His eyes lingered on the pair, and his anger faded.
"I want to see the photos on the other discs." He ordered Andres, who nodded.
He took out the current disc and loaded in another, using the same password as the previous encryption. The photo of the daisy on the screen morphed into another photo of Bobby and Emilio. This time, they were at a small park playing in the grass. Well, Bobbie was playing while Emilio opted to munch on his fingers. Agostino gazed at the soft expression Bobbie was throwing Emilio, and his heart squeezed.
"The next one," Agostino alerted after a while.
Andres switched the discs, keeping this up until he had decrypted each and every disc with the same code. The last photo was of Bobbie and Emilio out on their bungalow balcony. Emilio was playing with some toys on the screened-in balcony while Bobbie was relaxing in her outside lounge chair, eating what appeared to be yogurt. The corners of his mouth tugged at the photo, a smile trying it's hardest to break through until realization hit him. Whoever was fucking with him by sending these discs, knew exactly where Bobbie and his son were. That fact made his blood run cold. He had to find them. And now!
"I want her found, Andres. Today! Whoever sent these damn discs knows where the hell she is. We have to get to them before something happens." Agostino demanded.
Andres gave Agostino a deep, thoughtful look, and the dark-haired man peered down at him.
This...this motherfucker!
Whipping his gun out, he pressed it into Andres' forehead, causing the older man to lift his hands. "You've known all this time, haven't you, you piece of shit?!" He roared.
"Agostino, just… put the gun away and listen." Andres suggested calmly.
"Listen?! You mean like how I've been listening to your deceitful ass bitch to me for a year and a half about just forgetting my wife? And yet...all this fucking time you've known exactly where the hell she's been? Where my ninito has been!" Agostino nudged his cousin roughly with his gun.
"You're the one that helped her escape, aren't you?" Agostino released the safety and clenched his jaw.
"No! God, no, Agostino. I'm not that fucking stupid. I know you'd disembowel me if I even thought about helping Bobbie escape a year ago. It...it was Ana." Andres relayed candidly.
"When did you find this out?" Agostino questioned darkly.
"A...a year ago. After you killed Ana and Richardo. I find some documents in her office concerning Bobbie and the baby." Andres confessed.
Agostino's eyes grew wide, and he butted Andres in the forehead with the bottom of his gun, then he punched his cousin in the stomach, causing him to fall from his chair.
"Get the fuck up, you little shit." Agostino hissed.
Andres pushed himself up and sat on his knees. Wetness trickled down his forehead and nose, and he reached up. Pulling his hand down, he saw blood. He gazed up at Agostino, seeing his cousin stuffing his gun back into his suit jacket.
"Now, tell me every fucking thing and don't leave out one detail," Agostino ordered, taking a seat in Andres' rolling chair.
Something wasn't right. And Bobbie knew something wasn't right. She was currently at home on her day off, enjoying a little playtime with Emilio. There wasn't anything wrong with her or the baby, she just knew something was wrong. She couldn't explain it. But...she could feel it. This feeling only made her anxiety grow out of control.
She was trying to keep it at bay by entertaining her infant, but the feeling was steadily rising to the top.
"Look man!" Bobbie laughed out, trying to get Emilio's attention, pretending to make his Paw Patrol toy dance.
Emilio jumped in excitement, childish giggles falling from his mouth. He crawled over to his mother and snatched the toy from her, popping it in his mouth.
"No, Milio, you can't eat that, baby. It's been all on the floor." Bobbie tried to take the toy, which only caused Emilio to puff up and start crying.
"Here, boy." Bobbie sucked her teeth and handed the slobbery toy back to the infant.
Emilio stuffed the toy right back in his mouth and crawled away. Bobbie shook her head and laughed in amusement from her spot on the floor. Nervousness filled her body yet again, and she took a deep, concentrated breath, trying her best to rid the feeling away. Her phone buzzed from the table, and she leaned over and grabbed it. Clicking the side button, she saw a text from Andres' international number.
'I don't have time to go into detail but, you and Emilio need to go further into the mainland. Somewhere like Islamorada or Key Largo. And now! Pack everything and go, Bobbie. I'll touch bases with you soon to explain.',The text read, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand.
'Your cousin is coming for me, isn't he? I should have known not to trust you.', she replied back quickly with shaky hands.
'Someone has been following you for the last four months. And, no, it's not my cousin', Bobbie almost dropped her phone at the text on her screen.
Someone had been following her?
Her heart was beating out of control, and her hands grew clammy as she processed what she read. Who other than her good ol' husband would have any reason to stalk her? Goosebumps covered her skin, and Bobbie hugged herself. Her phone vibrated at her feet, and she crouched down and picked it up.
'You need to move now!', her eyes wandered over Andres' final text, her heart beating recklessly.
