"You have two options, Bobbi-" Agostino began, but Bobbie silenced him.
"Or what, Agostino, huh? You're going to beat me like the good ol' days?" Bobbie hissed out over her son's crying.
"Ohh, spunky… I like it. Makes it even better when I put you back in your fucking place. And trust me, it won't be enjoyable for you, my little hermosa. But that's for later. Now, we have to move. Whoever the hell is following, you probably knows you've already left Marathon and are heading closer to the mainland. They're probably watching as we speak, so cut the bullshit, Bobbie. Get your shit and let's go." Agostino bit out, his eyes placed on his wailing infant.
Bobbie stood there with wide eyes, shocked that Agostino also knew she was being followed.
"I'd rather take my chances dealing with this mysterious, unknown stalker than you! At least he'd probably show me some damn mercy!" Bobbie yelled, making Agostino grip her arm tighter.
"Do you want to take that chance with Emilio, Bobbie?" Andres asked, trying his best to soothe the upset child.
Bobbie looked at her son, then at Andres before her eyes drifted to Agostino. Whoever was following her most likely didn't have as much security or guns as Agostino, plus she wasn't properly equipped to find out who was after her or even how to handle this type of situation. She was supposed to be running from Agostino, not running TO him for help. But...Emilio. Whoever was stalking her wasn't just after her, but her baby as well.
"Do we get to go free after this is done? After this is all over? When this is done, and you've caught whoever the hell is following me, I want no ties to this man," She choked out, trying with all her might to shake her arm out of her husband's hold.
"Look at Mrs. Carmine thinking she calls the shots, Andres. Isn't this something?" Agostino relayed to his cousin; his eyes focused on his wife.
"It seems like you've forgotten what 'til death due us part' means since the first time you ran. This time around, I'll ensure that you won't even think of running, Bobbie. Now...Get. Your. Shit." Agostino grunted in her ear angrily.
Bobbie snatched away from him, this time effectively freeing her arm. She ignored Agostino and reached for Emilio, taking him from a flustered Andres. Shooting Agostino a death glare, Bobbie slid past him to get her things.
The journey to the jet was tense. The tension was so thick it could have been crushed with a sledgehammer. Bobbie was shooting daggers at both Agostino and Andres as she held a wide awake Emilio. He was chewing on his toy dinosaur, completely unaware of what was going on. Agostino sat across from her with his arms crossed, green eyes piercing through her heatedly. Andres, on the other hand, had opted to try to absolve himself from the situation by turning to look out the window.
That bastard!
She had no idea why Andres couldn't have helped her himself with this entire situation instead of involving Agostino. But again, Agostino had the power, whereas Andres just had the connections. So, Bobbie could understand his reasoning... partially. She was fuming, and it radiated through her whole body, to the point Emilio took notice and began to cry. Andres turned to see what was wrong while Agostino raised a brow. Without thinking, Bobbie pulled down her top and unhooked her maternity bra, showcasing her smooth, brown 38Ds. Emilio quickly latched on, his crying ceasing.
Andres marveled at the sight, trying to recall the last time you had seen a woman breastfeed.
"Oh, cousin," Agostino called, catching his attention.
"I advise you to look away before I shoot both your fucking eyes out. Now!" Agostino ordered furiously.
Andres quickly turned back toward the window, not needing a second nor fatal reminder.
"Bobbie, if you don't fucking cover-," Agostino turned red in the face, and Bobbie contained her laughter, loving how upset he was getting over his own child simply eating.
"What do you want me to do, Agostino, huh? Tell the driver to pull over so I can feed him on the side of the ride like an animal? Cover him with a hot ass blanket and suffocate him? He's hungry, and I don't give a damn where, what, when, or how, I'm going to feed my damn son. Get over your misogynistic ass thinking and let me feed YOUR son." Bobbie rolled her eyes as she patted Emilio's back.
