Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One

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Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One Page 5

by Ginger Branch

  With the amount of lust in his system, even though he had come twice so quickly, Kirrek was struggling to keep those protective feelings in the forefront of his mind. With most of the population men, they had turned to their own sex for relief. Yes, there were pleasure houses on Athria, but they could only handle so many patrons in a day and were quite expensive. Moreover, most of their missions took them into space, killing the Krakill’s and looking for a compatible species to breed with; it was not conducive for women to be aboard a fighting ship. As females were treasured, they could not take the risk of them coming to harm in battle. Hundreds of mechanized, female sex-bots were included in the supplies of every ship, but most craved warm flesh to surround their cocks. Doctors had deemed that giving relief to one another as healthy. Occasionally a strong love bond formed, allowing them to be monogamous with each other. So, that while not Corduva, or fated hearts, some considered them in the same category and respected their bond. Kirrek had been with Sidhawk for almost a thousand years and such a bond had formed early in their relationship.

  “Let us get back to our quarters. We both need a shower and I need you again.” Leading Sidhawk out of the room, he told him, “I bet all the team that went on this last mission is busy doing the same thing I just did to you. Once you take off my edge again, I promise to take you to meet her. She should have a translator by now.”

  Sidhawk stopped abruptly and asked Kirrek with incredulity in his voice. “Wait. You mean that Jarrek has actually found a Cordisa? This is not some sexual game you are playing with me?”

  “No love. Varill had already kidnapped this female from the small blue and white planet before we arrived on his ship. He and his crew somehow managed to capture all of us. Now, no one knows why he did not just kill us all and continue on his mission, whatever that entails, but he did not. The female had managed to cut through many of the bars on her cell and she climbed down from the cage to the floor by herself. Her ass was on display for all of us to lust over. Once we all quit trying to yell at her to not climb out of the cage, that we would come get her, we all held our breath hoping this little female would not fall to her death, or get hurt. I think we all were poised to morph to her at the first hint she was going to fall. Even if it meant having to be stuck behind while our symbiot recharged. All of us would have risked capture and death so that she and Jarrek would survive. Do you see the implications of this? The Goddess has seen fit to save us.”

  “Blessed Goddess.” Sidhawk praised. “I never thought I would see the day. A Cordisa. Kirrek take me to meet her now please. I think I have to see this with my own eyes.” Sidhawk pleaded.

  “Looking all disheveled and smelling of sex?” Kirrek teased his normally fastidious partner.

  “Yes Kirrek. I do not think I can wait.” Sidhawk stated with complete sincerity. He had to see this miracle for himself. To find a female capable of mating with them? Carrying their child? No, he had to see this sight for himself with no delay.

  “All right, love. Let’s go.” Kirrek turned them to the bank of elevators. He hoped Jarrek was not busy with the little female. If they interrupted something intimate, they would not survive long. Kirrek was quite surprised when they ran into Jarrek just outside the elevator. “Jarrek? What is wrong?”

  “I have been called to come to the bridge. Loku says that I must see something that the Krakill’s are doing, since they are following us. I am still deciding if I should kill him or not.” Jarrek replied matter of fact.

  “What? Why? Loku is your best friend and completely loyal.” Kirrek was astonished to hear Jarrek say that he was deciding if he should kill Loku in that tone. Jarrek and Loku had shared many nights together, much like he and Sidhawk. It would be like hearing those words come from his mouth. Inconceivable.

  “I was with Hailey.” Jarrek said shortly. Letting the tone of his voice clearly imply what he would not speak aloud.

  Clearing his throat Kirrek replied, “Of course. Understandable. I was wondering if I could introduce Sidhawk to your Cordisa then. They could entertain one another while you are otherwise engaged.”

  “She is asleep again. I will allow him to watch over Hailey until my return, while you come with me. If I have to kill Loku I will need you to watch the bridge.” Jarrek joked deadpan.

  “Of course, brother. I will let Sidhawk into your rooms and will meet you on the bridge.” Kirrek replied. He knew as well as Jarrek, that Loku was in no danger of losing his life by Jarrek’s hand. Continuing down the corridor, he led Sidhawk to his brother’s rooms and keyed in his code. “I will return shortly.” Kirrek said as he watched Sidhawk hurry into his brother’s room.

  Sidhawk quickly walked through the door, eager to see what this female looked like. He didn’t’ even look at Kirrek as he said goodbye and went to look at the female. Hailey was such a strange name. He wondered what it meant. Finally seeing what Kirrek was talking about made Sidhawk’s jaw drop open. If her name meant lushly beautiful, then he would believe it. Great Goddess above! She was a breath stealing vision for sure. Her curves were exactly right to hold a man. Kirrek had not done her justice. He would not be surprised to find she was a Goddess in flesh.


  A Disturbing Message

  Jarrek strode onto the bridge with frustrated strides. Loku and he had been friends since birth. He could not remember a time in his life he had been without Loku’s companionship, but right now, he would like to throw him out the nearest airlock. “Report!” He shouted after he had gotten two steps into the room, making his way to his chair.

