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Loving Eliza

Page 21

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  She sat close to him and set the gift in her lap. “Just look at the way the snow glistens on the trees. Isn’t it pretty? That’s my favorite thing about snow. It looks so pretty on tree branches.” And so she rambled on.

  Once in awhile, John glanced her way to let her know he was paying attention.

  He no longer parked on the edge of town. Now he went through town and stopped the sleigh close to Charity’s place. Music and laughter drifted from the house. John helped her down and she held onto him so she wouldn’t slip on the patch of ice in their path.

  Addy called out to them before they reached Charity’s porch. She hurried over to them as Frank struggled to keep up with her. “Isn’t it a gorgeous day? You know, we couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas.”

  “It certainly is festive.” Eliza studied the wreath and garland spread along Charity’s porch. “She really goes all out for every social gathering, doesn’t she?”

  Addy giggled. “Maybe a little too much, but I guess we all have our quirks.”

  “It’s good to see you two,” Frank said. Turning to John, he added, “I hope Eliza can spare you for a good hour. We thought we’d enjoy a couple games of rummy.” Glancing at Eliza and Addy, he smiled. “We don’t want to get in the way of you women gabbing on.”

  Addy rolled her eyes. “You men can be just as bad, if not worse, than us.”

  “No truer words were ever said,” Eliza agreed.

  John shook his head at the women but gestured that he would join Frank when the men wanted to play cards. Then he made the sign for playing chess.

  “I think we can spare a board or two of that game as well,” Frank replied.

  Willy walked up to them. “What are ya’ll doin’ outside? It’s colder than the arctic out here.” He rubbed his hands together.

  “Oh, we’re just saying hi,” Addy replied.

  “We can do that in the house, cain’t we?” he asked.

  She nudged him in the arm. “You’re not anxious to get out of the cold. You want to see Daphne.”

  He blushed. “Maybe.”

  Eliza smiled. “You two are happy together.” She didn’t think it was possible but his face grew even redder.

  “Yes. Well, I plan on askin’ her somethin’ important today.”

  “You’re going to propose?” Addy squealed.

  He held his finger to his lips.

  She immediately lowered her voice. “I’m sorry. Your secret is safe with us.”

  “Are you going to stand out there all day or come in?” someone called out from the front door.

  They looked over and saw Daphne waiting for them.

  “We better hurry so the two lovebirds can be together,” Addy told Eliza, her eyes twinkling.

  Eliza had to admit she shared her friend’s enthusiasm. She knew Daphne would say yes, and she realized that Daphne and Willy were a better match than Daphne and John would have been. And that was just as well too, considering she was married to John and all.

  Frank groaned. “Come on, John. Let’s go see what the men are up to before we get snared into talks of weddings, flowers and dresses.”

  “I like weddings,” Addy argued. “They’re romantic.”

  “I agree,” Eliza said.

  “What did I say?” Frank responded. “I’ll never understand the appeal of women talk.”

  “Then be glad you’re not a woman,” Addy said.

  “Believe me—” he kissed her cheek—“I am very happy to be a man because it means I get to be married to you.”

  John squeezed Eliza’s hand and indicated that he agreed with Frank.

  “I’m happy to be married to you too,” Eliza replied.

  John motioned that he would see her when it was time to eat and walked toward the house with Willy and Frank.

  The women followed and joined Daphne in the parlor where Bethany played Christmas carols on the piano. Eliza placed her gift with the others on the piano and sat with her friends on the settee by the window. She glanced out the doorway of the parlor and saw that John was mingling with Frank, Willy, Aaron, Guy, and Shawn. Even Ralph came over and slapped John on the back. He said something and John’s shoulders shook with laughter.

  Eliza smiled to herself before turning her attention back to Addy and Daphne. This, she thought, was going to be the first of many wonderful Christmases to come.

  If you enjoyed Loving Eliza, then you’ll enjoy Book 2 in the South Dakota Romance Series, Bid for a Bride.

