Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One

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Knight in Shining Alien?: Athrian Warriors Book One Page 4

by Ginger Branch

  Jarrek gave a small laugh and smiled at Sameth's words. “You speak truth Sameth. I see her size and fear; instead, I should realize her actions have spoken louder. I still will need to spank her ass for the dangerous stunt she pulled in her escape. If she had fallen, all would have been lost and I would be a broken man. As soon as you are done, I will retire to my chambers and keep watch over her, while I find out just how far we are from being able to jump. If I remember correctly, we are still three weeks away from any known jump point. We must return to Athria as soon as possible. I will send a directive to all departments that I want every drop of power concentrated on getting us to the jump point as fast as possible. I cannot run the risk that she will be harmed. I will retire from killing the Krakill and spend my days loving Hailey and showing her my planet. ”

  Sameth put the last of his collection syringes away and said, “If you can give me about sixty microsecs I will be finished. I just need to inject the healiogel into her break and then we can put her foot covering back on and she is all yours.”

  Once Sameth finished the injection, they both helped put on her weird looking boots. Sameth would have liked to examine her strange garments, but would not bother his Commander and Prince with something so trivial at this time.

  “There we are, she is ready to retire. She should sleep the rest of the night and maybe into the late afternoon tomorrow. I am afraid that even five units was more than her body is designed for. Now that I have some answers on some of her physiology, I will be prepared for any issues that may arise. I would like to be the first to offer my congratulations to your impending bond, my Prince, and say that I am very happy for you. That there is hope for our people at long last is a miracle.” Sameth held out his arm so that he could clasp forearms with Jarrek.

  Once Jarrek had accepted Sameth's felicitations, he picked up his intended bride and her bag and carried her to his rooms. Once she was ensconced on the bed, he wondered if he should remove any of her coverings. He had forgotten to ask Sameth if her species got cold at the temperature they kept the ship. Running his hand down her face, he found her to be a comfortable warm temperature, so decided to leave her as she was for now. He needed to send out his directives and have a meal. Then he could keep watch over his Cordisa while she healed.


  Kidnapped Again.

  Hailey heard the sound of her alarm going off from a distance and wondered briefly, why it was so far away. She must have knocked it over again. Well it would go off again in five minutes. She just needed a few more minutes to try to catalog the weird dream she just had. Wow. She knew she had an active imagination, but damn. Stinky aliens she could probably figure out fairly easy as Bart slept in bed with her most days and he could stink up any room in five minutes once he started sleeping.

  She loved the fat ball of fur, but it was as if he saved his gas all day just so that he could fart all night long in her bed. She had kicked him out of the bed more nights than she could count and once sent him to the greenhouse for a week because he had tangled with a skunk and came out the loser. She must have been sleeping hard not to have woken up and kicked him out. Hunky red aliens that could pop out of cages were a little tougher. The sexy part she got, but not why they were red.

  Well, maybe it just meant that she was approaching a higher level of horniness and her little rabbit was not going to do the job this time around. Speaking of, maybe she could get in a quick orgasm. That Jarrek was panty melting. She was wishing she had jumped him in the dream so she had something to think back on when she reached down to play with her clit and encountered denim and not the elasticized cotton band of her pajamas.

  “Huh?” She opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She was wearing the clothes from her dream. “Weird. Maybe I took a nap and had a very vivid dream.” Turning her head, she expected to see her office bedroom, but instead stared into Jarrek’s obsidian and silver eyes. “Son of a cow!” She shouted, scrambling to sit up and move away.

  “Easy little bird. You are safe with me on my ship. No one here will ever hurt you. I would eviscerate them where they stood.” Jarrek crooned in a soft voice to help soothe her.

  “Holy Shit! Is that supposed to make me feel better? I thought everything was just a dream. Wait. I broke my foot on you. Why doesn’t it hurt? Oh who cares, your real!” Hailey felt the tears come then. She tried to suck them back in, but it was useless. It was all real and she didn’t know what would happen to her, or when she would get to see her mom again. It was all too much. To find herself kidnapped, not once, but twice? To aliens?

  Dropping her head in her hands, she sobbed. “Oh God, Momma. What’s gonna happen to me?” She felt Jarrek pick her up and croon to her, but she could not focus on his words and had no energy to fight him.

  Jarrek saw the water start to pool in her beautiful eyes and quickly crossed the room to her. Scooping her into his arms, he lay back against the headboard and just held her as she cried. He felt so helpless in that moment. There was no one he could hurt to fix this, and for a while, as she adjusted to his world and life, she would experience these feelings many times.

  All he could do holding her was to tell her repeatedly that he would, “swear upon all the stars in the sky, all of my ancestors throughout time itself, I will love, protect, and do everything in my power to make you happy.” She held his heart and soul in her delicate hands. Once her sobs began to lessen, he stroked her hair and pressed kisses to it. She lifted her face to his; those red, water filled eyes seemed to scream to his soul to kiss her and remove her pain.

