by Max Décharné
‘The Golden Horseshoe’ 186
Goldfinger 142
Goldfinger, Auric 142
‘Goldfish’ 173
Golding, William 280
Goldman, Peter Emanuel 103
Gonzales, Babs 241, 242
‘Good Golly Miss Molly’ 276
‘Good Vibrations’ 256
Goodman, Benny 244, 245
Gordino, P. 147
Gordon, James 49
Gordon Riots 172
Gower, John 52
Grand-Père et Ses Quatre Petits-Fils, Le 108
Great Bible 28
Great God Now, The 284
Greece 77, 127–128, 133
Green Howards, The 47
Green Wound, The 198–199
Greenaway, Harry 97
Greene, Graham 57
Greene, Joe – see Johnson, B.B.
Greene, Robert 31, 32, 78
Greene, Ward 68, 218
Greene’s Groats-worth of Wit 32
Greenwich Killing Time 191
Greer, Germaine 119–120
Gregorius 143
Grey, Judson 143
Greyfriars 82
Grierson, Francis 199, 215
Griff, Professor 290
Griffith, D. W. 186
Grifters, The 162
Grimm’s Hip Fairy Tales 272
Grimsby 323
‘Groovy Age, The’ 248
‘Groovy Joes’s’ 248
‘Groovy Kind Of Love, A’
‘Groovy Like A Movie – Let’s Get Groovy’ 244
Gropecuntlane 2
Grose, Francis 18, 24, 46–50, 81–82, 94, 108, 114, 119–120, 128, 156–157, 163, 172, 178–180, 188, 199, 287, 303, 333, 337–338
Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, Revised and Corrected 50–51, 287–288, 303
Groundworke of Conny-Catching, The 32
Group, The 147
Grovel 70–71
Grundy, Bill 278
Guardian, The 114, 150, 164, 216, 290, 309, 315–317
Guevara, Che 20
Guildford 234
Guns n’ Roses 198
Guthrie, Woody 170, 269
Hackenbush, Hugo Z. 217
Hackett, Father Jack 101
Hackney, Alan 316
Haden-Guest, Anthony 271
Hager, Don & the Hot Tots 248
Haight-Ashbury 250
Hair 279
Haley, Bill and His Comets 258–259
Halifax, Handley Page 327
Hall, Evelyn Beatrice 12
Hall, Joe & the Corvettes 252
‘Hallelujah I’m A Bum’ 105
Hamblett, Charles 266, 283
Hamburg 271
Hamilton, Donald 182, 277
Hamlin, Jesse 251
Hammer Film Productions 297
Hammett, Dashiell 68, 84, 136, 151, 157, 176, 186, 215
Hampshire 24
Hanlon, Edward S. 284
Hanover 63
Hansard 227, 298
Hansel and Gretel 272
Hard Case, The 84–85, 167
Hard Day’s Night, A 144–145, 213
Harder They Come, The 171
Hardie, Daniel 233
Harlem 69, 84, 93, 168, 215, 218, 224, 231, 233, 237, 239, 245, 305
Harlem Hamfats, The 221, 244
Harman, Thomas 29–30, 32, 35, 36, 151, 184, 235
Harris, Jack, ‘Pimp General of All England’ – see Harrison, John
Harris, Rolf 226
Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies 90
Harrison, George 266, 269, 274
Harrison, John 90
Harrison, William 31
Harrogate 29
Harvard University 237
Hash House Lingo 112
Haskins, Sheriff 301
‘Hattie Green’ 240
Hauptmann, Elisabeth 159
Hausted, Peter 182
Hay, Mavis Doriel 308
Hayes, Isaac 296
Hays, Will H. 78–79
Hazan, Jack 283
HBO 13
Head, Richard 34–37, 125–126
Heart in Exile, The 140, 146
Heatwave 286
Hebblethwaite, Ginger 324
Hegedus, Adam de 140
Hell, Richard 252, 277, 332