Without thinking, she ran into her room and pulled out a large canvas tote and began stuffing it with clothing, shoes, and hygiene products. Once she felt she had everything she would need, she ventured toward Milio's room and began packing up his things. After she finished that, she googled the cheapest hotel in Islamorada and booked a room with her debit card. Journeying toward the living room, she ordered an Uber to Islamorada and got a 5 minute ETA. Bobbie looked over the things she had packed, being sure not to forget any important essentials for her or her son. Seeming to have grabbed everything, Bobbie peered down at her phone, her eyes glued to Andres' texts. Who on Earth was going out of their fucking way to spy on her? What had she done to anyone except try to escape her madman of a husband?
Her phone chimed, signaling her ride was outside. Bobbie scooped up her purse, bags, and Emilio and headed out the door, not bothering to lock it. She knew there was no doubt that she would not be coming back here… Sliding into the chilly, silver suburban, Bobbie buckled Emilio in, then pulled out his PJ Masks blanket, tucking him into the seat. After he was secure, Bobbie buckled herself in, and the Uber driver took off. The ride to Islamorada Key was 35 minutes, give or take, and when the driver pulled into Creekside Inn, Bobbie paid him through the app and hauled ass from the car. She checked herself and Emilio in, then made her way to her room, finally exhaling a long-held breath. She sat Emilio down on the floor and threw her bags in the corner.
Flopping down on the bed, Bobbie ran her hands for her face in exhaustion. This was only a temporary stop until she touched bases with Andres again. She needed to know what the fuck was happening in order to make her next move. Right now, she and Emilio were stuck. Bobbie sat up and cursed. She knew Andres coming into her life would cause shit! She and her baby were perfectly fine when he kept his distance, but with his presence known, now she was suddenly being stalked? Bobbie rolled her eyes and stood, walking over to Emilio. She picked him up and carried him over to the bed, beginning to undress him.
Pulling off his soiled diaper, she tossed it in the hotel room bin, then went over to his baby bag in the corner, taking out a fresh pamper and jammies. Bobbie went back over to the bed and dressed her son. After she took care of Emilio, she undressed and crawled into bed. Unhooking her breastfeeding bra, she motioned toward Emilio, who hurriedly wriggled over to her. Her infant latched on to her, and for the first time in an hour, she felt truly relaxed. Leaning back, she cradled her son to her chest and closed her eyes.
Innocent giggles filled the pool area as Bobbie splashed Emilio lightly. He gripped the handles of his floaty
tight as his mother hit him with droplets of water, his eyes closing as he braced himself. Bobbie laughed at his expression. Dipping down in the water, she held her breath for five seconds then emerged, surprising Emilio into chuckles. She played peekaboo with him for about ten more minutes before lifting him from his floaty and grabbing the alligator shaped floatation device, making her way from the pool. Going over to the lounge chair, where her baby bag and towel sat on, she placed Emilio in the seat and began drying him off. Once she was done, she dried herself, then sat and pulled out a snack for her son.
Handing him a pack of cereal melts, Bobbie watched Emilio gobble them down.
"Hmm." He handed her the empty pack.
Bobbie folded it and stuffed it in the side of the baby bag. She dragged Milio into her lap and began patting his swim diaper, rocking him to sleep. Emilio tried to fight sleep, his eyelids fluttering rapidly as his mommy rocked him. When he realized he was steadily losing the battle, he started to get fussy. He didn't want to go to sleep, he wanted to play in the water! Bobbie sucked her teeth as Emilio wailed in her arms. It was definitely time to head back to the room.
Collecting her items and her cranky child, she ventured back to her room by way of the lobby. Sliding her keycard, Bobbie waited until the light switched from red to green, then pushed her door open. Dropping her wet items near the door, she went about getting Emilio ready for a nap. She gave him a bath, placed him in a fresh diaper, and gave him a bottle of warm milk. Laying him on the pillows on the bed, she turned on the TV for him before she began cleaning up their mess from the pool. After Bobbie was done straightening up, she noticed Milio was knocked out. Grabbing the bottle from his limp hand, she sat it on the nightstand.
Inhaling, Bobbie held it for a second, then released it slowly. She needed a drink. Being on the run with a one yr old wasn't an easy feat. She had to constantly be aware of her surroundings but also attentive to Emilio at all times. Walking into the living area of her room, she plunked down on the sofa and reached for the room service menu by the phone. She flipped through it until she came upon the wine selections and grabbed the phone. Her eyes lingered on the Pinot as she dialed.
Once the kitchen answered, Bobbie, placed her wine order, and also requested a bowl of fruit, then hung up. Standing, she went to her sliding doors and opened them, the sound of people playing in the pool nearby echoing off her room walls. Stepping out, she took a seat at the small table a few inches away. Rolling her shoulders, Bobbie huffed softly. A knock hit her door, and she jumped up, making her way toward it. Checking the peephole, she made sure it was room service before opening the door. The tall, brunette runner handed her a mini, sliver covered tray and an ice bucket containing a skinny flute glass and her bottled wine.
Thanking the man, she closed the door. Pivoting, she journeyed back through the sliding doors and retook her seat at the table. Uncovering the tray, Bobbie stuffed one of the sliced strawberries into her mouth as she reached for her wine bottle. Twisting the cap, she popped it open and poured a little into her flute glass. Reaching for a piece of cantaloupe, Bobbie relaxed in her chair. She took a sip of her wine and closed her eyes. A nice breeze picked up, and Bobbie hummed in delight.