  Looking up into his eyes, exhausted from crying, her pussy still grew moist as he bent his head towards her. She willingly met his kiss. Tired of fighting her body’s response to him, Hailey had decided she would sate herself in his arms. Forever may not be possible, but right now was just fine. She wanted to know what his skin tasted like. To memorize the hills and ridges of his body, to feel the way he would cover her body and surround her in himself. To feel how his cock would stretch her pussy. She wanted to luxuriate in every delicious, inventive way that he would come up with to please her body. Hailey wanted to surrender to Jarrek and feel something other than the pain of her situation.

  Hailey immediately opened her mouth to taste his lips. She began to lick and nibble as Jarrek did the same. Oh, the feel of his tongue against hers, he somehow tasted of dark orange chocolate. The dance of twining tongues together, of him tasting the recesses of her mouth left her feeling enraptured. She felt as though there was no part of her mouth left unexplored.

  She pressed her body as tight against him as she could manage. Turning into him fully and straddling his legs, she rubbed her pussy against him, ramping her desire for him higher, and she was sure leaving a wet stain on his crotch. The hard, thick length of his cock teased her clit and had her panting and trying to rip the clothes from his body. He felt so huge, so good. She needed to feel his skin. “Strip. Hurry. I need skin, oh, that feels so good.” She cried as he pushed his rigid cock up against her, digging her denim harder against her clit. It added pressure and increased the pleasure. “Skin, give me naked skin.” She chanted at him while trying to help him remove his clothes, and sucking on his neck, ear, even the line of his jaw.

  Jarrek felt as though he had died and gone to be with the Goddess. Hailey eating at his lips, twining their tongues together was so delicious he felt as though he could sip at them for hours. He explored her mouth as though it held the secrets to the universe. His cock filled and throbbed. He pushed up against her to help relieve some of the agony in his cock. He would need to remove his armor soon or it would kill him. She seemed to read his mind, pulling at his armor and telling him to remove it. Pulling his lips from her only caused her to attack his neck, his ears. A little shiver ran through him as she found a spot just under his ear that made his arousal grow.

  He scrambled to find the buttons under the band of his pants that would open the seams on his armor. Quickly pushing all of them, he tore apart h
is armor from shoulder to waist. Dragging them down each arm, he flung each piece to the side of the bed and wrapped his arms around his lush Cordisa once more. He leaned her back and laid her out across the mattress. As she ran her small hands all over his chest and flanks, he tried to find the tabs to remove her clothing.

  Frustrated and wanting her skin against his, he leaned up, grabbed a handful of her material and ripped it from her body. They both froze. Jarrek froze because the beauty of her skin and her abundant breasts in their black lace covering held him in awe. Hailey froze from insecurity due to past relations. She was just starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea when the breath just seemed to leave his body on a loud groan saying, “Goddess incarnate.”

  Jarrek wanted this first time they were together to be etched and burned into his memory for all time. He tried to tell her how he felt. “You are so beautiful I cannot think of a way to let you know just how perfect you really are, except to say that you are one of the Goddesses reborn into flesh. I want to look at all of you, how can I remove the covering?” he asked pointing to her bra.

  With trembling hands, Hailey reached behind her and said, “Let me.” Unhooking her bra, she slowly peeled it off, teasing him a little by using on arm to cover her breast while she tossed her bra to the side. Jarrek was having none of it. Pushing her arms down, he let his eyes devour her. Watching as her nipples grew distended and tight.

  He covered her body with his, straddling one leg. He pushed his thigh high against her pussy and bending, he captured a peak in his mouth. He sucked, sipped, and bit her flesh. He squeezed and teased her other nipple, plucking and giving it rough twists on occasion. She made the most beautiful noises under him as she clutched and pulled his hair. Pushing her cunt up and grinding it against his thigh, Jarrek was ready to hear her cries of completion. He switched his attention to her other breast, and pushed his thigh higher against her pussy. Taking her nipple between his teeth, he bit down on the tip and then sucked her tit deep in his mouth. He felt her nails dig deep into his head and her high keening cry of completion as she continued to grind against him and he luxuriated in the sounds and scent of his Cordisa’s release.

  Ready to finish striping them both bare so that he could sink his cock deep inside her sheath and start the bonding ceremony, Jarrek let out several curses and a moan of denial when a loud ring came from his bedside. Rolling off his sated Cordisa was one of the hardest things Jarrek had done in a very long time. Grabbing up his link, he depressed the connection and shouted “What?” into it.

  “I am sorry Commander, but you are needed on the bridge. We have Krakill’s pursuing us, and you are going to want to see this.” Loku replied in a bland tone.

  “Loku, this better be very important. They are Krakill’s. You should be able to handle this.” Jarrek replied.

  “Yes Commander. I agree. I am still saying that you are going to want to see this.” Loku replied in the same monotone.

  “On my way. And Loku, I suggest you start praying to the Goddess I don’t kill you when I get there.” Jarrek ended the call and started putting his armor back on. His cock was going to be black and blue from his armor's stranglehold.

  Turning to Hailey to apologize for the interruption and to let her know that he had to return to the bridge, he was surprised to find her asleep again. Returning her back to her original position in the bed, he covered her up and kissed her cheek. He strode out of his room contemplating if he should kill Loku, confident he would return before she awoke.