Hell-Fire Dick 49
Hellyer, C. R. 134, 175, 234
Helm, Matt 182
Help! 269
Hemingway, Ernest 67
Hemlock and After 140
Hendrix, Jimi 5, 255
Hendry, Ian 100
Henley, W. E. 54, 105, 109–110, 117, 202, 217, 254, 297
Henry VI Parts 1 and 2 37, 180, 199
Henry VIII 28, 74, 124, 131, 288, 308
‘Hep’ 244
‘Hep Cat’ 248
‘Hep Cat Baby’ 248
‘(Hep-hep!) The Jumping Jive’ 233
Hep Records 248
Hep Stars, The 267
Hepcat, Dr. – see Durst, Lavada
Hepster’s Dictionary, The 233–235
HER 150
‘Here Come the Nice’ 211
‘Here Comes the Man with the Jive’ 221, 222
‘Heroin’ 210
Hersey, John 95
‘Hey, Hey, My, My (Into the Black)’ 18
Hezron 28
Hi De Ho 233
Hibbert, Toots 171
Hickey, William 233
High Numbers, The 262
High School Confidential 253
‘High Sheriff from Hell, The’ – see Wheatstraw, Peetie
High Society: Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture 207–208
High Window, The 84
Hillier, Bevis 7, 135
Hilton, Perez 26
Himalayas 194
Himes, Chester 69, 305
Hippies 5, 21, 50, 241, 243, 250, 271, 273, 275, 278, 284
‘Hippy Dippy’ 249
‘Hippy Hippy Shake’ 249
Hipster Handbook, The 20
‘His Hi-de-Hiness of Ho-de-Ho’ – see Calloway, Cab
History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, The 43
‘Hit That Jive, Jack’ 222
Hitt, Orrie 188
Hizbullah 21
Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases 322
Hodder, Edwin 289
Hoffman, Abbie 209
Hogarth, William 181
Hoggart, Richard 60–61
Holland 24
Holland, Jools 285
Holloway, William 24
Holly, Buddy 235
Hollywood 21, 53, 73, 78, 102, 147, 191, 209, 212, 214, 233, 235, 239, 24, 245, 292, 296, 324, 327
Holmes, John Clellon 224
Holmes, Sherlock 205, 206, 212
Holy Bible 2, 28–29, 55, 76, 81, 115, 119, 280
‘Homosexuals in Revolt’ 148
‘Honey Dripper Blues’ 110
‘Honky Rink’ 292
‘Honky Talk Rules’ 292
‘Honky Tonk Women’ 228, 282
Hood, Robin 170
Hooker, John Lee 286
Hooligan, Elisabeth 158
Hoon, Geoff 92
Hooper, Fanny 106
Hopper, Edward 166
Horn, The 224
Horne, Kenneth 141, 146
Horner, Mr. 37–38
‘Horse Feathers’ (song) 244, 246
Horse Feathers (film) 246
Horse Under Water 219–220
Horsemen, The 219
‘Hot Rod Mama’ 275
Hotten, John Camden 93, 217, 261, 322, 388
Houston TX 188
‘How Jews Gained American Liquor Control’ 186
How The Irish Invented Slang 55
‘How You Gonna Keep Kool?’ 244
Howard, Michael 298
Howard, Pimp 88
Howard, Rosetta 244
Hubbard, Kin 231
Hudson Dusters, The 168
son Theatre 318
Hughes, Robert 336
Hughes, Shirley 17
Hume, Fergus W. 196
Humphries, Barry 71, 193–194
Hunter, Alan 304
Hunting, Russell 230
Huntley & Palmers 141
Hutchence, Michael 309
Hyman, John & His Bayou Stompers 244
‘I Ain’t Your Hen, Mister Fly Rooster’ 287
‘I Can’t See Old Gladstone Getting “Hep”’ 233
‘I Can’t Stand My Baby’ 16
‘I Cut Off My Manhood’ 116
‘I Feel Liberal, Alright’ 298
