Vulgar Tongues
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Hank Janson, This Hood for Hire, London: Roberts & Vinter Ltd, 1960
Mike Jay, High Society – Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture, London: Thames & Hudson, 2010
B B Johnson, Death of a Blue-eyed Soul Brother, New York: Paperback Library, 1970
Ben Johnson, Volpone, or, The Foxe, London: Thomas Thorppe, 1607
Captain W E Johns, Biggies Takes the Case, London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1952
Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, Sixth Edition, London: J F & C Rivington etc., 1785 (first published 1755)
Barry Johnston, Round Mr Horne – The Life of Kenneth Horne, London: Aurum Press Limited, 2007 (first published 2006)
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: B W Huebsch, 1916
George Kent, Modern Flash Dictionary, Containing All the Cant Words, Slang Terms and Flash Phrases Now in Vogue, to Which is Added a List of the Sixty Orders of Prime Coves, London: J Duncombe, 1835
Reg Kray with Patsy Manning, Reg Kray’s Book of Slang, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989 (first published 1984)
A J La Bern, It Always Rains On Sunday, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1945
Jack Lang (Gordon Williams), The Hard Case, London: Mayflower, 1967
Richard Layman, Shadow Man – The Life of Dashiell Hammett, London: Junction Books, 1981
Timothy Lea (Christopher Wood), Confessions of a Private Dick, London: Futura, 1975
John Le Carré, A Small Town in Germany, London: World Books, 1969 (first published 1968)
______ Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, London: Book Club Associates, 1974
G Legman, ed, The Limerick, New York: Bell Publishing Company, 1979 (first published, 1953)
Michael Leigh, The Velvet Underground, New York: Macfadden Books, 1965 (first published 1963)
Curtis E LeMay & MacKinlay Kantor, Mission With LeMay: My Story, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965
Julius Lester, Look Out Whitey! Black Power’s Gon’ Get Your Manta!, New York: Grove Press, 1969 (first published 1968)
Ted Lewis, Carter, London: Pan Books, 1971 (first published as Jack’s Return Home, 1970)
The Lord Chief Baron (Renton Nicholson), The swell’s night guide, or, A peep through the great metropolis, under the dominion of nox: displaying the various attractive places of amusement by night. The saloons; the Paphtan beauties; the chaffing cribs; the introducing houses; the singing and lushing cribs; the comical clubs; fancy ladies and the penchants, &c., &c. London: H Smith, 1849
Humphrey Lyttelton, I Play As I Please – The Memoirs of an Old Etonian Trumpeter, London: The Jazz Book Club, 1957 (first published 1954)
Alexander McArthur & H Kingsley Long, No Mean City, London, Corgi Books, 1957 (first published 1935)
John D MacDonald, Dead Low Tide, Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1969 (first published 1953)
______ The Deep Blue Good-By, Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1964
______ Soft Touch, London: Coronet Books, 1967 (first published 1958)
______ The Neon Jungle, Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett Gold Medal, 1960 (first published 1953)
Ross MacDonald, The Doomsters, New York: Bantam Books, 1959 (first published 1958)
Colin MacInnes, City of Spades, London: Four Square Books, 1962 (first published 1957)
Clarence Major, Black Slang – A Dictionary of Afro-American Talk, London: Routledge, Keegan & Paul, 1971 (first published 1970)
Bruce Manning, Cafe Society Sinner, New York: Beacon Books, 1960
Patrick Marnham, The Private Eye Story, London: Fontana / Collins, 1983 (first published 1982)
Richard Marsten (Evan Hunter), The Spiked Heel, London: Pan Books, 1958 (first published 1956)
Groucho Marx & others (Stefan Kanfer, ed.), The Essential Groucho, London: Penguin Books, 2000
George W Matsell, Vocabulum; Or, The Rogue’s Lexicon, New York: George W Matsell & Co., 1859
David W Maurer, The Big Con, London: Arrow Books, 2000 (first published 1940)
Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor; A Cyclopædia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work, Volume III, London: Griffin, Bohn, and Company, 1861 (first published 1851)
George Melly, Rum, Bum and Concertina, London: Futura, 1978 (first published 1977)
Mezz Mezzrow & Bernard Wolfe, Really The Blues, New York: Dell Publishing, 1952 (first published 1946)