"Misogynistic, you say? I just expected that as a mother, you'd have a bit more respect for yourself than to just flop out her breast in a car filled with men." Agostino countered smartly.
"Boy, fuck you. Like I just said, I don't care when, where, what, or how. You can include 'who' as fucking well. I'm going to feed my baby regardless, Agostino." Bobbie waved at him.
When it came to Emilio, Agostino was not about to boss her around. She knew what was good for her son, not him. With the way he grew up, Bobbie dreaded the thought of Agostino even being near Emilio. The baby could sneeze the wrong way, and that dickhead might get upset.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Bobbie. You're making it so much worse on yourself." Agostino alerted, causing rage to fill her.
Was he serious right now? Emilio was lying in her arms, and he was threatening her? Why the hell was she even surprised!?
"Are you really threatening me in front of my child, Agostino? How fatherly of you." Bobbie huffed in sarcasm.
Agostino licked his lips to keep from lashing out.
This little bitch.
She had become more confident over the months, and he didn't know whether to hate it or love it. His dick was hard, and his fists were clenched so tight, he was sure he would leave indents in his palm. So, he'd most likely go with both. He was turned on and wanted to strangle the shit out of her. And the fact that he was still grappling with the discovery that Bobbie had teamed up with Ana to escape, still sat sourly on his tongue.
The fucking betrayal!
"I see you've grown more sure of yourself over the months, but I'm a bit shocked that you have the gall to fucking test me, hermosa. I'll have this car pulled over in seconds and be on your ass in milliseconds. Stop playing with me like I won't easily give Emilio to Andres and slid over there and choke the shit out of you, Bobbie. Keep it up, Baby." Agostino shook his head as he warned.
"You're disgusting," Bobbie whispered lowly, yet he still heard her.
"You haven't seen disgusting yet, Mrs. Carmine." Agostino flashed her a dazzling smile yet, it didn't reach his eyes.
Bobbie looked away from him and down at Emilio, who was dozing off on her chest. She fixed her bra and shirt then lifted Milio over her shoulder to burp him. Her brow rose when the divider window was rolled up, Johnny looking back and forth as he drove.
"Andres." He gave the older man a look.
"I noticed them five minutes ago." Andres kept his eyes planted on the car that had been tailing them.
Bobbie clutched Emilio tighter at the info she just heard, her heart thumping a mile a second. They were currently on the overseas highway, and if they happened to get into a shootout now, they might as well all kiss their lives goodbye with all this damn water surrounding them.
"Try slowing them down using traffic, Johnny. If they start shooting, I want us to be far away as possible." Agostino ordered, and Johnny nodded.
Agostino threw his cousin a look, making Andres pull out his pistol. Bobbie held on tightly to Emilio as Johnny began weaving in and out of traffic, her nerves building in the pit of her stomach. Johnny cut in front of a red Subaru sharply, sending Emilio and Bobbie crashing into Agostino. She tried to pull herself up, but Agostino pushed her back onto the floor of the car.
"Stay the fuck down! If these motherfuckers start shooting, I don't want either you or Emilio getting hurt." He relayed as he held her down, his eyes planted on the back window.
Bobbie peered up at him, completely shocked by his comment. Johnny swerved as he cut in front of another car, causing Bobbie to slid deeper between Agostino's legs, to the point Bobbie was face to face with his crouch. She slid a few inches back and tried to steady herself. Gunshots rang out in the scenic afternoon sky, signaling things were about to get bloody. Andres rolled his window down an
d aimed, firing three shots at the black Benz following them. The security detail seated on the passenger side also rolled down his window and began firing shots. A frightened scream tore from Bobbie's lips when the window above her was blown out.