  After Loving Eliza, John and Eliza adopt a blind boy named Brian who was abandoned by his father. Bid for a Bride is Brian’s romance. The story begins in the quiet South Dakota town where Brian lives.

  Lucy finds out the man she just married already has a wife, and what’s worse is that he’s trying to sell her to the highest bidder. The preacher intervenes and helps her annul her marriage, but he’s aware that Lucy’s week with her bigamist husband might have resulted in a pregnancy. To protect her reputation, he asks Brian Evans to marry her. Brian jumps at the chance and proposes to her. Seeing no other option, Lucy agrees. But will Brian have the marriage based on love that he longs for or will he always be Lucy’s convenient husband?

  Sample Chapter of Bid for a Bride

  Chapter One

  April 1898

  “Bride for sale! Bride for sale!”

  Lucy struggled to get away from the man, but his grip was too firm on her arm. She shoved at him and kicked, using all of her remaining strength to fight. Oh God, what I wouldn’t give to take back seven days. A week. One week and her life had turned into a nightmare.

  “Now don’t be stubborn,” Adam Nilles hissed in her ear. “No one will want you if you act like a girl having a temper tantrum.”

  “Let me go, you brute!” She swiped at his eye but missed.

  He clucked his tongue. “That’s enough.”

  A group of bewildered people had gathered along the business district of the small South Dakota town. No one made a move or said anything, and Lucy was too busy wiping the tears from her cheeks to care. Humiliation. She’d done the right thing, and this was what she got for it?

  “Bride for sale!” Adam called out again. “Anyone need a woman? She can clean, cook, and sew. Anyone here in need of a bride?”

  A man finally broke through the crowd of about thirty people and took off his hat. He ran his hand through his thinning blond hair and asked, “What is the meaning of this?”

  Adam turned to him. “I’m making all the single men in this town a good offer. Surely, there must be a man in need of a wife in a town this far out west. You don’t have enough women here, do you?”

  The man shook his head, looking horrified. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, mister, but I advise you to think twice before you come through here treating that young lady like she’s a piece of merchandise. She’s a human being and deserves to be treated as such.”

  “Then you intend to take her? She can be all yours for the price of a day’s wage.”

  Lucy broke into a fresh wave of tears and struggled against Adam again. “You can’t treat me this way, you bastard!”

  Adam pulled her to him and clasped his hand over her mouth. “Now honey, no man’s going to want you if you use that kind of language.”

  “Release her!” The man stepped forward, and though he wasn’t even tall enough to reach Adam’s nose, Adam backed up and took his hand away from her mouth.

  “So,” Adam asked the man, “are you going to take her off my hands or do I need to find someone else?”

  The man waved her forward. “I’ll take her, but I’m not marrying her. I’m taking her to save her from the likes of you.”

  Adam released her and smiled. “Good. Give me my money and she’s all yours.”

  “I have a better idea. You get out of here before I get the marshal involved. I’m sure selling off a woman to the highest bidder isn’t the smartest move a man can make.”

  At the threat, Adam blanched. “You win.
I’m going.” He didn’t even look back at her as he went to the buggy and hopped in.

  Ashamed didn’t even begin to describe what she was feeling. She thought she was on her honeymoon, traveling with Adam to their new home. But he brought her here to quietly get rid of her. And it worked. This was as far from a big town as anyone could get. She might as well be stuck in the middle of nowhere.

  Brushing back more tears, she remembered her belongings and quickly looked back at the retreating buggy as Adam hurried out of town. He knew once she told the man the circumstances surrounding Adam trying to sell her to the highest bidder, the man would have the law after him.

  The man handed her a handkerchief. “Don’t you worry about your things. We have women in this town who are about your size and height. They will be happy to offer a dress or two. Then I think I can find a suitable man to marry you. We do need a couple of young women here.”

  She wiped her cheeks and eyes. “I can’t marry anyone.”

  “Why not?”

  She glanced at the group of onlookers and shivered at the thought of them knowing the extent of her humiliation. “Can we talk?” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “In private?”

