance at the dark God.

  Closing her eyes and relishing the feel of his calloused hand on her skin, she opened them again as two tears slid down either cheek, fearing that once he saw Knorr, he would forget all about her and leave her. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Knorr made a deal with Hades. To bring me back, I mean.”

  “What? Knorr?” Lilith stammered. Dumbfounded, she pulled her hand from Thoth's grasp, giving him an accusatory glare. “You told me that you couldn't locate her soul.”

  Feeling his own anger beginning to grow, Thoth's eyes narrowed as he turned his attention to Hades, who was standing there smug as ever, still puffing on the foul smelling cancer stick. “When I approached you to inquire about the possibility of retrieving her soul, you told me it couldn't be done!” he spat angrily.

  “So I lied. I AM the Dark Lord....DUH! Surely you've never expected me to be like that 'Dudley Do-Right' wuss Zeus?” Hades sneered. Walking over to the fireplace, he flicked the cigarette in, shrugging nonchalantly as he watched the fire consume the butt. “But I'm in a generous mood this evening, so I shall favor you with an explanation of sorts. That sniveling, spineless dog under Mariotte's command came to me, offering me possession of Knorr's soul if I gave him sanctuary. So I took her soul, then kicked his ass out of my realm anyway.” he muttered. Turning, he watched in silence as Gavin helped Rena to her feet, wondering what Knorr had ever saw in the lesser being.

  “Where's my sister!?” Lilith shrieked with sudden fury. Balling both fists at her sides, she lurched forward but was halted when Thoth's strong right hand gripped her shoulder painfully.

  “Lilith, don't, he'll crush you. He'll crush us both.” Thoth pleaded in a quiet, but nervous voice.

  “Unhand me this instant!” she screeched indignantly.

  “Don't be a fool!” Thoth roared so loudly the entire room shook.

  Glancing back at him, she reflected on the fact that his anger was a terrible sight to behold, white-eyed, and with his hair billowing around his head. Still looking at him, the unnerving thought suddenly occurred to her that even HE, a wizard of the highest rank, feared and respected the God's powers. Settling down immediately, she shrugged herself free from his grasp.

  Arching one eyebrow, Hades looked down at her with considerable amusement, then said, “But enough good cheer! Knorr... come forth, let's get this over with.”

  Both Gavin and Lilith gasped as one as Knorr materialized out of thin air.

  As she stood looking at them, Knorr was dressed far more spectacularly than she ever had in the underworld. Gone was the plain black robe, and in its place was a stunning, long black gown with a halter neckline, empire silhouette with a black train, and the front of the dress was adorned with black pearls. Her hair was swept up, and decorated with small golden leaves.

  Gazing at the beautiful woman, Rena's stomach fell to her feet as she thought, Gavin will drop me like a bad habit for her! What man wouldn't? And look at the way Hades is looking at her, even a God is practically drooling over her.

  Pulling Rena closer without thought, Gavin felt a sudden bittersweet sadness as he gazed upon his long-lost love. While he knew Knorr would always hold a special place in his heart, he no longer felt the intense love he had once had for her. It was simply never meant to be. He thought sadly.

  “Oh, Knorr, is it really you?” Lilith cried in a delighted voice, then rushed forth and grabbed both her sister's hands in hers. Tears of joy running down both cheeks, she pulled her into a loving embrace and sobbed, “Oh...oh how I've missed you.”

  “I've missed you too, dear sister.” Knorr whispered, returning the embrace with equal fervor.

  “Why didn't you come sooner?” Lilith asked, finally releasing her and taking one step back.

  “When I traded my soul, I more or less became the property of Erebos. I couldn't go back on the agreement, but I guess I lucked out, because Erebos traded my soul to Hades.” Knorr replied, then cut her eyes at the Lord of the Underworld.

  Taking Lilith's hand, she strolled over to where Gavin and Rena stood, stopping in front of them. Studying them in silence for a moment, her spirit soared when she finally saw the bright red aura that surrounded the couple. Strong, passionate love that burned like fire. Studying Rena's individual aura more closely, she noticed it was silver, and wondered if her sister had noticed this. Glancing away from Rena, she gazed at her erstwhile lover from so long ago, then finally spoke. “Gavin, it's good to see you again, and it's good to see that you allowed yourself to love again. You've found your true mate, our great, great niece.”

  “Knorr..I..” Gavin stammered, not knowing what to say or how he should

  “It's alright, Gavin. We truly loved one another, but I was never your true mate. Rena is. You two were meant to be. The fates decided that long ago.”

  Eyes rolling nearly to the back of his head, Hades muttered, “What's next? We all going to join hands and start singing 'Kumbaya'?

  Almost as an afterthought, Knorr glanced at Hades scornfully, then said, “I've yet to find MY true mate. But hopefully I will find him after a couple of hundred more years.”

  Looking mildly chagrined, Hade's face actually flushed. Not deigning to reply, he fished another Marlboro out of the pack in his shirt pocket, then lit it with the tip of one index finger.

  Turning her attention back to the couple, she smiled warmly and said, “I give my blessing to both of you. I hope your immortal love brings forth many offspring.”

  Tears streaming down her cheeks at the wonderful gift Knorr had given her (her blessings, and Gavin), Rena croaked, “Will we ever see you again?”


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