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Chelsea (The Club Girl Diaries Book 2)

Page 11

by Jane, Addison

  I scratched at the scruff on my face. “Fuck me! What?”

  He lifted off the chair and pulled something from the back pocket of his jeans, holding it up for me to see. There were pictures. The first was of me dragging Chelsea possessively from the club after her night out with Rose. I reached over and took it from his hand, examining it closer. Flicking through the other three photos, they were all taken within minutes, even seconds of each other, but the look in my eyes was unmistakable. Even an idiot could see that I was basically staking a claim, and if they had possibly been watching from inside they could’ve even seen or heard what I’d done when I’d seen her rubbing up on that fucking bastard.

  “Where were these found?” I demanded.

  “Were left on one of the tables at X-Rated,” Leo growled. “I was there last night, didn’t notice anything off. One of the girls picked it up. She thought it might be significant so she gave it to me on her way out.”

  “You check the camera footage from inside?” I asked, still not taking my eyes off the photo. It must have been taken with a reasonably good camera because I could see and read both our expressions and body very clearly.

  The hold I had on her screamed caveman—it was dominant, strong and full of ownership.

  “Cameras only showed an average looking guy. Gray suit, short hair, mid-thirties. Nothing set him apart from any other businessman that comes in. Hell, he could’ve just been another guy that had been paid to drop off a message,” Leo described. “He came in, watched a couple of the girls dance and then as he left he pulled it from his pocket and dropped it on the table.”

  “He wanted to show us that it didn’t matter where she goes. He has eyes on her,” I said more to myself than my brothers as I attempted to fit together the pieces of a completely fucked up puzzle. “He wanted to prove that the connection between us is undeniable. And that I was protective of her.”

  “He’s trying to scare you,” Wrench observed as he reclined back in his chair, rolling the tension from his shoulders. “Instead of taking that picture, he could have been looking down the scope of a gun and taken Chelsea out in a second. But instead, he’s sitting back, taunting and pushing buttons. It’s a damn game.”

  “And we’re sure this is Anthony DePalma we’re talking about?” Blizzard asked.

  “Who else?”

  He shrugged. “The guy has balls of steel. He rocked up to the compound with just the big ugly bodyguard, knowing there would be ten to fifteen men here that could fill them both full of lead in milliseconds.” He folded his arms across his chest. “He doesn’t seem to be the game playing type.”

  Blizzard’s observation mirrored my own thoughts. Anthony DePalma hadn’t become one of the most feared men on the east coast by making soft threats. He never waited around to play with his prey, he went straight for the jugular.

  “This just proves that Chelsea is his primary target. He’s shown that he’s willing to use her to get to you,” Wrench said pointing at the photo. “She needs more protection.”

  “Protection from me.” My boys all frowned and I sighed. “She wouldn’t be in this position if I’d been capable of just staying the fuck away from her.”

  I saw Blizzard shake his head. “Don’t be an idiot, Op.”

  “I’m being realistic.”

  “No, you’re being fucking stupid,” he growled, slamming his hands on the table with a loud thud. “You’re going to give the girl fucking whiplash, and sooner or later she’s going to get tired of your fucking shit.”

  I pointed at him angrily. “Watch your fucking mouth, VP.”

  He shook his head but glared at me.

  I knew he was right.

  I’d thought about last night. We had yet to talk about what was going on, but we’d shared a night full of passion and sex and in that moment I know we’d both felt things shift.

  But with this information fresh in my mind—the pictures proof—I needed to keep the fuck away from her if I wanted her to stay alive. No matter how much it would rip the two of us apart.

  I wouldn’t lose another person I loved because of my own selfishness and stupidity.

  Waking up to find Optimus gone wasn’t surprising but it was disappointing. There were things we both had to say, but neither of us was doing a good job of saying them. I wondered if we were both thinking the same thing.