  Loku Rai Trindon strode to Jarrek’s side saying, “It is not good Commander. Varill’s ship is pursuing us vigorously, but that is not what I called you to witness. I would not have disturbed you for anything, as the ship was buzzing about the woman you carried to medical within two microsecs after your emergence from the shuttle. Who she is to you and the implications of your discovery has affected everyone aboard this ship. The news has even gone via fast capsule to Athria and your father. However, Varill has sent a message for you that I knew you would want to see.”

  “Then play his message.” Jarrek demanded.

  “You may wish to brace yourself Commander, it is very disturbing to see and,” Loku began, before Jarrek waved his explanation away.

  “I am not ignorant Loku. Frustrated as you interrupted the start of something wonderful, but never ignorant. I know that you would never interrupt me for something trivial. The bland tone you used on the link gave me the information that it will be quite horrific. Just get on with it.”

  “Yes, Commander. Play message.” Loku ordered.

  Varill’s ugly countenance appeared on the large screen in front of him. He had a horrific parody of a smile on his face, lending him even more menace.

  “My old friend Jarrek, why did you leave so soon? Well, it is always a pleasure to see you no matter how long you stay, but we had not quite reached the fun parts. I did not even get to give you any new scars. Such a shame, as you are not quite as pretty as I would like to make you. Not nearly as lovely as the prize you stole from me. I want my pet back Jarrek.” Varill snarled, finally losing that fake smile.

  “Go find your own pussy, friend. I was quite enjoying mine. Would you like to see? Hmm, I bet you would. Yes, show my friend Jarrek some of the wonderful things I got to enjoy with my pet before he so rudely stole her away.”

  His face vanished, only to be replaced by a nightmare. His Cordisa was unconscious, naked and restrained to a metal table. Varill was running his nasty claws all over her body. He watched them take their tests on her. Watched as Varill touched her sweet pussy and shoved his collection devices inside her, in a violent imitation of the sex act. Raping her delectable body, a body he had barely begun to worship. His poor love. He watched as day after day they stuck their collections devices inside her. Sometimes, several of the Krakill touched his precious little bird’s body, sticking tubes down her throat, her belly, her ass and vagina.

  Jarrek felt his
blood boiling inside his veins, felt the tight reign he had on his emotions disintegrate and heard as his chair arms ripped from their foundation, almost throwing him on the floor. He let them go and regained his balance in his chair. The nightmare grew though as Varill came back to the screen.

  “My little pet just seems to make nothing but eggs. Several of my men and I have been able to successfully use her ova and now incubate our young. I also hold in my possession one of yours.” Varill showed a small egg, floating a pinkish liquid, in a rubbery looking balloon.

  “After you took my little pet away, I was quite angry and threw a bit of a tantrum. Shameful, I know. Well, after killing several of my crew for allowing you to escape, I calmed down and tried to figure out why you had taken her with you. Normally, we play your boring game of, how many can I kill? This time, you snatched my pet and left in a hurry. Why? Well, I tried a little experiment. I took some of your frozen seed, reanimated it and introduced it to one of my pet’s eggs. Would you like to know the results my little experiment meted? I will tell you. Your seed practically leapt to her eggs they vibrated so fast. I have never seen a species so fertile in all my searching. The little egg I showed to you, it is your daughter.” Varill paused here for a moment, then started laughing very hard, but cut it off abruptly.

  Jarrek leaned forward a little more, a growl already rumbling deep in his chest as he watched Varill.

  “Well that was pleasant. Not what I commed you for though. I want my pet back Jarrek. I am even willing to trade her for your daughter. Well, it could be your daughter. Right now, it would be so easy to dispose of her. The first girl child conceived in, how long again? Six, seven, eight thousand years or so, hmm? If you refuse my very generous offer, I may let your daughter live just long enough to see if we can harvest eggs from her, with the introduction of such a fertile species, who knows what the results would be? You have three days to make up your mind. After that we will be blow up your ship. I cannot risk going too far from this fertile planet. I look forward to your answer.”

  With that, the screen went blank and Jarrek was glad he was still sitting down. His mind was going a thousand directions at once and did not know what to latch on to first. His Cordisa’s torture and rape, that she was so fertile to both of their species, or that she had young on board that ship? How about the surprising news that Varill still had some of his genetic material, or that he was going to be a father. A father to a female child, no less than his entire population’s hope.

  He looked at Loku and then to Kirrek, whose entrance he had missed during that horrific message. For one terrible moment, he wondered if he would be up to this task. He felt fragile in a way he never had before. Then it all fast-forwarded and punched him right in the solar plexus. Breathless and reeling, it still managed to straighten his spine and harden his resolve.

