Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One

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Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One Page 3

by Ginger Branch

  Hailey was surprised to hear him speak English. “What’s wrong with you? I have been speaking for the better part of an hour and not once have you attempted to speak with me or answer any of my questions. If you didn’t know the answer, you could have just said so.” She pushed the hair from her eyes, rolled them and continued.

  “Sweet baby Jesus, it just figures that I am kidnapped by aliens and the male of the species still keeps their mouths shut. Apparently, the silent type is everywhere. That’s just great.” Hailey ended on a sigh. So embarrassed that she wanted to melt in the floor, she pushed her shoulders back and held her head up high. “You can figure out on your own how to use the tools. You’re male, so it’s not like you would have listened to my instructions in the first place.” Turning away from the direction that Mr. Stinky went Hailey took off down the corridor. It was time to stop drooling over sexy red aliens and escape.

  Hailey only made it fifty yards before she smacked into a very solid wall of muscle, and let out an audible oomph. She looked up the wall of muscles and into eyes of obsidian and silver. She felt her heart skip a beat and then begin again in double time. What kind of spell was he able to weave over her?

  “Are you made of bricks? That hurt.” Hailey said before she it registered that he had been inside a cage only a second ago. “Wait! How did you get out?”

  “That is not important my little bird. Here are your small sticks. You can put them in your bag. My men are securing the way out of here. I do not know why Varill has not killed us yet, but I do not have time to find out what he has planned, as I would prefer we escape now.” Pulling her up against his chest so that he could look at her beautiful face he quickly strode down the corridor after his men.

  “Look Red, I don’t know who you think you are, but I am not going with you. You can put me down right now.” Hailey tried pushing against his chest and wiggling out of his hold, but it was like trying to move a mountain with a feather. She punched him in the chest and only managed to hurt her hand. “I will hurt you if you don’t put me down right this fucking instant!”

  “Not Red, Jarrek. My name is Jarrek, and you are not hurting me. You are too small and soft to hurt me. I could carry you for hours you are so light. We must leave here now before Varill comes back.

  “Okay, that is it Mister! You can’t say I didn’t warn you.” She had just about enough. To make fun of her weight was not something that she could tolerate. Hailey’s emotional trauma was rising again, and like her patience, was at the end of the rope. She kicked him solidly between his legs.

  Hailey expected a sudden, harsh drop when Jarrek fell to the floor in agony. What she didn’t expect was that she would be the one to scream. Her foot connected with something that felt as solid as steel. “Ahhhh” she started, but Jarrek placed his hand over her mouth to contain her scream. She knew something had broken.

  “I am sorry my little bird, I know you are in pain, but I will have you healed in just a moment. Please be patient as we wait for my men to give the signal. We are just outside of the corridor where we have hidden our shuttle.” Jarrek asked as he watched the tears fall down her beautiful cheeks.

  He was extremely proud of her for trying to fight back against the unknown, and liked the indomitable nature that she was presenting. However, she was fighting the wrong person and now he hoped that he could heal her soon. That she was hurting and injured broke his heart. He was failing his Goddess given gift and he had not even been with her for a standard day. At least this kind of pain was temporary. He only worried that she would be incompatible to their healing parasites. He would find out soon as Kirrek and Sameth gave him the signal it was clear to morph.

  Hailey whimpered with the pain in her foot, and tried to understand what was going on. Her foot should have connected with his sensitive parts. He should have dropped her to cover those parts and writhe on the floor in agony while she ran the other direction and escaped all of the aliens.

  It should have been simple. She had even seen how all the events were going to play out inside her head, but then her foot connected and the agony Jarrek was supposed to feel became hers. He kept talking to her, but she was lost, floating in a sea of pain. It hurt so much she was nauseous.

  Between one blink and the next, she found herself in a new place. The way these alien guys moved was disconcerting. She really was going to puke. Jarrek set her gently on a side seat and started calling out orders.

  As soon as they completed the morph, Jarrek immediately called out for departure and for Kirrek and Sameth to join him. He leaned down and as gently as he could, he set his burden down, keeping her hand. He needed to ask her so many questions. He did not even know her name, but first he wanted her healed.

  “I want to introduce you to my brother and cousin little bird. This is Kirrek and our cousin Sameth. Sameth is a wonderful healer and will look you over to see if he can relieve any of your pain.” Jarrek said as he caressed the back of her hand. Turning to Sameth, he told him about his little birds attempt to flee and how she hurt her foot. Both men smiled at his words for a brief moment and clapped him on each shoulder, as a feisty woman was always a delight in bed.