  Once it was out there, there would be no stopping. No taking things back. So instead, we just avoided the conversation that we both knew was coming and traded it for the one way we could show our emotions. The one thing we felt the most comfortable with.


  Our chemistry had always been off the charts. Ever since the first time we’d met, standing at the bar inside the clubhouse. It was like I was a sparkler and his body was the match. Every time he touched me it set me on fire. There was no other way to describe the heat that burned inside me, just by having him near.

  Last night had been different to the others. He’d handed me control, even if just for a moment. It was something Optimus never did. Optimus loved to control, and if we’re being honest, I loved to give it to him. There was power in submitting yourself to someone and allowing them to dictate your movements and actions. It was about trust and respect. Last night, he’d shown me that the feeling was mutual and while we hadn’t talked about it, I’m hoping that means that we were moving forward.

  The thought made me smile.

  I decided that I’d spent enough time moping the last few days. My body ached, it needed to run. Just thinking about going the last few days without running was making my body feel anxious. I dressed in my running shorts, sports bra, and a loose Adidas shirt. I picked up my running shoes and carried them out to the main room in search of a brother or prospect. Ham was restocking the bar and there were a couple brothers playing pool.

  “Hey Ham. Have you seen Op?” I asked, hefting myself onto the barstool and propping my foot up on the one next to it, so I could slip my shoe on and tie my laces.

  “He’s in church with Blizzard, Leo, and Wrench. Seemed important.”

  I nodded. I was used to Op being called away at a moment’s notice and being tucked away in meetings with the boys. I knew not to disturb him. “Do you think you could take me to the gym? Op mentioned the other day that he didn’t want me running up the street anymore.”

  Ham looked a little apprehensive. “All good if I just check with a brother first?”

  I smiled, the kid was good. He was going to make an awesome brother. “Sure.”

  I continued to concentrate on doing my shoes before jumping off the barstool and stretching out my legs and shoulders. If I stretched now, it meant I could jump on the treadmill as soon as I got to the gym. I didn’t use a gym very often, opting to run outside. It made things a lot more interesting and I enjoyed the feeling of the wind and the elements against my skin as it heated.

  “Hey, Chel.”

  I looked up to find Slider standing next to Ham, both grinning at me as I spread my legs and reached down to grab my toes. I slowly released the stretch, careful not to do so too quickly.

  “Hey Slide, we good?”

  He nodded. “Op’s in a meeting with some of the guys, but as far as I know you’re not confined to the compound—just need an escort.”

  “Cool! Is it sweet if I steal Ham for a little bit?”

  Slider shrugged. “Go for it.” He walked past but didn’t miss an opportunity to land a resounding smack on my ass as he did. I yelped and turned to glare at him. He just walked away laughing. The boys didn’t get away with doing that kind of thing while Optimus was around, while I wasn’t technically his, they all knew how possessive he was of me. Slider was one who made the most of his absence.

  Ham followed me into town, his bike rumbling behind me the whole time. When I pushed through the gym doors the excitement, I felt the entire drive there soon deflated.

  How did I not think of this?

  Deacon, the guy from mine and Rose’s attempted night
out, was standing off to the side of the gym talking to two men in dark suits. Their expressions all looked far-reaching. Deacon nodded, but a deep scowl was painted on his face. Before I could turn and walk back out, his gaze caught with mine. His eyes widened and he hurried to excuse himself from the serious, stern looking men. I was right when I’d guessed that he was packing some serious muscle under the dress shirt that he had on the night we’d met. His naked upper body glistened with sweat which seemed to accentuate the definition in his abs.

  “Hey,” he said softly, coming to a stop a few feet in front of me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said wringing my workout towel in my hands. I pointed over my shoulder. “I’ll just go.”

  He grabbed for my arm as I began to turn my body away. “Hey, no, it’s fine.” He gestured to the front desk which required you to swipe your gym membership to gain entry. I had always kept my membership updated, just in case things like this happened, but I hadn’t actually been to the gym for months. Instead, enjoying running in the crisp cold air was just too inviting.