  Varill needed to die right now. Not later, not after he made sure his whole planet protected his Cordisa, but before they ran out of time to answer Varill’s message. “He dies now!” Jarrek shouted and threw back his head and issued a war cry that did not need a speaker to carry it throughout the ship. It sped and vibrated, touching his people on board and resonating within their hearts.

  “Kirrek, Loku I want plans and contingency plans drawn up. I want a bomb expert in here to speak with me in two hours. I must speak with my Cordisa about what has happened. I will want her help to make some decisions about her young. Send another message to my Father letting him know what has occurred. I also want a signal sent out to the other destroyers. I want as many as possible to make their way to me and mine at once. I will return as soon as possible. Make ready.”

  “Yes Commander.” They both saluted and turned away to begin making plans. They were both reeling from the messages contents. Loku had heard part of the beginning of the message, but not all and his blood lust fired up to an all-time high. This cat and mouse game with Varill had gone on too long. It was time for them to get serious and take them out. He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer to the Goddess of all Life to watch over Jarrek’s precious daughter and Cordisa. He would need her strength for the coming battle he was sure.

  Kirrek felt as though someone had blind-sided him. He had walked onto the bridge right as Varill’s face turned into the torture of Jarrek’s Hailey. Those images now carved into his memory for all time. He could not imagine the pain his brother must be feeling. It is one thing to hear what atrocities had happened to his Cordisa, but to have seen them taking place along with the rest of his men, it must be a special kind of hell.

  To have the knowledge that the same savages that had hurt and tortured his love had his daughter? May the Goddess help him! The universe was about to burn in the heat of Jarrek’s wrath. Varill could not understand what kind of animal he just unleashed.

  Well, he would be dead before he could contemplate it fully. He felt honored to help Jarrek plan this battle. His niece’s life and the life of his planet counted on their victory and he would not let any of them down.


  A Small Explanation

  Hailey could feel the smile on her face as she floated up from sleep. The orgasm Jarrek had given her had taken everything out of her. Now she was ready to start again and finally feel him sink into her body. She shivered in delight at the thought and reached for Jarrek as she turned over. Her hand touched cold sheets. Where was Jarrek? Surely, he had stuck around to hold her as she slept. I mean he hadn’t gotten off yet. That tended to leave a man desperate enough to do the cuddle thing. “Jarrek?” She called out.

  “I’m afraid he had to go to the bridge. I was tasked with your well-being until his return.” A voice said from the shadow next to the door. “My name is Sidhawk. I am lover to Kirrek, whom I believe you have met.”

  Hailey whipped her head in that direction and pulled the sheet closer to her body, making sure she was covered.

  “Um, yeah. Jarrek’s brother I think. Or cousin? No, that was Sameth. They are the only two I have met so far. I’m Hailey. So you’re Kirrek’s lover? That’s cool. I didn’t think when I met an alien they would turn out to be gay. Well, I didn’t even think that people from other planets were real, you know? So how could they be gay or straight? Sorry. I’m nervous. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous.”

  Sidhawk came closer to Hailey and smiled down on her. “I am unsure what gay or straight mean to you. Could you please elaborate on this for me?”

  “Oh, sure. Do you think I could get a shirt or something to cover up with first? I’m not used to having’ a conversation without clothes on.” Hailey asked.

  “Well if you must, but you are quite stimulating to look at and I am quite enjoying the way you look right now. Your lovely hair all tangled and messy, your sexy shoulders bare. I really love the little hint of your nipples poking against the sheet. You are the most beautiful woman I have seen in a very long time. At least, a living one. We have a lovely statue of the Goddess in the chapel on board where we go to pray. I will show you one day.” Sidhawk replied.

  “Thanks, I think. Now I’m confused. I could have sworn that you said you were Kirrek’s lover. On my planet, we have men and women who aren’t attracted to the opposite sex, but the same sex as they are. Women who fall in love and have sex with other women and men who fall in love, and have sex with other men. This term is gay. I thought you only found other men attractive. Am I wrong on that?” Hailey explained.

  “Well not wrong. Let me tell you a little bit about our planet Athria. This will explain it for you I believe. We are actually a dying race of men, my dear. There are only five thousand women or less left alive on my entire world. Not one of those women is under the age of six thousand.” Sidhawk began as he pulled the chair closer to the bedside and sat down.

  “Whoa. Stop right there. How old?” Hailey stopped Sidhawk; certain she had heard that wrong. There was no way he had said thousand.

  “That we have had no females for about six thousand years or that there are females on my planet over six th
ousand years old?” Sidhawk queried.

  “That the women on your world are over six thousand years old? How is that possible? I am twenty-six years old. The people on my planet can live to about one hundred years old. Some can live a little longer, but not more than one hundred and twenty-five. I mean wow! Wait. How old are you? You look about my age.” Hailey hoped that Sidhawk didn’t take offense to her question, but she was incredibly curious. So caught up in the fascinating conversation that she didn’t realize she still was naked from the waist up and only the sheet covered her from his gaze.


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