by Max Décharné
Christ’s Hospital 178
Christie, Agatha 109, 219
‘Chunder in the Old Pacific Sea’ 194
Church Times, The 100, 148
Churchill, Winston 96, 196
CID 304
‘Cigarettes and Alcohol’ 298
Cincinnati OH 136, 234
Cinema 25, 53, 72–73, 78–80, 101–103, 105–106, 145, 147, 153, 160–162, 165, 170–171, 183, 189, 191, 212–213, 219, 223, 226, 233, 235–236, 245–246, 252–253, 258–260, 263, 270, 272, 276, 292–294, 296, 318, 324, 327
Cirrhosis-by-the-Sea 183
City and the Pillar, The 138
City of Spades 225
Clacton-on-Sea 263, 268
Clap, Margaret 127
Clark, Dr L Pierce 185
Clark, Petula 267
Clash, The 277, 283
Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, A 18, 46–50, 81–82, 108, 114, 120, 128, 156–157, 172, 178–180, 188, 199, 287–288, 303, 338
Cleaver, Eldridge 76, 81, 115–16, 147–148, 284, 290, 292, 294–295
Cliff, Jimmy 171
Clockwork Orange, A 60–61
Clothing 4, 8, 16
Clyde Street 85
Coca-Cola 206, 218
‘Cocaine’ 209
‘Cocaine Blues’ 221
Cockney 3, 5, 8, 26, 60, 73–74, 87, 96–100, 132, 137, 143, 157, 167, 228, 268, 279, 304, 307–308, 310–311, 316
Cockpit Theatre 230
C.O.D.s, The 289
Cole, Nat ‘King’ 222, 239
Coleman, Ornette 272
Coll, Vincent ‘Mad Dog’ 167
Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings, A 52
Collins, Dave and Ansell 171
Coltrane, John 272
Columbia Records 187
Columbia University 237
Columbus, Christopher 253
Colyer, Ken 264
‘Come Where the Booze is Cheaper’ 184
Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution 141
Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the Most Notorious Highwaymen, A 41–42
Complete Limerick Book, The 66
Compton, Berkshire 245
Computers 56, 77, 150, 209, 226, 329, 331–338
Computer World 331
Confessions of a Private Dick 73–74
Confessions of a Stool Pigeon – By One of Them 136
Confessions of a Window Cleaner 73
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 200–201
Cony-catchers 29, 31–32, 83
Cook, Robin 98, 163
‘Cool It At The Coliseum’ 253
Cooper, Gary 236
Copeland, Martha 287
Cops – Their Lives in Their Own Words 305
Cordobés, El 251
Corleone, Don Vito 153
Costello, Frank 168
Country Wife, The 37–38
Coupland, Douglas 266
Covington, Julie 279
Cowboys 45
Crack of Whips 133
Craddock, C. G. 132
Cramps, The 332
Crawford, Marc 289
‘Crazy Blues’ 221
Creation Records 298
Credence Clearwater Revival 299
Creighton-Ward, Lady Penelope 270
Crescent Amusement Company 192
Crilly, Father Ted 14
Criminals 2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 15, 18–20, 24, 29–31, 35, 37–41, 43–44, 47, 50, 54–55, 83, 97–100, 128, 134–135, 137, 142, 148, 151–177, 185, 189, 196, 203, 206–207, 219, 249, 258, 260–261, 264, 276–277, 287–289, 295, 302–304, 307, 310
Crips, The 168
Crisis, The 290
Crisp, Quentin 139
Crocker, Barry 194
Crocker, Jimmy 234
Cromwell, Oliver 37, 42, 192, 230
Crosby, Bing 239
Crowley, Mart 147
‘Cruisin” 140
Crust on Its Uppers, The 98, 163
Cube, Ice 81, 335
Culture of Complaint – The Fraying of America 336–337
Cumberland and Westmorland, the People, the Dialect, Superstitions and Customs 16
Cumberland, Bishop Richard 18
Curtis, James 172, 308
Cyrus, Miley 26
Cythera’s Hymnal; Or, Flakes from the Foreskin 66
Czech neck 226
Czechoslovakia 226
D, Chuck 290–292
Daily Courant, The 38
Daily Express, The 8, 99–100, 158, 212, 233, 247, 258, 263, 270, 300, 310, 322–324