  “I’m sorry about the other night,” he said as he walked next to me. I scanned my card and we both passed through the small entrance into the gym area.

  “You shouldn’t be the one apologizing, that should be on me.” I placed my towel and keys on a bench next to an empty treadmill. “Optimus can be—”

  “Arrogant, controlling, overbearing?” he offered, scoffing.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “All of the above. But I meant he can be very protective and possessive.”

  “I guess all boyfriends can be like that. I probably would be too if you were mine.” He folded his arms across his chest and smiled.

  I laughed as I flexed my ankles, preparing them for my run. “Op, is not my boyfriend.”

  The smile quickly changed to a frown. “Why was he spouting all that crap about you being his then?”

  I sighed, explaining what I was to the club sometimes was a lot for people. Some took it well, like Rose, who didn’t judge me for my choices. But the majority of people liked to make me feel like trash. I rolled the tension in my shoulders.

  “I belong to the club,” I said simply with a shrug. “I’m a club girl. They provide for me, I provide for them.”

  “You’re a club whore?” he growled, the noise so deep and so filled with anger that I almost took a step back.

  I frowned at him. “Yes, I am.” I wouldn’t act like I was ashamed of my choices because he didn’t approve.


  I held up my hand. “You don’t know me. You don’t know what my life was or is like. And you have no idea what goes on at the club. They look after me and treat me well, that’s all you need to know.”

  He dragged his fingers through his short hair, frustration etched on his face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to judge. Jesus, I’m fucking this up.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Look Deacon. I’m sorry about Optimus. He doesn’t really care what people think of him, but he didn’t have to talk to you the way he did. But whatever grudge you have against the club, I’d suggest you drop it.”

  He frowned for a moment but quickly held his hands up in surrender. “My bad. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I know.”

  He smiled softly, obviously relieved to have the tension gone. “I was actually kind of glad you came in. I’ve just had a trainer give in their resignation and I’m looking for someone to do some part-time work around here.”

  I was surprised. “Really?”

  His smile grew. “Yeah. It’s not much, but with your background I know you’d know what you’re doing. And it would save me advertising and going through job interviews.”

  Part of me wanted to be excited. It was a small but excellent opportunity, a step in the direction of what I wanted to do. But unfortunately while I was still with the club, it was an impossibility.

  “I really wish I could. For now, I’m still tied to the club. Outside jobs are not really an option right now.” Even I heard the disappointment in my voice.

  I saw his jaw tighten, but he managed to keep a kind smile on his face. “Well, the offer is there. I’ve got another week before I need to find someone permanent. Keep it in mind?”

  I knew it wouldn’t happen, but I nodded and smiled anyway. “Sure.”

  “I better go, I’ll let you get to your workout.” He gave a small wave. “Hope to see you around soon.”

  I watched as he made his way toward the punching bags and shook hands with a man before helping him strap his hands.

  Deacon was a mystery to me. There was something about him that I just couldn’t place. His anger toward the club was surprising for someone who had just moved into town. I knew news about the brothers moved fast, but for someone to have that much venom and disgust toward them in such a short time was strange.

  I began to stretch once again, needing to release some of the tension that had found its way back into my body before I started my run.

  “Chelsea!” I heard a bright voice call as I climbed out of my car. I saw Harlyn standing in the doorway waving. Neil stood just behind her, watching her carefully.

  I couldn’t help but smile and wave back as I walked toward them. “Hi, Harlyn.”

  “Will you come play with me? Momma went out and Daddy’s busy,” she asked excitedly. “You said when you got back we could play.”

  I wondered where Sugar could have gone that she wouldn’t have taken Harlyn with her.

  I crouched down in front of the stunning little girl. She was practically bouncing. “I did say that didn’t I? Let’s go!”

