Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One

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Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One Page 2

by Ginger Branch

  “Shivak loch croin!” Red shouted. I figured that translated to son of a bitch in alien speak. He had the most heavy and seductive accent. My skin got goose bumps and my panties damp just from the sound of his voice. If we were on earth, I would think that he was Scottish with a thick brogue. The thrill that went through me listening to him curse made me want to get closer to him and at the same time to hide myself away. My pussy should not be slick and swollen, turned on by some red-skinned alien.

  He glanced up and our eyes met. His obsidian and silver eyes, even from a distance, mesmerized me for a moment before I could really look at him. His long black hair was actually more of a Mohawk with the sides bare, the top was shorter than the back and was wider than I was used to seeing from the Mohawk hairstyle on earth by several inches.

  His brows arched beautifully over those mesmerizing eyes. His nose was a sharp blade only softening at the end to give it a more roman appearance. His lips begged me to trace them with my fingers and tongue. He stole the breath from my body. The muscles on that man had me ready to start nibbling my way down his long body to discover just how hard he really was.

  I had never seen a man that was both masculine and beautiful. He made Matthew McConaughey look like a pre-pubescent boy, and he is, well he was, my go to man for guaranteed orgasms. I forced myself to look away and break the spell he had on me and moved back into the shadows.

  I had disappeared into the shadows not a moment too soon, as Red’s fellow captives began to wake and call out in their language for one another. I could not be sure if he shouted “Faval!” at them or me. I slowly inched back to the bars, compelled to watch Red and listen to his voice. It soon became clear that he was the captain or leader, as when he spoke they all listened and answered accordingly. I watched as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The silver in his eyes blazed when he opened them again and once more, I was mesmerized.

  He spoke several fast words and I heard the rest of his crew gasp as a group. What the heck? I watched as across from me another red person turned up his head and sniffed the air. I figured he was trying to figure out how close the stinky aliens were, so I was shocked when he whipped his head in my direction.

  I immediately looked down towards Red, looking for some type of protection. He was looking back at me with an intense look upon his face. When I looked around, I saw that all of the red guys were looking at me with the same intense look upon their faces. It was unsettling to say the least. I swallowed the lump that had appeared in my throat and looked back to Red. “Hi ya’ll.”


  I’m Not your Cordisa!

  Jarrek T’el Quarnon, Commander of the battle cruiser Sh’dow al D’th and Prince of the planet Athria came back to consciousness with a loud groan and a curse already forming on his lips, which he immediately let loose. He slowly sat up and reached to touch the back of his head. Silently he thanked the gods there was no blood, although he continued to verbally curse at his hated enemy Varill. Sorry bastard had actually found a little luck and had managed to capture him.

  Why was he still alive? He was male so he could not contribute anything viable for procreation and he was not a good candidate in their search for edible protein with specific enzymes, so what could his old enemy be thinking? He thought that he would finally get a chance to kill Varill just outside of a small blue and white planet and had commanded his ship to cloak itself behind a large planet with rings and moons while he and a select group of his guard took a small shuttle on a stealth mission to board the Krakill vessel. In dealing with the Krakill over the years, he had found that surprise and small concentrated teams usually managed to kill most of them.

  The Krakill advanced in DNA manipulation and other sciences could not create better technology for space travel or war. It was as if they could concentrate on only two things, procreation and war. They did not even get to enjoy it either. They only used females to harvest their eggs. Then they jerked themselves off and fertilized the ova in a dish before inserting it into an incubator-egg. They had about two days to harvest an egg from a female and fertilize it before the outer layers of their egg hardened too much to introduce the mixed DNA. Not to say they did not enjoy hurting a woman, but no penetration was required for them to procreate. What a waste. Females were soft and beautiful and smelled so good. They had such lovely breasts to suck on, pinch, and squeeze. A pussy that was warm and tight and would milk and squeeze him until he could not hold back a second longer.

  Jarrek curbed his thoughts before they made his shaft rise. There would be time later to fantasize about finding a woman. First, he had to figure out what Varill was trying to accomplish by keeping him alive. Well, he would when his head quit throbbing. It was messing up all his senses. His cock was trying to rise and he would have sworn he smelled his mate, except the Goddess of life had not blessed him or any Athrian with such a thing for the last six thousand years. They were a slowly dying race, looking about the galaxy for a compatible species to breed with; they were also trying to kill off the Krakill race. If they were destined to die, they wanted to leave the universe a safer place.

  Looking up, he froze as he caught sight of the most amazingly beautiful and exotic woman he had ever seen. Her eyes were the color of a Jabir’s egg. Her skin was a shimmering brown and olive tone. Her hair was long and thick and the exact color of the soil, rich with the minerals and nutrients needed in springtime, abundant with veins of the life giving sun throughout. He was unable to see all of her, but her breasts were large and bountiful. He could not wait to taste them. She was a goddess come to life.