Emilio's eyes popped open in fear at his mother's yelling. Noticing all the commotion, he began crying loudly. Bobbie shielded Emilio as best as she could, at the same time, trying to reassure him that he was okay. Three more shots hit the car, one piercing Andres' arm, making a pained hiss fall from his lips. Agostino whipped out his gun as he transferred to his cousin's side, firing rounds out the window. A bullet hit the front right tire of the Benz, leading it to spin out of control. It hit the concrete side of the interstate, then ricocheted off, landing in the middle of the highway. Bobbie crawled from off the floor with the baby, peeping out the back window. The car suddenly exploded in flames, and a stunned gasp escaped her lips.
This...this was real.
Someone was really after her.
But who?
Bobbie exhaled a deep breath as she patted Emilio to sleep. They were finally on Agostino's jet, flying to God knows where, after that horrible incident on the overseas highway. Bobbie was shaken up and confused by the whole situation. No less than 48 hours ago, she was alerted to the fact that someone was following her and her child. Now, she was back in her husband's clutches after running for a year and a half. She couldn't believe this! Anger rumbled around her stomach at the fact that she just finally started becoming comfortable on her own only to have it ripped away. Bobbie pulled her hand back when she noticed Emilio was out cold. She stood from the bed slowly, as to not disturb her son, and began pacing the cabin.
She had to start being strategic, NOW!
Once Agostino and Andres got a hold of whoever was spying on her, she and Emilio were out. She was not going to stay with an abusive man, especially not with one who was predisposed in childhood. Agostino never had a healthy childhood, nor did he ever see his parents love and communicate with one another correctly as he grew up. He had no idea how to be a husband, let alone a father. She had to start thinking up her escape plan now, so when everything was over with, she and her son could slip out like thieves in the night. And, she couldn't let Agostino get to her. If she did, that could cause trouble...just like last time.
When she planned her escape a year ago, she told herself to just fake it until she made it, forgetting that the heart and emotions were strange things. That...that they could waiver and change at any time. The cabin knob jiggled and turned, opening up to reveal Agostino. Bobbie bit her tongue as she watched him enter their room, shut the door, then lock it. She wasn't going to lie, she was scared, but she knew what to expect from Agostino. He smiled and chuckled as if she were the most entertaining thing he had ever laid eyes on, making Bobbie clench her jaw.
"I must say, Bobbie. I underestimated you, sweetheart, I'll give you that." He clapped softly, careful not to wake Emilio.
"I would have never thought you'd have the balls to convince Ana to help you run away. I'm even more surprised that she agreed to help you and supply you with a new identity. One thing I'm not surprised by is you hightailing it back to Florida. You're so fucking predictable, Bobbie. You just had to go back 'home', hmm? Let me guess, it was the only place you knew, huh?" Agostino pretended to frown up.
Bobbie crossed her arms and glared at him.
"You know what's the most hilarious thing about this whole situation? Not only did my cousin know where you were this whole time, but some fucking faceless stalker as well. You and Emilio could've been dead, and I wouldn't have fucking known! You deliberately put yourself and our child in danger trying to run, Bobbie." Agostino inched toward her, making Bobbie take tentative steps back.
"It was better than staying with an egotistical, tyrannical, abusive 'husband' that didn't even know the first thing about a functioning marriage." Bobbie rolled her eyes and huffed.
Agostino's face went hard at her comment, and he advanced on her, pinning her against the wall of the cabin.
"Whether our marriage functions or not, your ass isn't going anywhere. You and Emilio are here to stay, and there's nothing you can do about it, Bobbie." He whispered in her ear before kissing her temple softly.
Bobbie tried to twist out of his arms, but Agostino held her tight. Her struggling ended when he placed a soft kiss on her lips, the same kiss that left her numb and confused. The kiss that caused her mind to cloud and left Bobbie questioning her sanity.
"No!" She pleaded as she turned away, yet Agostino ignored her.
He captured her plump lips in another kiss, leaving Bobbie breathless. Oh, how she hated his damn guts! He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and her sex trembled. Agostino released her arms and scooped her up.