Finishing off her glass, she sat it down and closed her eyes. She wasn't sleepy, she just wanted to take this all in. The silence. The peace. This is what she had been seeking this entire time. To just be in the moment and not have to worry whether she was alone or not. A deep breath filled lungs, and she exhaled with a smile. The smell of smoke permeated the air, and Bobbie ignored it, figuring it was emitting from the smoking section of the pool area.
The scent grew stronger as Bobbie went to pour herself another glass. She paused when she picked up the smell wasn't coming from the pool...but inside her room. The hairs on her neck stood, and her stomach dropped. Emilio… He was here, and Emilio was inside with him. Bobbie jerked from her seat and ran inside, scanning the sitting area, but found nothing...and no one.
That meant...the bedroom! Bobbie raced to the bedroom, pushing the door open roughly and stepping inside cautiously. She saw Milio on the bed right where she left him. Tipping to the bathroom, she nudged the door open with her foot and looked inside, seeing...nothing. But...the smell? Bobbie frowned. What the fuck?
She turned, peering at her sleeping infant before going back into the living area and looking around thoroughly. She came up with the same results… Nothing. Bobbie rubbed her face. Maybe she was just overreacting? Maybe she just couldn't believe that she had finally found the peace she had been so desperately searching for, and her mind began playing tricks on her? A laugh fell from her lips as she made her way back outside.
She grabbed her flute glass and filled it with wine. Bobbie got comfortable, finishing off her fruit and drink. Once she was done, she grabbed the tray and glass and stood, venturing through her sliding doors. The heavy scent of cigar smoke made her freeze up. But the figure on her couch made her soul claw at her throat. The tray and glass fell from her hands, crashing and breaking at her feet. A chuckle fell from his lips, a sound Bobbie swore made her stomach turn inside out in fear.
"Hello, Hermosa. I must say our ninito has done you good." He laughed, but the humor didn't reach his eyes.
"A... Agostino." She breathed out the name she had sworn not to say ever again.
She had broken that promise to herself, and it released every emotion she was trying to rid herself of by banishing that name. His name.
"In the fucking flesh, baby." Agostino squinted at her as he took a hit of his cigar.
"Sit down." He ordered, nodding toward the chair opposite him.
"Agostino, I-" she started, but he cut her off.
"Sit the fuck down now, Bobbie!" He snapped.
Bobbie shivered, her brain seeming to shut down from her intense fear. She tipped toward the couch and sat down slowly, staring into the eyes of the man that ruined her.
Her husband.
Bobbie felt like a microorganism under a microscope with the way Agostino was gazing at her. He was just...looking. He didn't make a move to get up and come near her, nor did he began a belligerent tirade. He just peered at her, as if taking her in for the first time. His eyes linger on her face, then trailed down to her lips, before drifting to her 38D breasts. Bobbie swallowed hard, pushing back the disgust that threatened to rise from her throat. She shifted in her seat, and his eyes snapped back to her face.
"You thought I'd never find you, didn't you, Mrs. Carmine?" Agostino asked, a sneer plastered over his lips.
Bobbie stayed silent. She didn't know what to do or what to say. She was stuck. And she had done this to herself. She should have ignored Andres three days ago. She should have turned her back and kept walking when he called her name because now...now Agostino was here. And that meant only one thing.
She and Emilio could kiss the Keys goodbye.
"Oh, cat got your fucking tongue, Bobbie? Or are you just scared shitless? You can tell me, honey." Agostino teased, his voice holding a sharp edge.
Bobbie looked at him, her hands shaking as she tried to will herself to speak.
Agostino cut her a look, and she went quite. "You thought Ana had covered up your tracks pretty well, but you didn't count on my bitch ass cousin to give you away." He confessed, leaving Bobbie steaming.
She fucking knew it! She knew Andres was going to lead him here, either purposely or by accident.
"Why are you here?" She asked as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Why am I here?" Agostino laughed, thoroughly amused by her questioning.
"I'm here to take you and our son back home, Bobbie. I thought that was already clear. Do you really think I came here just to chat with you about the damn weather and sports?" Agostino gritted out, crushing his lit cigar against the hotel room side table like his vandalism wasn't going to be charged to her card.
God, she hated him.
"We're not going back with you, Agostino." Bobbie i
nched her chin up, no trace of fright in her eyes.
Agostino eyed her with a hard expression then smiled.
"Oh, you're not, my dearest wife? Hmm, what on Earth are we going to do about that?" Agostino flicked his lip as he squinted at his wife.
"Andres." He snapped, causing a bruised Andres to step from out of the hall, holding a sleeping Emilio.
"I'm sorry, Bobbie." He apologized without even looking at her.
"Emilio!" She cried, running toward the two.
Agostino stood quickly and snatched her back.
"I trusted you!" She screamed at Andres, causing Emilio to jump out of his sleep.
He peered around, seeing a strange face and one he vaguely remembered. When he noticed his upset mother, he broke down crying.
Deadly Love Page 4