Spike Milligan, Adolf Hitler – My Part in His Downfall, London: Penguin Books, 1974 (first published 1971)
______ Monty – His Part in My Victory, London: Book Club Associates, 1976
George Moor, The Pole and Whistle, London: Four Square, 1966
Llyn E Morris, The Country Garage, Botley, Oxford: Shire Classics, 2012 (first published 1985)
Pamela Munro & Dieynaba Gaye, Ay Baati Wolof – A Wolof Dictionary, Los Angeles: UCLA Department of Linguistics, 1997
J J Murphy, The Black Hole of the Camera – The Films of Andy Warhol, Oakland: University of California Press, 2012
W.N., C.B, R.S. & J.G (J Woodfall Ebsworrh, ed.), Merry Drollery Compleat, Being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs &c., Boston, Lincolnshire: Robert Roberts, 1875 (first published 1661–1691)
Bill Naughton, Alfie, London: Panther Books, 1966
Samuel Naylor, Reynard the Fox – A Renowned Apologue of the Middle Age, Reproduced in Rhyme, London: Longmans, 1845
Peter Nichols, Feeling You’re Behind – An Autobiography, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984
David Nokes, Samuel Johnson – A Life, London: Faber & Faber, 2009
Frank Norman, Bang to Rights, London: Pan Books, 1961 (first published 1958)
______ Stand On Me, London: Pan Books, 1962 (first published 1959)
Rictor Norton, Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century England: A Sourcebook, Updated 12 December 2014
Tim O’Brien, If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, London: Paladin Books, 1990 (first published 1973)
Cothburn O’Neal, The Gods of Our Time, London: Panther Books, 1964 (first published 1960)
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, London: Penguin Books, 1954 (first published 1949)
George Orwell (Sonia Orwell & Ian Angus, eds.), The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, Volume 3, As I Please, 1943–1945, London: Penguin Books, 1978 (first published, 1968)
Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of R.A.F, Slang, London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1945
______ Shakespeare’s Bawdy, London: Routledge & Keegan Paul, 1968 (first published 1947)
Eric Partridge (Abridged: Jacqueline Simpson), A Dictionary of Historical Slang, London: Penguin Books, 1972 (first published and revised 1937–61)
Eric Partridge (David Crystal, ed.), Eric Partridge in His Own Words, London: Andre Deutsch, 1980
Eric Partridge & John Brophy, Songs and Slang of the British Soldier 1914–1918, London: Frontline Books, revised edition 2008 (first published 1930)
Laurence Payne, Birds in the Belfry, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1966
William Prynne, The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes: Divided into Foure Parts, London: Michael Sparke, Senior, 1643
Madame Fuqueau de Pussy (Francis S Williams, ed.), Le Grand-Pere et Ses Quatre Petits-Fils, Boston: Hickling, Swan & Brown, 1854
Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, London: Taylor and Hessey, 1823 (first published 1822)
Lucian Randall & Chris Welch, Ginger Geezer – The Life of Vivian Stanshall, London: 4th Estate, 2002 (first published 2001)
Langford Reed, The Complete Limerick Book – The Origin, History, and Achievements of the Limerick with over 3000 examples many of which are entirely new, London: Jarrold’s, 1932 (first published 1924)
Richard and Quétin, English and French Dialogues, With Dialogues on Railway and Steamboat Travelling, and a Comparative Table of Monies and Measures, London: Librairie Hachette & Cie, 1876
Brad Riley, The Intrude
rs – The Explosive Story of One Man’s Journey into a Homosexual Jungle, Hollywood, California: Private Edition Books, 1966
J Ewing Ritchie, The Night Side of London, London: William Tweedie, 1858 (first published 1857)
Jerry Rubin, Do It! – Scenarios of the Revolution, New York: Ballantine Books, 1970
J D Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, London: Penguin Books, 1978 (first published 1951)
Harrison E Salisbury, The Shook-Up Generation, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958
Dorothy L Sayers, The Nine Tailors, London: New English Library, 1984 (first published 1934)
Hubert Selby Jr., Last Exit to Brooklyn, London: Calder & Boyars, 1968 (first published 1964)