Daily Gleaner, The 225
Daily Mail 336
Daily Mash 214
Daily Mirror, The 9, 25, 70, 86, 100, 112, 133, 141, 148, 182, 196, 197, 241, 259, 265, 270, 335
Daily Star, The 86, 197, 214
Daily Telegraph, The 40, 77
Dalhy, David 238
Damned, The 277
Dan Burley’s Original Handbook of Harlem Jive 237
Dancing 18, 26, 122, 142, 232, 246, 250, 259, 276, 285, 289
Dandies 49, 51, 230
Daniel’s, Jack, Tennessee Whiskey 192
Danish language 107
Darbishire, Charles Edwin Jeremy 7
Daughters of Bilitis, The 144
Davies, Andrew 126
Davis, Bonnie & the Piccadilly Pipers 244
Davis, John 323
Davis, Miles 264
Dawson, Bertrand, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn 137
Day at the Races, A 217
‘Day Good King Harry Got His Hampton Court, The’ 74
‘Day in the Life, A’ 211, 274
Day Today, The 293
Dead Fingers Talk 216
Dead Low Tide 22–23
‘Dead Yellow Women’ 215
Dean, James 85
Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits, Volume 2 182–183
Dearie, Blossom 19
Death 15, 24, 28, 40, 42, 47, 153, 157, 160, 165, 167, 169, 170–171, 175–176, 183, 311–313, 319, 328
Death in the Deep South 68, 218
Death of a Blue-Eyed Soul Brother 69, 295
Death Row Records 169
Decca Records 188
Deep Blue Good-By, The 333
Def Jam Recordings 292
‘Defence of Fort McHenry, The’ 306
Deighton, Len 219
Dekker, Desmond & the Aces 171
Dekker, Thomas 32, 229
Denselow, Robin 169
Dent, Lester 68
Denver Post, The 260
Depp, Johnny 189, 214
Derrick, Samuel 90
Description of England 31
Desdemona 33
Detroit MI 94, 256
Deuxième Bureau 114
Deverson, Jane 266, 283
‘Devil’s Son in Law, The’ – see Wheatstraw, Peetie
Devon 81
Devoto, Howard 279
Diamond, Jack ‘Legs’ 168
Diamond Dogs 98
Dickens, Charles 65
Dictionarium Bntannicum 44
Dictionary of Americanisms 52–53, 129
Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant & Vulgar Words, A 93, 217, 261, 322, 388
Dictionary of National Biography 32, 90
Dictionary of RAF Slang, A 325–326
Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, A 7
Dictionary of the English Language, A 2, 3, 42, 44–48, 128, 243, 331
Dietz, Howard 223
Dill, Fay, the Fourlegged Girl 330
Dillinger (Bullock, Lester) 171
Dillinger, John 170
DiMucci, Dion 23
Dinkum Dictionary, The – see Penguin Book of Australian Slang, The
‘Dirty Dozen, The’ 295
Dirty Harry 276
‘Disco Inferno’ 290
Disney Company, Walt 332
Disraeli, Benjamin 8
DJ Jubilee 26
Do It! – Scenarios of the Revolution 209
; Do Not Adjust Your Set 21
‘Do The Jubilee All’ 26
‘Do The Reggay’ 284
Dodd, Carl 144
‘Does Your Mouth Say Dreamboat?’ 250
Dogger 17
Dole, Bob 9
Donegan, Lonnie 268
Donington 203
‘Don’t Jive Me’ 244
‘Don’t You Rock Me, Daddy-O’ 247
Doomsters, The 219
‘Dope Head Blues’ 221
Dorking 29
Dorough, Bob 19
‘Double Barrel’ 171
Douglas, John Sholto, 9th Marquess of Queensberry 132
Douglas, Kirk 17
Douglas, Lord Alfred 135
Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Edward, 3rd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu 140, 141
Downliners Sect, The 276
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 205
Dr Tibbles’ Vi-Cocoa 206
Draper, Elizabeth 203
Dre, Dr. 335
Dreigroschenoper, Die (Threepenny Opera, The) 159
Drudge, Mr 323
Drugs 5, 14, 16, 62, 83, 121, 169, 180, 182, 198, 200–227, 244, 247, 250, 253, 267, 271, 273–275, 277, 281, 304, 336
‘Drugs’ 226–227
‘DTB’ 287