  For an instant, he thought that maybe the hit to his head had been too hard and he was hallucinating, especially as she moved away from the bars and back into the cage where he could no longer see her. He tried to shout out for her to wait, but it seemed like he was not alone in his captivity. More and more of his men called out to one another. It seems that Varill had managed to capture his entire guard. Well, no matter. It would make it that much easier to escape from here if they all combined their energies. Then he could find out if that vision of pulchritude was real by pulling her into his arms for a few mind-drugging kisses.

  He ran through the roll call, making sure each warrior could be accounted for, before he then satisfied his own need and took another deep breath. He wanted to verify what his soul already knew. Her scent was so unique and delicious. His mouth watered. His cock went from soft to hard and painful in a microsec. She really was his mate. The Goddess had given him a mate! Quickly, he told his crew. The urgency to escape and kill Varill had just multiplied by a googolplex. He heard their collective gasps and indrawn breaths, trying to verify his words. Not because they doubted him, but because such a thing was so inconceivable that, they felt compelled to verify his words for themselves. It was hard to fathom that they were finally going to know what a mate could scent like.

  There were plenty of pleasure houses throughout the galaxy for warriors, pirates, trader’s, even criminals. They had several such places on their home world of Athria, as they paid very well and looked upon the women not as whores, but princesses. Females capable of mating and breeding with the males of their species were extinct, a myth, a hopeless dream. There were only five thousand of their own women alive on their planet. Each warrior present had given up the idea of finding their mate and concentrated on taking out as many of their hated enemy as possible before joining the Goddess in death. That their Prince should find a female mate was a surprise.

  Jarrek kept his eyes trained on the female, his Jabir minka or “my little bird”, as she looked around at his men. When she looked back down at him, he was sorry to see her look so frightened. Once he got her out of that cage, he would make sure that she knew that she was his to protect and she never needed to be afraid again. Any one of his men would give his life to keep her safe. It would be his honor to spend every minute devoted to her safety and happiness.

  At her small greeting, he had to frown. What language was th
at? He had a cornucopia of languages that he was fluent in, several more that he could get by with his basic understanding of, but success in universal translators had been on the market now for the last few years. He had purchased them for all of his crew and even sent several crates back to his father, King Cybrus. They may be a dying race, but they were men.

  New technology had always fascinated his father and he knew he would enjoy playing with one and finding out how it worked. He would also challenge his scientists to improve upon the work by chastising them for not figuring out how to create them in the first place. He was going to need to get her to keep talking so that his implant could decipher her language and translate it for him. Although that did not seem to be a problem as she continued speaking, without the need for breath apparently.

  Hailey saw Red’s frown and wondered for a moment if she had said something that translated to something offensive in his language. Giving herself a mental shrug, as she could not help it if their languages were so different that one small word would offend she kept going and said, “I really hope that you aren’t frowning at me because I dared to speak to you. I mean I was only trying to be friendly. I’m southern. We almost have to be friendly. It’s like the religion of the south. Well I’m currently a Texan. I was born what they call a Yankee, but I have been in Texas since I was like twelve. I hope you are the nice kind of alien. I really would prefer it if you were the nice kind of aliens, instead of eat your brains kind of aliens, you know what I mean? Ugh, of course you don’t know what I mean. The chances of you being able to understand my language have to be a million to one. No, probably bigger than that, like a trillion to one. Well, I don’t care. I actually feel a little more like myself now that I am talking aloud to ya’ll. I wonder why I didn’t think of this earlier. I could have sung some songs while I worked on trying to break out of this prison. Like Jailhouse rock, from the King of Pop, Mr. Elvis Presley. Maybe something a little more today, ummm…nope can’t think of any prison songs. Some country maybe or I love the band Three Days Grace. Hey, you don’t know what kind of alien thing kidnapped us, do you? Ooh, and are they as evil as I think they are? Do you know why that one dude licked my cheek? He wasn’t trying to see if I would taste good barbequed, was he? Why did he kidnap me in the first place? Why did he kidnap you? Where did he kidnap you from? Y’ all haven’t been to my planet before, have you? ‘Cuz I have to say, I used to think those people that claimed they had been kidnapped by aliens, had really just gotten a hold of some real good moonshine. I may have to apologize to them if I ever get back home. I’m really worried that Mr. Stinky is going to come back soon, so while it was real nice talking to you, unless you can magic us all out of here, I need to get back to trying to break out.”