William Shakespeare, Shakespeare As put forth in 1623 – A reprint of Mr William Shakespears Comedies, Histones, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Onginatl Copies, London: Lionel Booth, 1864 (first published 1623)
Joseph T Shaw, ed., The Hard-Boiled Omnibus, New York: Pocket Books, 1952 (first published 1946)
Iceberg Slim (Robert Beck), Trick Baby, Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 1996 (first published 1967)
Captain Alexander Smith, A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the Most Notorious Highwaymen, Foot-pads, Shop-Lifts, and Cheats of both Sexes in and about London, London: 1719
William Henry Smyth (Sir Edward Belcher, ed.), The Sailor’s Word-Book: An Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, Including Some More Especially Military and Scientific, but Useful to Seamen; as well as Archaisms of Early Voyages, etc., London: Blackie & Son, 1867
Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub: Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind, London: John Nutt, 1704
J Sullivan, Cumberland and Westmorland, the People, the Dialect, Superstitions and Customs, London: Whittaker & Co., 1857
Philip Thicknesse, The Valetudinarians Bath Guide, or, The Means of Obtaining Long Life and Health, London: Dodsley, 1780
Hurlo Thrumbo, ed., The Merry Thought – Or, the Glass-Window and Bog-House Miscellany, London: J Roberts, 1731
Ralph Tomlinson, A Slang Pastoral: Being a Parody On a Celebrated Poem of Dr Byron’s, London: Printed for the Editor, 1780
Nick Tosches, Dino – Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams, London: Seeker and Warburg, 1992
Arthur Upfield, The Mystery of Swordfish Reef, London: Pan Books, 1970 (first published 1939)
Various authors, Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts, London: Frederick Muller Ltd, 1957 (first published 1954)
______ Manual of Seamanship, 1937, Volume One, London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1942 (first published 1938)
______ New Zealand at the Front, London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1917
______ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
______ Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Online Edition, 2016
’Walter’ (Gordon Grimley, ed.), My Secret Life, London: Granada Books, 1982 (first published 1882)
Ned Ward (Paul Hyland, ed.), The London Spy, East Lansing, Michigan: Colleagues Inc. Press, 1993 (first published 1709)
James Redding Ware, Passing English of the Victorian Era – A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang and Phrase, London: George Routledge & Sons, 1909
Alexander Warrack (Betty Kirkpatrick, foreword), The Scots Dialect Dictionary, Poole, Dorset: New Orchard Editions, 1988 (first published 1911)
John Waters, Role Models, London: Corsair Books, 2014 (first published 2010)
John Watson, Johnny Kinsman, London: Panther Books, 1957 (first published 1955)
Hillary Waugh, Last Seen Wearing, London: Pan Books, 1966 (first published 1952)
Noah Webster, A Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings on Moral, Historical, Political and Literary Subjects, Boston, Mass.: I Thomas & E T Andrews, 1790
______ An American Dictionary of the English Language, New York: S Converse, 1828
Irvine Welsh, Trainspotting, London, Vintage, 1999 (first published 1993)
Attributed to Oscar Wilde and others, Teleny, Or the Reverse of the Medal. USA: St George Press, 2015
Charles Williams, Aground, London: Pan Books, 1969 (first published 1960)
Gordon Williams, A Dictionary of Sexual Language and Imagery in Shakespearean and Stuart Literature London: The Athlone Press, 1994
Kenneth Williams (Russell Davies, ed.), The Kenneth Williams Diaries, London: Harper Collins, 1994 (first published 1993)
Bill Williamson, The Dee Jay Book, London: Purnell Ltd, 1969
Clarence Winchester, Let’s Look at London, London: Cassell & Co., 1935
P G Wodehouse, Piccadilly Jim, London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1940 (first published 1917)
William Wycherley, The Country-Wife, A Comedy Acted at the Theatre-Royal, London: T Dring, 1688 (first performed 1675)
David Yates, Bomb Alley – Falkland Islands, 1982, Aboard HMS Antrim at War, Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Maritime, 2006
Colonel Henry Yule & A C Burnell (William Crooke, ed.), Hobson-Jobson & A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive, London: John Murray, 1903 (first published 1886)
Articles, pamphlets, etc.