Dublin 48
‘Duck’s Yas Yas Yas, The’ 103
Dugdale, William 129
Dummy 84
Dundee 25
Durandeau, A. E. 184
D’Urfey’s, Thomas 19
Durst, Lavada 239–240
Dutch language 24
Dylan, Bob 5, 273
Earth, Wind & Fire 286
East Anglia 304
East India Company 201
East of Eden 85
East River 164
East Village Other, The 208–209
EastEnders 149
Eastman, Edward ‘Monk’ 217
Eastwood, Clint 276–277
Eaton, Mrs 88
Eccles, Clancy 285
Edgar 224
Edinburgh 16
Edmonds, Noel 226–227
Edward Penishands 73
Edward, Prince of Wales 309–310
Egan, Pierce 50–51, 287, 288, 303
Egremont, Charles 8
Egypt 312
‘Egypt’s War Against Traffic in Dangerous Drugs’ 207
Elizabeth I 32, 52
Elkins, Alfie 294
Ellerman Lines 133
Ellington, Duke 245
Ellis, Alton 283
Emerson, P. H. 132
EMI Records 297
England 1, 20–21, 28, 45, 61, 63, 80, 85, 105–107, 124, 136, 141, 158, 166, 170, 180–181, 185–186, 192–195, 204, 215, 231–232, 235, 241, 257, 262, 267, 279, 287–288, 300–302, 306, 312, 323, 331
English and French Dialogues 62–63
English Civil War 34, 230
English Rogue, The 35–36, 38, 125–126
Ennyday, Coke 212
Epping Forest 160
Epstein, Brian 255–256
Erasmus, Desiderius 33
Escobar, Pablo 214
Eskimos 57
Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts 190
Essex 97
Etting, Ruth 187
Eugenides, Jeffrey 59
European Union 21
Evangelical Cockroach, The 170
Evening Post 321
‘Everything Is Hotsy Totsy Now’ 244
Ex otio negotium, or, Martiall his epigrams translated 62
Execution 24, 30, 40, 42, 123–124, 159, 171, 175–176, 205, 302, 306, 337
Exmoor 338
Expubidence Publishing 242
FA Independent Regulatory Commission 335–336
Facebook 329, 334, 336
Fagg, Martin 148
Fairbanks, Douglas 212
Falklands War 321
Fallon, Phillipa 253
Falstaff, Sir John 180, 338
Family Shakespeare 34
‘Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)’ 277
Fanny by Gaslight 106
FANY – see First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
Far I, Prince 171
Farewell My Lovely 167
Farmer, John S. 54, 105, 109–110, 117, 202, 217, 229, 254, 297
Fast Show, The 104
Father Christmas 81
Father Ted 14, 101
Faunteen-Chauncey, Mrs 237
FBI 291
‘Feelin’ No Pain’ 187
Feeling You’re Behind 140
Feldman, Marty 146
Ferdinand, Rio 335
Fidget, Lady 37–38
Fidget, Sir Jasper 37–38
Fielding, Henry 43
Fielding, Sir John 131
Fields, W. C. 223
Fifty Shades of Grey 82
Filch 41
Film noir 19, 219
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 105
First World War 66–67, 105, 133–135, 164, 168, 170, 187, 212, 218, 220, 222, 238, 300, 309, 311–316, 325–326
Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester 85
‘Fist City’ 154
Fitzgerald, Ella 222
Five Points Gang, The 168
Flanders 311
Flash, Grandmaster & the Furious Five 286
Flash patter 3, 43, 50, 160
Fleming, Ian 57, 114, 142, 168
Fletcher, Norman Stanley 97
Fletcher, Robert 62
Fletcher’s Book of Rhyming Slang 98
Florida 22, 76, 210, 301
Florio, John 62
Floyd, Charles Arthur ‘Pretty Boy’ 170
Flux of Pink Indians 119
‘Fly Girl, A’ 286
‘Fly Paper’ 151–152
Flying Colors 223
Flying Squad 308
Flying Squad, The 308
Flynn, Errol 183, 242
Flynt,Josiah 288
Following the Color Line – An Account of Negro Citizenship in the American Democracy 213
Fonteyn, Dame Margot 250
‘Foofs, Spoofs Are Far Out And Big’ 273
Football Association 335
Foote, Bea 221–222
For the School Colours 135
For Whom the Bell Tolls 67