  He looked at the group and waved them off. “She’s had enough to deal with today. Leave her be.”

  The group reluctantly dispersed and a part of her felt a little bit better. She sniffed and tucked in a stray strand of blond hair under her bonnet.

  “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” the man gently asked her.

  “Well, I can’t marry anyone here because…” She took a deep breath. Here it came. “I’m married to Adam.” She motioned to the road where the buggy had nearly disappeared from sight. “I had no idea he already had a wife and children. Then he told me this morning he had to get rid of me and here I am.” Her cheeks grew hot as she related her story, but she pressed on. “So you see, I can’t marry anyone.”

  “What’s his name? I need to talk to the marshal.”

  “Adam Nilles,” she stammered, wondering if they were going to put her in jail.

  The man scanned the dissipating group of onlookers and called out, “Addy?”

  The woman jerked but stopped and turned to them. “Yes, Preacher?”

  “Can you take this young lady to your home? I need to discuss an urgent matter with the marshal,” he replied.

  Addy nodded and hurried over to them. “Of course, I can.”

  “Good.” He patted Lucy on the arm. “Stick with Addy. She’ll take good care of you. I’ll come by and talk to you when I’m done with the marshal.”

  Lucy gripped the handkerchief and watched as he ran across the street. His words to her had been kind, and she detected the sympathy in his expression. Did that mean he might go easy on her? She hoped that’s what it meant because she’d never committed a crime in her life, and she surely hadn’t meant to commit this one!

  Addy put her arm around Lucy’s shoulders and led her down the dusty street. “You poor dear. Come along. I’ll get you something to eat and drink. You need to soothe your nerves, I’m sure.”

  Lucy wanted to cry again, but she was able to hold back the tears this time. With a shaky breath, she said, “Thank you.”

  “Think nothing of it. You’re such a young thing, and you look so scared.”

  “Do I?” Lucy touched her face.

  “And who wouldn’t be? You’ve been through quite an ordeal, I assume.”

  “Yes.” Her shoulders slumped. Just yesterday, she’d been happy, thinking a wonderful man was her husband for life, and now… Bringing the handkerchief up to her nose and mouth, she choked back on a sob. She didn’t want to think about it.

  Addy gave her an encouraging smile. “You’ll be fine. There are some good people here. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but there’s a purpose to everything.”

  Unable to stop herself, Lucy let out a bitter laugh. It was the most ludicrous thing she’d ever heard.

  Addy didn’t admonish her, as Lucy thought she would since she’d been rude by laughing like that. Instead, Addy squeezed her shoulders.

  “I’m sorry,” Lucy whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You’re going through a trying time,” Addy said.

  The two women made their way down a road that was lined with houses. When they stopped at one of them, Lucy guessed it was Addy’s, and she was right. Addy opened the front door and led her inside.

  “We’ll get something to eat and drink,” Addy said as she closed the door and took off her bonnet.

  Lucy followed suit, revealing thick blond hair pulled back into a bun even as strands of her curls fell softly to the sides of her face.

  “You’re a beauty,” Addy said, reminding Lucy of her grandmother who’d long since passed onto the next life. “You won’t be single for long in this town.”

  Lucy’s lower lip quivered and she turned from Addy.

  Addy stayed still for a moment as if she wished to ask Lucy the same questions the preacher had, but instead of asking them, she motioned down the hallway. “The kitchen’s down here.”

  Relieved she didn’t have to answer anything else, at least for the moment, Lucy headed for the kitchen.


  Brian Evans sat outside the general store and listened to the people as they passed by. He idly twirled his walking stick in his hand, his mind not on anything in particular.

  The vibration on the boardwalk traveled up to his feet and up his legs as someone hustled past him. “He’s long gone. I can’t find him.”

  Brian frowned. What was the marshal anxious about? He straightened in the rocking chair and tuned toward the chatter around him.

  “What about the buggy?” the preacher asked, his gentle voice unusually rough.