  I held out my hand to her and she excitedly took it, skipping with me toward the kid’s playground. Neil trailed along behind us like a good prospect. The playground and barbecue area was well hidden from the road by a large fence, so I knew we’d be pretty safe. I noticed Sammy and Caity, club girls, lounging on some deck chairs, cigarettes hanging from their fingers. They barely even acknowledged us as we passed by, Harlyn chatting my ear off about what she’d been doing that morning. There were a few members scattered around the area, some talking, others tinkering with their bikes.

  “I like the swings the best, what part do you like?” Harlyn asked as we stepped into the soft padded area. The playground was reasonably new, maybe a couple of years old. There wasn’t any particular reason other than the Brothers by Blood was very much supportive of family. It was what they stood and lived for. Whether that was their blood family or their brothers. They stood as one and that included having the support of Old Ladies, children, and even club girls.

  The club was a unit and we did what we could to support our men. Every one of us had a part to play, and while the club may be on the other side of the law occasionally, and some saw these guys as a gang of misfits and criminals, the loyalty and love you found within this group was unrivaled.

  “I love the swings, but I think the slide would probably be my favorite.”

  She nodded the gentle curls in her hair springing to life. “Good choice,” she praised, giving me a thumbs up.

  I laughed. Harlyn was an amazing kid. She shocked and surprised me so much, just in the short time we’d played. She was quick-witted and ahead of the game. Sometimes that could put a lot of pressure on a child when they’re so aware of the feelings and emotions of the people around them. But Harlyn seemed unfazed and allowed the young girl in her to be let loose. She laughed, she had fun, but she didn’t miss a beat.

  She was Optimus’ child, there was no doubt about that.

  Neil watched us from a picnic table. I could tell he hated being put on babysitting duty by the bored look and eye-rolling that was a total give away.

  Harlyn and I took a swing each.

  “Do you like my dad?” she asked as she pumped her legs back and forth.

  I froze for a minute, but Harlyn continued to swing back and forth casually like she hadn’t just dropped that on me. “Yes, I like your dad.”

  “No, I
mean do you like, like my dad,” she said, emphasizing the second like.

  I laughed. “A little.”

  “It’s okay if you do.”

  “Well thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” I told her, amused by her crass and straight to the point attitude.

  “Harlyn!” I turned to see Sugar walking across the grounds toward us from the clubhouse. She had a soft smile on her face, but it seemed a little forced.

  “Hi, Momma!” Harlyn called before throwing herself off the swing as it flew forward. My breath caught in my throat and I almost threw myself off after her, expecting tears as she stumbled and rolled across the ground. There were no tears and Sugar didn’t even falter at her daughter’s epic daredevil actions. Harlyn bounced right up, brushed herself off and ran over to embrace her mother. “Chelsea is playing with me, isn’t that cool?!” she beamed.

  Sugar glanced at me over the small girl’s head. “That’s great honey. You know, I saw Uncle Blizzard inside raiding the ice cream. You better go get him before he eats it all.”

  Harlyn gasped. “Oh no, he doesn’t!” She started sprinting toward the clubhouse, a girl on a mission with Neil plodding along behind her.

  I slowed my swing until it came to a stop and climbed off. I was nervous as hell. Sugar essentially had a lot of power here and I wasn't sure what she was going to do with it. “She’s a smart kid.”

  Sugar brought her eyes back to me, only once Harlyn was safe inside the building. She nodded. “She is. I can’t hide anything from her. It’s like she has a radar for deception.” She walked closer. “You must be Chelsea. It’s nice to finally meet you. Optimus and Blizzard have both spoken very highly of you over the years.”

  “I wish I could say the same. I only just found out you two existed,” I told her sadly, breathing a sigh of relief.

  She smiled and gestured to the picnic table that Neil had just vacated. I followed her over and we both took a seat. “It must have been quite a surprise for you. I remember seeing your face the day we arrived. I always expected that us coming here would piss off some club girls. It’s not a secret that many of them are very...shall we say...territorial of the men. But the look on your face was pure heartache.”


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