  Sameth knelt down to the tiny female, picking up her foot gently he probed the area and knew it was broken. He called out for his bag and once it was in hand, pulled out the hypo-dialer. The little female was so small he was scared to give her very much; she was not much bigger than the pimba cats at home. He hoped that five units would help her until they got to the ship and he could determine her genetic make-up. Once he figured out if she was compatible with their medicine, he could get some healiogel into her break. “This won’t hurt at all.” Sameth told her as he gently gave her the pain relief. She was so beautiful. His Prince was a lucky man. That a mate had been found after all their eons searching was such a miracle. He allowed himself to hope that where one mate was, others would follow. Goddess willing, even one for him.

  The one Jarrek called Sameth had the gentlest eyes she had ever seen. He was about two inches shorter than Jarrek's seven feet but while Jarrek and Kirrek where dark haired Sameth had long, flowing and beautiful blonde hair. He had the sides braided and held together in the back, while leaving the bottom free to lay over his shoulders. His gentle eyes were black and gold, but they shone with a light that made her feel as though she was with an angel. His Raphael-like good looks should have made her drool, but he just left her feeling as if she had fallen in love with a puppy. She had no understanding of exactly what he was saying, but this close she couldn’t help but look directly into his eyes. She instinctively relaxed and let him help her. Within moments, the pain receded and she relaxed the tight grip she had on Jarrek’s hand and took a deep breath.

  “Why did you take me with you? Are you going to help me get home?” She asked Sameth. He didn’t make her body sing and with those eyes, he was a little easier to approach.

  Sameth looked from her to Jarrek and stood. He would leave conversation to her mate. Especially as his translator was still struggling with the language, she spoke. It appeared as though her language had many words that could mean a variety of different things. It was the context in which they came together that allowed the hearer to pick the right ones. It was quite exhausting. A couple of words he found he could not decipher the meaning. What exactly was barbequed? He would have to remember to ask her later when his translator and symbiot helped him learn her language. He moved away to see if any of his brothers had wounds to tend.

  Jarrek was holding on to his symbiot by the thinnest of threads. His need to claim her was overwhelming and only the fact that she was injured had halted him from throwing her over his shoulder and finding some privacy. When his little bird relaxed the grip she had on his hand as her pain had lessened, his control almost slipped again. It was sheer determination that he not frighten her more than she already was that had allowed him to get a hold of his control a second time.

  When she had asked Sameth if they were going to take her ho
me, he had almost roared out his denial. She was his! His mate! His to care for, love, protect. Now that he had found her, he would collapse worlds to keep her. Only in death would he release her, and then only until she joined him. He had waited fourteen hundred and seven years for a mate. To lose her back on her world would drive him insane. He could never allow her to see her world again. She would forgive him one day, as he would make her so happy she forgot the little marble she came from. Tugging her hand to get her attention he said, “May I have your name first little bird?”

  “My name is Hailey. Now answer my question.”

  “I am taking you to my home Hailey. You are my Cordisa, my heart’s fate, and it will be my great joy to care for you. I know you have many questions. I also have many questions, but I ask you for patience on this. I would like to have Sameth complete your healing when we reach my ship. Afterward, we can discuss your situation and answer one another’s questions. I will also have you fitted with a translator so that you can understand what the others are saying and learn my language as well.”

  “Great.” Hailey thought to herself, from one situation to the next. The problem with this “situation” is that she had to fight her traitorous body. She wanted to stay with Jarrek. His nearness made her feel very horny, weirdly she also felt safe. She didn’t believe in love at first sight or destined mates though. They were lines men handed out like crumbs to the starving.

  They never meant them. Well, they did until they got what they wanted. Then, it was, “Hey, thanks for the ride.” or even, “You’re nice to fuck, but I can’t be seen dating a fat chick.” In her experience, men only gave you lines like that for their own agenda. They didn’t even see the pain they caused.

  For a very long time, she believed that someday she would find her prince charming and he would love her the way she was. However, too many times she met a man who wined and dined and made promises galore, but, after they got her into bed, it was goodbye.

  Then she met Greg. For eight months they had dated and she had allowed herself to hope he was they one. He had proposed, she had said yes and he had moved in with her. After a month the comments started. “You know that food isn’t good for you. You should eat more salads. I don’t understand why you can’t just lose a little weight for me. If you loved me, you would try to look better. I’m not taking you out in public. Look at you; you aren’t even trying to lose the pounds.” Hailey had gotten so depressed she had contemplated suicide. Her mom had saved her. She had shown up at her apartment and dragged her out of bed.

  “What are you doing, Hailey? You’ve changed, and not for the better. Where is your fire? Six months ago, you would have shown me Greg’s nuts in a jar if he had humiliated you or gave you crap about your size and now you are bowing your head to this man and taking it. Why?”

  “’Cuz there’s no point mama. I am fat. I try to lose weight, but it just seems to stay there. I tried the bike, the pool, the elliptical machine and even the Zumba class. Men only want skinny women.”