"Agostino, put me down! If you think I'm going to sleep with you, you might as well just off me now." Bobbie fumed as she beat at his back.
She didn't care how her body reacted to him. She was NOT sleeping with Agostino. Agostino froze at her comment and pulled her down his shoulder. He glared deeply into her brown orbs as he cupped her face tightly.
"Is that what you want, Hermosa? It seems that way since you keep throwing it up in my damn face. If you keep antagonizing me, Bobbie, I'll off your ass before Andres can find out who the hell is following you." Agostino promised, which made Bobbie squint at him.
"Then do it, Agostino." She dared, sick of his shit already.
She was not going to spend another 12 months being threatened with beatings and death when he could simply do it now.
But...her baby.
She couldn't leave her baby. Especially not with someone like Agostino. Agostino wrapped his hand around her throat, applying a little pressure, but not enough to choke her.
"As soon as the plane touches down, I'll gladly make your wish come true." Agostino chuckled darkly as he released her, placing yet another kiss at her temple.
He pivoted, walking to the door and undoing the lock. Bobbie sighed as he exited, her heart beating erratically.
When the jet landed, and everyone disembarked, Bobbie quickly recognized that they weren't in Colombia, but Spain. She knew this from the words perfectly designed on the side of the jet hanger that read, 'Welcome To Madrid'. As they climbed into the waiting car, Bobbie couldn't rid herself of the feeling someone was watching them. She gazed around the private airport but saw nothing out of the way. The driver shut the backdoor, then rounded the car and slid in, starting the BMW up and driving out of the airport. The ride was silent but less tense than before. Partially due to the fact that all of Agostino's attention was focused solely on Emilio.
The BMW curved into the long driveway of a gorgeous Mediterranean style mansion. The car halted, and a few seconds later, the driver opened the door. Agostino slid out and offered Bobbie his hand. Turning her nose up, she shimmied out of the car, holding Emilio tightly. Her husband gave her a deadly look yet said nothing. Andres got out, followed by Johnny and the rest of Agostino's men.
"Bienvenido de nuevo, señor." The housekeeper at the door greeted.
Agostino nodded toward her as he guided Bobbie into the house by placing his hand on her lower back. Bobbie shrugged away from him, biting her tongue to keep from cursing him. As they entered the house, her anger was replaced with awe. This place was beautiful! The house was decked out in gold and cream fixtures, not to mention covered from head to toe in classical Spanish art. And even from where Bobbie was standing, she knew this place was as about as big as two football fields combined.
"Why are we in Spain, Andres?" She opted to ask Andres instead of Agostino, who threw her a humorless smirk.
"Because the person who's stalking you has also compromised Agostino's compound. The perp sent photos of you to Agostino. To entice him, draw him in/out, we don't know. All we know is he knew your, Emilio's, and Agostino's whereabouts and could strike at any time. This place may look lavish, but it's actually one of
the most advanced smart houses in the world. Reinforced steel panels installed in the walls and roof, shatterproof, and flood-proof windows. Plus, state of the art panic room with cameras showing every perimeter of the front and back yards and the house. You and Emilio won't be safer anywhere else." Andres explained, and Bobbie nodded, swallowing down the lump in her throat.
Emilio began to get cranky, and Bobbie knew he was most likely jetlagged.
"I'll show you to your roo-." Andres began to offer when Agostino cut him a look, effectively shutting him up.
"Let's go, Bobbie." Agostino grabbed her arm loosely, only causing Bobbie to shake him off.
"You don't have to grab me just to show me my room, Agostino. I'm not a ragdoll." Bobbie told him sassily.
"You'd better quit while you're ahead, Bobbie! And that's a promise. I haven't forgotten your little display of bravado on the Jet, Hermosa. If you keep smelling yourself, I'm going to put you in your place so fast it'll make your head spin." Agostino whispered in her ear, Bobbie knowing his warning wasn't for shock value.
Deadly Love Page 5