  “I found that just fine, but he took the horse and ran,” the marshal muttered, his voice already sounding faint as the two men hurried down the boardwalk.

  “A fine mess he got that lady into,” the preacher said.

  And that was all Brian could pick up from their conversation. Curious, he stood up and used the stick to make sure nothing obstructed his path as he entered the store.

  “Did you want to pick out something for me to make this week?” Eliza asked him.

  He turned to face his mother. “No. I heard some commotion out there and wondered what was going on. It sounded serious. The marshal was involved.”

  “Oh that,” Frank Garrison, the store owner, began as his footsteps echoed through the place. “Right before you two arrived, a man came through here trying to sell a bride.”

  “Why ever would he do that?” Eliza asked.

  “No one is sure yet,” Frank replied. “It’s too soon to tell what’s going on. The woman went with Addy to our home. That poor young thing looked like a frightened mouse backed into a corner. She couldn’t have been older than eighteen.”

  “How awful.” Eliza touched Brian’s arm so he turned to face her. “I think I’ll go see if I can help.”

  “I’ll come too,” Brian said.

  “Brian, there will be a bunch of us women talking,” his mother replied. “I’m sure it’ll bore you.”

  “I want to come,” he insisted. “Remember when you found me?”

  She sighed and patted his arm. “Yes. It was the second best day of my life. Marrying your pa was the first.”

  He smiled. There were times when the memories leading up to Eliza and John finding him alone in the fields still stung, even though it’d been twelve years since they gave him a home. And now, hearing about this woman and how she was abandoned by a man who tried to sell her off brought back the fear and pain from his own past.

  “Alright then,” Eliza said. “I’ll pay for these items and we’ll be on our way.”

  Brian nodded and went back outside to see if he could find out anything else pertaining to this new woman in town. His back rested against the store, and he focused on the conversations going on around him. Most of it was useles
s chatter, but he did pick up interesting pieces about a beautiful blond woman with brown eyes. What blond and brown meant, he’d never know. He’d been born blind, but he could talk to a person and get an idea of beauty, at least as he saw it.

  The sound of his mother’s footsteps on the boardwalk notified him of her approach. He tucked his walking stick under one arm and held out his hands. “I’ll take the box to the wagon.”

  She set the heavy box on his hands and took him by the elbow to lead him forward. “The path is clear.”

  He proceeded to walk down the boardwalk, counting the steps from where they parked the wagon and turned toward it. He counted two more steps and stepped down, his foot hitting the soft road.

  “It’s a real sad state of affairs when people go about this world unloved,” Eliza softly said. “It’s just not fair.”

  He couldn’t agree more. He touched the side of the wagon until he found a place to put the box. After he set his stick on the seat of the wagon, he put the box down. Then he turned to his mother who took his hand so he could help her onto the seat. Pushing himself off the ground, he jumped onto the wooden seat beside her.

  “It’s a bright and sunny day,” she told him.

  The input was unnecessary, for he felt the warmth from the sun. He tipped his hat back so he could feel it on his face. He always enjoyed that, even when he was a child.

  He heard Eliza unlock the brake and pick up the reins. “You ready?”

  “Yes.” He held onto the seat and adjusted his weight as the horses pulled the wagon forward.

  “We’ll stop by the lumber store on our way out of town. Then you and your pa can work on that kitchen table tomorrow.”

  He nodded, not caring about making furniture at the moment. “I heard the marshal say the man ran off with the horse and left the buggy. He was in a hurry to get out of here.” Much as his real father had run off that day. “You can’t help but feel sorry for her,” he admitted.

  “No, you can’t,” Eliza replied. “It’s a real shame.”

  They remained silent as the horses’ hooves pounded the dirt and the wagon gave its familiar gentle sway. When she slowed, he got ready for the slight jerk as the wagon came to a stop and turned to get down. Once he reached her side, he helped her down. He decided to leave the stick in the wagon since he was familiar with the layout of Addy’s house.


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