  Taking out her wire cutters and needle nose pliers, she started talking to Red and the others while she worked again. “I really think I may be close. I will leave you my tools so you can break out too, but I have to hide. I just don’t think that I want to be around when ugly gets back. I’m sure as hell not going to wait for him to rape me and I will not sit around to see if he does want to barbeque me. No thanks. Ha! Got you, you sweet sugar you.” So saying she used her needle nose pliers to help her bend down two of the ten bars she had managed to saw through away from her. Once that was accomplished, she judged the opening itself. It would be a tight fit, but she would make it work. She started to bend the other bars towards her.

  Packing up her tools, she used her own weight to help bend the other eight bars back as far as she could. She then pushed her purse through the opening and hung it on the two bars she had bent outside of the cage. Taking a deep breath and saying a small prayer she began climbing up the bars. She was going to go out of here feet first.

  The red people went crazy, and whispered shouts came from up and down the row. She still couldn’t understand what the heck they were saying, but she got the gist. However, if they kept up the noise it would bring Mr. Stinky back sooner rather than later and she wanted to be gone before that occurred, so with a stern look at Mr. Red and a “Shh! Do you want mister stinky, ugly alien to come back?” she resumed her climb. Since he was the leader, he could tell the rest of his people to shut it up.

  Going headfirst only made sense to her as she could drag herself or hop if she broke a leg, but if she went headfirst she could break her neck. Of course, she was going to be very careful not to break anything. The idea was to find a way to hide and escape.

  Hailey threaded both feet through the opening and then sat on the edge to get her balance and some advantage to help turn her onto her stomach. She slowly rolled over until her legs were straight out behind her and she balanced on her stomach. Lowering her legs, she looked for something to help hold her weight and control the balance.

  There were vertical bars running about every four feet that helped. Reaching under herself with one hand, she pushed her upper body up while reaching above herself to grab a bar. Ducking under the opening, she was now standing outside her little cage. She carefully slipped her purse across her body, then slowly bent her knees, and walked herself down the bar as far as she could. When she lowered her legs down to the next vertical section, she took another deep breath and started the process all over again. It was just letting gravity take hold in a slow controlled slide. Four vertical sections later, Hailey touched solid ground then did a little booty shake in victory. She then turned around to keep her promise.

  Turning around to face Red, she took just a moment to study him. Now that she was just a few feet away from him, his sheer size overwhelmed her. Thinking that he must be at least seven feet tall, then standing almost next to seven feet tall, were worlds apart in the feelings it engendered. She felt small and vulnerable. One feeling she quite liked, being an overweight woman, she rarely felt small, but vulnerable was not a feeling she liked at all. That feeling would quickly piss her off.

  Hailey quickly pulled out the needle nose pliers and wire cutters then held them out to Mr. Red. The bars width may have been helpful to Hailey, but regrettably, Red was going to have to open a bunch of bars before he could escape. Feeling safe from any attempts to grab a hold of her, Hailey got closer to the bars than she would have normally thought wise.

  “Here are the tools I promised. Good luck on getting free.” She pushed the tools inside the cage. She took a minute and tried to memorize the overall look of him. If she ever got free or even found some privacy for a little while, she was going to use him to replace Mr. McConaughey. He was the sexiest, the most masculine, yummy man she had ever seen. Looking at him this close had her pussy gushing. She felt like she could almost drown someone in the juice her pussy was creating. That saying, “I want to eat him with a spoon,” applied here, except. “I don’t want a spoon. My tongue would work just fine,” she told him.

  “What would your tongue work on? Why would it work at all? It is in your mouth.” Jarrek asked. Sometime during her very long talking, his translator had kicked in and started translating what she was saying. She had a very odd way of speaking and many of her words ran together so that it took a little effort on his part to separate them and try to understand her meaning. He had just managed to decipher her last words when she started her ridiculous climb out the hole she had made. He wanted to shout at her to stop, but was afraid that if he managed to say anything it would only scare her and make her fall.

  His men had protested as well. When they escaped he was going to spank her ass bright red. He felt as though his heart muscle was going to seize up. Watching that backside view as she slowly made her way down had given him amble time to picture it lying across his lap for discipline. The little shake she had given it when she was finally on the ground had made his already painful cock, swell further, making him moan a little. He was about to explode like some youngling with his first rise. His body’s reaction to her look was visceral. When she had held out her strange objects but continued to run her eyes over his body, it felt as though she was searing his skin, the very fluid i
n his bones.

  “On you.” She answered absently. Still trying to catalog the ways his muscles moved as he shifted. Then the fact that he spoke in English, and that she had answered him registered. Hailey felt her face heat up and she finished shoving the tools into his cage and backed up quickly. “What the heck?”


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