‘I Love That Thing’ 110
‘I Married a Horse’ 116
I, Paid My Dues – Good Times. . . No Bread, A Story of Jazz 242
I Play as I Please – The Memoirs of an Old Etonian Trumpeter 261
‘I Sits among the Cabbages and Peas’ 75
‘I Want a Jazzy Kiss’ 244
‘I Wonder Who’s Under Her Balcony Now’ 282
‘I’m a Front Door Woman with a Back Door Man’ 244
‘I’m a Mighty Tight Woman’ 110
‘I’m Going Mad For A Pad’ 296
‘I’m Hip’ 19
I’m Not Feeling Myself Tonight! 72–75
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue 75
‘I’m The Face’ 262
Iago 33
Idaho 264
Idle, Eric 4, 21, 194
Idol, Billy 266
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home 319
If I Ran the Zoo 330
‘If You Don’t Shake, You Don’t Get No Cake’ 231
Illustrated London News, The 206, 207
Imperial Institute 310
Imperial Theatre, New York 223
‘In A Roaring Inferno “Burn, Baby, Burn”’ 289
‘In The Ghetto’ 282
Indecent 170
Indecent Advertisements Act (1889) 280
Independent, The 104
India 201, 316, 322
Indica bookshop 274
Indiscreet Guide to Soho, An 95
Industrial Revolution 203–204
Inquisition, The 180
Interlopers, The 182
International House 223
International Jew, The 186
International Times 50, 208, 273–274
Intruders – The Explosive Story of One Man’s Journey into a Homosexual Jungle, The 147
INXS 309
Ipcress File, The 219
Ipswich 149
Iraq War 92
Ireland 14, 55, 97, 101, 118, 230, 319
Isherwood, Christopher 137, 143
Isle of Wight 37
It Always Rains on Sunday 173
‘It Didn’t Come Off, After All’ 111
‘It’s The Buzz, Cock!’ 279
It’s Trad, Dad! 264
Italian language 62, 130–131, 137
‘Itchycoo Park’ 211
ITV 279, 335
‘Jack, I’m Mellow’ 222
Jack’s Return Home 106
Jackson, A. S. 94, 234
Jackson, Cliff & His Krazy Kats 244, 246
Jackson, Cordell 248
Jackson, Janet 307
Jackson, Louis E. 134, 175
Jackson, Stanley 95
Jacksons, The 286
Jagger, Mick 61
‘Jailhouse Rock’ 188
‘Jake, What a Shake’ 244
Jam, The 286
Jamaica 170–171, 225, 281, 283, 284–285
Janson, Hank 68–69
Japan 62, 317
Japanese language 62
Jay, Mike 207–208
‘Je T’Aime. . . Moi Non Plus’ 282
Jeeves, Reginald 234
Jefferson Airplane 211
Jellicoe, George, 2nd Earl Jellicoe 86
Jennings, John Christopher Timothy 7
Jensen, Oliver 322
Jerry Springer Show, The 116
Jet 237
Jethro Tull 119
‘Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil, The’ 186
Jezebel 76
‘Jitterbug Love’ 275
‘Jitterbugging Baby’ 248
‘Jitterbugs Broke It Down’ 244
‘Jive After Five’ 248
Jives of Doctor Hepcat, The 239–240
John’s Children 210–211
Johnny & the Hurricanes 252
‘Johnny Boker’ 257
Johnny Kinsman 327
‘Johnny Too Bad’ 171
Johns, Captain W. E. 324
Johnson, B.B. 69, 295–296
Johnson, Boris 70
Johnson, Coffin Ed 69, 84, 305
Johnson, James Stump 103
Johnson, Lil 117
Johnson, Merline 103
Johnson, Pete 286
Johnson, Plas 253
Johnson, Robert 27