Ford, Gerald 9
Ford, Henry 186
Ford, John (dramatist) 79
Ford, John (film director) 79
Forest Lawn Cemetery 183
Formby, George 282
Forsyth, Frederick 100
Fort McIntosh 316
Fox, The 147
Fragments from France 309
France 62, 156, 271, 309, 311
Francis, Bob 318
Frankenheimer, John 219
Franklin, Aretha 294
Fraser, Edward 270
Freak from Suckweasel Mountain, The – see Geek Maggot Bingo
‘Freak-Out’ 274
Free Your Mind. . . and Your Ass Will Follow 102
Freemasonry 18
Freleng, Fritz 318
French language 1, 24, 28, 33, 107–108, 166, 217, 313
Friedkin, William 147
Friedman, Kinky 191
Friends of Voltaire, The 12
Frishberg, Dave 19
‘From My Own Apartment’ 179
‘Frowning Atahuallpa (My Inca Love)’ 275
Fryer, Peter 78
Fuck Buttons 77
Fucking Cunts Treat Us Like Pricks, The 119
Full Metal Jacket 76
Fuller, Blind Boy 109
Fullerton, Billy 170
Funkadelic 102
‘Funky Butt’ 231
‘Funky Butt’ Hall – see Kenna’s Hall
Gabby 95
Gaddis, William 276
Gaelic language 55, 97, 319
Gaillard, Slim 292
Gainsborough Pictures Limited 106
Gainsbourg Serge 282
Gallipoli 312
Galloway, ‘Sweet Lovin” Charlie 232
Gallup, Cliff 248
; Galore, Pussy 142
Gambia, The 238
Gambling 49, 51, 53, 63, 126, 162–163, 259
Gandalf’s Garden 274
Gangs of New York, The 167, 217
‘Gangsta Gangsta’ 169
Gangsters – see Criminals
Gardiner, Gerald, QC 60
Gardner, Erle Stanley 83, 190
Garfield, John 87–89
Gargantua 33
Gateshead 259
Gaye, Dieynaba 238
Garland, Nicholas 71, 194
Garland, Rodney – see Hegedus, Adam de
Garricks Head and Town Hotel 6
Gay – see LGBT
Gay Acres 133
Gay Agony 133
Gay Bombardier, The 140
Gay Boys of Old Yale, The 18
‘Gay Cousins in Love’ 116
Gay, John 40–41, 159
Gay-2-Zee – A Dictionary of Sex, Subtext and the Sublime 148–149
‘“Gay” World Takes to the City Streets, The’ 145
Gaye, Marvin 275–276
Geek Charming 332
Geek Maggot Bingo 332
Geeks 20, 56, 329–333
Geisel, Theodor S. – see Seuss, Dr
General Dictionary of Provincialisms, A 24
General Motors 147
General Synod of the Church of England, The 193
Generation X (original 1964 book) 266, 283
Generation X – Tales for an Accelerated Culture 266
Gentleman’s Bottle-Companion, The 64
Gentleman’s Magazine, The 177, 197
Gentleman Pimp 94
Gently Go Man 304
Gently, Inspector George 304
George III 2, 63, 183–184
George IV 157
George, Saint 333
George Washington Bridge 93
Georgia 170, 286
Georgia Strutters, The 244
Georgia Melodians, The 244
German language 24, 41, 101, 107, 299, 313, 331
Germany 135, 315, 317
Gerry and the Pacemakers 270
‘Get Back’ 281
Get Carter – see Jack’s Return Home
‘Get It On’ 275
‘Get Up And Boogie’ 286
‘“Get Whitey!” The War Cry That Terrorized Los Angeles’ 289
Getter, Doyle K. 285
Gibbons, John 270
Gibson, Harry ‘The Hipster’ 20
Gilbert and Sullivan 116
Gillespie, Dizzy 244, 246
Gilt Kid, The 172–173, 308
Gimlet, Mr. 75
Gin Lane 181
Ginsberg Allen 241
Girls Come First 73
‘Give Peace A Chance’ 281
Glasgow 170
Glasgow Herald, The 321
Glass Key, The 176
Glenda 106
Glendale CA 183
Glinn, Lillian 244
Glossary of Provincial Words Used in the County of Cumberland, A 204
Glossary of Words Used in the Neighbourhood of Whitby, A 331
Go Poof Body Powder 141
‘God Save The Queen’ 278
Godfather, The 153
Gods of Our Time, The 143
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 232
Go-Go 267
Gold Star Studios (Houston TX) 188