  A Real Cordisa?

  Kirrek, finally finished with his duties from this latest mission, exited the lift and quickly walked towards the engineering offices. The expression on his face was so fierce it caused crewmembers to remove themselves from the path. Whatever his destination, they were very glad that he was not set on them. They sent a quick prayer to the Goddess for the poor bastard he was after. If the person were lucky, he would not feel much before he met Her. Slamming into a general break room, he caused all conversation to stop. “Out!” He roared. Cups of coffee and late evening meals left behind, as all of the occupants made haste to exit. Kirrek did not watch their departure, did not even see them any longer. He had found his quarry shortly after slamming through the door. He pinned him with his stare and stalked towards him. The door had barely shut when he reached Sidhawk and grabbed him by the back of the neck.

  “I am sorry Sidhawk, but this will probably not be pleasant for you.” He quickly pushed Sidhawk to his knees gripping his neck in a bruising hold with one hand, while freeing his shaft from his trousers with the other.

  “The Prince has found a Cordisa and she is lush and all you could want to find. I am in great need and require you to relieve me. Suck it. Take it all.” Kirrek aimed his straining shaft at Sidhawk’s lips and pushed forward. Grabbing both sides of Sidhawk’s head, he tightened his grip on his shoulder length black hair and fucked his mouth is long, hard jabs. Sidhawk gagged a little at the quickness of his strokes before finally relaxing his throat.

  “Tighten your lips on me.” He demanded of Sidhawk.

  “Oh, yes. Just like that. I love when you swallow my cock like that. Suck me all down.” Closing his eyes, Kirrek thought back to that lush ass climbing down those bars. Within moments, he was shouting his release. Letting his grip on Sidhawk lessen, he helped pull him to his feet.

  “Remove your clothing. I am not done with you yet, are you still loose from last joining or do you need me to loosen you up?” Kirrek questioned, but spoke again before Sidhawk could answer. “No matter. Hurry, I will go a little easier now that you have taken the edge off.”

  Kirrek impatiently helped him strip and then bent him over the table. “Goddess, Sidhawk. Wait until you see her. All long hair and lush, round beauty.”

  With his cock still rock hard and gleaming with spit from fucking Sidhawk’s mouth and his own seed, he pushed his shaft inch by inch into his tight hole.

  “Oh yes, Sidhawk. Grip me with your tight ass. I will make it up to you, love. Later I will let you top me for a change.” Once he had bottomed out, he set up a smooth, hard pace. He hoped that he was going a little easier on Sidhawk as he would need to fuck him many times to lose this hunger. Kirrek began fucking him harder and continued.

  “I will take you to see my brother’s Cordisa in a little while and you will see why I needed you so much. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No Kirrek. I can take your passion. I welcome it.” Sidhawk answered with a voice gravelly from Kirrek’s rough treatment and pushed back against his lover. “Take me. Fuck my ass. Describe this beauty to me.”

  “She is small in stature. She only comes up to the bottom of Jarrek’s breast plate, but she has ripe, full globes for breasts, which make you want to sip of their bounty for hours. Just imagining what they would look like full of milk as she feeds a child has me amped up, and wanting to find one for myself.” He picked up his pace. Sidhawk’s tight, warm ass coupled with what he was describing had him losing control again. He widened his legs and angled up on each thrust to make sure that he caught Sidhawk’s pleasure spot. When he heard Sidhawk’s breathless moans reach the right pitch, he continued his description.

  “Her breasts would overflow my hands they are so ripe. She has this ass. Oh Goddess, her ass is perfection. Like yours all full, plump and just made to cushion a man’s hard thrusts.” Giving Sidhawk several deep thrusts to as he said it.

  “Oh yeah, keep squeezing my cock. I am close.” Kirrek praised Sidhawk. With one hand clutching his shoulder to help power into his strokes, he reached under Sidhawk and squeezed his shaft hard. Sidhawk’s groan of denial echoed up to him.

  “Do not release yet my Sidhawk. I will reward your patience. Take me. Take my essence now.” With a last hard thrust, Kirrek pushed deep inside his ass and let loose his own pleasure, groaning loudly in the empty room. A few gentle thrusts, to milk his shaft dry and Kirrek gently pulled out and turned Sidhawk around. Bending over he sucke
d Sidhawk’s shaft deep into his throat, released his tight grip on Sidhawk’s shaft and quickly brought him screaming over the edge.

  After they had caught their breath and redressed, Kirrek again made sure that Sidhawk was okay. He had taken him hard this time. While not the first time he had lost control, it was however; the most violent he had been in decades. Sidhawk usually left Kirrek feeling quite protective of him and conscious of his size. At barely six feet, Sidhawk stood at the low end of the scale in size. His size was perfect for his position in engineering. Able to fit in spots others could not get to with their bulk and height. His voice was a little higher than most and he was quite lean, but had a round comfortable ass. His shoulder length, black hair with the little peak on his oval face, left him with a very delicate and feminine look. Beautiful copper and silver eyes that tilted up at the corners, thin arched brows, a pert little nose and lips that made a man want to sink his cock between them rounded out the very sweet picture of Sidhawk.


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