Johnson, Samuel 2, 42, 44–48, 64, 113, 128, 140, 158, 161, 182, 243, 307, 331
‘Joker, The’ 210
Jolson, Al 105
Jones, Chuck 318
Jones, David – see Bowie, David
Jones, Grave Digger 69, 84, 305
Jones, Maggie 84
Jones, Nan 88
Jones, Sarah 60
Jones, Terry 4
Jonson, Ben 34, 64, 180
Jordan, Louis & The Tympany Five 244, 296
Jordan, Luke 221
Jordan, Robert 67
Jovial Crew, Or the Merry Beggars, A 229
Joyce, James 59, 184, 280
‘Judy Is A Punk’ 277
‘Juice Head Baby’ 188
Julian and Sandy 130, 141–142, 146
Kansas City MO 257
Kantor, MacKinlay 319
Kardashian, Kim 104
Kay, Dolly 244
KC and the Sunshine Band 103
Keaton, Diane 211
Keen, J. Osborne 17
‘Keep On Chooglin” 299
Keighley Grammar School 60
Kelis 114
Kelly, George ‘Machine Gun’ 168
Kelly, Hugh 3
Kelly, Ned 71, 161, 170
Kenna’s Hall 231
Kent 29, 178, 182, 206
Kent, Duke of 163
Kenton, Stan 296
Kentucky 176, 178, 219
Kern, Jerome 235
Kerouac, Jack 240–241, 251–252, 254, 272
Key, Francis Scott 306
K-Hole 329
Khrushchev, Nikita 100
Kick-Ass 102
Kick-Ass 2 102
‘Kicking the Gong Around’ 244
‘Killer Diller’ 244
Killing of Sister George, The 147
Kilmister, Lemmy 109
King Lear 80
‘King Porter Stomp’ 245
King’s Bench Prison 172
Kipling, Rudyard 260
Kirk, Andy and His Twelve Clouds of Joy 222
Knight, Marion ‘Suge’ 169
‘Knocked ’Em in the Old Kent Road’ – see ‘Wot Cher!’
Knuckle Girls 155
Krafft-Ebing, Richard Freiherr von 132
Kraft Music Hall 239
Kraftwerk 299
Kray, Reg 98, 100, 167
Kray, Ron 100
Krupa, Gene and His Orchestra 236
Ku Klux Klan, The 186
Kubrick, Stanley 76
Kurt 143
KVET 239
La Bern, Arthur 173
Lacoume, Emile ‘Stalebread’ 232
Lady Chatterley’s Lover 12, 59–60
Lady in the Lake, The 191
Lady Is a Lush, The 188
‘Lady Love Your Cunt’ 120
Lady Pokingham – Or, They All Do It 65
Lake, Alan 100
Lake, Brian 17
Lambton, Antony, 6th Earl of Durham 86
Lancashire 25, 282
Landy, Eugene E. 113, 275
Lang, Jack 84–85, 167
d, William 201
Lanham, Robert 20
Lansky, Meyer 167–168
Lanthorne and Candle-light 32, 229
Laredo TX 316
Las Vegas 182
Lassie 70
Last Exit to Brooklyn 145
Last of the Few, The 328
Last Post, The 313
Last Seen Wearing 68
Latin language 1, 24, 28, 80
Latroon, Meriton 35
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 163
Launceston AU 198
Laurel Canyon 202
Laver, James 17
Lawrence, D. H. 12, 59–60, 147
Lazenby, William 132
Le Carré, John 199, 287
Lea, Timothy 73, 115
Lear, Edward 66
Learcus 117
Leary, Timothy 267, 274
Leeds Royal Infirmary 257
Legal cases 12, 60, 66, 77, 89, 119, 126, 128–129, 131–132, 135, 140–141, 156–157, 213, 279–280
Leigh, Michael 144
LeMay, General Curtis E. 319–320
Lemon, Betty 88
Lennon, John 145, 213, 255, 266, 270
Lenox Avenue, NYC
Lesbia 135
Lesbian – see LGBT
Lesbian 133
Lesbos 133
Lester, Richard 264
‘Let’s Get It On’ (Edgar Winter song) 275