  “Well then, that is their loss. You can only ever be yourself, Hailey. You are not responsible for how the rest of the world looks at you or feels. God made you just perfect, honey. You should never have to put up with someone who abuses you, and that is exactly what is happening here. Don’t let him get away with it.”

  “I know you’re right mama, but I get tired of being alone. I want to share my life with someone. I need someone to touch me.”

  “We all want to connect with somebody Hailey, but there is no reason you have to change to do so.”

  That conversation with her mom had started to put the fire back in her belly. She took less and less from Greg and finally packed his belongings and told him that he didn’t live there anymore. She eventually moved closer to her mom and then they had bought a house together. It was the best decision she had ever made.

  She had begun to heal, but now she found herself in a situation she could not have prepared for. She longed for Jarrek and deep down was in love with the idea of them being fated, but experience had taught her otherwise. She would just have to remind herself of all the lines a man could spin to get his way to help keep her grounded with reality, not fantasy.

  Hailey pulled her hand from Jarrek and told him, “I am not your fate. I would like you to return me home now. I can take myself to the hospital there to get fixed up. You have no right… to…,” She had only a brief warning before she could feel the darkness of sleep rush to her on speeding wings.

  Jarrek quickly caught Hailey before she could slide off the seat and scooped her into his arms. He called for Sameth to make sure that she was not reacting poorly to their medicine. Once Sameth advised that she was just sleeping, he sat down with her cradled close to his chest and watched her sleep.

  He could not wait to get her back to the destroyer where Sameth could take her to medical and heal her. Once that was complete and Sameth ran all the tests he needed to, Jarrek was going to take Hailey to his rooms and closet them both inside until he had sunk his cock in every part of her body, worshiped every delectable inch with his mouth, lips and tongue and made her is bonded Cordisa. He was eager to be her Prateo Corduva. Her heart fated, bonded husband and protector.


  A Little Healing

  Jarrek exited the shuttle carrying his Cordisa. Turning in the direction of the medical bay, he walked in long ground eating strides, not even taking the time to acknowledge any of his warriors who called out for orders or shouted questions.

  He would speak to them after he had taken care of Hailey. She was and always would be his first consideration. Jarrek was quite sure that Kirrek could handle getting everything in order, and no doubt, his men would be spreading the wonderful and astonishing news that he had found his Cordisa.

  Walking through the medical bay's doors, he strode to the nearest open station and with the greatest of care, laid the woman who now held his heart and soul down, straightening her limbs and making her more comfortable. Sameth was there next to him a few moments later, bringing Hailey's bag and an array of scanners, devices and blood collectors.

  “If you could remove her foot coverings my Prince, I will begin running diagnostics on her overall anatomy and physiology. Once I get an idea of the composition inside, and how it functions on her species, the nannites will have collected bone, marrow and tissue samples. Then I can collect blood and hair samples. These first scans will also show me her reproducing capabilities.” Sameth went around putting words into action.

  “Once I have that information, I will know if I can inject the healiogel into her foot to knit the bone back together. These first scans will only take about fifteen minutes, I will need to run deeper and longer scans, but I will be using the information that I collect now so that you may take her to your rooms to finish recovering if that is your wish.”

  Jarrek looked up briefly from Hailey's face and said, “I would prefer it greatly. I treasure all of my people, but I have been granted a gift and do not want to share it with them just yet. Look at her Sameth,” Jarrek said and went back to watching her beautiful face. Keeping it there, he continued. “I worry that I will harm her somehow. I know that the Goddess has made her specifically for me, but I am surprised by her size. How can something so small and fragile handle our way of life? Will she be able to take my passion for her? I will be as gentle as possible, but a warrior's lust can be all consuming on occasion. I have hurt Loku without meaning to and he is a warrior.”

  “My Prince, I do not mean you any disrespect, but I believe you are underestimating your female. She has shown us an incredibly indomitable spirit. Did she not manage to escape from her prison without our influence?” Sameth questioned. Remembering her ass, made him uncomfortably hard, so he moved around the table, surreptitiously adjusting his cock. He continued easing his cousin’s mind with, “She is quite surprising. Yes, she is small, but I have no doubt that she would rise above any challenge victorious. Did she not break her foot trying to kick you in the ball
s? Any other species she encountered, she would have easily escaped. Our armor is deceptive and a secret we hold dear, it is the only reason she is hurt now. She is fierce and lovely. Small packages can often contain the indestructible items. Our teachings of the Goddess have taught us that. Have faith in her cousin.” Sameth finished taking his samples and turned from Jarrek, lest he notice his still hard cock. He hoped it would go down soon or at least long enough for Jarrek to retire with Hailey. He really needed to go find relief.


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