Peter Ackroyd, ‘Cardboard and Chains’, The Spectator, November 17,1979
Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, ‘From My Own Apartment’, The Tatler, October 4 – October 6, 1709
Advert for Total Freedom by Spacing,’ Loud and Quiet, Vol 3, Issue 75, 2016
‘Advice To People Afflicted With the Gout’, The London Chronicle or Universal Evening Post, December 30, 1773
Harriet Agnew and George Parker, ‘Hedge Funds Boost Campaign to Keep Britain In the EU’, Financial Times, November 12, 2015
Mike Ambrose, ‘Democracy in Danger’, Morning Star, February 4, 2002
Kingsley Amis, ‘Dixieland Blues’, The Observer, February 9, 1958
‘Among The Leading “Futurologists”’, Private Eye, September 18 – October 1, 2015
‘An Enquiry Was Held At Kirkham’, Manchester Guardian, June 25,1904
Jack Anderson, ‘Drug Catalog’, St Petersburg Times, June 10, 1972
‘Anecdote of George III’, The Times, February 3, 1835
‘Apothecaries Hall’, The Adelaide Independent and Cabinet of Amusements, August 5, 1841
Christena Appleyard, ‘Sell of the Century’, Daily Mirror, September 8, 1980
‘Army Slang – Novelties From The United States’, Manchester Guardian, February 22, 1941
‘At Mr Tho. Prichard’s’, London Gazette, August 24, 1682
‘At the Bow Street Office...’, The Spectator, March 9, 1839
‘Annie Aumonier, ‘The Woman Tempted Me’, Daily Mirror, January 2, 1906
‘Ayr Results’, Daily Mirror, September 18, 1937
‘Backchat’, Daily Express, October 22, 2003
Peter Bailey, ‘You Can’t Tell The Cops From The Robbers’, Ebony, December 1974
Clive Barnes, ‘Mods and Rockers’, The Spectator, December 27, 1963
‘Behind Lines Ardennes Offensive’, Auckland Star, May 22, 1945
Starr de Belle, ‘Ballyhoo Bros. Circulating Expo’, Billboard, January 21, 1950
Beatrix L Bellingham, ‘Egypt’s War Against Traffic in Dangerous Drugs’, Illustrated London News, February 1, 1930
Ross Benson, ‘Granny Get Your Gun!’, Daily Express, December 3, 1979
Jeffrey Bernard, ‘Low Life’, The Spectator, August 13, 1983
Jack Blanchard, ’End of the Peer’, Daily Mirror, July 27, 2015
Dan Bloom, ‘George Osborne Said “Obvs” And It Was A Bit Awks’, Daily Mirror, April 19, 2016
‘Bottoms Up’, World Weekly News, January 21, 2003
H Addington Bruce, ‘Slang’s Dangers’, The Milwaukee Journal, May 8, 1920
June Bundy & Leon Morse, ‘CBS, NBC Share Laurels With Sock Pubserve Airers on Dope Menace’, Billboard, July 28, 1951
Anthony Burgess, �
��About the Bush’, The Observer, August 14, 1983
Paul Byrne and Jane Kerr, ‘Wills At 21: Happy Booze Day To You’, Daily Star, June 20, 2003
Duncan Campbell, ‘Gutted – Slang Book is Banned’, The Guardian, June 24, 2006
Robert Cannell, ‘Bebopcats Are Out On The Tiles!’, Daily Mirror, November 16, 1948
Russell Gordon Carter, ‘His Own Star’, Boy’s Life, March, 1931
‘Casualties’, The Flying Post or The Post Master, September 24, 1700
Ralph Champion, ‘Monday in America’, Daily Mirror, May 11, 1959
Rudolph Chelminski, ‘Open Season On Drug Smugglers’, Life, June 26, 1970
Ben Child, ‘Dick Van Dyke: Brits Have Teased Me For 50 years About Mary Poppins Accent’, The Guardian, October 10, 2014
‘China and India’, The Economist, December 30, 1843
‘Chunder Report’, Woroni, May 15, 1964
‘Cocaine Habit in Italy’, The Observer, July 3, 1921
Alistair Cooke, ‘Increase in Drug-Taking By American Youth’, Manchester Guardian, June 25, 1951
James Cooper, ‘Probe Follows Rock-and-Roll Riot’, Daily Express, April 1956
Douglas Coupland, ‘Generation X – The Young and Restless Workforce Following the Baby Boom’, Vista magazine, 1989
‘Crack Pair Jailed’, Daily Record and Sunday Mail, February 18, 2006
Marc Crawford, ‘In a Roaring Inferno, “Burn, Baby, Burn”’, Life, August 27, 1965
‘Crescent Amusement Co.’ advert, Billboard, June 25, 1949
The Critic, The Truth, December 22, 1912
‘Dan Burley, 54, Dies of Heart Attack in Chicago’, Jet, November 8, 1962
Ivor Davis, ‘Margot Charges Dropped’, Daily Express, July 12, 1967
______ ‘This Is America’, Daily Express, September 20, 1968
Victor Davis, ‘You Will Never See Me Starkers’, Daily Express, April 19, 1969
Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits, Volume 2, LP sleeve notes, Reprise Records, 1968
Lizzie Dearden, ‘Facebook Suspends The Blackcock Inn Pub’s Profile over “Racist Or Offensive Language”, The Independent, December 23, 2015
Neela Debnath, ‘Meghan Trainor Keeps Nicki Minaj Off The Top Spot In The Singles Chart With “All About That Bass”’, The Independent, October 12, 2014