Let’s Get It On (Marvin Gaye LP) 275–276
Let’s Look at London 184
Letts, Don 283
Levy, Norma 86
Lewis, Arthur 96
Lewis, Jerry Lee 248, 253
Lewis, Ted 106
Lewisohn, Mark 270
Lewiston Daily Sun, The 326
Lexicon Balatronicum 49–51
Lexington KY 219
LGBT 3, 30, 62, 69, 71, 123–150
Library of Congress 295
‘Lick My Love Pump’ 72
Life 145, 148, 219, 231, 236, 239, 250–251, 272, 289, 316, 322
Life & Character of Moll King, The 23
‘LIFE Is With It In A Far Out Era’ 272
Life of Brian 100–101
Life’s Too Short to Cry 328
Lifer 143
Lil Twist 26
Limericks 66
Lincoln, Abraham 42, 239
Lincoln’s Inn Theatre 41
Lincolnshire 180, 203
Linehan, Graham 14
Literary Review 59
Little Caesar 162, 175
Little Ladies, The 279
Little Men, Big World 165
Little Princess, The 229
Live and Let Die 168–169
Liverpool 56, 133, 247, 259, 269
Livingstone, Dandy 283
Llanfihangel Talyllyn 336
LL Cool J 292
Lloyd, Marie 75, 111, 114
Locke, John 45
Lomax, Alan 295
London General 2, 6, 16, 18, 23–25, 35, 37–38, 42, 44, 47, 50–51, 62, 64, 81, 93, 96–97, 100, 106, 110, 126, 129, 131, 138, 156, 158–159, 167, 172–173, 178, 180, 184, 194, 200, 203–204, 208, 210, 212, 216, 218, 228, 236, 241, 245, 263–264, 267, 273, 275, 278–279, 283, 287, 310, 315–316, 319, 331, 338; Bankside 82; Billingsgate 82; Blackwall 183; Bloomsbury 88; Bow 25, 96, 228; Bow Street 6, 131, 303; Buckingham Palace 184; Bunhill 88; Camden Town 4, 277; Carshalton 258; Chelsea 261; Clarence House 247; Clerkenwell 43; Covent Garden 2, 46–48, 50, 57, 90, 121–122, 156, 283, 306–307, 333, 338; Croydon 8; Docklands 76; Downing Street 298, 335; Drury Lane 230; Eagle Tavern 130; Ealing 97, 149; East End 97, 128, 143, 167, 173, 311; Fleet Street 129, 199; Frith Street 95; Hampstead Heath 99; Hampton Wick 6, 74; Harley Street 146; Holborn 127, 129; Horsemonger Lane 128; House of Commons 91, 96–97, 117, 149, 192, 204, 227, 230, 298; House of Lords 86, 96, 98, 137, 202, 204, 214; Hoxton 88; Hyde Park Corner 302; King’s Road 146, 311; Limehouse 247; Lincoln’s Inn 41; London Palladium 245; Lyceum Ballroom 263; Maida Vale 86; Marylebone Station 213; Mayfair 237; Middlesex Hospital 91; Mincing Lane 146; Newgate Prison 159, 302; Newham 96; Notting Hill 173; Old Bailey 60–61, 89, 126–129, 302, 307; Old Kent Road 228, 269; Petty France 88; Piccadilly 49; Poland Street 91; Regent Street 184; Queen Anne Street 90; St Giles 2, 47, 50, 82; Smithfield 90; Soho 86, 95, 98, 140, 142–143, 155, 166, 263; South Kensington 310; South London 158; Strand, The 129, 263, 306; Twickenham 128; Tyburn 24, 159, 175, 302, 306; Vauxhall Pleasure Garden 157; Victoria Station 258; Waterloo Station 172; Watier’s Club 49, 51; Watling Street 201; West End 110, 199, 215; Westminster 63, 202; Whitechapel 88; Wimbledon 70